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A violent tropical storm in which strong winds

cyclone n move in a circle OK

dateline N Đường múi giờ OK
A violent tropical storm with very strongs
typoon n winds OK
a group of things of the same that grown or
cluster n appear close together OK
to move along smoothly and slowly in water or
drift v air OK
altitude n The height above sea level OK
having all the characteristic of
full-blown n somebody/something, fully developed OK
calm wind n Gió lặng OK
spinning vortex n Vòng quay xoáy OK
to be strong enough not to be hurt of
damaged by extreme conditions, the use of
withstand v force, etc OK
storm surge n Sóng thần Not ok Storm surge
coastline n Cột sóng OK
disastrous inudation n Ngập lụt thảm khốc Not ok disastrous inundation
torrential n (of rain) falling in the large amounts Not ok Torrential torrential
fortnight n Hai tuần OK
meteorologist n Nhà khí tượng học OK
alphabe n Bảng chữ cái phiên âm Not ok Phonetic alphanet
to invent something new or a new way of
devise v doing something OK
the buiding and land near to it that a business
owns or uses Not ok premises premises
to treat somebody in a cruel and unfair way,
espencially because of their race, religion or
political beliefs Not ok persecute persecute
The chemical processes in living things that
change food, etc.into energy and materials for
growths Not ok Metabolismmetabolism
tundar Đài nguyên/lãnh nguyên OK
feeding on seals Ăn thịt hải cẩu OK
ice floses Tảng băng Not ok iec floes ice floes
Nước lạnh Not ok frigid water
sleeping dart Phi tiêu thuốc ngủ OK
To walk slowly around or to a place, often
without any particular sense of purpose or
wandar direction OK
to suffer or die because you do not have
enough food to eat; to make somebody suffer
or die in this way Not ok starve starve
the row of small bones that are connected
boneback together down the middle of the back Not ok backbone backbone
standared jets Máy bay phản lực thuê Not ok Chartered jet
To have deal with somebody/something
difficult or unpleasant in order to achieve
something Not ok Brave Brave
bone-chilling Lạnh thấu xương OK
bleak winter (of the weather) cold and unpleasant OK
cub a young bear, lion, fox .etc OK
to produce an exact copy of an animal or a
clone plant from its cells OK
a young cat Not ok kitten kitten
Anembryo is made in a labraotory and placed
in a donor mother Not ok embryo embryo
A person or an organization that makes a gift
of money, clothes, food, etc. to charity, etc
Not ok Donor Donor
mules Con la
Unnecessary excitement, worry or activity Not ok fuss fuss
chronosome Nhiễm sắc thể OK
to get involved in and try to influence a
situation that should not really involve you, in
a way that annoys other people. Not ok interfere interfere
straw house Nhà xây bằng rơm Not ok straw bale house
the system of pipes, that supply water to a
plumbing buiding OK
isulation Vật liệu cách nhiệt Not ok insulation insulation
frogpawn Trứng ếch Not ok frogspawn frogspawn
taplose Con nòng nọc Not ok tadpole tadpole
pictoral using or containing pictures Not ok pictorial pictorial
linear process Quy trình đường thẳng OK
man made Made by people, not natural OK
Pollen form the flower sticks to the bee's legs.
pollen OK
pollenite Thụ phấn Not ok pollinate pollinate
storm surge storm surge storm surge storm surgstorm surgstom surge

s inundation disastrous inundation disastrous inundation disastrous innudation

torrential torrential torrential torrential torrential torrential torrential torrenrial torrential

phonetic alphenet phonetic alphenet phonetic alphenet phonetic alphenet phonetic alphenet

premises premises prmises primises premises premises premises premises premises premises

persecute persecute persecute persecute persecute persecute persecute persecute persecute persecute


ice floes ice floes ice floes ice floes ice floes ice floes ice floes ice floes ice floes ice floes
frigid watefrigid watefirgid watefrigid watefrigid watefrigid watefrid water frigid watefrigid watefrigid water

starve starve starve starve starve starve starve starve starve starve

backbone backbone backbone backbone backbone backbone backbone backbone backbone backbone
Chartered jets Chartered jets Chartered jets Chartered jets Chartered jets
brave brave barave brave brave brave brave brave brave brave

