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So what makes Kingdoms Forlorn unique?...........................................................................................................................................3
Setting up the game....................................................................................................................................................................................4
Delve Phase.................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Clash Phase...............................................................................................................................................................................................13
Ironcast Dead (Mob) Clash....................................................................................................................................................................30
Eggknight (Boss) Clash..........................................................................................................................................................................32
Gear Crafting............................................................................................................................................................................................34
Future Delves............................................................................................................................................................................................34
Kingdoms Forlorn
Prototype Rulebook
Please note that this rulebook is a Work in Progress. Some rules are still
evolving so in conflicting situations rules on cards and other elements The Story
take precedence. Stories are the cornerstone of Kingdoms Forlorn, and by your story
we mean your Knight’s narrative, your player choices and the character
Contents: development you engage in through the various game mechanics. You
✦ 4 Knight Miniatures need to know one important thing: your story is your own. It’s per-
✦ 1 Vassal Miniature sonal. You have your own Knight Book, your own choices, your own
rewards and penalties. Your story may and will intersect and intertwine
✦ 8 Mob Standees with that of others, as well as the Kingdoms themselves, but you are its
✦ 4 Knight Sheets main hero.
✦ 4 Statistic Tracks
✦ 1 Battle Board The Delve
✦ 1 Kingdom Track To progress your quests, you will form a party and scour the cursed
✦ 15 Modifier Tokens lands in search of clues that might bring you closer to the answers you
✦ 39 Knight Pool Tokens seek. These ventures into the Kingdoms Forlorn are called delves.
Your goal in a delve is to gather clues, designated by your Knights’ cur-
✦ 5 Attack Dice
rent objective and to hunt down a powerful Boss monster. Be warned
✦ 10 Knight Power Dice though, that you are not welcome in these lands. Although you may be
✦ 12 Terrain Tiles tempted to prolong your stay in an attempt to gather more information,
✦ 2 Enemy Sheets be careful not to push your luck too hard. If your Threat or Curse levels
rise too high or both event decks run out before you defeat the monster
✦ 38 AI Cards you set out to find, you will have to return empty-handed, or worse, be
✦ 36 BP Cards devoured by the deadly mists.
✦ 4 Trait Cards
✦ 54 Mortis Cards The Clash
✦ 20 Condition Cards
During a Delve you may encounter hordes of Mobs, powerful Vassals
✦ 53 Ability Cards or even cursed Kings and abominable Devils (to say nothing of the
✦ 61 Gear Cards eldritch Dragons!). These combat encounters are called Clashes and
✦ 8 Arc Cards they will decide your destiny! Defeat will spell doom for your current
✦ 17 Exploration Cards venture so stay on your guard and try to win at all costs. Clashes are
straightforward affairs. Each Player controls a Knight, while the ene-
✦ 26 Kingdom Cards mies are controlled by a deck of AI cards. The Knights want to deal a
✦ 30 Acrylic Cubes (20 black, 10 white) set amount of Wounds to defeat enemies, while the Enemies try to kill
✦ 1 Saint Card Knights. Whoever prevails, wins. The final Clash of the current delve is
✦ 51 Delve Tokens called a Boss Clash, and is the most important one of all!
✦ Rulebook and Story Book (not included in the box, available as
PDF) So what makes Kingdoms
Forlorn unique?
Overview Glad you’ve asked. Kingdoms Forlorn: Dragons, Devils and Kings is a
Kingdoms Forlorn: Dragons, Devils and Kings is a soloperative(™) game unlike any other, trying to push the boundaries of what adventure
dungeon delver for 1-4 players with a focus on loot, tactical battles, board games can be!
character building and storytelling. Each player controls a unique Soloperative™: A new bold vision for adventure games. Each Knight
Knight traversing dangerous lands, driven either by personal matters, a follows an individual campaign with personal consequences, that
higher calling, or other, more mysterious reasons. seamlessly weaves in all other knight campaigns and the stories of the
The game flow is very simple: you resolve your personal Story, then go Kingdoms themselves into a one of a kind procedurally generated saga
on a Delve as a party and fight your way to the Boss Clash, which you with deep narratives and multiple story twists. These storylines diverge
need to win to have a shot at the best progression path forward. and intersect in surprising ways and you can mix and match knights,
kingdoms, monster levels and ranks for endless diversity.
Tabletop Shared Worlds with Drop-in/Drop-out coop: Create a Knight

