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Bidang Study : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Speaking
Tujuan : Siswa dapat memeperkenalkan dirinya dengan mengungkapkan data
Tema : Introducing your self

Aspek Penilaian:

1. Fluency = kefasihan
2. Intonation
3. Performance = penampilan
4. Accuracy = ketepatan


Introducing my self

Hello everyone, I want to introduce my self in infront of you all.

My name is Ahmad Sholihin. You can call me Ahmad. I am moslem.

I was born in Jakarta on the second of january, two thousand and ten. So, now I am twelve
years old.

I live on Rajawali VII no. 88. There are 5 people in my house,including me, my father, my
mother, one sister, and one brother.

My hobby are listening of music and travelling. My favorite singer is Ed Shareen. I like
listening of music because it’s make me fresh and calm. And I love travelling because it is
can refresh my mind.

And my favorite food is burger. And my favorite color is red. That’s all about my
introduction, thank you
Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Reading
Tujuan : Siswa dapat memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk puisi
Aspek penilaian :

1. Pronounciation = cara baca

2. Intonation = nada bicara
3. Articulation pengucapan
4. Expression = mimik muka

Silahkan pilih salah satu puisi dibawah ini:


My Unsung Hero

From day to night, you give us light

Always bring something to share, something we never care
Burned by ego, we wish you to go
But what if you didn’t exist? Oh it’s such a bad twist

Thank you, thank you for helping us

Because of you, we have a solid truss
Thank you for what you always do,
My Unsung Hero


Mama Put Me First

You were there for me

Whenever I was down or up
When the skies so blue or grey
You were there to love and to care

I’ll place no one above you

Cause there no one can do but you
Thank you for everything
Everything you’ve given me

The sun is shining,

The sky is blue,
The birds are flying,
And the breeze is so cool.

Mother Nature is trying her best

To give nothing but beautifulness,
But what do we do?
Make her a mess.

Let’s make her the best

By polluting less and less,
And preserve her green dress
For our kids and the rest.

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