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Third edition

Fire extinguishing media — Foam

concentrates —
Part 2:
Specification for medium- and high-
expansion foam concentrates for top
application to water-immiscible liquids
Agents extincteurs — Émulseurs —
Partie  2:  Spécifications  pour  les  émulseurs  moyen  et  haut 
foisonnements  destinés  à  une  application  par  le  haut  sur  les  liquides 
non  miscibles  à  l'eau

Reference number
ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

© ISO 2019
ISO 7203-2:2019(E)


© ISO 2019
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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... v
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ vi
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative re ferences ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Classification and uses o f foam concentrates ......................................................................................................................... 4
4. 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
C las s ificatio n

4.2 Use with sea water............................................................................................................................................................................... 4

5 Tolerance o f the foam concentrate to freezing and thawing ................................................................................... 4
6 Sediment in the foam concentrate ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.1 Sediment before ageing ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2 Sediment after ageing ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
7 Determination o f viscosity ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
7.1 Newtonian foam concentrates ................................................................................................................................................... 4
7.2 Pseudo-plastic foam concentrates ......................................................................................................................................... 4
8 pH o f the foam concentrate ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8.1 pH limits........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
8.2 S ens itivity to temp erature ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
9 Surface tension o f the foam solution ............................................................................................................................................... 5
9.1 Before temperature conditioning ........................................................................................................................................... 5
9.2 .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Temp erature s ens itivity

10 Interfacial tension between the foam solution and cyclohexane....................................................................... 5

1 0.1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

10.2 Before temperature conditioning ........................................................................................................................................... 5

1 0.3 Temp erature s ens itivity .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
11 Spreading coe fficient o f the foam solution on cyclohexane .................................................................................... 5
12 Expansion ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1 2 .1 M edium- exp ans io n fo am co ncentrates — Limits ..................................................................................................... 6
1 2 .2 H igh- exp ans io n fo am co ncentrate — Limits................................................................................................................. 6
13 Test fire performance ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
14 Marking, packaging and specification sheet ........................................................................................................................... 6
14.1 Marking ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
14.2 Packaging ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1 4. 3 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
S p ecificatio n s heet

Annex A (normative) Preliminary sampling and conditioning o f the foam concentrate ............................... 8
Annex B (normative) Determination o f tolerance to freezing and thawing ................................................................ 9
Annex C (normative) Determination o f volume percentage o f sediment ................................................................... 11
Annex D (normative) Determination o f viscosity for pseudo-plastic foam concentrates .......................... 12
Annex E (normative)
Determination o f surface tension, interfacial tension and spreading
coe fficient ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Annex F (normative) Determination o f expansion and drainage time for medium-
expansion foam concentrates .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Annex G (normative) Determination o f expansion anddrainage time for high-expansion
foam concentrates ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 20

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Annex H (normative)
Determination o f test fire performance formedium-expansion foam
concentrates ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Annex I (normative)
Determination o f test fire performance forhigh-expansion foam
concentrates ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Annex J(informative) Determination of radiation measurement method................................................................ 36
Annex K (informative) Compatibility ................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 41

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the di fferent approval criteria needed for the
di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted. This document was dra fted in accordance with the
editorial rules o f the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso .org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f
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any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or
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For an explanation o f the voluntary nature o f standards, the meaning o f ISO specific terms and
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the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see
www.iso .org/iso/foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 21, Equipment  for  fire  protection  and  fire 
fighting , Subcommittee SC 6, Foam  and  powder  media  and  firefighting  systems  using  foam  and  powder

This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 7203-2:2011), which has been technically
The main changes compared to the previous edition are:
— addition o f Clause 4 containing specifications for Class A foam concentrates;
— extension o f Clause 2 ;
— modification o f Clause 12 to run two tests instead of one and take the average of both values instead
having just one datum;
— correction o f several figures;
— the extension o f Annex H by a scheme o f a decision tree and the modification o f the acceptable
temperature range for testing fire per formance;
— removal o f Annex “Typical anticipated per formance for various types o f foam concentrate”.
A list of all parts in the ISO 7203 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www.iso .org/members .html.

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)


Firefighting foams are widely used to control and extinguish fires o f Class B (flammable liquids) and/or
Class A fuels (solid materials, usually o f an organic nature) and for inhibiting reignition.
Foams can be used in combination with other extinguishing media, in particular halons, carbon dioxide
and powders, which are the subject o f other International Standards, including, ISO 6183, ISO 7201-1,
ISO 7201-2 and ISO 7202. A specification for foam systems can be found in ISO 7076.
Attention is drawn to Annex K, which deals with the compatibility of foam concentrates, and the
compatibility o f foams and powders.

vi © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved


Fire extinguishing media — Foam concentrates —

Part 2:
Specification for medium- and high-expansion foam
concentrates for top application to water-immiscible liquids

1 Scope
T h i s do c u ment s p e ci fie s the e s s enti a l prop er tie s and p er forma nce o f l iquid fo am concentrate s u s e d

to ma ke me d iu m- or h igh- exp a n s ion fo a m s or b o th for the control, the e xti nc tion and the i n h ibition o f

reign ition o f fi re s o f water-i m m i s c ible l iqu id s . M i ni mu m p er formance on cer ta i n te s t fi re s i s s p e ci fie d .

T he s e fo a m s a re s u itable for top appl ic ation to fi re s o f water-i m m i s c ible l iqu id . T ho s e fo a m s that

comply with I S O 7 2 03 -1 are a l s o s uitable for top appl ic ation to fi re s o f water-i m m i s c ible l iquid s .

2 Normative re ferences
T he fol lowi ng do c uments a re re ferre d to i n the te xt i n s uch a way that s ome or a l l o f thei r content

con s titute s re qui rements o f th i s do c u ment. For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition c ite d appl ie s . For

u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d do c u ment (i nclud i ng any amend ments) appl ie s .

I S O 3 0 4, Surface  active  agents  —  Determination  o f  surface  tension  by  drawing  up  liquid  films
I S O 3 10 4, Petroleum  products  —  Transparent  and  opaque  liquids  —  Determination  o f  kinematic  viscosity 

and  calculation  o f  dynamic  viscosity

I S O 3 2 19, Plastics  —  Polymers/resins  in  the  liquid  state  or  as  emulsions  or  dispersions  —  Determination  o f 

viscosity  using  a  rotational  viscometer  with  defined  shear  rate

I S O 3 3 10 -1 , Test  sieves  —  Technical  requirements  and  testing  —  Part  1:  Test  sieves  o f  metal  wire  cloth
I S O 3 69 6: 19 8 7, Water  for  analytical  laboratory  use  —  Specification  and  test  methods
ISO 3734 , Petroleum  products  —  Determination  o f  water  and  sediment  in  residual  fuel  oils  — 
Centrifuge  method
I S O 7 2 0 3 -1 , Fire  extinguishing  media  —  Foam  concentrates  —  Part  1:  Specification  for  low-expansion  foam 

concentrates  for  top  application  to  water-immiscible  liquids

I S O 7 2 0 3 -3 , Fire  extinguishing  media  —  Foam  concentrates  —  Part  3:  Specification  for  low-expansion  foam 

concentrates  for  top  application  to  water-miscible  liquids

Testing  corrosion  inhibiting,  engine  coolant  concentrate  (“antifreeze”). 
B S 51 17-1 . 3 : 19 8 5 , Methods  o f  test 
for  determination  o f  physical  and  chemical  properties.  Determination  o f  freezing  point

