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Technology has become very important nowadays, that is because everything we

search for is found thanks to technology. Of course technology is a great tool if you
know how to use it but it also has bad points as a result of people who do not use it
for correct terms.
Obviously technology has improve and we can see it if we talk about
communication, nowadays we can communicate with everyone if we have a
smartphone, computer or from any kind of gadget, this is a great advantage since
we can communicate with people from different countries.
Another advantage is that we can use this devices if we need to search for any
kind of information and this helps for all students who need to investigate
something in internet, nowadays because of covid 19 it is important to have a
gadget, this is because we need to communicate with our teachers but we can not
be together.
In conclusion internet has change all our lives and I think that people depend too
much on technology nowadays.

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