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Hypertrophy Hyperplasia Atrophy Metaplasia

1. ↑ size of cells & organ. - ↑ in NUMBER of cells Is adaptive and Mature differentiated
2. Occurs: where cells - Restricted to cells capable REVERSIBLE adult cell type is replaced
cannot divide - Striated m. of undergoing mitosis condition by another adult
3. No formation of new cells Skin epidermis: Squamous epi differentiated cell type.
(cell arrest) GIT: Columnar intestinal epi Results in a Etiology:
4. Physiologic: Increase in Glands: Cuboidal epi
decrease in cell Response to an adverse
muscle size with exercise. Physiological hyperplasia
5. Cells become larger.
size & organ environment
- Enlargement of uterus &
Cardiac & skeletal striated  REVERSIBLE
breast in pregnancy.
m.  response to chronic
6. No cell swelling: irritation &
- ↑ protein in cellular inflammation
- no ↑ in cellular fluid
7. No ↑ in no. of cells!!!
1. PHYSIOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGICAL - ↑ level - Disuse atrophy: In i. Prolonged irritation in
i. Skeletal muscles of a normal stimulus paralysis & smokers: Pseudostratified
(weight lifters, athletes) (hormonal) decrease workload. columnar bronchial
ii. Hormonal stimulation (i) In liver regeneration after - Degeneration epithelium - squamous
injury. atrophy (Multiple
— Uterus smooth muscles epithelium.
(ii) A compensatory response. Sclerosis)
during pregnancy – [Absence of organ in paired
ii. Squamous epithelium
estrogen. - Nerve (lower esophagus) - gastric
organ or after partial resection] denervation.
2. PATHOLOGICAL iii. Wound healing: Scar tissue columnar epi
i. Myocardial - Ischemic atrophy (HCl acid reflux – Barrett
hypertrophy: (kidney, heart) esophagus)
- Pressure atrophy
Hypertension Response to an excessive iii. Chronic infections -
stimulation. - Malnutrition
Valvular stenosis Worms
(i) Thyroid gland (goiter) — atrophy (starvation
iodine deficiency & cachexia)
(ii) Hormonal Stimulation - Loss of endocrine
– Uterine endometrial stimulation (Uterus
hyperplasia: ↑ estrogen levels. & breast:
– Benign prostatic hyperplasia: Menopause)
Androgen stimulate - Brain atrophy:
(iii) Excessive growth factor Alzheimer’s disease
stimulation in viral warts (HPV)
Dysplasia Aplasia Hypoplasia Anaplasia
Deranged cell Failure of Failure of organ to A qualitative Metaplasia
growth with development of attain full size. alteration of cell Replacement of
alteration in size, tissue or organ differentiation. an adult
shape & (IUL) differentiated
orientation of
epithelial cells with
cell into
loss of another adult
differentiation. differentiated
* A STRONG cell.
CANCER!!! change
- asso. with chronic
irritation or ↓
Grossly: Not much Aplastic organs are • Less severe Anaplastic cells:
can be appreciated. either totally absent abnormality than i. Typically poorly Dysplasia
or represented by aplasia. differentiated or Loss of cellular
Microscopically: small mass of • Rudimentary undifferentiated. uniformity &
i. Cellular atypia: fibrous or fatty organs are smaller ii. Exhibit cellular tissue
Cellular tissue containing a than normal. pleomorphism:
pleomorphism & architecture
few rudimentary • Lack full - Variation in size
hyperchromasia. cells. complement of & shape of cells.
ii. Loss of ↓
cells, so function
uniformity of may be reduced or
individual cells compromised. Neoplasia
iii. Loss of New growth
architectural Irreversible
orientation or
iv. Mitotic figures
may be seen.
Cervical dysplasia Paired organs – Unilateral renal
adrenals, kidneys, hypoplasia
Coagulative Necrosis Liquefactive Necrosis Caseous Necrosis
• Seen in hypoxic or ischemic • Dominated by enzymatic • found in foci of TB infection in
(infarction) death of all tissues digestion association with Mycobacteria
except brain of dead cells with total loss of • due to the presence of mycolic
• Denaturation of proteins is the structural details acids within their cell membranes.
dominant process • Seen in focal bacterial infections • Appears cheese like on gross
• As enzymatic proteins get & in some fungal infections examination
denatured  blocking of enzymatic • Hypoxic death in BRAIN is • Microscopically shows
lysis always liquefactive fragmented cells with amorphous
• Affected tissue is firm & shows • Cells are completely digested & granular pink appearance
preservation of basic outline of cell tissue becomes viscous liquid
• Dead cells are removed later by mass; in abscesses, it becomes
phagocytosis or heterolysis creamy yellow pus
Gangrenous Necrosis Fat Necrosis Fibrinoid Necrosis
• limb which has lost blood supply • focal areas of fat destruction • Occurs in immune reactions in
& undergoes coagulative necrosis (1) Traumatic (breast) which immune complexes of
• DRY gangrene – Affected limb (2) Enzymatic antigens & antibodies are deposited
is completely black in color &  Seen in acute in vessel wall
wood-like hard pancreatitis • The deposits damage the vessel
• WET gangrene – when bacterial  Activated pancreatic wall & produce a bright pink
infection is superimposed, enzymes liquefy fat cell amorphous appearance called
appearance changes to m. & split triglyceride fibrinoid (– fibrinlike)
liquefactive necrosis esters
 Released fatty acids • Example – polyarteritis nodosa
combine with Ca to
form chalky white
flakes (saponification)
• “programmed cell death (PCD)” designed to
eliminate unwanted cells through activation of non-
lysosomal endogenous endonuclease which digests
nuclear DNA into smaller DNA fragments.
• Cellular suicide mechanism
• May be physiological or pathological
Physiological Examples
Intrinsic Pathway/
– During embryogenesis Mitochondrial Pathway
– Involution of hormone dependent tissues after
hormonal withdrawal; eg. in uterus after menopause
– Cell loss in proliferating cell populations
– Elimination of potentially harmful self-reactive
– Death of host cells that have subserved their useful
purposes; neutrophils after acute inflammation
Pathological Examples
• DNA damage
• Accumulation of misfolded protein
• Cell death in certain infections (viral) Extrinsic Pathway
• Pathologic atrophy in parenchymal organs after duct • Is activated by engagement of plasma m. death receptor
obstruction • Fas binds with fasL
• Fas associated death domain (FADD) activates
• DNA damage-mediated apoptosis: • Procaspase-8 is converted into caspase-8