3 Terms and definitions

For the pu rp o s e s o f th i s do c u ment, the fol lowi ng term s a nd defi n ition s apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— f https: //www.iso .org/obp
I S O O n l i ne brows i ng plat orm: avai lable at

— http: //www.electropedia .org/

I E C E le c trop e d i a: avai l able at

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

characteristic value
va lue de clare d by the fo am concentrate s uppl ier for the chem ic a l a nd phys ic a l prop er tie s and the

p er formance s o f the fo a m, fo a m s olution, and fo a m concentrate

25 % drainage time
ti me for 2 5 % o f the l iqu id content o f a fo am to d rai n out

ratio of the volume of foam to the volume of the foam solution from which it was made
expansion (3.3
) in the range 1 to 2 0 , a s appl ie d to fo a m and to a s s o c iate d e quipment, s ys tem s a nd

expansion (3.3
) i n the ra nge 2 1 to 2 0 0 , a s appl ie d to fo am and to as s o c iate d e qu ipment, s ys tem s a nd

expansion (3.3
) gre ater tha n 200, as appl ie d to fo am and to as s o c iate d e qu ipment, s ys tem s a nd

< fi refighti ng> aggre gate o f a i r-fi l le d bub ble s forme d from an aque ou s s olution o f a s u itable fo am
< fo am> l iqu id th at, when m i xe d with water i n the appropri ate concentration, give s a fo am s olution

protein foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8 ) derive d from hyd rolys e d pro tei n materia l s

fluoroprotein foam concentrate
protein foam concentrate (3.8 ) with adde d fluori nate d s ur face -ac tive agents

synthetic foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8 ) b as e d on a m i x tu re o f hyd ro c arb on s ur face -ac tive agents and wh ich c an conta i n

fluoro c arb on s with add itiona l s tabi l i z ers

alcohol-resistant foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8) resistant to breakdown when applied to the surface of alcohol or other water-
miscible solvents

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

aqueous film- forming foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8) based on a mixture of hydrocarbon and fluorinated surface-active agents with
the ability to form an aqueous film on the sur face o f some hydrocarbons
film- forming fluoroprotein foam concentrate
fluoroprotein foam concentrate (3.8 ) that has the ability to form an aqueous film on the sur face o f some
foam solution
solution of foam concentrate (3.8) and water
force ful application
application o f foam such that it falls directly onto the sur face o f a liquid fuel
gentle application
application o f foam indirectly to the sur face o f a liquid fuel via a backboard, tank wall or other sur face
insoluble particles in the foam concentrate
spreading coe fficient
value calculated from the measured sur face and inter facial tensions to indicate the ability o f one liquid
to spontaneously spread across the sur face o f another
temperature for use
maximum and minimum temperatures claimed by the manu facturer between which the foam
concentrate is ready for use
fluorine free foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8) which does not form an aqueous film on hydrocarbon fuels, but which is
targeting Class B per formance at force ful application and which does not contain any fluorochemicals
Class A foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8
) for use on Class A fires
Class A fire
fire involving solid materials, usually o f an organic nature, in which combustion normally takes place
with the formation of glowing embers
Note 1 to entry: Adapted from ISO 3941:2007, Clause 2.
Note 2 to entry: Class A fires involve solid materials, usually o f an organic nature (such as vegetation, wood, cloth
and paper), rubber, and some plastics, in which combustion can occur at or below the sur face o f the material with
or without the formation of glowing embers.

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

4 Classification and uses o f foam concentrates

4.1 Classification
The foam concentrate shall be classified as medium- or high- expansion or both and shall comply with
the appropriate requirements.

4.2 Use with sea water

I f a foam concentrate is marked as suitable for use with sea water, the recommended concentrations for
use with fresh water and sea water shall be identical.
5 Tolerance o f the foam concentrate to freezing and thawing
Before and after temperature conditioning in accordance with A.2 , the foam concentrate, i f claimed
by the supplier not to be adversely a ffected by freezing and thawing, shall show no visual sign o f
stratification and non-homogeneity, when tested in accordance with Annex B .
Foam concentrates complying with this clause shall be tested for compliance with the appropriate
requirements given in other clauses of this document a fter freezing and thawing in accordance with A.2.1.

6 Sediment in the foam concentrate

6.1 Sediment be fore ageing

Any sediment in the concentrate sampled in accordance with A.1 shall be dispersible through a 180 µm
sieve, and the volume percentage o f sediment shall be not more than 0,25 % when tested in accordance
with Annex C .
6.2 Sediment a fter ageing
Any sediment in the concentrate aged in accordance with C.1 shall be dispersible through a 180 µm
sieve, and the volume percentage o f sediment shall be not more than 1,0 % when tested in accordance
with Annex C .
7 Determination o f viscosity

7.1 Newtonian foam concentrates

The viscosity o f the foam concentrate at the lowest temperature for use claimed by the manu facturer
shall be determined in accordance with ISO 3104. I f the viscosity is greater than 200 mm 2 s−1 , the
container shall be marked “This concentrate can require special proportioning equipment”.

7.2 Pseudo-plastic foam concentrates

The viscosity o f the foam concentrate shall be determined in accordance with Annex D. I f the viscosity
at the lowest temperature for use is greater than or equal to 120 mPa*s at 375/s, the container shall be
marked “This concentrate can require special proportioning equipment”.
NOTE Pseudo-plastic foam concentrates are a particular class of non-Newtonian foam concentrates and
have a viscosity that decreases with increasing shear rate at constant temperature.

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

8 pH o f the foam concentrate

8.1 pH limits
T he pH o f the fo a m concentrate, b e fore and a fter temp eratu re cond itioni ng i n accorda nce with A.2 ,

s ha l l b e no t le s s than 6 , 0 and no t more than 8 , 5 at (2 0 ± 2 ) ° C .

8.2 Sensitivity to temperature

The difference in pH between before and after temperature conditioning shall not be greater than
1 , 0 pH u n its .

9 Surface tension o f the foam solution

9.1 Be fore temperature conditioning

T he s ur face ten s ion of the fo am s olution prep are d from the concentrate, b e fore temp erature

conditioning in accordance with A.2 , at the s uppl ier's re com mende d concentration, sha l l b e with i n

±10 % o f the charac teri s tic va lue when de term i ne d i n accorda nce with E.2.
9.2 Temperature sensitivity
T he s ur face ten s ion o f the fo am s olution prep a re d from the concentrate, a fter temp eratu re cond ition i ng

in accordance with A.2 , at the s uppl ier's re com mende d concentration, s ha l l b e de term i ne d i n accordance

with E.2.
T he va lue ob tai ne d a fter temp eratu re cond ition i ng s ha l l no t b e le s s than 0 ,9 5 ti me s , or more tha n

1 , 0 5 ti me s , the va lue ob ta i ne d b e fore temp eratu re cond ition i ng.

10 Interfacial tension between the foam solution and cyclohexane

10.1 General
I nter fac ia l ten s ion sh a l l on ly b e te s te d on fo am agents wh ich a re de clare d b y the manu fac tu rer to b e

aque ou s fi l m form i ng.

