The Problem and Its Scope

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Chapter I


Businesses have been a part of society since ancient times. Each business may

differ from one another in terms of its organization and management style. Throughout

the years businesses have recognized a need for human equality or to recognize

human rights due to the demand from its employees and to achieve its goal to be


For a business to attain success and respect from the workforce including the

rest of the society, the implementation of ethics was recognized. Ethics or the lack of it

affects the life of the business. The business also relies on the proper use of ethics

within and outside an organization or management. The researchers aim to examine the

influence of ethics to Adventist Medical Center College.


This research was anchored by the two broad categories of ethical theories;

Consequentialist and Non-consequentialist.

Consequentialist Theory

This theory determines the rightness and wrongness of an action according to its

significance or result. Consequentialist theory also primarily focuses with the ethical

consequences of particular actions. This theory is also separated into two parts:

Utilitarianism (Jeremy Bentham, J.S Mill), insists that an action is considered to be right

or wrong based on the consequences of the action and its effects on majority of the

people (West, 2004). This means it produces the greatest amount of pleasure for the

greatest amount of people; that an action or practice is ethically correct when it

produces more positive consequences in comparison to negative ones to those who are

involved. Therefore, utilitarianism goes by the rule that an action is evaluated to be

ethical based on a set of rules or principles that can bring the greatest usefulness to the

greatest amount of people (J.S Mill). Utilitarian believes that there should not be any

compromising when it comes to determining the stand point of morality. Tools such as

cost benefit analysis and risk assessment are often depended on by utilitarian for

decision making purposes. However, difficulties are also present in achieving this kind

of action. In choosing between alternative ways of action, the net worth of happiness vs.

unhappiness produced should be considered. This is due to the difficulty in measuring

unit of happiness or order to determine an action that will bring the most benefit

comparing to other actions (J.S Mill). Utilitarianism is one of the most common

approaches to making ethical decisions, especially decisions with consequences that

concern large groups of people, in part because it instructs us to weigh the different

amounts of good and bad that will be produced by our action. (Markkula, 2011)

Next is Egoism (Ayn Rand, Adam Smith), this means that whether it makes

something good or bad, right or wrong, it will still satisfy one’s desires, or meet one’s

needs. For example, one ought to look out for one's own interests, like concerning about

other’s interest that will also coincide and contribute to your own interest. It has three

versions: Personal egoists, Impersonal egoists, and Psychological Egoists. Personal

Egoists goes for those who pursue their personal interest but do not make the universal

claim that all individuals should do the same. Impersonal Egoists, claims that the

proposal of one’s self interest should motivate everyone’s behavior. Lastly, the

Psychological Egoists is often justified that human beings are essentially selfish.

Conception of this is the basic component of capitalist economy and business models.

Non-consequentialist Theory

It is defined as the rightness or wrongness of an action based on properties

intrinsic to the action, not on its consequences. This theory is also called as Kantianism.

It stresses that an action is considered to be ethical if it can be accepted as a universal

law by every individual (Makkreel & Luft, 2010). It is first introduced by a philosopher

from Germany named Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Kant believes that morality must

follow a set of rules without any exceptions. Kant’s Theory also focuses on treating each

other with respect. A person should not be used as a mean to get to an end (Holzhey &

Mudroch, 2005). This means that individuals are bound to commit their duty to follow a

set of order or law to determine whether their actions are ethically right. However, there

have been some arguments in this theory that mostly due to the narrowness and

inadequacy to handle various moral problems or dilemma (Makkreel & Luft, 2010). For

example, there is no moral guidance or solution when an individual’s rights and duties


Deontology ethics is contrasted to consequentialism that refers to a class of

ethics in which the principle of obligation is the basis of moral decision making. Hence,

deontology is the “reasoning of duty”. The Greek terms, deon and logos,

means duty and reasoning. It is how an act is judged not only if the consequence is

good as the result but more over how the consequences where brought about. This

focuses on the relationship between the individual’s duty and the morality of human

actions. Correct moral choices are made when one understands what their moral law,

duty, or rule acts according to the corresponding prescribed behavior. When one follows

the law, duty, or rule, the individual is behaving morally.

