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1 The Common name of Belladonna is

2 The Common Name of Cannabis Sativa is
3 The Common Name of Crotalus Horridus
4 The Common Name of Hyoscyamus Niger
5 The Common Name Of Lachesis is
6 The Common Name Of Moschus is
7 The Common Name Of Naja is
8 The Common Name Of Podophyllum is
9 The Common Name Of Stramonium is
10 The Common Name of Theridion is
11 The Common Name of Tarentula Cubensis is
12 The Common Name of Thlapsi Bursa Pastoris is
13 The Common Name of Adonis Vernalis is
14 The Common Name of Asterias Rubens is
15 The Common Name of Kalmia is
16 The Common Name of Lycopodium is
17 The Common Name of Pulsatilla is
18 The Common Name of Sticta is
19 The Source of Bovista is
20 The Source of Secale Cor is
21 The Family of Belladonna is
22 The Family of Caladium is
23 The Family of Hyoscyamus Niger is
24 The Family of Stramonium is
25 The Family of Staphysagria is
26 The Family of Physostigma is
27 The Family of Pulsatilla is
28 The Family of Thuja is
29 The Prover of Calc Carb is
30 The Prover of Causticum is
31 The Prover of Hypericum is
32 The Prover of Lycopodium is
33 The Prover of Pulsatilla
34 The Prover of Thuja
35 Swelling of joints from slightest fatigue affecting small joints
36 Haemorrhoids protrude every time he urinates
37 Tendency to take cold, when uncovering head, From hair cut
38 Urine dark brown and the urinous odor highly intensified
39 Removes the fetor in hopeless cases of cancer
40 Sweet sweat attracts the flies
41 Pruritus Vaginae induces Onanis
42 Time seems too long, a few seconds seem ages
43 Urethra very sensitive to touch or pressure, cant walk with legs close together
44 Patient craves things that make them sick
45 Deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of skin, coldness of extremities, desire to be completely

Rockstar Pandya

Night blooming Cereus Foxglove Hemp Deadly Nightshade D

Indian Hemp Hemp Night Blooming Cereus Puff Ball B
Rattlesnake Surukuku Snake Puff Ball Hemp A
Hemp Indian Hemp Musk Henbane D
Surukuku snake Rattle snake Cobra Virus Musk A
Toad Stool Puff Ball Musk Indian Hemp C
Rattle snake Cobra virus Surukuku Snake Puff Ball B
May Apple Thron Apple Sow Bread Toad Stool A
Foxglove Sow Bread Thron Apple May Apple C
Orange Spider Cuban Spider Cuban Spider Orange Spider D
Cuban Spider Rattle snake Orange Spider Surukuku Snake A
Sow Bread Shephards Purse Rattle Snake Apple Thron B
Deadly Nightshade Pheasant's Eye Night Blooming Cereus Anemone B
Night Blooming Cereus Foxglove Starfish Musk C
Mountain Laurel A
Lungwort Thron Apple Foxglove Club Moss D
Night blooming Cereus Anemone Foxglove Deadly Nightshade B
Lungwort Toad Stool Sow Bread Starfish A
Plant Animal Fungi Mineral C
Sarcode Nosode Plant Mineral B
Solanaceae Liliaceae Loganaceae Compositae A
Solanaceae Compositae Araceae Liliaceae C
Compositae Solanaceae Loganaceae Liliaceae B
Liliaceae Compositae Loganaceae Solanaceae D
Compositae Ranunculaceae Solanaceae Loganaceae B
Solanaceae Liliaceae Leguminosae Ranunculaceae C
Ranunculaceae Liliaceae Solanaceae Compositae A
Solanaceae Coniferae Ranunculaceae Liliaceae B
Dr. Hahnemann Dr. Nenning Stapf Hartlaub A
Dr. Nenning Hartlaub Dr Hahnemann Hering C
Stapf Hering Dr Hahnemann Hartlaub B
Hering Dr. Nenning Dr Hahnemann Stapf C
Dr. Hahnemann Hartlaub Hering Dr. Nenning A
Stapf Hering Dr. Nenning Dr Hahnemann D
Actea Spicata Kali carb Anacardium Dioscoria A
Murex Nitric Acid Baryta Carb Sulphuric Acid C
Phosphorus Belladonna Sepia Ignatia B
Picric Acid Benzoic Acid Nitric Acid Phosp Acid B
Bufo Petroleum Graphites Picric Acid A
Graphites Kali carb Selenium Caladium D
Benzoic Acid Caladium Kreosotum Moschus B
Kali Carb Oxalic Acid Anacardium Cannabis Indica D
Terebinth Taraxacum Staphysagria Cannabis Sativa D
Carbo veg Muriatic acid Ferrum Met Alumina A
Carbo veg Borax Graphites Phosphorus A

