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Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) / Low Organizational Games (LOG)

Q Kablawi, Monika Lee, Kevin Ma, Jessica Masse

EDUC 5313 Health & Physical Education

Professor Vaillancourt

February 2, 2022
Teaching Games for Understanding/Low Organizational Games Lesson Template 5313
Use 10 pt font to complete the sections
Names (first and last):
Fitness Component: Coordination Title: Grade Level & Game Category:
Game Skill: Passing and
Receiving Grade Level: 4-5
Related Skills: coordination,
Chain Reaction
agility, reaction time, and Game Category: Territory and Target

Game Objective / Summary of Activity. (5-6 sentences)

Chain Reaction is a territory, as well as a target game where the ultimate goal is to include all members of the team/group with
passing and receiving skills while working through moving a ball from start to finish (goal). Each team begins in a circle formation
with two baskets on either side of their group where one basket is empty and one is filled with 3 soccer/elephant skin balls. They will
select a chain reaction “leader” and a “finisher” who are responsible for getting the ball and placing it into the basket, respectively.
Each participant must practice a controlled passing and receiving technique while working through their “chain reaction” and each
player must be passed to. The key of this activity is that each player must pass to who they chose in the first run through and
remember this throughout the 3 reactions. Once every ball from the starting basket has been passed through, the team must yell
“chain reaction” to end the game.

Curriculum Expectations: What to look for: (key skills for Instructions for teacher:
B2. Physical Fitness assessment)
1. Refer to the diagram for set-up. Set up the
● B2.1 Daily physical Assessment /Success Criteria:
activity (DPA): participate court so that there are 2 baskets/containers
in moderate to vigorous “I will…”
physical activity with on each side of each half court, totalling 4
appropriate warm-up and ● Be engaged within the passing
cool-down activities for 20
minutes process baskets.

B3. Safety ● Attempt a kicking skill to a)

2. Place 3 balls in one basket (so each side has
practice the body components
● B3.1 demonstrate 3 balls) on each side.
behaviours and apply and movements associated with
procedures that maximize the game and b) work together to 3. First, to allow students to understand the
safety and lessen the risk of
injury communicate and ensure passing
concept of the game, run through once as a
goes smoothly
C1. Movement Skills and full group so they understand the concept of
Concepts ● Use analytic ability to determine
the best way of completing the passing to the same person and receiving
● C1.4 send and receive
objects of a variety of task
from the same person.
shapes and sizes at
● Practice evading (Non-Contact
different levels and speeds,
4. Split into the two teams and provide pinnies.
using different body parts Sport)
and equipment, while
● Practice safety measures Perform an additional practice round.
applying basic principles of
movement ● Use effective communication
5. Now run the full game with students,
C2. Movement Strategies strategies to communicate their
ensuring safety and keeping track of the
● C2.1 demonstrate an
understanding of the basic ● Practice effective and accurate movement of students.
components of physical passing and receiving with a
activities 6. To ensure that the game is focused on the
● C2.2 identify common kicked ball
features of specific skill of kicking and passing in a controlled
● Cooperate with and be inclusive
categories of physical
activities of all classmates manner rather than speed/winning, the
● C2.3 apply a variety of
tactical solutions to terminology to use should be “team X has
increase their chances of
success as they participate undergone their chain reaction! Let’s start a
in physical activities
new one.”
Equipment: Modifications / Differentiation: (to
● Soccer ball (sturdy enough increase or decrease complexity)
to practice aiming and Increasing:
throwing but soft enough ● Increasing: Adding a Phase 2:
that it is unlikely for an Once the team has yelled the
injury to happen). phrase, all teams must run
● Gym/field with some towards their respective wall
markings if possible with however many balls are in
● 4 baskets or 2 per team if circulation at that point and roll
modifying for more groups their ball towards two open
baskets placed in the middle of
their sides (see example). Once
the ball rolls into the other court,
it becomes fair game for the
other players to either run and
grab it, then return to their wall
before rolling for the baskets
again. A clear rule is that
students CANNOT intercept the
rolling balls at any time, except
for with another ball that is
rolled. The first team to “score”
a point will initiate a “chemical
reaction” (which the teacher can
yell) which resets the game and
allows the teams to switch sides.
After the “chemical reaction”
you will reset the circles, put all
the balls back into the baskets,
and begin from step 1.
● Increasing: Start the following
balls earlier than when the chain
reaction ends so that there is
more than one ball in the circle
going at once.

Decreasing in complexity:
● Decreasing: To decrease
complexity, we can decrease the
number of passes required for
each group.
● Decreasing: Splitting the teams
into four groups to decrease the
number of passes required.

Teaching Notes: You will include easy to follow directions/rules with your diagram of how players will set up and/or play your game.
Player positioning is largely in a circular formation in which they will face inwards towards one another. This will allow them clear
visual pathways to ensure non-verbal and verbal communication can be made. Allow enough space between each player so that
movements can be made without contacting adjacent players.

