Class Xii - Physics (Question Bank) - Dual Natutre of Matter and Radiation (Subj) - 04.02.2022

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1 |D U A L N A T U R E O F M A T T E R A N D R A D I A T I O N



1. There are materials which absorb photons of shorter wavelength and emit photons of longer
wavelength. Can there be stable substances which absorb photons of larger wavelength and emit
light of shorter wavelength?
2. Two monochromatic beams A and B of equal intensity I, hit a screen. The number of photons
hitting the screen by beam A is twice that by beam B, then what inference can you make about
their frequencies?
3. Two monochromatic radiations, blue and violet, of the same intensity are incident on a
photosensitive surface and cause photoelectric emission. Would
(i) the number of electrons emitted per second and
(ii) the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons be equal in the two cases? Justify your answer.
4. Draw a graph to show the variation of stopping potential with the frequency of radiation incident
on a metal plate. How can the value of Planck’s constant be determined from this graph?
5. If light of wavelength 412.5 nm is incident on each of the metals given below, which ones will
show photoelectric emission and why?
Metal Work Function (eV)
Na 1.92
K 2.15
Ca 3.20
Mo 4.17
6. The work function of Cs is 2.14 eV. Find
(i) threshold frequency for Cs and
(ii) wavelength of incident light, if the photocurrent is brought to zero by stopping potential of
0.6 V.
7. The threshold frequency for a certain metal is 3.3  1014 Hz. If light of frequency 8.2  1014 Hz is
incident on the metal, predict the cut-off voltage for the photoelectric emission.
8. Find the frequency of light which ejects electrons from a metal surface, fully stopped by a
retarding potential of 3.3 V. If photoelectric emission begins in this metal at a frequency of
8  1014 Hz, calculate the work function (in eV) for this metal.
9. Consider a metal exposed to light of wavelength 600 nm. The maximum energy of the electron
doubles, when light of wavelength 400 nm is used. Find the work function in eV.
10. Light of same wavelength is incident on three photosensitive surfaces A, B and C. The following
observations are recorded.
(i) From surface A, photoelectrons are not emitted.
(ii) From surface B, photoelectrons are just emitted.
(iii) From surface C, photoelectrons with some kinetic energy are emitted.
Compare the threshold frequencies of the three surfaces and justify your answer.

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2 |D U A L N A T U R E O F M A T T E R A N D R A D I A T I O N

11. Figure shows the stopping potential V0 for the photoelectron versus 1/ graph, for two metals A
and B,  being the wavelength of incident light.

(i) How is the value of Planck’s constant determined from the graph?
(ii) If the distance between the light source and the surface of metal A is increased, how will the
stopping potential for the electrons emitted from it be effected? Justify your answer.
12. Explain with the help of Einstein’s photoelectric equation any two observed features in
photoelectric effect with cannot be explained by wave theory.
13. Why is wave theory of electromagnetic radiation not able to explain photoelectric effect? How
does photon picture resolve this problem?
14. In the wave picture of light, intensity of light is determined by the square of the amplitude of the
wave. What determines the intensity in the photon picture of light?
15. If the frequency of light incident on the cathode of a photocell is increased, how will the following
be affected? Justify your answer.
(i) Energy of the photoelectrons (ii) Photocurrent
16. A 100Wsodium lamp radiates energy uniformly in all directions. The lamp is located at the centre
of a large sphere that absorbs all the sodium light which is incident on it. The wavelength of the
sodium light is 589 nm.
(i)What is the energy per photon associated with the sodium light?
(ii) At what rate are the photons delivered to the sphere?
17. The work functions for the following metals are given, Na = 2.75 eV, K = 2.30 eV, Mo = 4.17 eV,
Ni = 5.15 eV. Which of these metals will not give photoelectric emission for a radiation of
wavelength 3300 Å from a He-Cd laser placed 1 m away from the photocell? What happens, if the
laser is brought nearer and placed 50 cm away?
18. Show that the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is equal to the de-Broglie wavelength of its
quantum (photon).
19. A proton and an -particle are accelerated through the same potential. Which one of the two has
(i) greater value of de-Broglie wavelength associated with it and
(ii) less kinetic energy? Give reasons to justify your answer.
20. The two lines marked A and B in the given figure, show a plot of de-Broglie
wavelength  versus , where V is the accelerating potential for two nuclei
1 H and 13 H .
(i)What does the slope of the lines represent?
(ii) Identify, which of the lines corresponded to these nuclei.
21. Assuming an electron is confined to a 1 nm wide region, find the uncertainty in momentum using
Heisenberg uncertainty principle (x  p  h). You can assume, the uncertainty in position x as
1 nm. Assuming p  p, find the energy of the electron in eV.