Rockstar Pandya
46 Clears up vision after keratitis or kerato-iritis
47 Cannot lie on right side or back without instantly producing dark green vomiting
48 Malignant jaundice- Haemic rather than hepatic
49 Gun shot diarrhoea as soon as patient eats, drinks
50 Drawing pain through the chest from breast to scapula every time the child nurses
51 Intense itching of skin, but so tender is unable to scratch > gentle rubbing
52 Menstrual flow is more profuse, while at rest
53 A/F Suppressed grief and terrors of conscience, from duty not done or bad act commited
54 Colic pains < bending forward and while lying > Standing errect or bending backward
55 Constant desire to urinate, large quantity of clear watery urine without >
56 Hears better when in a noise, when riding in carriage or car
57 Menses tardy in starting, first day merely show, second day colic, vomiting, haemorrhage with large
clots each alternate period profuse
58 Every sound seems to penetrates through the whole body, causing nausea and vomiting
59 The urine has odour of violets
60 Mapped tounge covered with white film which comes off in patches
61 Vertigo with death like pallor > Open air, Vomiting < Opening Eyes
62 Sea sickness > on deck in fresh, cold air
63 Neuralgic headache commencing at 4pm <10-11 in night and ceasing at daylight
64 Craving for alcohol in any form - Hereditary tendancy for alcoholism
65 Water drunk causes coldness of stomach unless mixed with alcoholic liquor
66 Pain of gradual and slow-increasing intensity which caeses suddenly when at its height, often repeated

67 Desires light and company, cannot bear to be alone

68 Disposed to talk continually praying, beseeching, entreating
69 Styes, Chalazae on eyelids leaving hard nodosities in their wake
70 Burning in urethra when not urinating, in young married females after coition
71 Involuntary dribbling of semen, which oozes while sitting at stool
72 Menses, continuous discharge of watery blood until next period
73 Boils small painful with green content, mature and heal slowly
74 Painless diarrhoea, prolapse of rectum in children while being bathed or washed of dirty water soaking
75 Brain fag of literary or business people
76 Slightest excitement, mental exertion or overwork brings on headache and causes burning along spine

77 This remedy regulates the pulse and increases power of heart with increased urinary secretions esp. after
rheumatism, influenza or Brights disease
78 Laryngitis - easy expectoration looking like boiled starch
79 Apprehension when getting ready for church or Opera diarrhoea sets in
80 Opthalmia Neonatorum profuse purulent discharge
81 Diarrhoea green mucus like chopped spinach in flakes turning red after remaining in diaper
82 Metrorrhagia in young widows
83 Cancer Mammae - Acute lancinating pain a red livid spot appeared broke and discharged gradually
invaded entire breasts
84 Least menstrual excitement causes profuse return of menstrual flow
85 Head sweat profusely while sleeping wetting pillow far around
86 Children with red face, flabby muscles large head and abdomen, fontanelles and sutures open who sweat
easily and take cold in consequence
87 Cough with inability to swallow relieved by cold water
88 Constipation stool passes better in standing position
89 Cicatrices - Never well since burn
90 Cough suffocating with blue face > drinking cold water

Rockstar Pandya
Crotalus Horridus Agaricus Kali Bichrom Naja A
Phosphorus Crotalus Horridus Ars Iod Kreosotum B
Chelidonium M Digitalis Crotalus Horr Phosphorus C
Acetic Acid Nat Carb Phosphoric A Croton Tig D
Croton Tig Petroleum Graphites Conium A
Alumina Croton Tig Nitric Acid Selenium B
Cyclamen Lachesis Sepia Platina A
Bromium Ignatia Platina Cyclamen D
Dioscoria Belladonna Staphysagria Veratrum Alb A
Oxalic Acid Equisetum Benzoic Acid Terebinthina B
Agaricus Conium Cannabis Ind Graphites D
Kali Carb Platina Phosphorus Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris D