10.2 Be fore temperature conditioning

Before temperature conditioning in accordance with A.2 ff , the d i f erence b e twe en (a) the i nter ac ia l

ten s ion f
b e twe en the o am f
s olution f
prep a re d rom the o am concentrate and c yclohexa ne (when

determined in accordance with E.3) and (b) the characteristic value for interfacial tension shall not
e xce e d 1 , 0 m N/m or 10 % o f the ch arac teri s tic va lue, wh ichever i s gre ater.

10.3 Temperature sensitivity

After temperature conditioning in accordance with A.2 , the i nter facial tens ion b etween the fo am s olution
prep ared from the fo am concentrate and c yclohexane shal l b e determ ine d i n accordance with E.3.
T he two va lue s ob tai ne d b e fore a nd a fter temp eratu re cond ition i ng s ha l l no t d i ffer b y more th an

0 , 5 m N/m .

11 Spreading coe fficient o f the foam solution on cyclohexane

T he s pre ad i ng co e ffic ient s ha l l on ly b e te s te d on fo am agents wh ich are de clare d by the ma nu fac tu rer

to b e aque ou s fi l m form i ng.

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Before and after temperature conditioning in accordance with A.2 , the spreading coefficient of the foam
solution prepared from a concentrate claimed by the supplier to be “film- forming” shall be positive
when calculated in accordance with E.4.
NOTE Foam concentrates con forming with this clause are more likely to be o f type AFFF or FFFP than o f
type FP, P, F3 or S.

12 Expansion

12.1 Medium-expansion foam concentrates — Limits

The foam produced from the foam concentrate, be fore and a fter temperature conditioning in accordance
with A.2 , with potable water and, i f appropriate, with the synthetic sea water of H.2.4, shall have an
expansion o f not less than 21 when tested in accordance with Annex F.

12.2 High-expansion foam concentrate — Limits

The foam produced from the foam concentrate, be fore and a fter temperature conditioning in accordance
with A.2 , with potable water and, i f appropriate, with the synthetic sea water o f I.2.4, shall have an
expansion o f not less than 201 when tested in accordance with Annex G .

13 Test fire performance

The foam produced from the foam concentrate with potable water, and i f appropriate, with the synthetic
sea water according to H.2.4 and/or I.2.4, shall have an extinguishing performance class and burn-back
resistance level as specified in Table 1 when tested in accordance with Annex H or Annex I, or both, as
Table 1 — Test fire per formance

Types o f expansion foam Medium-expansion foam High-expansion foam

Extinction time, seconds Not more than 120 Not more than 150
1 % burn-back time, seconds Not less than 30 Not applicable

14 Marking, packaging and specification sheet

14.1 Marking

14.1.1 The following information shall be marked on the shipping container:

a) designation (identi fying name) o f the concentrate and, as appropriate, the words “medium” or
“high”, or “medium and high” and “expansion foam concentrate”;
b) if the concentrate complies with Clause 11 , the words “aqueous film-forming”;
c) recommended concentration for use (most commonly 1 %, 3 % or 6 %);
d) any tendency o f the foam concentrate to cause harm ful physical e ffects, the methods required to
avoid them and the first aid treatment i f they should occur;
e) recommended storage temperature and temperature o f use;
f) if the concentrate complies with Clause 5 , the words “Not a ffected by freezing and thawing” or, i f
the foam concentrate does not comply with Clause 5 , the words “Do not freeze”;
g) nominal quantity in the container;

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

h) s uppl ier's name a nd add re s s;

i) b atch nu mb er;

j) word s “No t s uitable for u s e with s e a water ” or “Su itable for u s e with s e a water ”, a s appropri ate .

WARNING — It is extremely important that the foam concentrate, a fter dilution with water to
the recommended concentration, shall not, in normal usage, present a significant toxic hazard
to li fe in relation to the environment.

NO TE Re co m mende d s torage temp eratu re a nd temp eratu re o f u s e a re the s a me i f the p ro duc t i s m a rke d “do

no t fre e z e”.

14.1.2 Markings on shipping containers shall be permanent and legible.

14.1.3 I t is reco mmended that no n- N ewto nian co ncentrates b e ap p ro p riately identified.

14.1.4 Fo am co ncentrates co mp lying with I S O 7 2 0 3 - 1 s hall als o b e marked “lo w- exp ans io n”.

14.1.5 Fo am co ncentrates in acco rdance with I S O 7 2 0 3 - 3 s hall als o b e marked “alco ho l res is tant”.

14.2 Packaging
The packaging of the foam concentrate shall ensure that the essential characteristics of the concentrate
a re pre s er ve d when s tore d and ha nd le d i n accorda nce with the s uppl ier's re com mendation s .

14.3 Specification sheet

14.3.1 I f reques ted by the us er, the s up p lier s hall p rovide a lis t o f the characteris tic values .

14.3.2 I f the fo am co ncentrate is N ewto nian and the vis co s ity at the lo wes t temp erature fo r us e is mo re

than 200 mm2 /s when meas ured in acco rdance with I S O 3 1 0 4, it s hall b e marked with the wo rds “This

co ncentrate can require s p ecial p ro p o rtio ning equip ment”.

14.3.3 I f the fo am co ncentrate is p s eudo - p las tic and the vis co s ity at the lowes t temp erature fo r us e is

greater than o r equal to 1 2 0 mPa⋅ s at 3 7 5 /s , it s hall b e marked “This co ncentrate can require s p ecial

p ro p o rtio ning equip ment”.

14.3.4 I t is reco mmended that no n- N ewto nian co ncentrates b e ap p ro p riately identified.

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Annex A
Preliminary sampling and conditioning o f the foam concentrate

A.1 Preliminary sampling

T he s ampl i ng me tho d sh a l l en s u re repre s entative s ample s , whe ther ta ken from a bu l k contai ner or a

number of individual packages.

Store s ample s i n fu l ly clo s e d contai ners .

NO TE C onta i ners with a c ap ac ity o f 2 0 l a re s u itab le .

A.2 Conditioning o f foam concentrate

A.2.1 I f the s up p lier claims that the co ncentrate is no t advers ely a ffected by freezing and thawing,

co nditio n the co ncentrate s amp le thro ugh fo ur cycles o f freezing and thawing, generally as des crib ed

in B.2 , b e fo re co nditio ning in acco rdance with A.2.2 . I f the fo am co ncentrate is advers ely a ffected by

freezing and thawing, it s hall b e co nditio ned acco rding to A.2.2 without prior freezing and thawing.
A.2.2 C o nditio n the co ncentrate in the s ealed co ntainer fo r 7 d at (6 0 ± 2 ) °C , fo llo wed by 1 d at

(2 0 ± 5 ) °C .

A.3 Subsequent testing

Test samples prepared in accordance with A.1 A.1 and A.2 as appropriate. Shake the sample container
, or

before sampling for further tests.

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Annex B
Determination o f tolerance to freezing and thawing

B.1 Apparatus
The usual laboratory apparatus and, in particular, the following.
B.1.1 Freezing chamber, capable o f achieving the temperatures required in B.2.
B.1.2 Polyethylene tube , approximately 10 mm in diameter, approximately 400 mm long and sealed
and weighted at one end, with suitable spacers attached.
Figure B.1 shows a typical form.
B.1.3 Measuring cylinder, glass, o f 500 ml capacity, approximately 400 mm high and approximately
65 mm in diameter, with a stopper.