• Radiation/chemotherapy induced apoptosis • Initiator sequence begins

of cancer cells Execution Phase

• Intrinsic / extrinsic - converge at activation of execution pathway
• Important Executioner caspases are caspase-3, caspase-6
MORPHOLOGY • They in turn activate DNAase
• Break down of nuclear matrix
• Cell shrinkage • Proteolysis of cytoplasmic proteins

• Smaller size, dense cytoplasm, tightly

packed organelles
• Chromatin condensation
• Peripheral aggregation of chromatin,
breakup of nucleus
• Cytoplasmic blebs & Apoptotic bodies formation
• Phagocytosis of apoptotic bodies by
• No inflammation
Inflammation: dynamic response of vascularized
tissue to injury.
Appearance of Inflammation:
Flush: Red spot - capillary dilatation
Flare: Red area - arteriolar dilatation
Weal: Swelling - exudation, oedema
Cardinal Signs of Inflammation:
Leukocyte Cellular Events
 Calor : Warm – Hyperemia
 Rubor : Redness – Hyperemia
 Dolor : Pain – Nerve, Chemical med
 Tumor : Swelling – Exudation
 Functio laesa : Loss of function
Acute - Minutes to days
Characterized by Hyperemia & exudation.
PMN’s – Neutrophils, (eosinophils Basophils)
1. Migration & Rolling
Chronic - Weeks to Months - Years
 Leukocytes settle out of central column,
Characterized by Hyperemia & exudation. marginating to vessel periphery.
MN’s - Lymphocytes & Macrophages  Tumble on endothelial surface, transiently
3 Major Components: sticking along the way
1. Alterations in vascular caliber  lead to a  rolling (pavementing)
local ↑ in blood flow (vasodilation).  Mediated by binding of complementary
2. Structural changes in the microvasculature  adhesion molecules on leukocytes &
permit plasma proteins to leave circulation. endothelial surfaces
3. Emigration of leukocytes from 2. Adhesion & transmigration b/w endothelial cells
microvasculature & accumulation in focus of  Leukocytes firmly adhere to endothelial
injury. surface (adhesion).
 They crawl b/w cells, through basement m.
into extravascular space (diapedesis).
3. Migration in interstitial tissue towards a
chemotactic stimulus [Chemotaxis &
 After extravasation, leukocytes emigrate
toward site of injury along a chemical
Vascular Changes gradient: chemotaxis.
1. Changes in Vascular Flow & Caliber  Chemotactic agents – endogenous/
 Transient vasoconstriction of arterioles, exogenous:
followed by vasodilation. Soluble bacterial products, Complement
 Local ↑ in blood flow  redness (erythema) system, products of Arachidonic Acid (AA)
& warmth. pathway metabolism & cytokines.
 Then, exudation of protein rich fluid into  They bind to specific receptors on leukocyte
extravascular spaces. cell surface & stimulate the cell to move.
 ↑ blood viscosity, small b.v. are packed with  They also induce leukocyte activation.
RBCs  STASIS Phagocytosis
 Margination of leukocytes, followed by 1. Recognition & attachment of particle to
emigration. ingesting leukocyte
2. Increased Vascular Permeability (Vascular 2. Engulfment with subsequent formation of a
Leakage) phagocytic vacuole
3. Killing & degradation of ingested material o Constitutional symptoms - malaise,
anorexia, nausea, weight loss.
Defects in Leukocyte Function: o Reactive hyperplasia of reticulo-endothelial
system - Local / systemic LN enlargement,
 adhesion – bacterial infections
splenomegaly (malaria, infectious
 chemotaxis / phagocytosis mononucleosis)
– Chediak Higashi syndrome
 microbicidal activity
Hematological Changes
– chronic granulomatous disease  ↑ Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
 Leukocytosis,
 Anemia:
HARMFUL EFFECTS  Blood loss in inflammatory exudate
1. Digestion of Normal Tissues (ulcerative colitis)