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitte kitten kitten kitten

embryo embryo embryo embryo embryo embryo embryo embryo embryo

Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor

fuss fuss fuss fuss fuss fuss fuss fuss fuss

interfere interfere interfere interfere interfere interfere interfere interfere interfere

straw bale house straw bale house straw bale house straw bale house strawbale house

insulation insulation insulation insulation insulation insulation insulation insulation insulation

frogspawn frogspawnfrogspawn frogspawnfrogspawnfrogspawnforgspawmfrogspawmfrogspawm
tadpole tadpole tadpole tadpole tadpole tadpole tadpole tadpole tadpole
pictorial pictorial pictorial pictorial pictorial pictorial pictorial pictorial pictorial

pollinate pollinate pollinate pollinate pollinate pollinate pollinate pollinate pollinate

premises premises premises


frigid water
Calm wind n Gió lặng 0.353773
bone-chilling n Lạnh thấu xương 0.355328
To have deal with somebody/something difficult or
brave v unpleasant in order to achieve something 0.147742
drift v to move along smoothly and slowly in water or air 0.303743
To walk slowly around or to a place, often without
wandar v any particular sense of purpose or direction 0.676974
pictorial adj using or containing pictures 0.032957
linear process n Quy trình đường thẳng 0.227074
The chemical processes in living things that change
food, etc.into energy and materials for growths
metabolism n 0.123207
to suffer or die because you do not have enough
food to eat; to make somebody suffer or die in this
Starve v way 0.457752
coastline n Cột sóng 0.051035
chartered jet n Máy bay phản lực thuê 0.118698
sleeping dart n Phi tiêu thuốc ngủ 0.972759
A person or an organization that makes a gift of
donor n money, clothes, food, etc. to charity, etc 0.429863
chronosome n Nhiễm sắc thể 0.345002
to treat somebody in a cruel and unfair way,
espencially because of their race, religion or political
persecute v beliefs 0.340781
the row of small bones that are connected together
backbone n down the middle of the back 0.755308
tabpole n Con nòng nọc 0.049004
ice floes n Tảng băng 0.247098
straw bale house n Nhà xây bằng rơm 0.522525
pollinate n Thụ phấn 0.879218
phonetic alphabet n Bảng chữ cái phiên âm 0.930022
meteorologist n Nhà khí tượng học 0.923528
A violent tropical storm in which strong winds move
cyclone n in a circle 0.685028
spinning vortex n Vòng quay xoáy 0.219295
mules n Con la 0.392869
cub n a young bear, lion, fox .etc 0.896042
a group of things of the same that grown or appear
cluster n close together 0.203897
manmade -artificial n Made by people, not natural 0.247672
to get involved in and try to influence a situation that
should not really involve you, in a way that annoys
interfere v other people. 0.01171
typoon n A violent tropical storm with very strongs winds 0.754382
tandra n Đài nguyên/lãnh nguyên 0.459361
storm surge n Sóng thần 0.499507
frogspawn n Trứng ếch 0.224565
the system of pipes, that supply water to a buiding
plumbing n 0.009247
frigid water n Nước lạnh 0.48141
kitten n a young cat 0.428056
insulation n Vật liệu cách nhiệt 0.875724
bleak winter n (of the weather) cold and unpleasant 0.7409
to produce an exact copy of an animal or a plant
clone v from its cells 0.735909
fuss Unnecessary excitement, worry or activity 0.913288
altitude n The height above sea level 0.368267
having all the characteristic of somebody/something,
full-blown adj fully developed 0.027505
feeding on seals n Ăn thịt hải cẩu 0.992775
to invent something new or a new way of doing
devise v something 0.583057
fortnight n Hai tuần 0.455281
disastrous inundatoin n Ngập lụt thảm khốc 0.162852
embryo n Phoi thai 0.365973
dateline Đường múi giờ 0.766819
to be strong enough not to be hurt of damaged by
withstand v extreme conditions, the use of force, etc 0.439692
the buiding and land near to it that a business owns
premises n or uses 0.332643
torrential n (of rain) falling in the large amounts 0.710813
pollen Pollen form the flower sticks to the bee's legs. 0.621908
bone-chilling adj Lạnh thấu xương 0.333656
a group of things of the same that grown or appear
cluster n close together 0.470393
ice-floes n Tảng băng 0.114815
altitude The height above sea level 0.177763
embryo n Phoi thai 0.521134
kitten n a young cat 0.198954
the buiding and land near to it that a business owns
premises n or uses 0.020188
having all the characteristic of somebody/something,
full-blown n fully developed 0.898206
man-made n Made by people, not natural 0.527461
drift v to move along smoothly and slowly in water or air 0.764161
cub n a young bear, lion, fox .etc 0.306814
the system of pipes, that supply water to a buiding
plumbing n 0.625734
frogspawn n Trứng ếch 0.503614
pollinate n Thụ phấn 0.3552
pollen n Pollen form the flower sticks to the bee's legs. 0.667656
to treat somebody in a cruel and unfair way,
espencially because of their race, religion or political
persecute v beliefs 0.627939
tabpole n Con nòng nọc 0.482568
insolation n Vật liệu cách nhiệt 0.881001
linear process n Quy trình đường thẳng 0.1985
The chemical processes in living things that change
food, etc.into energy and materials for growths
metabolism n 0.933638
coastline n Cột sóng 0.867497
disastrous inundation n Ngập lụt thảm khốc 0.29448
feeding on seals n Ăn thịt hải cẩu 0.246617
the row of small bones that are connected together
boneback n down the middle of the back 0.630141
straw bale house n Nhà xây bằng rơm 0.537832
tandra n Đài nguyên/lãnh nguyên 0.050797
A violent tropical storm in which strong winds move
cyclone n in a circle 0.851623
spinning vortex n Vòng quay xoáy 0.169137
to suffer or die because you do not have enough
food to eat; to make somebody suffer or die in this
starve v way 0.671455
calm wind n Gió lặng 0.869265