B.2 Procedure
Set the temperature of the freezing chamber (B.1.1) to at least 10 °C below the freezing point of the
sample, measured in accordance with BS 5117-1.3, excluding 5.2.
To prevent the glass measuring cylinder ( B.1.3 ) from breaking due to expansion o f the foam concentrate
on freezing, insert the tube ( B.1.2 ) into the measuring cylinder with the sealed end downward, weighted
i f necessary to avoid flotation, the spacers ensuring it remains approximately on the central axis o f the
cylinder. Fill the cylinder and fit the stopper.
Place the cylinder in the freezing chamber, cool it and maintain at the required temperature for 24 h.
At the end o f this period, thaw the sample for not less than 24 h and not more than 96 h in an ambient
temperature o f (20 ± 5) °C.
Repeat three times to give four cycles o f freezing and thawing be fore testing.
Examine the sample for stratification and non-homogeneity.

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Nominal dimensions in millimetres

1 spacers (e.g. plastic cable strap)
2 mass at sealed end
Figure B.1 — Typical form o f polyethylene tube

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Annex C
Determination o f volume percentage o f sediment

C.1 Sampling
Use a sample prepared in accordance with A.1 . Ensure that any sediment is dispersed by shaking the
sample container. Take two samples, testing one immediately and the other a fter ageing for (24 ± 2) h at
(60 ± 2) °C in a filled container without access to air.

C.2 Apparatus

The usual laboratory apparatus and, in particular, the following.

C.2.1 Centri fuge tubes , graduated.

Centri fuge tubes complying with ISO 3734 are suitable.

C.2.2 Centri fuge , operating at (6 000 ± 600) m/s 2 .

A centri fuge complying with ISO 3734 is suitable.

C.2 .3 Sieve , o f nominal aperture size 180 µm, complying with ISO 3310-1.

C.2.4 Wash bottle , plastic.

C.3 Procedure

Centri fuge each sample o f the concentrate for (10 ± 1) min. Determine the volume o f the sediment and
record it as a percentage of volume of the centrifuged sample volume.
Wash the contents of the centrifuge tube (C.2.1) onto the sieve (C.2.3) and check whether the sediment
can or cannot be dispersed through the sieve by the jet from the plastic wash bottle (C.2.4).

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Annex D
Determination o f viscosity for pseudo-plastic foam concentrates

D.1 General
This annex gives the procedure for determining the viscosity for pseudo-plastic foam concentrates. The
procedure is described in ISO 3219.
NOTE Pseudo-plastic foam concentrates are a particular class of non-Newtonian foam concentrate and have
a viscosity which decreases with increasing shear rate at constant temperature.

D.2 Viscosity determination

D.2.1 Apparatus
The usual laboratory apparatus and the following.

D.2.1.1 Rotational viscometer, in accordance with ISO 3219 with the following parameters:
— maximum shear stress o f ≥75 Pa;
— maximum shear rate o f ≥600/s.
The viscometer shall be fitted with a temperature control unit which can maintain the sample
temperature within ±1 °C o f the required temperature.
D.2.2 Test temperatures
The viscosity o f the foam concentrate shall be measured from 20 °C down to, and including, the lowest
temperature for use claimed by the manu facturer, in increments o f 10 °C. Use a fresh sample for each
D.2.3 Viscosity measurement
I f the sample contains suspended air bubbles, the sample shall be centri fuged for 10 min using the
apparatus specified in C.2.1 and C.2.2 before the sample is placed in the apparatus.
The test should be performed according to the following test procedure:
a) Adjust the temperature control unit.
b) Set the gap.
c) Apply the sample.
d) Wait a minimum o f 10 min (with no shear) to reach temperature equilibrium.
e) Pre-shear for 1 min at 600/s.
f) Wait 1 min without shearing.
g) Measure the shear stress for 10 s at each shear rate, starting at the lowest shear rate (pre ferably
at 75/s).
12 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

h) M e a s ure the s he ar s tre s s at a m i n i mu m o f eight d i fferent s he ar rate s over the range (0/s to 6 0 0/s) ,

e . g. 75/s , 1 5 0/s , 2 2 5/s , 3 0 0/s , 3 75/s , 45 0/s , 5 2 5/s , 6 0 0/s . C a lc u l ate the app a rent vi s co s ity, v,
expre s s e d i n m i l l ip a s c a l- s e cond s , a s given i n Formula (D.1)
v = 1 000 × 1
s1 i s the she a r s tre s s , expre s s e d i n p a s c a l s;

s2 i s the she a r rate, e xpre s s e d i n re c ipro c a l s e cond s .

D.2.4 Results
Rep or t the re s u lts a s a table i nclud i ng te s t temp eratu re, e xpre s s e d i n degre e s C el s iu s , the she ar rate,

e xpre s s e d i n re c ipro c a l s e cond s , the s he ar s tre s s , expre s s e d i n re cipro c a l s e cond s , and the app arent

vi s co s ity, e xpre s s e d i n m i l l ip as c a l- s e cond s .

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Annex E
Determination o f surface tension, interfacial tension and
spreading coe fficient

E.1 Reagents and materials

E.1.1 Solution o f foam concentrate , at the reco mmended co ncentratio n fo r us e in fres hly made

analytical water co mp lying with grade 3 of I SO 3 696: 1 9 87 and with s ur face tens io n no t les s than

70 mN/m.
NO TE T he s olution c a n b e m ade up i n a 10 0 m l vo lu me tr ic fl a s k, u s i ng a pip e tte to me a s u re the fo a m
E.1.2 Cyclohexane , o f p urity no t les s than 9 9 %, fo r inter facial tens io n and s p reading co e fficient o nly.

E.2 Procedure for surface tension

Determine the surface tension of the solution (E.1.1 ) at a temp eratu re o f (2 0 ± 1) ° C , u s i ng the ri ng

method in accordance with ISO 304.

E.3 Procedure for interfacial tension
After measuring the surface tension in accordance with E.2 , i ntro duce a layer o f c yclohexa ne ( E.1.2)
at (2 0 ± 1) ° C onto the E.1.1
o am s olution ( f ) , b ei ng c a re u l to avoid contac t b e twe en the ri ng and the

c yclohe xane . Wa it (6 ± 1) m i n a nd then me as u re the i nter fac ia l ten s ion .

E.4 Spreading coe fficient

C a lc u l ate the s pre ad i ng co e fficient, S, expre s s e d in m i l l i new ton s p er me tre (m N/m) , b e twe en the

solution (E.1.1 ) and c yclohexane ( E.1.2) from Formula (E.1):

S = Yc − Yf − Yi (E.1)
Yc i s the s u r face ten s ion o f the c yclohe xane, expre s s e d i n m i l l i new ton s p er me tre;

Yf i s the s u r face ten s ion o f the fo a m s olution, e xpre s s e d i n m i l l i new ton s p er me tre;

Yi i s the i nter fac ia l ten s ion b e twe en the fo am s olution and c yclohe xa ne, expre s s e d i n m i l l i new ton s

per metre.

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Annex F
Determination o f expansion and drainage time for medium-
expansion foam concentrates

F.1 Apparatus
The usual laboratory apparatus and, in particular, the following.
F.1.1 Collecting vessel , plastic, cylindrical, o f volume known to ±1 %, equipped with a bottom
discharge facility, as shown in Figure F.1.