and guide them through genuinely shared worlds on your kitchen ta-
ble! Play with your group. Play solo. Play with another group. Take your
Setting up the game
Knight across the country to a gaming convention and play there. Your Assemble the Party
progress is persistent and will influence everybody you play with! Play
anywhere, however you like.
Dynamic Difficulty and Smart Director: There are no level require-
ments for playing with others, both in story campaigns, as well as in the 3
post game. In other words, you can take your experienced Knight on 7
8 6
a delve with newbies and thanks to the Presence Smart Director™, the
game will balance itself, so everybody enjoys an appropriate challenge
Dungeon Delver: Kingdoms Forlorn is the next step of evolution for
board game dungeon crawlers, with tactical Delves that have purpose 9
and stakes. Gone are the days of pointless wandering through random 2
rooms. In KF, every move of your party counts and even though the
Kingdom is created as you play – ensuring no two delves are alike – it’s
highly focused, quest-driven and narratively rich!
Vast World of meaningful choices and lasting consequences: Each
Kingdom is built on layers upon layers of mechanical intricacies for you 5
to master and secrets for you to uncover. As you customize your Knight
over dozens of hours of delves, battles and stories, you will make hard
choices that will permanently influence your character, their loadouts, 1
their story and, ultimately, their end! 4
Escalating Battles (Inverted Combat Paradigm 2.0): Thanks to our
tried and true Inverted Combat Paradigm™ mechanics, your battles
only become more heated as they go on and you become more pow-
erful as you get closer to death! Unlike most games (but similarly to
our first outing, Aeon Trespass: Odyssey), the Clashes have a distinct Knight Play Area setup
heroic flow, as the fight goes on, and you and your enemies are closer to
death, your power and abilities will grow. This means there’s no defeat
snowball effect, no negative modifiers that keep stacking up, hindering Distribute the Knights among players as evenly as possible. For each
your options and making you a glorified spectator. There is always a Knight, prepare the following components: a Knight miniature 1 , a
chance at a comeback, the closer you are to death, the more powerful Knight sheet 2 with an Attribute track 3 , a printed Character Sheet
you become. This is what makes the Clashes of Kingdoms Forlorn sing 4 , a Knight Book 5 , Ability cards 6 and Knight-specific explora-
and pass into legend! Victory is never assured, defeat never inevitable. tion 7 and Mortis cards 8 . Place each Knights’ components in front
Hard Co-op 2.0: A true co-op experience, where you need to really of the Player controlling that Knight. Mark each Knight’s starting sta-
work with the other players to succeed, both during battles, as well as tistics with black acrylic cubes: set each Knight’s Heat ( ) and Passion
in delves and story encounters! We achieve this through co-op actions: ( ) to ‘0’ and set their Vigor ( ) to a value matching their starting
things you do to directly benefit other players. After each of your at- Vigor 9 . Mark starting limit with a white acrylic cube.
tacks, you will choose and leave a set of tokens that will influence the Leave some space next to your Knight Sheet for Gear cards, played
turn of the next player in order: make them hit easier, wound more se- Ability cards and Conditions you may gain during a delve. This area is
verely, evade attacks, reposition, hide, rally, stand up or one of another called your Play Area.
dozen distinct tactical effects. And beyond that, we introduce special If this is your first game, fill in the Knights’ and Players’ names on the
co-op attacks you will need to take down the most dangerous of foes! Character Sheets.
Endless Postgame: Your Knight campaigns are just the beginning! Randomly choose one Knight to be the starting Party Leader. Give
Kingdoms Forlorn provides you with a framework for a rich ‘post game’ them the Priority Target token to mark this.
experience, with additional levels of monsters, new challenges, expand-
ed kingdoms, new customization options and new goals for players
who can’t get enough! In other words, Knight is just the first rank of
Permanent Changes: Last, but not least, is the way your previous
campaigns will set up the world for next. Knights who finish their cam-
paigns will leave a permanent mark on their corner of the Kingdoms
Forlorn world, by introducing new rules, items and stories.