To have deal with somebody/something difficult or
brave n unpleasant in order to achieve something 0.687168
pictorial adj using or containing pictures 0.362405
mules n Con la 0.368375
to produce an exact copy of an animal or a plant
clone v from its cells 0.834223
A person or an organization that makes a gift of
donor n money, clothes, food, etc. to charity, etc 0.62698
meteorologist n Nhà khí tượng học 0.706182
typoon n A violent tropical storm with very strongs winds 0.6376
frigid water n Nước lạnh 0.46693
to invent something new or a new way of doing
devise v something 0.07453
fuss adj Unnecessary excitement, worry or activity 0.400083
to be strong enough not to be hurt of damaged by
withstand v extreme conditions, the use of force, etc 0.044738
torrential adj (of rain) falling in the large amounts 0.88991
phonetic alphabet n Bảng chữ cái phiên âm 0.31898
fortnight n Hai tuần 0.826392
sleeping dart n Phi tiêu thuốc ngủ 0.42531
to get involved in and try to influence a situation that
should not really involve you, in a way that annoys
interfere v other people. 0.935111
chareted jet Máy bay phản lực thuê 0.998322
chronosome n Nhiễm sắc thể 0.227161
dateline n Đường múi giờ 0.50728
bleak winter n (of the weather) cold and unpleasant 0.441732
storm surge n Sóng thần 0.886296
To walk slowly around or to a place, often without
wandar any particular sense of purpose or direction 0.145508
Day by day, they tranfer to fossil fuels (oil and coal ) and people mining them to use in the factore
Having complete all these steps the carbon cycle begins again.
chronosome n Nhiễm sắc thể 0.214255
backbone n Cột sóng 0.685496
A violent tropical storm in which strong winds move
cyclone n in a circle 0.216659
fortnight n Hai tuần 0.482434
embryo n Phoi thai 0.40299
phonetic alphabet n Bảng chữ cái phiên âm 0.840691
spinning vortex n Vòng quay xoáy 0.99104
cub n a young bear, lion, fox .etc 0.076058
torrential n (of rain) falling in the large amounts 0.624675
meteorologist n Nhà khí tượng học 0.686504
blead winter n (of the weather) cold and unpleasant 0.396953
A person or an organization that makes a gift of
donor n money, clothes, food, etc. to charity, etc 0.185555
feeding on seals Ăn thịt hải cẩu 0.833606
the buiding and land near to it that a business owns
premises n or uses 0.92432
linear process n Quy trình đường thẳng 0.735279
fuss n Unnecessary excitement, worry or activity 0.362667
ice floes n Tảng băng 0.386566
to treat somebody in a cruel and unfair way,
espencially because of their race, religion or political
persecute v beliefs 0.534934
to be strong enough not to be hurt of damaged by
withstand v extreme conditions, the use of force, etc 0.610014
a group of things of the same that grown or appear
cluster n close together 0.941216
tandra n Đài nguyên/lãnh nguyên 0.718114
storm surge n Sóng thần 0.260924
frogspawn n Trứng ếch 0.620556
man made n Made by people, not natural 0.833721
mules n Con la 0.01365
disastrous inundation n Ngập lụt thảm khốc 0.837925
typoon n A violent tropical storm with very strongs winds 0.200109
drift v to move along smoothly and slowly in water or air 0.686131
straw bale house n Nhà xây bằng rơm 0.973615
pollinate n Thụ phấn 0.620562
dateline n Đường múi giờ 0.9242
to suffer or die because you do not have enough
food to eat; to make somebody suffer or die in this
starve v way 0.089179
having all the characteristic of somebody/something,
full-blown adj fully developed 0.46517
to produce an exact copy of an animal or a plant
clone v from its cells 0.114358
pollen n Pollen form the flower sticks to the bee's legs. 0.051946
To walk slowly around or to a place, often without
wandar n any particular sense of purpose or direction 0.080275
chareted jets Máy bay phản lực thuê 0.25013
The chemical processes in living things that change
food, etc.into energy and materials for growths
metabolism n 0.258622
the system of pipes, that supply water to a buiding
plumbing n 0.257805
to invent something new or a new way of doing
devise v something 0.32115
the row of small bones that are connected together
backbone down the middle of the back 0.802492
kitten n a young cat 0.328821
To have deal with somebody/something difficult or
brave v unpleasant in order to achieve something 0.790196
tabpole n Con nòng nọc 0.084388
frigid water n Nước lạnh 0.217983
picorial adj using or containing pictures 0.868313
sleeping dart Phi tiêu thuốc ngủ 0.382035
calm wind n Gió lặng 0.984426
altitude n The height above sea level 0.780721
to get involved in and try to influence a situation that
should not really involve you, in a way that annoys
interfere v other people. 0.204286
insoluation n Vật liệu cách nhiệt 0.811612
bone-chilling adj Lạnh thấu xương 0.547017
A violent tropical storm in which strong winds move
cyclone n in a circle
dateline n Đường múi giờ
typoon n A violent tropical storm with very strongs winds
a group of things of the same that grown or appear
cluster n close together
drift v to move along smoothly and slowly in water or air
altitude n The height above sea level
having all the characteristic of somebody/something,
full-blown n fully developed
calm wind n Gió lặng
spinning vortex n Vòng quay xoáy
to be strong enough not to be hurt of damaged by
withstand extreme conditions, the use of force, etc
strom surge Sóng thần
coastline Cột sóng
disastrous inundation n Ngập lụt thảm khốc
terriorual (of rain) falling in the large amounts not ok torrential
fournight n Hai tuần Not ok fortnight
meteorologist n Nhà khí tượng học
phabone alphabet Bảng chữ cái phiên âm not ok phonetic alphanet
to invent something new or a new way of doing
devise n something
the buiding and land near to it that a business owns
premises n or uses
to treat somebody in a cruel and unfair way,
espencially because of their race, religion or political
persecute v beliefs