The right approach to ethics includes another non-consequentialist approach

which provides that the best ethical action is that which protects the ethical rights of

those who are affected by the action. It emphasizes the belief that all humans have a

right to dignity. Also, it finds that the best method to deal with ethical issues is to form a

basis of obligations in order to justify every individual’s entitlement to human rights

(Shaw, 2010). Human right is simply the natural rights belonging to every person by

virtue of being a human being (Shaw, 2010). There are two types of human rights: The

positive and the negative rights. Positive rights are obligations to provide goods and

services to other people (Jennings, 2008). While, negative rights are obligations that

force on people to stop them from interfering with other people’s freedom of action

(Jennings, 2008). However, problems are also found in this theory. It includes the lack

of order to determine which rights have more value than the rest.

Another one is The Fairness or Justice Approach, which can be defined as the

importance of getting fair treatments, equality and having rights (Rawl, 1999). According

to Nozick, every individual has the right to own a piece of property as long as it is

acquired fairly without going against other people’s rights (Paul, Miller & Paul, 2005). In

the world of business, it is considered as the free market where it is no influenced by

government policies or public services. When an organization or individual is taxed by

the government for their property which they have obtained fairly, this action is

considered to be unjust even if the money is distributed to public schools, prisons or fire

departments (Paul, Miller & Paul, 2005). However, other principles are present in this

theory; which advocates that every individual should have equal rights to a fair

distribution of social goods such as education, food and housing (Rawl, 1999). This

means that wealth and taxes should be fair and square distributed socially and



The outcome of this study would evaluate the importance of Professional ethics

its influence to the Adventist Medical Center College.

The interpretation of the view as presented in the schematic diagram, the

researcher recognized the independent and dependent variable. The independent

variables are the importance of ethics, and the influence of ethics. The dependent

variables are the different perspective of human resources in AMCC, examples are the

teachers, administrators, and business personnel. The distribution of one type of

questionnaires would determine the conclusion and recommendations as the result of

the study.

Ethics Medical Influence
Center of Ethics

Figure A. Systematic Diagram of the Study


The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of ethics in Adventist

Medical Center and on its business as a whole and on its workforce.

It aims to determine the following:

1. How is professional ethics connected to the performance of employees

among other co-workers?

2. How is ethics connected to the success of the business organization?

3. Is the application of ethics or professional ethics this have an effect to the

productivity of the worker?

4. What significance can be attained from the results of the study?


The following null hypotheses are to be formulated and tested empirically at the 0.05

level of significance.

H0 Professional ethics does not influence the school regulation.

H0 Ethics does not affect the school administration’s decision making.


The domain of the study would focus on Adventist Medical Center College at

Barangay San Miguel, Iligan City.

The study to be administered would involve fifteen (15) professional workers from

AMCC as the respondents. The fifteen (15) respondents would be gathered from 10

departments in AMCC. At least one participant would be randomly chosen to represent

each department. The perimeter of the study would examine the importance of ethics

and its influence to the institution.


The findings of the studies might provide deeper insights on the influence of

ethics to an organization or business in terms of performance, motivation, and

satisfaction. This will show the relevance of ethics to the business world to its workforce

and to the rest of society.

This study would be beneficial to the following:

Employers. This study may serve as a realization of the importance of ethics to

the business as well as realizing its value to their reputation and may serve as a guide

as heads of the business to achieve success.

Employees. For the employees to recognise the influence and impact of business

as an aid in doing their job as well as realizing its value to their job.

Customers. This will give them an idea or to be informed of the impact ethics in

the interaction or performance of a business.

Future Researchers. This study may serve as a guide or material for reference

for researches related to ethics.

Community/society. The study may serve as a source of information concerning

the impact of ethics to the business and the society.