F.1.2 Foam-making equipment, with nozzle as shown in Figures F.2 and F.3 which, when tested
with water, has a flow rate o f between 3,1 l/min and 3,4 l/min at a nozzle pressure o f (500 ± 10) kPa
[(5,0 ± 0,1) bar].

F.1.3 Stop watch , or other timing device.

F.2 Temperature conditions

Carry out the tests under the following temperature conditions:
— air temperature (20 ± 5) °C;
— foam solution temperature (17,5 ± 2,5) °C.

F.3 Procedure

F.3.1 Prepare two samples of foam concentrate in accordance with Annex A. Condition one in
accordance with Annex A.
F.3.2 Carry out the remainder o f the procedure for each sample on the same day. Prepare a foam
solution o f each sample following the supplier's recommendations for concentration, maximum premix
time, compatibility with the test equipment, avoiding contamination by other types o f foam, etc. Use
potable water to make up the foam solutions and, i f the supplier claims that the concentrate is suitable for
sea water, also make foam solutions at the same concentration using the synthetic sea water prepared in
accordance with F.4. The concentration used in synthetic sea water shall be the same as the concentration
used in potable water.
F.3.3 Wet the vessel internally and weigh it. Record the mass as m 1 . Set up the foam equipment and
adjust the nozzle pressure to within the range (500 ± 10) kPa [(5,0 ± 0,1) bar] to give a flow rate between
3,1 l/min and 3,4 l/min. With discharge facility closed, collect foam, taking care that voids are not formed
in the vessel, and start the timing device when the vessel is half full. As soon as the vessel is full, stop

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collecting foam and strike the foam surface level with the rim, and clean the exterior surface o f the vessel
of foam. Weigh the vessel and record the mass as m 2 .
Calculate the expansion, E, from Formula (F.1):
m2 − m1
V is the vessel volume, expressed in litres;
m1 is the mass, expressed in kilograms, o f the empty vessel;
m2 is the mass, expressed in kilograms, o f the full vessel.
Assume that the density o f the foam solution is 1,0 kg/l.
Open the drainage facility and measure the 25 % and 50 % drainage time. Determine the drainage
either by placing the vessel on a set o f scales and recording the mass loss or by collecting the drained
foam solution in a measuring cylinder. Adjust the drainage facility such that the drained foam solution
can flow out but the passage o f foam is prevented. For each sample carry out the test three times.
F.3.4 For each sample, calculate the mean values o f the three tests for the expansion and 25 % and
50 % drainage time.
F.4 Synthetic sea water
Prepare the synthetic sea water by dissolving the components as given in Table F.1.
Table F.1 — Components o f synthetic sea water

Percent mass fraction Component Chemical formula

2,50 Sodium chloride NaCl
1,10 Magnesium chloride MgCl 2⋅6H 2 O
0,16 Calcium chloride CaCl 2⋅2H 2 O
0,40 Sodium sulfate Na2 SO 4
95,84 Potable water —

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Dimensions in millimetres

1 f
b o tto m dis charge acility

NOTE 1 All dimensions are nominal.

NOTE 2 Nominal volume is 200 l.
Figure F.1 — Collecting vessel for determination o f expansion and drainage time

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

1 ring Number Size
2 net 1
3 pipe 1
4 nut 1
5 acorn nut 1 M6M 6
6 nipple 3 MHM 6
7 tee 1 G- 1 /4″- 1 /8 ″

8 nipple 1 G- 1 /4″

9 valve 1 G- 1 /4″

10 nipple 1 G- 1 /4″

11 nozzle 1 G- 1 /4″- 3 /8 ″

12 collar 1 G- 1 /8 ″ GG3 , 5

13 pressure gauge 1 12
1 G- 1 /4″ 1 - 1 , 6 M Pa D = 40
a The no zzle s hall b e co axial with the b arrel o f the fo am b ranch.

b The pressure gauge shall be positioned so as not to interfere with the air inlet of the branch.
Figure F.2 — Medium-expansion foam-making nozzle

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Dimensions in millimetres

a The s creen s hall b e 2 4 mes h p er inch, with a wire diameter o f 0 , 4 mm.

Figure F.3 — Net (2)

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Annex G
Determination o f expansion and drainage time for high-expansion
foam concentrates

G.1 Apparatus
The usual laboratory apparatus and, in particular, the following.
G.1.1 Collecting vessel (see Figure G.1), o f volume, V, o f approximately 500 l and that is accurately
known to ±5 l, equipped with a drain at the base.

G.1.2 High-expansion foam generator, with nozzle as shown in Figures G.2, G.3 and G.4 that, when
tested with water, has a flow rate o f between 6,0 l/min and 6,2 l/min at a nozzle pressure o f (500 ± 10) kPa
[(5,0 ± 0,1) bar].

G.1.3 Stop watch , or other timing device.

G.2 Temperature conditions

Carry out the tests under the following temperature conditions:

— air temperature (20 ± 5) °C;
— foam solution temperature (17,5 ± 2,5) °C.

G.3 Procedure

G.3.1 Prepare two samples of foam concentrate in accordance with Annex A. Condition one in
accordance with Annex A.
G.3 .2 Carry out the remainder o f the procedure for each sample on the same day. Prepare a foam
solution o f each sample following the supplier's recommendations for concentration, maximum
premix time, compatibility with the test equipment, avoiding contamination by other types o f foam,
etc. Use potable water to make up the foam solutions and, i f the supplier claims that the concentrate is
suitable for sea water, also make foam solutions at the same concentration using the synthetic sea water
prepared in accordance with G.4. The concentration used in synthetic sea water shall be the same as the
concentration used in potable water.
G.3 .3 Wet the vessel internally and weigh it. Record the mass as m 1 . Set up the foam equipment and
adjust the nozzle pressure within the range (500 ± 10) kPa [(5,0 ± 0,1) bar] to give a flow rate o f between
6,0 l/min and 6,2 l/min. With the drain at the base closed, collect foam, taking care that voids are not
formed in the vessel. Start the timing device when the vessel is hal f full. As soon as the vessel is full, stop

20 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

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collecting foam, strike the foam surface level with the rim, and clean the exterior surface o f the vessel o f
foam. Weigh the vessel and record the mass as m 2 .
Calculate the expansion, E, from Formula (G.1) :
E= (G.1)
m 2 − m1
V is the vessel volume, expressed in litres;
m1 is the mass, expressed in kilograms, of the empty vessel;
m 2 is the mass, expressed in kilograms, of the full vessel.
Assume that the density o f the foam solution is 1,0 kg/l.
Open the drainage facility and measure the 25 % and 50 % drainage time. Determine the drainage
either by placing the vessel on a set o f scales and recording the mass loss or by collecting the drained
foam solution in a measuring cylinder. Adjust the drainage facility such that the drained foam solution
can flow out but the passage o f foam is prevented. For each sample, carry out the test three times.
G.3.4 For each sample, calculate the mean values o f the three tests for the expansion and the 25 % and
50 % drainage time.
G.4 Synthetic sea water
Prepare the synthetic sea water by dissolving the components as given in Table G.1 .
Table G.1 — Components o f synthetic sea water

Percent mass fraction Component Chemical formula

2,50 Sodium chloride NaCl
1,10 Magnesium chloride MgCl 2⋅6H 2 O
0,16 Calcium chloride CaCl 2⋅2H 2 O
0,40 Sodium sulfate Na2 SO 4
95,84 Potable water —

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

1 f
b o tto m dis charge acility

NOTE 1 All dimensions are nominal.