The chemical processes in living things that change

food, etc.into energy and materials for growths
metabolism n
tundra n Đài nguyên/lãnh nguyên
feeding seals n Ăn thịt hải cẩu
ice floes n Tảng băng
Nước lạnh not ok frigid wate
sleeping dart n Phi tiêu thuốc ngủ
To walk slowly around or to a place, often without
wandar v any particular sense of purpose or direction
to suffer or die because you do not have enough
food to eat; to make somebody suffer or die in this
way Not ok starve
the row of small bones that are connected together
backbone n down the middle of the back
chartered ject n Máy bay phản lực thuê
To have deal with somebody/something difficult or
brave v unpleasant in order to achieve something
bone-chilling n Lạnh thấu xương
bleak winter n (of the weather) cold and unpleasant
cob n a young bear, lion, fox .etc
to produce an exact copy of an animal or a plant
clone v from its cells
kitten n a young cat
Anembryo is made in a labraotory and placed in a
embryo n donor mother
A person or an organization that makes a gift of
donor n money, clothes, food, etc. to charity, etc
melas n Con la
Unnecessary excitement, worry or activity
chronosome n Nhiễm sắc thể
to get involved in and try to influence a situation that
should not really involve you, in a way that annoys
other people. Not ok interfere
straw bale house Nhà xây bằng rơm