The following terms which are defined will be throughout the study:

Ethics. It is the study or principle of what is considered morally right and wrong.

Professional Ethics. The personal application of ethics in treating to co-workers

and managing themselves, and to the business.

AMCC. Abbreviation of Adventist Medical Center College.

Influence.  “The act or power of producing an effect without apparent

exertion of force or direct exercise of command” (Merriam-Webster, 2017)

Motivation. An influence which is a reason or cause for someone to do


Productivity. Effective and efficient contribution or output.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter contains the review of related literature. The purpose of the review

was to gain an understanding of the existing literature on values-based leadership and

professional ethics in the context of its influence to the workers of Adventist Medical

Center College.


Ethics is not new to the individuals and usually see it in various professions. It

deals with educational organization and school administrators which take place and

have the vital role in managing schools. The accomplishments and victory of the

schools actually depends on the effectiveness of the management. Its main goal is to be

able to create an effective school and promote fairness of management.

The term ethics may clearly define as the science of right and wrong or the

conduct of right and wrong. It involves a multi task function that analyses, classifies,

describes, explains good and bad human action and knows why and what are the bases

of the judgment of human action either doing the right or speaking up the good.

However doing the good or right thing might be easy, but most of the times when an

ethically difficult situation arises, it may cause individuals to test and examine the ethics

in practice. (Campbell, 2004). But basically it is substantial to understand that schools

now are subject to the impact of global changes to which their stakeholders required

rapid local responses. Whereas schools are subject to a lot of changes, today with

increasingly self-managing environments, the principal has started to feel more

pressure on his shoulders when dealing with ethically complex situations. (Dempster

and Berry, 2003).

The system of governance incorporates four fundamental issues, the following

issue of how an organizations manages to optimize performance and accountability,

how values and goals are reflected by the systems and structures that are created, how

leaders establish relationships that endanger the commitment of those who work with

and for them , and how the application of leadership is formally applied in the conduct of

organizational business. (Karri et al. 2005).

In a school organization the principal is the main one responsible for the four

fundamental issues enumerated. In which the school principal need to nourish his/her

managerial skills with codes of ethics on which all the staff has agreed. Every personnel

of the school are responsible to maintain the conductive community to academic,

emotional and social learning.

Ethics deals with action that commonly classifies as right and wrong. For

example, showing favouritism in hiring a relatives or a friend who is white over someone

who is black discriminatory that is clearly wrongheaded. An ethical leader should be

balance efficient and effective. The behaviour of the administrator must be consistent

with morally right acts and therefore he/she values social justice (Glanz, 2006). If the

management or the school administrator is inconsistent and behaves arbitrary, this

causes him/her to loose his/her reliance among other school staff as a natural result of

the decisions taken by the administrators become controversial.

In conclusion, administrators who are seen as unfair, unjust, inhumane, and

capricious of any decisions usually contribute and deal with a great trouble and failures.

This is because ethics is essentially part of the job.


The related research above shows that ethics is essential in the governance of

the school. Ethics act as the main center of the school cycle of daily activities,

conversations and school management. Ethics as the main center of the school works

as the guidelines of the school policies and principles. Ethics deals with the

fundamentals of principles of the school that is responsible for nourishing the

managerial skills of each staffs and workers. This results to a productive and conductive

community in the field of academics, environment, and social responsibility and



Ethics is a part of business and the life of a person. The application and effects of

the use of ethics or the lack of it is visible in both the performance of the individual and

to the business. Spooner states that “Each individual’s actions within the company

affect both the individual and the entire organization. When an employee acts ethically

and responsibly, it helps the entire organization.” The use of ethics by the professionals

in the organization is a determining factor for the success of the business.

In the study of Schneider (1975), the climate of the organization may contribute

to the behavioural outcome of the employee. The employee may act accordingly to the

nature or treatment that was given to him/her by the business. This is when people tend

to behave differently as a response to the different environments they are exposed in

which depends on how they are treated. The workers act in accordance to the climate

or working environment of how they are treated but are less likely to follow the principles

that are taught to them in the human relations program (Fleishman, 1953).