The structure of each group does not have to be limited to the halves of the gym but please ensure there is enough room for groups to
move freely.

Modifications can be made in response to the level of ease that students are working through the game.

Make constant prompts for students to include their teammates and to verbalize their intentions to work on effective communication.

Beginning Set-Up:
General Game Run-Through:
Teaching Games for Understanding/Low Organizational Games Lesson Template 5313
Use 10 pt font to complete the sections
Names (first and last):
Fitness Component & Game Skill: Title: Grade Level & Game Category:
Fitness Component: Cardiorespiratory Target “Hand”-Ball Grade 6
Endurance, Speed, Agility, Technique, Territory & Target Game
Coordination, Strength, Analytic Ability
Game Skill: Running, Jumping, Catching,
Throwing, Reactions, Coordination,
Power, Evading, Aiming

Game Objective / Summary of Activity. (5-6 sentences)

In this territory and target game, students will be divided into two even teams. Two hula hoops will hang at either end of the court/field (from the basketball
nets if indoor court, or from the soccer posts if played on a field) and each team will try to score a point by throwing a frisbee through the hula hoop (target).
Players on both teams are free to run around the area to position themselves to better catch the frisbee, however, the player holding the frisbee cannot move
their feet. No player on offense, or defense, is allowed inside a 3-foot radius around each hula hoop. Players are allowed to intercept passes outside this radius,
but any contact with an opposing player will result in a foul, and the frisbee being given to the team who was victim to the foul. Games will be 20 minutes long,
and the team with the most points at the end of the 20 minutes wins.

Curriculum Expectations: (Ex. - What to look for: (key skills for Instructions for teacher:
B1.2) assessment) 1. After warm-up, gather the students in a circle
and number them 1 or 2. After every student is
● A1.4 apply skills that help Assessment /Success Criteria: numbered, have the two teams go get their
them build relationships, pinnies and put them on. While the students are
develop empathy, and “I will…” getting the pinnies, set up the hula hoops (ask for
communicate with others as a student’s help if they are ready)
they participate in learning 2. Set a timer for 20 minutes. Play games in 20
experiences in health and ● Be cooperative and include my minute intervals.
physical education, in order to classmates in the physical activity 3. Make modifications from game-to-game if
support healthy relationships, needed.
a sense of belonging, and ● Use my analytic ability to 4. Don’t forget to save 10 minutes for a cool down.
respect for diversity determine how to be successful 5. Use students’ assistance for the clean up of
● A1.6 apply skills that help within the goal of the game
them think critically and ● Improve my cardiovascular
creatively as they endurance and running skills
participate in learning
experiences in health and ● Use evasive measures to ensure
physical education, in there is no contact between players
order to support making ● Practice safe behaviours
connections, analysing,
● Employ throwing techniques to
evaluating, problem
solving, and decision maximize accuracy
● B1.1 actively participate
in a wide variety of
program activities,
according to their
capabilities, while
applying behaviours that
enhance their readiness
and ability to take par
● B1.2 demonstrate an
understanding of factors
that contribute to their
personal enjoyment of
being active
● B2.1 Daily physical
activity (DPA):
participate in moderate to
vigorous physical
activity, with appropriate
warm-up and cool-down
activities, to the best of
their ability for a
minimum of twenty
minutes each day
● B3.1 demonstrate
behaviours and apply
procedures that maximize
safety and lessen the risk
of injury, including the
risk of concussion, for
themselves and others
during physical activity
● C1.2 perform a wide
variety of locomotor
movements, in
combination, at different
speeds, in different
directions, and using
different pathways, while
moving around others
and/or equipment
● C1.3 send and receive a
variety of objects,
adjusting for speed and
distance, while applying
basic principles of
● C2.1 demonstrate an
understanding of the
basic components of
physical activities, and
apply this understanding
as they participate in a
variety of physical
● C2.3 apply a variety of
tactical solutions to
increase their chances of
success as they parti-
cipate in physical
● D1.1 demonstrate ways
of being inclusive,
respectful, and accepting,
and describe how this
benefits everyone,
including themselves
● D2.3 apply
social-emotional learning
skills to promote positive
interaction and avoid or
manage conflict in social
situations, in person or
Equipment: Modifications / Differentiation: (to
● Two hula hoops increase or decrease complexity)
● Frisbee (or ball if modifying) ● To increase complexity: Allow the
● String to tie the hula hoops player with the frisbee to take two
● Pinnies steps before having to get rid of the
● To decrease complexity: Instead of
a frisbee use a soft ball to make for
easier throwing and catching. If
there are too many players on the
field/court, split the class into 4
teams instead of 2 and play 10
minute games.

Teaching Notes: You will include easy to follow directions/rules with your diagram of how players will set up and/or play your game.
Player positioning is free roam, giving them the space to run around.

Call fouls on contact, this is a safe and non-contact sport.

Make modifications based on reflection, make adjustments based on what is seen.

This is a game of coordination - ensure students are cooperating and collaborating, penalize players that do not include their


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