Prepare loadouts
If this is your first game, refer to the ‘starting loadout’ box. Otherwise,
choose loadouts for each Knight from among the game elements
you’ve unlocked:
1. Choose a Heroic Arc and Peril Arc. You can choose to use your
starting Arcs (printed on the Knight Sheet) or advanced ones, if you
unlocked any. If you choose an advanced Arc, place it on top of your
starting Arc. You must choose exactly 1 Heroic Arc and 1 Peril Arc
(if you haven’t unlocked any, you will use the printed ones). Note
that some Peril Arcs may designate a higher maximum value than
your Knight’s default starting . In such case readjust your to
match the highest value on your Peril Arc.
2. Choose Gear cards to equip. By default, a Knight has 2 slots, 1
slot and 2 slots. Note that a weapon with the symbol takes up
both slots. Each Knight can only equip Gear cards noted on their
Character sheet and you cannot equip more than 2 copies of the
same Gear among the party.
3. Choose a number of Ability cards equal to your Knight’s Hand Lim-
it. The number in the lower left corner of an Ability card (lower right
on the Delve side) designates its level. Each Knight has access to all
of their level S Ability cards and any cards of levels 2 and 3 they have
unlocked during previous delves.

To set up your loadouts for the first game, simply find the follow-
ing Gear and Ability cards and assign them to the Knights. Gather
the Ability cards into a deck and place the Gear cards in your play
area, near the Knight Sheet:
Sir Sonch
Gear: Broken Sword, Rusted Shield, Dented Breastplate
Ability: Knight Pose, Inspire, Scout Bladeworks, Quick-Witted,
Insider Info
Gear: Dulled Spear, Dented Breastplate
Ability: Coordinate, Knight Roll, Touch of the Earth Mother,
Daughter of the Wild, Inspire
Gear: Rusted Two-Hander, Dented Breastplate
Ability: Knight Roll, Rend, Smoked Darklin, Run
Gear: Poor Man’s Catalyst, Broken Sword, Dented Breastplate
Ability: Empower, Knight Roll, Rally, Magic Trick, Blinding
Light, Light Trick, Knight Tactics
Note the gear assigned to each Knight in the Equipment section
on their Character Sheet. These are yours to keep!

Each player reads their Knight’s Character Introduction, Chapter I sto-

ry and Chapter I Special Rules and Objectives (do not read the Story
Paragraphs yet!). In the full game, these may influence your choice of
which Kingdom to delve into and which monster to hunt. For now,
however, it seems that each of your Knights has some unfinished busi-
ness in the Principality of Stone…

Setup the Delve Take Kingdom cards decks (S, M, L and XL). Search the S deck for a
Crossroads card marked as Start and set it aside. Then shuffle the King-
Though each of you has come to the Principality of Stone looking for some- dom decks and place them face down within reach 5 . Place the set
thing different, your quests seem to intersect - and there is a common, ov- aside Crossroads card below the Kingdom decks, leaving ample space
al-shaped threat looming in the distance. for exploration. Put the Party marker on this card 6 . Place the King-
dom Track underneath the Kingdom decks. Mark level 1 on both
Normally you would now choose the Kingdom you wish to venture
Threat and Curse tracks with white acrylic cubes 7 .
into and set up the Delve accordingly. In this demo the only Kingdom
you have access to is the Principality of Stone so just perform the fol- Shuffle the Exploration cards and split them into two equal decks - ran-
lowing instructions: domly choose one to be first and the other to be second. Place them
side by side near the Kingdom decks 8 . Then shuffle two random
Place the Battle Board on the left side of your table 1 . Place the Con-
Knight-specific Adventure Exploration cards into each of the newly
dition and Judicium decks in the designated spaces on the Battle Board
created Exploration decks. Resolve additional Exploration deck setup
2 . Shuffle the Knight-specific Mortis cards you set aside before into
dictated by your Knights’ quests. (Hint: Fleischritter’s quest requires
corresponding Mortis decks (numbered 1, 2 and 3), then place the
you to shuffle a Special Event card into the second exploration deck.
decks face down in their designated spaces 3 . Place the Knight pool
Do it now.)
and all tokens in an accessible place near the Battle board 4 .