Ethics involves how people treat each other. In the business, if people use ethics

or professional ethics as they interact or work together, the company will be successful.

Workers are satisfied when treated within the guidelines of ethics and it will show in

their output. The performance of the person will not only affect individual alone but will

include the business organization. The working environment, which also includes how

fellow employees are treated, has an influence in their behaviour which can bring

satisfactory or unsatisfactory results depending on the treatment or the situations.

Chapter 3


The research methods to be used for the study would be presented in this

chapter. It also includes the research design, research environment, respondents,

sampling procedures, research instruments, and data gathering procedures.


The research method that would be used in this study was the Correlational

which include 10 departments of each designated departments; the administration,

nursing, radiologic technology, medical technology, nutrition dietetics, physical therapy,

senior high, secondary education or basic education, and business administration. The

main tool that would be used to gather data was the questionnaire that was made by

CDC Gov. (2008) . Each department are heterogeneous which performs different



This study was to be conducted at Adventist Medical Center College (AMCC).

This college is located in Barangay San Miguel, Iligan City, Lanao Del Norte. The school

started in the year 1994. This institution would offer programs in paramedical lines to

talented young people of different religious affiliations that produced many medical

professionals. The medical courses which the school offers are Bachelor of Science in

Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology, Bachelor of Science in Medical

Technology, Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy, and Bachelor of Science in

Pharmacy. The school also offers non-medical courses such as Bachelor of Science in

Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. They also offer Senior High School which

included the following track, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM), Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) and Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMMS). At present, more students enrolled in this school year for senior

high. The school was populated with Christians and Muslims from Iligan City, Marawi

City and even faraway places from Northern, Central and Southern Mindanao.

This figure presents the map of Iligan City showing where Adventist Medical

Center College was located.

Figure B


The faculty and other office workers of Adventist Medical Center College were

the respondents of the study. Representatives would be chosen from each of the 10

departments of the said school using the random stratified sampling. From each of the

10 departments three representatives will be randomly chosen. The total sample size

will compose of 15 respondents.


The researcher would use a Questionnaire as the main instrument of the study. It

consist of 15 for the purpose of collecting various information from the respondents. In

which one(1) to four (4) and the eighth(8 th) question will answer how professional ethics

is conneted to the performance of employees among other co-workers, then questions

number (5) five, (6) six, (7)seven,(9) nine,(10) ten ,(11) eleven and (12) twelve were all

about the ethics connection with the success of the organization, and the overall

question will determine if professional ethics was observed by the productive

workers.The questionnaire would be given to the representatives from each of the ten

(10) departments from the Administration, Business Office, Nursing, Medical

technology, Radio-technology, Nutrition dietetics, Pharmacy, Education, Physical

therapy and Senior high school department. The identification of the representatives of

the departments was to be based on a sampling method which is the Stratified Random

Sampling in which the departments are grouped in accordance to their field of works.

The questions prepared by the researcher would base on the study about “Professional

ethics and Its Influence to Adventist Medical Center College”. It involves the connection

of professional ethics to the performance of the employee, its application and effects.

And also it would examine on how ethics was connected to the business organization

as a whole. The researcher made sure that the questions written in the questionnaire

and the result of the study would not be bias and it would be reliable. It would include

that it has been through with an effective analysis and the content credibility,

construction credibility and responsiveness are validated by the researcher.


The researcher asked permission from the head of the school, and the formal

consent from the respondents of the study before proceeding to the data gathering.

