Ipl01043 - Gaurav Mishra - Philosophy

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Rationalism is an epistemic viewpoint that "considers reason as the primary source and
test of knowledge" or "any perspective appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or
justification." On the other hand, the empiricist claims that all knowledge comes from
and is reducible to sense-perception; there is no knowledge that comes from reason alone.
Only the intellect, according to rationalists, is a reliable source for comprehending the
true nature of things; our senses aren't always correct and shouldn't be believed. They are
predicated on prior information. Empiricism is the concept that all knowledge comes
from sensory experience. A posteriori knowledge is used by empiricists.


PLATO described the material world as the reflection of the forms. He illustrated it
as the reflection of the “puppets like things” on the wall. Prisoners were forced to
see this reflection(material world) as their heads, hands and legs were tied to the
wall and they couldn't get up and see the real things(forms).


The substantial shape of an existent entity is called substance. The characteristics

or properties of the material are called accidents. For example, the brown chair has
wheels and a handle. Wood is used to make the chair. That is, the material is made
of wood. The accident was caused by the transformation of a log of wood into a
chair. The accident did not change the chair's essence because it is still composed
of wood, but it did add a secondary determination. The substance is dynamic rather
than static, and it can exist on its own but not by chance.


“Can we explain god?” is an epistemological question as this branch of philosophy

is concerned primarily with the criteria, nature, and possibility of knowledge.

“Does God exist?” is a metaphysical question as this branch of philosophy that

studies the nature and fundamental features of being.


A proposition is knowable,

a priori if it is knowable independently of experience,

while posteriori is knowable on the basis of experience.


“A bottle floating on water does not sink” is Posteriori

And “An empty bottle floats on water” is Priori.

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