NOTE 2 Nominal volume is 500 l.
Figure G.1 — Collecting vessel for determination o f expansion and drainage time

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

1 housing Number Dimension Material
2 ring 1
3 perforated plate 1
4 motor (1 400 rpm; 0,3 HP; 50 Hz; 3 ph; 380 VAC) 1 1 mm SS 1312
5 fan (1 400 rpm; 7,5 mm water, 2 000 m 3 /h) ∅405 mm, ∅10 × 12
6 screw 1
7 nut 1
8 washer 8 M6S 6 × 16 SS 2343
9 support 8 M6M 6 SS 2343
10 screw 8 RB 6,4 SS 2343
11 washer 2
12 nut 20 M6S 6 × 14 SS 2343
13 nut 20 RB 8,4 SS 2343
14 screen 6 M6M 8 SS 2343
15 valve 4 MVM-K 6 SS 2343
16 pressure gauge 1
17 tee 1 OLO R ¼″
18 nipple 1 ∅63R¼″,0-10 bar galvanized
19 pipe 1 galvanized
20 bend 2
21 nozzle 1
22 inspection cover 1 galvanized
23 screw 1 ¼″HH 6,5
24 washer 1
25 handle 1 M6S 5 × 16 SS 2343
1 ∅18/5,5 × 2 SS 2343
Figure G.2 — High-expansion foam generator — General arrangement

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Dimensions in millimetres

1 housing (2 mm plate)
2 ring
26 collar
27 and 28 screen supports (2 mm plate)
29 bar reinforcement
30 legs
31 screw
32 nut
Figure G.3 — High-expansion foam generator — Housing (1)

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Dimensions in millimetres

33 s up p o rt ring (1 , 5 mm p late)

34 p er fo rated s creen (0 , 7 mm p late, 2 mm ho les at 3 mm p itch)

Figure G.4 — High-expansion foam generator — Screen (14)

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Annex H
Determination o f test fire performance for medium-expansion
foam concentrates

H.1 General
T h i s an nex s p e ci fie s the pro ce du re for de term i n i ng the tes t fi re p er formance for me d iu m- e xp an s ion

fo a m concentrate s . T he te s ts de s c rib e d i n th i s a n nex are more e xp en s ive and ti me - con s u m i ng tha n the

o ther te s ts des c rib e d i n th i s do c u ment. I t i s re com mende d that they b e ca rrie d out at the end o f the te s t

pro gra m me, s o a s to avoid the exp en s e o f un ne ce s s a r y te s ti ng.

Te s ti ng at temp eratu re s ab ove the range re qui re d b y th i s do c u ment c an re s u lt i n p o or p er formance a nd

wi l l no t re s u lt i n con form ity to th i s do c ument.

H.2 General conditions

H.2.1 Test series and criteria for success

H.2.1.1 Foam concentrates not compatible with sea water

C a rr y out two or th re e te s ts (the th i rd te s t i s no t ne ce s s a r y i f the fi rs t two a re b o th s ucce s s fu l or i f

neither are successful). The concentrate conforms to Clause 13 if two tests are successful.
H.2.1.2 Foam concentrates compatible with sea water

C onduc t one te s t with p o table water (tes t 1) and the o ther (te s t 2 ) with s ynthe tic s e a water o f the

composition given in F.4 . I f b o th a re s ucce s s fu l, rep e at the te s t with the gre ater o f the two ex ti nc tion

ti mes (te s t 3 ) . I f the e xti nc tion ti me s a re identic a l, rep e at the s e a water te s t. I f the rep e at te s t i s

s ucce s s fu l, the te s t s erie s i s comple te .

I f the rep e at te s t i s u n s ucce s s fu l, ca rr y out a fu r ther rep e at te s t (te s t 4) . I f that te s t then fa i l s , term i nate

that series.
I f one o f the fi rs t two te s ts (te s t 1 or 2 ) i s no t s ucce s s fu l , rep e at that te s t. I f th i s rep e at te s t i s s ucce s s fu l,

conduc t a s e cond rep e at te s t; o ther wi s e term i nate the te s t s erie s . T he concentrate con form s to

Clause 13 if three tests are successful.

Figure H.1 gives a graphic version of the decision tree.

26 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

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H.2.2 Decision tree fire test protocol

Figure H.1 — Decision tree for fire per formance test on water-immiscible fuels

H.2 .3 Temperature and wind speed

C arr y out the te s ts u nder the fol lowi ng cond ition s:

— ai r temp erature (5 − 4 0) ° C;

— fuel temp eratu re (17, 5 ± 2 , 5 ) ° C;

— water temp eratu re (17, 5 ± 2 , 5 ) ° C;

— fo am s olution temp eratu re (17, 5 ± 2 , 5 ) ° C;

— ma xi mum wi nd s p e e d i n the 3 m/s.

proxi m ity o f the fi re tray

NO TE I f ne ce s s a r y, s ome for m o f wi nd- s c re en c a n b e u s e d .

H.2 .4 Records

D u ri ng the fi re te s t, re cord the fol lowi ng:

a) lo c ation;

b) ai r temp erature;

© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved 27

ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

c) fuel temperature;
d) water temperature;
e) foam solution temperature;
f ) wind speed;
g) 90 % control time;
h) 99 % control time;
i) extinction time;
j) 1 % burn-back time.
It is recommended that the time is recorded at 1 % burn-back. Control times and burn-back time can be
determined either visually by an experienced person or from thermal radiation measurements. Annex J
gives details o f a method suitable for medium-expansion foams.
H.2.5 Foam solution
Prepare a foam solution following the recommendations from the supplier for concentration, maximum
premix time, compatibility with the test equipment, avoiding contamination by other types o f foam, etc.
Use potable water to prepare the foam solution and, i f the supplier claims that the concentrate is
suitable for use in sea water, make a second foam solution at the same concentration using synthetic sea
water in accordance with G.4.
H.2.6 Fuel
Use an aliphatic hydrocarbon mixture having physical properties according to the following
a) distillation range: 84 °C to 105 °C;
b) maximum di fference between initial and final boiling points: 10 °C;
c) maximum aromatic content: 1 % mass fraction;
d) density at 15 °C: (700 ± 20) kg/m 3 .
NOTE 1 The normal value o f sur face tension o f the aliphatic hydrocarbon mixture measured in accordance
with H.2.1 is 21 mN/m to 22 mN/m.
NOTE 2 Typical fuels meeting this specification are certain solvent fractions sometimes re ferred to as
commercial heptane.

H.3 Fire test

H.3.1 Apparatus
The usual laboratory apparatus and, in particular, the following.

28 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

H.3.1.1 Circular fire tray, stainless steel grade X5CrNi18-10 (ISO 3506: A2; ASTM: 304304; UNS:
S30400), with dimensions as follows:
— internal diameter at rim (1 480 ± 15) mm;
— depth (150 ± 10) mm;
— nominal thickness o f steel wall 2,5 mm
NOTE The tray has an area o f approximately 1,73 m 2 .