After the approval of the authority and the respondents, the researcher distributed the

questionnaire to the respondents. The distribution of the questionnaire was based on

the stratified random sampling in which the respondents were grouped by departments

in accordance to the field of work or profession specialized. The researcher came up

with ten (10) departments which were the Administration, Business Office, Nursing,

Medical technology, Radio-technology, Nutrition dietetics, Pharmacy, Education ,

Physical therapy and Senior high school department. Each of the departments had a

maximum and minimum of thirty per cent (30%) of the population as representatives

and as the average mean for the study that answered the questionnaires that was

given to them. The gathering of data was based on the Consequentialist theory that

focuses with the ethical consequences of particular action. The theory was separated

into two parts the utilitarianism and the egoism. The utilitarianism believes an action is

considered to be right or wrong based on the consequences of the action and its effect

on the majority people. While the egoism means that whether it makes something good

or bad, right or wrong, it will satisfy one’s desire. The result of the study will be the

bases for the compilation of all the data. The figure on the next page showed the cycle

of Consequentialist theory and the Questionnaire design to be conducted.






Figure C

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the findings, analyses, and interpretation of data gathered

whose main objective is to determine the influence of professional ethics to Adventist

Medical Center College and supported by related literature and studies.

Problem 1. How is professional ethics connected to the performance of

employees among other co-workers?

Table 1. Results of Questionnaire answered by the Respondents

No Yes
Mean Mean

Question 1 0 15
Question 2 0 15
Questions Question 3 3 12
Question 4 6

tot Total Mean 2.25 12.75

Percentage 15% 85%

Figure D. Line Graph of Questionnaire answered by the Respondents

The table 1 (Figure D) shows the relationship between the professional ethics

and to the performance of employees among other co-workers. The table revealed that

85% of the respondents agreed while 15% answered No. In Figure D it shows the P

value is less than 0. 001 which means there is a significant relationship between

Professional ethics and the workers of Adventist Medical Center College. Lack of

professional ethics, the workers of the School will not be guided about regulations and

policy. This means that individuals are bound to commit their duty to follow a set of

order or law to determine whether their actions are ethically right. Every Workers of the

school are responsible to maintain the conductive community to academic, emotional

and social learning. It involves a multi task function that analyses, classifies, describes,

explains good and bad human action and knows why and what are the bases of the

judgment of human action either doing the right or speaking up the good. However

doing the good or right thing might be easy, but most of the times when an ethically

difficult situation arises, it may cause individuals to test and examine the ethics in

practice (Campbell, 2004).

Because of its multi benefits not just to the workers but especially to the

development of Adventist Medical Center College, it created a peaceful, fair and

organizes school society.

Problem 2. How is ethics connected to the success of the business


Table 2. Results of Questionnaire answered by the Respondents

Figure E. The Line Graph Questionnaire answered by the Respondents

The table 2 (Figure E) shows that the p value is less than 0.001 which means

there is a significant relationship between professional ethics and the co-workers of

Adventist Medical Center College. The researchers total the overall mean of the results.

Every personnel of the school are responsible to maintain the conductive community to

academic, emotional and social learning. The behaviour of the administrator must be

consistent with morally right acts and therefore he/she values social justice (Glanz,

2006). The result above shows how ethics is essential in the governance of the school.

In the study of Schneider (1975), the employee may act accordingly to the nature or

treatment that was given to him/her by the business; it will also contribute to the

behavioural outcome of an organization. If people use ethics or professional ethics as

they interact or work together, the company will be successful.

Problem 3. Is professional ethics observed in productive workers?

Table 3. Results of Questionnaire answered by the Respondents

0% Yes
Question #1

Question #4

Question #7

Question #10
Question #11

Question #12
Question #13
Question #14

Question #15
Question #2
Question #3

Question #5
Question #6

Question #9

Figure F. Column bar of Questionnaire answered by the Respondents

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

The table 3 (Figure F) shows the mean and the sum of the Questionnaire

answered by the workers of Adventist Medical Center College which is answerable by

Yes or No. The table certifies that yes answers are more than the no answers and this

revealed that professional ethics was really observed at the school. In Questions

number one, two, nine and thirteen shows all respondent answer yes. The sum of all

the answers determined the number of yes and no, in which Yes answers is equal to

83.33 % and No answers is equal to16.66 %. The reason for the result can be related to

the theory where ethics affects and influence the moral of its organization. According to

Kantianism theory, it stresses that an action is considered to be ethical if it can be

accepted as a universal law by every individual (Makkreel & Luft, 2010). The right

approach to ethics shows how the Adventist Medical Center College corresponds

accordingly to its law, duty, moral and how the individual is behaving morally.