6 7 8 9 10 2

Enemy Sheet











Prepare the Clash Although you normally only resolve your first Clash halfway through
a Delve, some special events may influence its conditions or introduce
Although you’ve just entered this realm, you can already see them lurking in additional elements, therefore it is required to partially set up your first
the dark. You can hear the ominous clatter of their stone-cursed limbs. Soon- Clash now. To prepare for a battle with Ironcast Dead follow these in-
er or later it will come to blows, a skirmish on the Kingdom’s broken streets. structions:
It’s better to expect the worst. Place the Ironcast Dead Enemy Sheet in the designated space on the
During an average Delve in this demo you will play two Clashes: Battle Board 9 . Shuffle the AI and BP decks (numbered 1, 2 and 3)
separately. Place the AI 1 deck in the AI deck space on the Battle Board
✦ First, a Clash with the Ironcast Dead Mob that triggers automatical-
10 . Randomly choose 4xBP 1 cards, 3xBP 2 cards and 1xBP 3 cards,
ly when you get to the end of the first exploration deck.
shuffle them together and place them on the BP deck space on the
✦ Second, a Clash with the Eggknight Vassal that can only be triggered Battle Board 11 . Set aside all of the remaining AI and BP cards above
by the Knights once they find its lair. This is the Boss Clash. the Enemy Sheet. These are Escalation Decks. That’s it! Any additional
In the Full Game there will be many more monsters to face, including Clash setup will be resolved immediately before a Clash.
alternate Mobs and Vassals, monstrous Devils and even the fearsome
Kings, twisted by their cursed realms, and unknowable eldritch Drag-
ons. There will also be many more special types of Clashes, so beware…

Game Setup

Delve Phase Active Time Events
Your Knight’s story is personal, but will often intersect with those of
Delve Basics others. Sometimes it’s mandatory, but most of the time you will have
The Delve Phase encompasses the entirety of the game played on the a choice to interact with others. This is called an Active Time Event.
Kingdom Map. During this phase you will traverse the Kingdom Cards If a story text gives one of the Knights a chance to perform an ATE,
in search of Clues and attempt to hunt down and defeat a powerful Boss they simply need to pay the cost and immediately proceed to the in-
Enemy. Be wary though, that there are many dangers and challenges dicated paragraph. Note: This can create a chain of unique interactions
ahead of you and your time is limited. between Knights!

The Delve Phase consists of two parts, represented by the two explora- Clues
tion decks. You will spend the majority of your Delve seeking Clues and
avoiding raising your Threat ( ) and Curse ( ) levels too high. Once Most Knight Objectives include gathering clues of a given type. There
you get to the end of the first exploration deck, you resolve a Mob Clash, are four types of clues in the demo:
then Rest to regain your strength and prepare for a Boss Clash. In the
second part, you must find the Boss’s Lair ( ) and defeat the monster
before the second exploration deck runs out.

Delve Victory and Loss conditions

To win a Delve, you need to Hunt down the Boss Enemy and defeat it
in combat. Errant Clue Historic Clue Martial Clue Mystic Clue
You lose a Delve immediately when any of the following happens: You mainly gain clues by exploring the Kingdom map, but some adven-
a. There are no cards left in the second exploration deck at the begin- tures, exploration cards and other effects may also grant you additional
ning of the Exploration step. clues.
b. You gain Threat ( ) and your Threat level is already at max (10). By default, a Knight can only gain clues designated by their current ob-
c. You gain Curse ( ) and your Curse level is already at max (5). jective (although you can exceed the maximum required amount, in case
of any unforeseen complications). If they would ever gain a clue that is
d. All Knights are dead at any point at the same time.
not required to further their objective, they simply ignore this gain.
e. You are unable to perform travel in the Travel step.
When you conclude a Delve (even if you lost), remember to consult Threat and Curse tracks
a passage designated by your Knight Objective (see below). Then see
Delve Aftermath on p. 34 to see what comes next!