H.3.1.2 Foam-making equipment, as described in F.1.2.

H.3.1.3 Burn-back pot, stainless steel grade X5CrNi18-10 (ISO 3506: A2; ASTM: 304304; UNS:
S30400), o f nominal thickness 2,5 mm, diameter (150 ± 5) mm and height (150 ± 5) mm, with a bracket
so that it can be suspended directly on the rim o f the fire tray.
The upper rim o f the burn-back pot shall be level with, and in contact with, the upper rim o f the fire tray.
H.3.2 Test procedure

Place the tray directly on the ground and ensure that it is level. Add approximately 30 l o f water and
(55 ± 2) l o f fuel to give a nominal 50 mm fuel depth, with approximately 100 mm between the fuel
sur face and the upper rim o f the tray wall.
Suspend the burn-back pot containing (0,9 ± 0,1) l o f fuel on the sheltered side o f the fire tray.
Ignite the fuel not less than 3 min and not more than 5 min after adding it. Not less than 45 s after full
involvement o f the sur face o f the fuel, mount the medium-expansion nozzle horizontally on the rim o f
the tray, as shown in Figure H.2 . Start foam application (60 ± 2) s a fter full involvement. Apply foam for
(120 ± 2) s. Record the extinction time as the time a fter the start o f foam application at which all flames
in the fire tray are extinguished. Following foam application, allow the fire in the burn-back pot to burn
until sustained flames appear above the foam blanket. Record this time as the 1 % burn-back time.
I f the burn-back pot is extinguished due to overflow o f foam during foam application, re-ignite it

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

1 foam-making nozzle
2 tray
3 burn-back pot, suspended outside tray
4 fuel
5 water
Figure H.2 — Test fire arrangement for medium-expansion foam

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Annex I
Determination o f test fire performance for high-expansion foam

I.1 General
T h i s an nex s p e c i fie s the pro ce dure for de term i n i ng the te s t fi re p er formance for h igh- exp an s ion fo am
concentrate s . T he te s ts de s c rib e d i n th i s an ne x a re more exp en s ive and ti me - con s um i ng tha n the o ther

te s ts de s crib e d i n th i s do c u ment. I t i s re com mende d th at they b e c a rrie d out at the end o f the te s t

pro gram me, s o a s to avoid the e xp en s e o f u n ne ce s s a r y te s ti ng.

Te s ti ng at temp erature s ab ove the range re qu i re d b y th i s do c ument c a n re s u lt i n p o or p er forma nce and

wi l l no t re s u lt i n con form ity to th i s do c u ment.

I.2 General conditions

I.2.1 Test series and criteria for success

I.2.1.1 Foam concentrates not compatible with sea water

C arr y out two or th re e te s ts (the th i rd te s t i s no t ne ce s s ar y i f the fi rs t two a re b o th s ucce s s fu l or i f

neither are successful). The concentrate conforms to Clause 13 if two tests are successful.
I.2.1.2 Foam concentrates compatible with sea water

C onduc t one te s t with p o table water (te s t 1) a nd the o ther (te s t 2 ) with s ynthe tic s e a water o f the

composition given in G .4. I f b o th a re s ucce s s fu l , rep e at the te s t with the gre ater o f the two e xti nc tion

ti me s (te s t 3 ) . I f the e xti nc tion ti me s a re identic a l , rep e at the s e a water te s t. I f the rep e at te s t i s

s ucce s s fu l, the te s t s erie s i s comple te .

I f the rep e at te s t i s un s ucce s s fu l , c arr y out a fur ther rep e at te s t (te s t 4) . I f that te s t then fa i l s , term i nate

that series.
I f one o f the fi rs t two te s ts (te s t 1 or 2 ) i s no t s ucce s s fu l, rep e at th at te s t. I f th i s rep e at te s t i s s ucce s s fu l,

conduc t a s e cond rep e at te s t; o ther wi s e term i nate the te s t s erie s . T he concentrate con form s to

Clause 13 if three tests are successful.

Figure I.1 gives a graphic version of the decision tree.

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

I.2.2 Decision tree fire test protocol

Figure I.1 — Decision tree for fire per formance test on water-immiscible fuels

I.2 .3 Temperature and wind speed

C a rr y out the te s ts under the fol lowi ng cond ition s:

— ai r temp eratu re (5 − 4 0) ° C;

— fuel temp erature (17, 5 ± 2 , 5 ) ° C;

— water temp erature (17, 5 ± 2 , 5 ) ° C;

— fo am s olution temp erature (17, 5 ± 2 , 5 ) ° C;

— ma xi mu m wi nd s p e e d i n the 3 m/s.
proxi m ity o f the fi re tray

NO TE I f ne ce s s a r y, s o me fo rm o f wi nd- s c re en c a n b e u s e d .

I.2 .4 Records

D uri ng the fi re te s t, re cord the fol lowi ng:

a) lo c ation;

b) ai r temp eratu re;

32 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

c) f uel temperature;
d) water temperature;
e) f oam solution temperature;
f ) wind speed;
g) 90 % control time;
h) 99 % control time;
i) extinction time.
NOTE Control times can be determined visually by an experienced person.

I.2.5 Foam solution

Prepare a foam solution following the recommendations from the supplier for concentration, maximum
premix time, compatibility with the test equipment, avoiding contamination by other types o f foam, etc.
Use potable water to prepare the foam solution and, i f the supplier claims that the concentrate is
suitable for use in sea water, make a second foam solution at the same concentration using synthetic sea
water in accordance with G.4.
I.2.6 Fuel
Use an aliphatic hydrocarbon mixture having physical properties according to the following
a) Distillation range: 84 °C to 105 °C;
b) Maximum di fference between initial and final boiling points: 10 °C;
c) Maximum aromatic content: 1 % mass fraction;
d) Density at 15 °C: (700 ± 20) kg/m 3 .
NOTE 1 The normal value o f sur face tension o f the aliphatic hydrocarbon mixture measured in accordance
with I.2.1 is 21 mN/m to 22 mN/m.
NOTE 2 Typical fuels meeting this specification are certain solvent fractions sometimes re ferred to as
commercial heptane.

I.3 Fire test

I.3.1 Apparatus
The usual laboratory apparatus and, in particular, the following.

I.3.1.1 Circular fire tray, stainless steel grade X5CrNi18-10 (ISO 3506: A2; ASTM: 304304; UNS:
S30400), with dimensions as follows:
— internal diameter at rim (1 480 ± 15) mm;
— depth (150 ± 10) mm;
— nominal thickness o f steel wall 2,5 mm.
NOTE The tray has an area o f approximately 1,73m 2 .

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

I.3.1.2 High-expansion foam generator, as described in G.1.2, mounted horizontally (650 ± 50) mm
above the ground.
I.3.1.3 Fire screens , o f nominal 5 mm square metal mesh, to form the nominal arrangement shown in
Figure I.2.
I.3.2 Test procedure

Place the tray directly on the ground and ensure that it is level. Add approximately 30 l o f water and
(55 ± 2) l o f fuel to give a nominal 50 mm fuel depth, with approximately 100 mm between the fuel
sur face and the upper rim o f the tray wall.
Place the net screens around the fire tray as shown in Figure I.2. Ignite the fuel not less than 3 min and
not more than 5 min a fter adding it. Not less than 45 s a fter full involvement o f the sur face o f the fuel,
commence foam generation with the foam generator no nearer than 3 m to the tray.
Wait (60 ± 2) s a fter full involvement, then move the foam generator to the opening in the net screen
and apply foam to the fire. Apply foam for (120 ± 2) s. Record the extinction time as the period from the
start o f foam application to extinction.