Table 4. Results of Questionnaire answered by the Respondents

Always N/A Never Rarely Sometimes

Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean

8.67 0.33 0.83 2 3.17

Always Mean
8 N/A Mean
6 Never Mean
4 Rarely Mean
2 Sometimes Mean
Question A. Question B. Question C Question D Question E Question F

Figure G. Bar Graph of the answered questions by Respondents

The results in table 4 (Figure G) shows that more answered positively when

professional ethics is practiced. A mean of 8.67 and 3.17 was gathered from those who

gave a positive response that more is done for the good of the organization and those

involved with the presence of ethics. Majority answered that more work was done for

improvement with the guidance of ethics.

Problem 4. What significance can be attained from the results of the study?

The result of the study will serves as the evidences of the research. This will

help the school of Adventist Medical Center College to maintain their effective service

ethically. The workers of the school will also be benefit about the result of the study;

they will be able to apply ethical behaviour to maintain their high quality of service. The

school of Adventist Medical Center College, through the good result of the study, will be

possibly known to other school because of its good image, organize school policies and

followed rules strictly. Because of the result of the study the student who would like to

enrol at AMCC will be oriented already about their grades and behaviour. It will also

consider their rules and regulations and how they treat their students, workers, and co-

workers through achieving ethical factors to have a positive outcome of the school.

Furthermore, the workers of the school can either apply these ethical values to avoid

mismanagement, unprofessional manner, and improper enforcing of rules and law.

Chapter 5



The summary, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the study are

presented in this chapter.


To determine the relationship of professional ethics to Adventist Medical Center

College and its workers. The objectives of this study were the following: 1. To determine

the link of professional ethics to the performance of the employee among co-workers; 2.

To find if there is any connection of ethics to the success of the business organization;

3. To determine if ethics has any influence on productivity on workers.

The correlational design research method was used for this study which involved

the workers in the 10 departments of AMCC: administration, nursing, radiologic

technology, medical technology, nutrition dietetics, physical therapy, senior high,

secondary education or basic education, and business administration. There was at

least one respondent from each department with a total of 15. The researcher made use

a questionnaire regarding the application of ethics in schools. The analyzed data were

done with the application of the mean, percentage, and Pearson’s test of linear



Based on data analysis, the following were the findings of the study:

1. The results showed that majority of the respondents answered that ethics is

connected to their good interaction or relationship with fellow workers which

showed 85% with the mean of 12.75 while only 15% with the mean of 2.25

respondent negatively. The findings reveal significance of professional ethics

and positive performance among co-workers.

2. The results showed a significance difference between success of a business

with ethics and a business with lack of ethics. A mean of 12.57 for those who

responded positively to ethics while only a mean 2.43 was given for the lack

of ethics. The P-value is lesser than 0.001 that showed the results as


3. The results showed that there was a significant difference observed among

workers who did their job according to what is considered morally right with

the guidelines of ethics. Further, the bar graph for questions 1-7, and 9-15

showed that the lowest rating for those who answered “yes” for each question

does not fall below 50% with 100% as the highest. Majority responded

positively in regards to doing morally right actions. In addition, question eight

which is answered with always, sometimes, rarely, never, and none of the

above regarding if there was any morally right action done for improvement of

the conduct of students showed that the highest mean was for “always”.

Further, the second highest mean was “rarely” as a response that certain

incidences in the questionnaire concerning grave misconduct practices done

by students were seldom observed in the institution.


According to the analyses and findings found in the study, conclusions were

made as stipulated below.

There was a significant difference between the influence of professional ethics on

the performance to those involved in the institution based on the answered questions of

employees. The idea of professional ethics as a guideline for conduct of the

organization and individuals affects the performance and actions with a high positive

response from the employees.

