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CS60050: Machine Learning

Test I, Time: 1 hr, Marks: 30

(Write the solution steps neatly in a white paper, upload the scanned file, Ensure visibility of the scan.)

1. You are a website recommending restaurants to customers. Based on the past choices of the customer
you want to decide if she will choose a restaurant. In the domain describing restaurants the hypothesis space
is defined by the concepts that are a conjunction of the following three attributes: cuisine type, price and
portion size. Possible attribute values are:-
Cuisine type: Chinese, Indian, Arabic, French, Italian
Price: $, $$, $$$, $$$$
Portion size: small, medium, large, unlimited

Examples of legal concepts in this domain include [chinese $ unlimited]. We want to use the candidate-
elimination algorithm to learn the target concept (also a conjunction). [3+3+3+6]

(a) Suppose the first example X1 is a positive example, with attribute values [chinese $ unlimited]. After
processing this instance, what are the G and S sets?

(b) Now suppose the learning algorithm receives example X2, a negative example, with attribute values
[french $$$$ medium]. What are the G and S sets after processing this example?

(c) If learning ends at this point, how many possible concepts remain in the version space?

(d) Starting with the version space obtained after processing X1, X2, give an example (with explanation) of
an instance which will lead to the following cases. If no example exists, explain why it is so.
i. A positive instance that causes the version space to shrink.
ii. A negative instance that causes the version space to shrink.
iii. A positive instance that reduces the size of the version space to a single concept.

2. Consider the following hypothetical data concerning student characteristics (CGPA, Effort) and whether
or not each student should be hired. Construct a decision tree (upto two levels only) based on this data to
determine whether or not a student should be hired. Show your work. [15]

Name CGPA Effort Hirable

Atul poor lots Yes

Amjad average some No

Alpana average some No

Arjun average lots Yes

Pramit excellent lots Yes

Peter excellent lots No

Jaspreet excellent lots No

Karan poor some No

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