Graphites Nitric Acid Theridion Lachesis C

Terebinth Nitric Acid Benzoic Acid Sepia A
Stramonium Nat Carb Belladona Taraxacum D
Conium Phosphorus Tabaccum Theridion C
Tabaccum Bromium Ars Iod Graphites A
Nat Mur Nat Carb Stramonium Syphilinum D
Lach Syphilinum Hyoscymus Carbo veg B
Sulphuric Acid Phosphorus Vert Alb Phosphorus A
Syphilinum Kali carb Platina Sulphuric Acid D

Stramonium Tarentula Platina Bromium A

Helleborus Phosphoric Acid Stramonium Belladona C
Conium Staphysagria Belladona Phytolacca B
Cantharis Staphysagria Benzoic Acid Oxalic Acid B
Lycopodium Bufo Selenium Caladium C
Secale Cor Platina Naja Lachesis A
Secale Cor Sulphuric Acid Graphites Asafoetida A
Podophyllum Verat Alb Camphora Nat Carb A

Helliborus Opium Agaricus Picric Acid D

Kali Carb Phosphorus Sulphur Picric Acid D

Digitalis Aurum Met Cactus G Adonis V D

Causticum Pulsatilla Sticta Arg Met D

Lycopodium Pulsatilla Arg Nit Carbo Veg C
Arg Nit Aurum Met Lycopodium Causticum A
Sulphur Arg Nit Iodum Pulsatilla B
Lycopodium Lachesis Belladona Arg Nit D
Pulsatilla Picric Acid Asteria Rubens Phosp Acid C

Lycopodium Calc Carb Causticum Pulsatilla B

Calc Carb Lycopodium Sulphur Arg Nit A
Aurum Met Lycopodium Calc Carb Pulsatilla C

Sepia Aurum Met Kali Carb Causticum D

Pulsatilla Causticum Lycopodium Thuja B
Causticum Sulphur Thuja Lycopodium A
Kali Carb Nat Sulph Cuprum Met Arg Met C

Rockstar Pandya
91 Epilepsy - Convulsions beginning in fingers and toes and spreading entire body
92 Injury to parts rich in sentient nerve
93 Mechanical injuries of spinal cord,bad effects of spinal concussion fall on coccyx
94 Nervous depression following wounds or surgical operations, removes bad effects of shock, fright,
95 Suffer from hunger must eat every few hours, anxious and worried if he does not eat
96 Hypertrophy and induration of glandular tissues but breasts may dwindle and becomes flabby
97 Constipation with ineffectual urging > by drinking cold milk
98 Leucorrhoea acrid, corrosive, staining and corroding linen
99 Asthma with thick, yellow expectoration, much rattling in chest, laboured breathing, talking almost
100 Great desquamation of the epidermis, esp. after measles, erysipelas of face etc.
101 Adapted to acute neuralgia, rheumatism, gout esp when heart is involved as a sequel of rheumatism or
102 Pulse slow, scarcely perceptible (34 or 40 minute)
103 Indicated in intellectually kneen but physically weak persons with upper part of body emaciated, lower
part semidropsical
104 Complaints < 4-8 PM
105 Affects right side or pain goes from right to left
106 Few mouthfuls fill upto the throat, feels bloated
107 Red sand in urine
108 Profuse perspiration attend nearly every complaint but does not > may even increase suffering
109 Tongue large, flabby shows imprints of teeth
110 Intense thirst although tongue looks moist and saliva is profuse
111 Crowns of teeth decay, roots remain
112 Dysentry, colic not > stool, followed by chilliness and cannot finish sensation
113 Quantity of urine voided is larger than amount of water drunk
114 Dysentry and summer complaints of intestinal canal from May to Novenber
115 Dreams of robbers in house, on waking will not believe to the contrary until search is made
116 Headache of anaemic, school girls from sunrise to sunset > Perspiration
117 Tongue mapped with red insular patches like ringworms on side
118 Has to wait a long while for urine to pass, if others are present
119 < 10-11AM at seashore or from sea, heat of sun
120 Fever blisters, like pearls about lips
121 This remedy is indicated in conditions arising from ecxess of Lactic Acid often resulting from too much
of sugar
122 A remedy for migraine, optic disc hyperaemic
123 Pain in orbits, can not bear to raise eyelids
124 Distinct blue line along margins of gums
125 Violent colic sensation as if abdominal wall was drawn as if by a string to the spine
126 Symptoms ever changing
127 Pains rapidly shifting from one part to another, are accompanied with constant chillines
128 Threatened abortion, flow ceases and then returns with increase force
129 Styes esp. on upper lid from eating fat greasy rich food or part
130 Dry hacking cough at night < inspiration
131 Thyroidinum belongs to
132 Reemedy for fractures, facilitates union of fractured bones
133 Defective vitality, too weak to develop exanthamata or menstrual function, to comprehend, to memorize