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Dimensions in metres

1 foam-making nozzle
2 tray
3 burn-back pot, suspended outside tray
4 fuel
5 water
NOTE All dimensions are nominal.
Figure I.2 — Test fire arrangement for high-expansion foam

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Annex J
Determination o f radiation measurement method

J.1 Evaluation
Rad i ation me as u rement i s a conven ient a nd obj e c tive way to monitor the p er formance o f a fo am du ri ng

the fi re p er formance te s t. I t re duce s the ne e d for vi s ua l ob s er vation s (excep t for fl ame fl ickers and ti me

ne ce s s ar y for comple te e xti nc tion) .

T h i s an nex de s crib e s the e qu ipment and pro ce du re u s e d i n a s erie s o f te s ts i n one te s ti ng lab orator y,

and the methods used to interpret and present the results. See Reference [6 ] for de ta i l s . T he me tho d i s

s u itable for low- and me d iu m- exp an s ion fo am s , but no t for h igh- exp a n s ion fo am s .

J.2 General arrangement o f test

Rad iome ters s hou ld b e pl ace d d i ame tric a l ly i n relation to the tray, as shown i n Figu re J .1 . The distance
b e twe en the me ters a nd the ri m o f the tray s hou ld b e no t le s s th an twice the d ia me ter, D , o f the tray; the

height ab ove the ri m s hou ld b e no t le s s tha n 1 , 5 m .

NO TE T he m a xi mu m d i s ta nce i s l i m ite d b y the s en s itivity o f the rad io me ters .

Rad i ation level s s hou ld b e re corde d conti nuou sly or with i nter va l s no t exce e d i ng 1 s .

Dimensions in metres

1 radiometer
2 circular fire tray

Figure J.1 — Location o f radiometers for recording heat radiation during fire per formance tests

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

J.3 Technical data for radiometers

Two radiometers o f type Gordon or Schmidt-Boelter 1) should be used. The meters should be cooled
with water. The temperature o f the cooling water should be (30 ± 10) °C, held constant during the
The radiometers absorb at least 90 % o f the incoming radiation within the range o f wavelengths 0,6 µm
to 15 µm.
For a fully developed fire, the radiometer reading should be not less than 0,6 times the full scale.
The radiometers should have maximum non-linearity o f ±3 % o f nominal range o f measurement, and a
maximum response time o f 2 s (up to 63 % o f full response).
A radiometer with protective glass may be used, provided that the requirements on spectral sensitivity
are satisfied. I f it is considered necessary, the utilization o f the range o f measurement specified above
may be changed, i f the radiometers have a better linearity. Less than 40 % utilization is not advisable,
as the influence o f background radiation can have too great an e ffect.

J.4 Procedure
Correct the output from the two radiometers by deducting the background radiation recorded from 5 s
to 10 s a fter the moment o f complete extinction.
Determine the average value of the two radiometers.
Determine the average value of time of recorded radiation during the 25 s period beginning at 30 s
before the start of the foam application and ending 5 s before the start of foam application (see
Figure J.2 ).
Determine the relative radiation by dividing the output by the average value obtained in accordance
with the preceding paragraph.
The instantaneous radiation values are subject to random fluctuation. A smoother curve, which
facilitates interpretation, can be obtained by plotting radiation values averaged over a period o f ±5 s for
each time value.
The adjusted relative radiation is shown for the extinguishing test in Figure J.3 and for the burn-back
test in Figure J.4. A control of 90 % is equivalent to the relative radiation 0,1.
The description above implies that computer-controlled measuring practices should be applied.

1) The Medtherm Series 64 supplied by Medtherm Corp., PO Box 412, Huntsville, AL, USA is an example o f a
suitable product (apparatus) available commercially. This in formation is given for the convenience o f users o f this
document and does not constitute an endorsement by ISO o f this product (apparatus).
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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

X time, exp res s ed in minutes

Y radiatio n, exp res s ed in kilowatts p er s quare metre

NOTE Foam application starts at 1 min and stops at 5 min. The burn-back test starts at 15 min.
Figure J.2 — Typical absolute radiation levels throughout a test

X time, exp res s ed in minutes

Y relative radiatio n, dimens io nles s

NOTE Foam application starts at 0 min and stops at 4 min. 90 % control is achieved at about 1 min 8 s.
Figure J.3 — Typical relative radiation levels during extinction

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

X time, exp res s ed in minutes

Y relative radiatio n, dimens io nles s

NOTE Burn-back starts at 0 min. 25 % burn-back is at about 8 min 30 s.

Figure J.4 — Typical relative radiation levels during burn-back

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)

Annex K

K.1 Compatibility between foam concentrates and fire extinguishing powders

Where foam and powder might be applied simultaneously or successively, users should ensure that any
un favourable interaction does not cause an unacceptable loss o f e fficiency.
The small-scale fire-test detailed in Annex H may be used to evaluate the compatibility o f foam
concentrates and powders.
This test is carried out on the foam in question, and then repeated a fter the fuel has been covered in
powder as follows:
a) (500 ± 1) g powder is weighed into a 180 μm sieve, placed on a sheet o f paper or cardboard.
b) The sieve is held over the fuel, and the cardboard or paper removed.
c) The powder is then evenly distributed over the sur face o f the fuel from a height o f (150 ± 10) mm.
d) The fuel is lit not more than 60 s after the powder has been spread over the surface of the fuel.
I f the increase in extinction time is equal to or greater than 25 % longer than the result without
powder, then the combination o f powder and foam may be considered to lead to an unacceptable loss o f
e fficiency.
Likewise, a reduction in burn-back time by 25 % or more when powder is used indicates that the foam
and powder are incompatible.
K.2 Compatibility between foam concentrates
Foam concentrates o f di fferent manu facture, grade or class are frequently incompatible and should not
be mixed, unless it has first been established that an unacceptable loss o f e fficiency does not result.

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ISO 7203-2:2019(E)


[1] I S O 3 9 41 , Classification  o f  fires

[2 ] I S O 61 8 3 , Fire  protection  equipment  —  Carbon  dioxide  extinguishing  systems  for  use  on  premises  — 

Design  and  installation

[3 ] I S O 70 76 (a l l p a r ts) , Fire  protection  —  Foam  fire  extinguishing  systems
[4] I S O 7 2 01-1 , Fire  protection  —  Fire  extinguishing  media  —  Halogenated  hydrocarbons  —  Part  1: 

Specifications  for  halon  1211  and  halon  1301

[5 ] I S O 7 2 01-2 , Fire  extinguishing  media  —  Halogenated  hydrocarbons  —  Part  2:  Code  o f  practice  for 

safe  handling  and  transfer  procedures  o f  halon  1211  and  halon  1301
[6 ] I S O 7 2 02 , Fire  protection  —  Fire  extinguishing  media  —  Powder
[7 ] NORD T E S T Me tho d N T Fi re 02 3 , Fi re E x ti ngui s h i ng Fo am C oncentrate s

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