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3 |D U A L N A T U R E O F M A T T E R A N D R A D I A T I O N

22. A particle is moving three times as fast as an electron. The ratio of the de-Broglie wavelength of
the particle to that of the electron is 1.813  10–4. Calculate the particle’s mass and identify the
23. (i) For what kinetic energy of a neutron will associated de-Broglie wavelength be 1.40  10–10 m?
(ii) Also, find the de-Broglie wavelength of a neutron, in thermal equilibrium with matter, having
an average kinetic energy of (3/2) kT and temperature is 300 K.
24. Electrons are emitted from the cathode of a photocell of negligible work function, when photons of
wavelength  are incident on it. Derive an expression for the de-Broglie wavelength of the
electrons emitted in terms of the wavelength of the incident light.
25. Sketch the graphs showing variation of stopping potential with frequencies of incident radiations
for two photosensitive materials A and B having threshold frequencies vA > vB.
(i) In which case is the stopping potential more and why?
(ii) Does the slope of the graph depend on the nature of the material used? Explain.
26. Define the term cut-off frequency in photoelectric emission. The threshold frequency of a metal is
. When the light of frequency 2 is incident on the metal plate, the maximum velocity of
photoelectron is v1 . When the frequency of the incident radiation is increased to 5, the maximum
velocity of photoelectrons is v2. Find the ratio v1 : v2.
27. (i) State two important features of Einstein's photoelectric equation.
(ii) Radiation of frequency 1015 Hz is incident on two photosensitive surfaces P and Q. There is no
photoemission from surface P. Photoemission occurs from surface Q but photoelectrons have zero
kinetic energy. Explain these observations and find the value of work function for surface Q.
28. (i)Write the important properties of photons which are used to establish Einstein’s photoelectric
(ii) Use this equation to explain the concept of (a) threshold frequency and (b) stopping potential.
29. Write Einstein’s photoelectric equation. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons gets
doubled when the wavelength of light incident on the surface changes from 1 to 2. Derive an
expressions for the threshold wavelength 0 and work function for the metal surface.
30. In the study of a photoelectric effect, the graph between the stopping potential V and frequency 
of the incident radiation on two different metals P and Q is shown
(i)Which one of the two metals has higher threshold frequency?
(ii) Determine the work function of the metal which has greater
(iii) Find the maximum kinetic energy of electron emitted by light of
frequency 8  1014 Hz for this metal.
31. (i) Describe briefly three experimentally observed features in the phenomenon of photoelectric
(ii) Discuss briefly how wave theory of light cannot explain these features.
32. What is the de-Broglie wavelength of
(i) a bullet of mass 0.040 kg travelling at the speed of 1.0 km/s,
(ii) a ball of mass 0.060 kg moving at a speed of 1.0 m/s and
(iii) a dust particle of mass 1.0  10–9 kg drifting with a speed of 2.2 m/s?

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4 |D U A L N A T U R E O F M A T T E R A N D R A D I A T I O N

33. A mercury lamp is a convenient source for studying frequency dependence of photoelectric
emission, since it gives a number of spectral lines ranging from the UV to the red end of the visible
spectrum. In our experiment with rubidium photocell, the following lines from a mercury source
were used.
1 = 3650 Å, 2= 4047 Å, 3= 4358 Å, 4 = 5461 Å, 5= 6907 Å
The stopping voltages respectively were measured to be
V01 = 1.28 V, V02 = 0.95 V, V03 = 0.74 V, V04 = 0.16 V, V05 = 0
Determine the value of Planck’s constant h, the threshold frequency and work function for the
34. Light of intensity 10–5 Wm–2 falls on a sodium photocell of surface area 2 cm2. Assuming that, the
top 5 layers of sodium absorb the incident energy, estimate the time required for photoelectric
emission in the wave picture of radiation. The work function of the metal is given to be about 2
eV. What is the implication of your answer? Effective atomic area = 10–20 m2.
35. An electron, -particle and a proton have the same de-Broglie wavelengths. Which of these
particle has
(i) minimum kinetic energy?
(ii) maximum kinetic energy and why?
In what way has the wave nature of electron beam exploited in electron microscope?
Direction Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows:-
36. Observation of Photoelectric Effect:-
The phenomenon of photoelectric emission was
discovered in 1887 by Heinrich Hertz during his
electromagnetic waves by means of spark across the
detector loop were enhanced.
When the emitter plate was illuminated by ultraviolet
light from an arc lamp. According to this effect, there
is emission of electrons from the surface of metal
when a light beam of suitable frequency is incident
on it.
(i) Light of wavelength 2500 Å falls on a metal surface of work function 3.5 eV. What is the
kinetic energy (in eV) of
(a) the fastest and
(b) the slowest electron emitted from the surface?
If the same light falls on another surface of work function 5.5 eV, what will be the energy of
emitted electrons?
(ii) An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 64 V. What is the de-Broglie
wavelength associated with it? To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum this wavelength

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