o Lysosomal enzymes (collagenases &  Hemolysis due to bacterial toxins
proteases) digest normal tissues  Anemia of chronic disorders' due to
destruction  vascular damage toxic depression of the bone marrow
2. Swelling
o Acute epiglottitis in children due to
Hemophilus influenzae, SUPPURATION
o Acute meningitis  raise intracranial  Formation of pus, a mixture of living, dying
pressure & ischemic damage and dead neutrophils & bacteria, cellular
3. Inappropriate Inflammatory Response debris and sometimes globules of lipid
 Once pus begins to accumulate in a tissue, it
becomes surrounded by a 'pyogenic
BENEFICIAL EFFECTS membrane' consisting of sprouting
o Dilution of toxins, produced by bacteria, capillaries, neutrophils & fibroblasts.
allows them to be carried away in lymphatics.  Forms an abscess, and bacteria within
o Entry of antibodies. ↑ vascular permeability abscess cavity are relatively inaccessible to
allows antibodies to enter extravascular space. antibodies & to antibiotic drugs (acute
o Drug transport. Fluid carries drugs osteomyelitis).
(antibiotics) to site of bacteria multiplying.
o Fibrin formation, from exuded fibrinogen
may impede movement of micro-organisms, FATE OF ABSCESS
trapping them & help phagocytosis.  Abscess cavity collapses & is obliterated by
o Delivery of nutrients & oxygen, organization & fibrosis, leaving a small scar.
inflammatory cells which have high metabolic  Deep-seated abscesses sometimes discharge
activity  ↑ fluid flow thru’ the area. their pus along a sinus tract (fistula).
o Stimulation of immune response. The
drainage of this fluid exudate into lymphatics ULCERS
allows antigens to reach local LN where they
 local defect, or excavation, of surface of an
may stimulate immune response.
organ or tissue that is produced by sloughing
o Exocytosis. Neutrophils & macrophages
(shedding) of inflamed necrotic tissue
discharge lysosomal enzymes into ECF
assisting in digestion of inflammatory

o Pyrexia - Polymorphs & macrophages
produce endogenous pyrogens  act on
hypothalamus to set thermoregulatory
mechanisms at ↑ T.
Features (Chronic vs Acute)
Chronic Acute
- Sequence of continuing inflammation - vascular changes
- Infiltration by mononuclear cells: - edema
Macrophages - infiltration: neutrophilic
Lymphocytes infiltrate
Plasma cells
- Tissue injury: Products of inflammation
- Healing: Angiogenesis & fibrosis

- Granuloma: a form of chronic inflammation
characterized by focal collection of activated
macrophages & T lymphocytes due to
persistence of a non-degradable / non-
infectious agent accompanied by active cell
mediated hypersensitivity.
Granuloma Evolution Sequence

Hallmarks of Chronic Inflammation

Activated T-Lymphocytes Release
1. fever & weakness
2. anemia
3. lymphocytosis
4. elevated ESR
5. chronic granulomatous inflammation
6. healing: Fibrosis & collagen
Factors influencing Wound Healing: Complications in Wound Repair
1. Systemic Factors (1) Deficient scar formation: wound dehiscence,
Nutrition: protein, vitamin C ulceration
Metabolic status: diabetes mellitus (2) Excessive formation of repair components:
Circulatory status: inadequate blood supply; Keloid, Hypertrophied Scar,
arteriolosclerosis, retard venous drainage exuberant granulation tissue / proud flesh,
Hormones: glucocorticoids (inhibits wound) desmoid / aggressive fibrosis
healing by impairing collagen synthesis
(3) Formation of contractures:
2. Local Factors after serious burns-compromise joint
Infection: septic wound movement
Mechanical factors: mobilization
Foreign bodies: suture material, bone pieces,
glass pieces
Size, location & type of wound

Development of fibrosis in chronic inflammation.