the system of pipes, that supply water to a buiding

plumbing n
insulation n Vật liệu cách nhiệt
frogspawn n Trứng ếch
tabpole n Con nòng nọc
pictorial n using or containing pictures
linear process n Quy trình đường thẳng
man made n Made by people, not natural
pollen n Pollen form the flower sticks to the bee's legs.
pollitate n Thụ phấn Not ok Pollinate
torrential torrential torrential torrential torrential torrential torrential torrential
fortnight fortnight fortnight fortnight fortnight fornight fornight fornight

phonetic alphanet phonetic alphanet phoentic alphanet phonetic alphanet Phonetic alphanet

frigid watefrigid watefrigid watefrigid watefrigid watefrigid watefrigid water

starve starve starve starve starve

interfere interfere interfere interfere interfere interfere interfere

pollinate pollinate pollinate pollinate pollinate pollinate pollinate

A violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in a
Cyclone n /ˈsaɪkləʊn/ circle
Dateline n Đường múi giờ
Typoon n /taɪˈfuːn A violent tropical storm with very strongs winds
a group of things of the same that grown or appear close
Cluster n /ˈklʌstər/ together
Drift v /drɪft/ to move along smoothly and slowly in water or air
altitude n /ˈæltɪtuːd/ The height above sea level
having all the characteristic of somebody/something,
full-blown adj /ˌfʊl ˈbləʊn fully developed
Calm wind Gió lặng
Spinning vortex Vòng quay xoáy
to be strong enough not to be hurt of damaged by
Withstand v /wɪðˈstændextreme conditions, the use of force, etc
Storm surge Sóng thần
Coastline Cột sóng
Disastrous inundation Ngập lụt thảm khốc
Torrential adj /təˈrenʃl/ (of rain) falling in the large amounts
Fortnight n /ˈfɔːrtnaɪt/ Hai tuần
Meteorologist n Nhà khí tượng học
Phonetic alphabn Bảng chữ cái phiên âm
to invent something new or a new way of doing
Devise v /dɪˈvaɪz/ something
the buiding and land near to it that a business owns or
Premises n /ˈpremɪsɪz/uses

to treat somebody in a cruel and unfair way, espencially

because of their race, religion or political beliefs
Persecute v /ˈpɜːrsɪkjuːt
The chemical processes in living things that change
Metabolism n /məˈtæbəlɪfood, etc.into energy and materials for growths
tundra n /ˈtʌndrə/ Đài nguyên/lãnh nguyên
Feeding on sealn Ăn thịt hải cẩu
Ice floes n Tảng băng
Frigid water n Nước lạnh
Sleeping dart n Phi tiêu thuốc ngủ
To walk slowly around or to a place, often without any
Wandar v /ˈwɑːndər/ particular sense of purpose or direction
to suffer or die because you do not have enough food to
Starve v /stɑːrv/ eat; to make somebody suffer or die in this way
the row of small bones that are connected together
backbone n /ˈbækbəʊn/down the middle of the back
Chartered Jets n Máy bay phản lực thuê
To have deal with somebody/something difficult or
Brave v /breɪv/ unpleasant in order to achieve something
Bone-chilling adj Lạnh thấu xương
Bleak winter /bliːk/ (of the weather) cold and unpleasant
Cub n /kʌb/ a young bear, lion, fox .etc
to produce an exact copy of an animal or a plant from its
Clone v /kləʊn/ cells
Kitten n /ˈkɪtn/ a young cat
Anembryo is made in a labraotory and placed in a donor
Embryo n /ˈembriəʊ/ mother
A person or an organization that makes a gift of money,
Donor n /ˈdəʊnər/ clothes, food, etc. to charity, etc
Mules n /mjuːl/ Con la
Fuss n /fʌs/ Unnecessary excitement, worry or activity
Chromosome n Nhiễm sắc thể
to get involved in and try to influence a situation that
should not really involve you, in a way that annoys other
interfere v /ˌɪntərˈfɪr/ people.
Straw bale housn Nhà xây bằng rơm
Plumbing n /ˈplʌmɪŋ/ the system of pipes, that supply water to a buiding
Insulation n Vật liệu cách nhiệt
Frogspawn n Trứng ếch
tadpole n Con nòng nọc
Pictorial adj /pɪkˈtɔːriəl/ using or containing pictures
linear process n Quy trình đường thẳng
Man made n /ˌmæn ˈmeɪMade by people, not natural
Pollen n /ˈpɑːlən/ Pollen form the flower sticks to the bee's legs.
Pollinate n /ˈpɑːlən/ Thụ phấn

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