134 Incessant and violent fidgety feeling in feet or lower extremities, must move them constantly
135 Can only void urine while sitting bent backwards
136 Sensation as if body made up of glass and would easily break

Rockstar Pandya
Zincum Met Cuprum Met Calc Carb Causticum B
Zincum Met Causticum Kalmia Hypericum D
Hypericum Kalmia Cuprum Met Zincum Met A
Baryta Carb Hypericum Calc Carb Arg Met B

Kali Carb Sepia Iodum Lycopodium C

Iodum Lycopodium Lachesis Phosphorus A
Causticum Iodum Calc Carb Lycopodium B
Sepia Graphites Calc Carb Iodum D
Causticum Kali Sulph Sticta Kali Carb B

Kali Sulph Lycopodium Sulphur Caladium A

Lachesis Adonis Kalmia Naja C

Kalmia Adonis Lachesis Naja A

Kali C Calc Carb Lycopodium Graphites C

Lycopodium Nat Mur Kali Carb Sulphur A

Lachesis Lycopodium Calc C Belladona B
Calc Carb Graphites Lycopodium Arg Met C
Cannabis Sativa Picric Acid Equisetum Lycopodium D
Mercurius Kali Carb Calc Carb Graphites A
Iodum Mercurius Nitric Acid Belladona B
Sulphur Belladona Mercurius Phos Acid C
Nitric Acid Thuja Baryta Carb Mercurius D
Mercurius Phos Acid Sulphur Iodum A
Nitric Acid Mercurius Benzoic Acid Lycopodium B
Merc Cor Nitric Acid Iodum Lycopodium A
Calc Carb Nat Mur Lachesis Moschus B
Nat Mur Belladona Onosmodium Stramonium A
Lachesis Nat Mur Iodum Nitric Acid B
Equisetum Nitric Acid Benzoic Acid Nat Mur D
Belladona Lycopodium Nat Mur Kali Carb C
Mercurius Belladona Stramonium Nat Mur D
Nat Phos Lycopodium Kali Carb Phos Acid A

Onosmodium Belladona Stramonium Arg Met A

Belladona Lycopodium Physostigma Nat Phos C
Plumbum Met Zincum Met Arg Met Cuprum Met A
Croton Tig Plumbum Met Cuprum Met Lycopodium B
Cyclamen Pulsatilla Kali Carb Lycopodium B
Cuprum Met Zincum Met Pulsatilla Staphysagria C
Pulsatilla Calc Carb Secale Cor Cyclamen A
Arg Met Pulsatilla Staphysagria Sulphur B
Sticta Kali Carb Nat Mur Stramonium A
Sarcode Nosode Mineral Kingdom Imponderabilia A
Symphytum Hypericum Lachesis Staphysagria A
Zincum Met Baryta Carb Lycopodium Arg Met A

Cuprum Met Zincum Met Kali Carb Bufo B

Benzoic Acid Nitric Acid Zincum Met Lycopodium C
Thuja Calc Carb Baryta Carb Lycopodium A

Rockstar Pandya
137 Diarrhoea - Gurgling as water from bunghole, from vaccination, onions
138 Erruptions only on covered parts, sweat only on uncovered parts
139 Teeth decay at roots, crown remains sound
140 Children cannot bear to be washed or bathed
141 Skin itching, voluptous - feels good to scratch burning < Warmth of bed
142 Weak all gone feeling in stomach at 11 AM
143 Large painful stools hard - child is afraid to have stool on account of pain
144 Rags Seem beautiful, everything seem pretty

Rockstar Pandya
Asafoetida Thuja Lycopodium Sulphur B
Sulphur Kali Sulph Thuja Mercurius C
Thuja Mercurius Baryta Carb Calc Carb A
Sulphur Calc Carb Baryta Carb Bufo A
Lycopodium Sulphur Graphites Iodum B
Iodum Sulphur Phos Acid Lycopodium B
Lycopodium Calc Carb Sulphur Baryta Carb C
Thuja Hyoscyamus Stramonium Sulphur D

Rockstar Pandya

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