 Persistent stimulus of chronic inflammation
activates macrophages & lymphocytes
- production of GF & cytokines
 ↑ synthesis of collagen
 Deposition of collagen
 enhanced by ↓ activity of
1. Dystrophic Calcification
Calcification in degenerated or dead necrotic tissue:
Hyalinized scars
Degenerated foci: Leiomyoma
Tissue necrosis: Caseous & Fat Necrosis
Microscopic cell injury: Chronic valvular heart disease Pigmentation
PATHOGENESIS: Exogenous Pigments
 Activated phosphates bind Ca2+ ions to 1. Carbon (Coal Dust) & Anthracosis
phospholipids in cell membrane. Pathog: On inhalation enters alveolar macrophages
 Basophilic calcium salt deposits aggregate in Transported to regional tracheobronchial LN
mitochondria, progressively thru’out cell.
Blackening: Lung & affected LN
 Formation of calcium phosphates
 Serum calcium: Not elevated Complic: i. Coal Miner’s lung or pneumoconiosis
 Combination of fat & caseating necrosis ii. Lung fibrosis
 Focal deposition of hydroxyapatite crystals in iii. Emphysema
previously damaged tissue 2. Tattoo
Calcification in Dead Tissues: Pathog: Intro of pigment into subQ tissue
Taken up by dermal macrophages
No inflammatory response

Endogenous Pigments
1. Lipofuscin (‘Wear & Tear’ pigment – insoluble)
 Composed of lipids & phospholipids coupled
MORPHOLOGY: with protein.
 Indicates free radical injury coupled with lipid
 Yellow- brown perinuclear pigmentation
 Liver & heart muscle in aged patients
 Cancer & malnourished patients
2. Melanin (brown-black)
2. Metastatic Calcification  Derivative of tyrosine
- Systemic mineral imbalance  elevation of Ca  Present in melanocytes in epidermis
levels in blood & all tissues 3. Hemosiderin
ETIOLOGY:  Yellow-brown derived from hemoglobin
(i) Disturbances in calcium/phosphorus breakdown
metabolism  Stored iron in body cells coupled with
(ii) HYPERCALCEMIA: apoferritin
 Persistently elevated Ca levels Pathog: Excessive production: Hemorrhage
 Primary Hyperparathyroidism Hemosiderin granules in mononuclear cells
 ↑ parathormone secretion Does not impair cell function
 Prussian Blue Stain Reaction:
Colorless potassium
 ferrocyanide-converted to blue-black ferric
 Iron pigment: Coarse golden brown in
cytoplasm 4. Bilirubin (pigment in bile)
i. Excess of dietary iron  Derived from hemoglobin & contain no iron.
ii. Hemolytic anemias  Clinical disorder: Jaundice
iii. Repeated blood transfusion
An abnormal mass of tissue, the growth of which
exceeds & is uncoordinated with that of normal
tissues & persists in the same excessive manner
after cessation of stimuli which evoked the
 Progressive, Purposeless, Pathologic, Proliferation
 Uncontrolled cell division
Pathogenesis (Progressive DNA

Benign / Malignant Neoplasms

2 basic components:
1. proliferating neoplastic cells that constitute their
2. supportive stroma made up of CT & b.v.
1. Differentiation & Anaplasia
 Well differentiated/Low grade
 Moderately differentiated / Intermediate
 Poorly differentiated/ High grade (poor
Exceptions: Leukemia, Lymphoma, Glioma, 2. Rate of Growth
Hepatoma, Melanoma, Seminoma  Benign tumors grow slowly.
 Malignant tumors grow at a faster rate,
spread locally & to distant sites (correlates in
general with their level of differentiation)
 contain central areas of necrosis

3. Local Invasion
 Benign neoplasms remain localized to their
site of origin.
 do not have the capacity to infiltrate,
invade, or metastasize to distant sites
4. Metastasis
 development of secondary implants
discontinuous with primary tumor
 more anaplastic & larger the primary tumor,
more likely is metastatic spread
 PATHWAYS OF SPREAD (metastasis):
(1) Seeding within body cavities
(2) Lymphatic spread
(3) Hematogenous spread
(4) Local infiltration/invasion

 Anaplasia (cellular atypia)
 Mitotic activity (abundant mitoses)
 Marked vascularity
 Invasive potential
 Metastasis – lymphatic / blood stream

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