Therefore, the practice of professional ethics is important for improvement,

success, and productivity of an organization and to the individuals involved.


The recommendations and future directions below are given based on the

findings and conclusions drawn from the study:

1. Professional ethics plays an important role in an individual’s performance as well as

the organization. Both the organization and the workers therein should practice the

application of proper ethics since they influence the performance or response of each


2. Schools can be more known and services improve with the application of ethics or

professional ethics.

3. Workers can be more productive in a healthy environment. A place in which the

workers behave ethically promotes positive attitudes in which they will be comfortable

with than an unhealthy environment that degrades and makes one unable to think


4. In schools, Students should be ethically disciplined and be given holistic training. This

is in order that the students will conform to what is morally right to be efficient workers in

the future.

5. Future researchers can conduct studies that would look into when or what factors

could cause unethical behaviour.

6. The future researchers could also look into how ethics can benefit a business

organization in the competition in the business market.


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Appendix A
Nemuel M. Tambalque, DPTh,MPS
Adventist Medical Center College
Brgy. San Miguel, Iligan City

Dear Sir:
We, the Grade 11 students in Accountancy, Business, and Management of Adventist
Medical Center College are currently working on our research entitled ““Professional
Ethics Its Influence Adventist Medical Center College.”
In relation to this, we would like to ask for the consent from your good office to kindly
allow us to conduct our study which would include the randomly selected workers of
Adventist Medical Center College. We assure you that the data gathered will be treated
with the utmost respect and confidentiality.
Your kind approval to our request would be highly appreciated.
Respectfully Yours,

Shaina Lou Angelli I. Alabat

Sofia Julienne P. Nebres
Chrismae M. Santos
Noted by:

Trinity Ahnn Sumiye G. Okishima

Thesis Advisor

Danillo A. Guardarama

Senior High School Principal

Approved by:

Nemuel M. Tambalque, DPTh,MPS


Appendix B:

Dear respondent:

We are senior high school students of Adventist Medical Center College. We are

conducting a research entitled “Professional Ethics Its Influence to Adventist

Medical Center College.”

Thank you for participating by answering the questionnaire. We assure you that

your identity and your answers will be kept in confidence.


Shaina Lou Angelli I. Alabat

Sofia Julienne P. Nebres

Chrismae M. Santos


Part | Personal Data:

Name(Optional)_____________ Gender:M/F________________

Age: __________ Department:_______________

Answer the following questions.

Check one box in each line

Yes or No

1. Does your school have an official policy related to

promoting cooperation and collaboration among teachers?

2. Are teachers in your school encouraged to share

and discuss instructional ideas and materials?

3. Do teachers in your school meet regularly to

discuss instructional goals and issues?

4. During the school day, are staffs or adult volunteers

were assigned to monitor school grounds, school halls, etc.?

5. Does your school have or participate in a peer

mediation program?

6. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting physical

fighting by students on school property?

7. Does your school’s policy include guidelines

on what actions the school should take when

students are caught possessing a weapon?

8. When students were caught possessing a weapon, how often were they…

Never Rarely Sometimes Always N/A

a. Referred to a school principal?

b. Referred to a school administrator?

c. Referred to legal authorities?

d. Placed in detention?

e. Referred to student’s parents?

f. Suspended from school?

Yes No

9. Has this school adopted a policy pro-

hibiting cigarette smoking by students?

10. Do the faculties and staffs been inspected

and provided the injury prevention and safety

procedures with the appropriate maintenance?

11. Has your school offered education in crisis

preparedness, response, and recovery to students’


12. Is your school designated to serve as a staging

area or a community shelter during local emergencies?

13. Does your school provide service-learning

opportunites for students?

14. Are faculty and staff at this school allowed to

exclude students from all or part of recess as

punishment for bad behavior?

15. Do students participate in regular physical

activity breaks, outside of physical education class

and recess, during school day?


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