Knight Objectives
Aside from shared win and lose conditions, each Knight has a personal
objective, determined by the progress of their personal story. Simply
winning a Delve does not guarantee the success of your objective. Al-
though you win or lose the delve as a party, each Knight succeeds or
Kingdom Track
fails their objective on their own. It is possible for some, all or none of
the Knights to succeed in their objectives when you win a Delve. It is, Threat and Curse tracks represent the growing dangers of traversing
however, very unlikely that any Knight succeeds if you lose. Kingdoms Forlorn. These are statistics shared by the whole party.
Most objectives include breakthroughs - additional story passages Whenever you gain one or more Curse ( ) or Threat ( ) levels,
that should be resolved once you reach a specific milestone. Unless move the marker on the corresponding track accordingly. Similarly, if
stated otherwise, these breakthroughs are not voluntary and should be you activate an effect that makes you lose Curse or Threat, simply lower
resolved immediately when their conditions are fulfilled. This means its level on the track. Note: As these levels increase, certain effects will
you will interact with your story during the delve! You will find your become deadlier. Also keep in mind that raising any of them over their
breakthroughs in the Delve Progression section of your current maximum value will result in an immediate Delve loss.
Chapter, in your Knight Book.
One story passage may instruct you to proceed to another, based on
Delve Round Sequence
your choice, roll result or other factors. You must resolve all chained A Delve is played in a series of rounds. Each round consists of the fol-
passages before you can continue the Delve. lowing steps:
Remember that even if your chances of success are slim, you should 1. Travel step - Travel through an available pathway, gaining clues if
never give up. Even if you do not fulfill all of your objective’s conditions traveling to an unexplored Kingdom card, then gain rewards and
but make considerable progress, you may achieve partial success. On penalties from that Kingdom card you moved onto.
top of that, some adventures and events may grant you Edge. It is a
2. Exploration step - Draw and resolve an Exploration card.
unique statistic that considerably increases your chances of a favorable
objective outcome, even if you don’t meet all of the other conditions. 3. Activation step - Use abilities and trigger a Boss Clash.
Note: Kingdoms Forlorn is designed to be a challenging game, with 4. End step - Pass the Party Leader token and proceed to a new round.
risk and loss being a crucial part of the experience. No matter if you In the following section you can find a detailed explanation of these
succeed, succeed partially or even fail, your narrative will continue and steps.
diverge based on your performance. Although some paths may close
for you, others will open. 1.Travel step
Every Delve Round starts with the Travel step. To resolve it, the Party
Leader must choose a valid path (see p. 10) on your current Kingdom
card to travel through.

Hanza Hall

Kingdom Card Kingdom Card placement examples

Usually they can either choose to travel onto an unexplored Kingdom

card or to backtrack - travel onto a previously explored Kingdom card Explored Kingdom Loadout
(see box). When you travel onto an unexplored Kingdom card, draw
a card from the appropriate Kingdom Deck and attach it to the map, cards and Backtracking
so that the path you traveled through connects to a path on the newly
After you reveal a new Kingdom card, gain clues from the pathway
discovered card. Then, gain Threat ( ) according to the table below,
used on the old card, move the Party Marker onto the new card
resolve all path symbols 1 from the chosen path on the Kingdom
and resolve all associated effects (gaining Threat and resolving all
card you are leaving and kingdom card symbols 2 from the newly
applicable symbols, if any) it becomes explored.
discovered Kingdom card (see below).
Moving onto an already explored Kingdom Card is called back-
Note that each path designates a direction and all Kingdom cards you tracking. When you backtrack, you:
place must be oriented the same way. Therefore the directions of con-
necting paths should always be opposite (i.e. path must connect to ✦ Do not gain or lose Threat ( ).
path and path must connect to path). ✦ Do not resolve or clue symbols on the path you travel
Gaining Clues
✦ Do not resolve clue symbols or the symbol on the King-
Traveling to a new Kingdom card is the main way of gaining Clues.
dom Card you traveled onto.
When you decide to travel to a new Kingdom card and choose a di-
rection, each Knight (if eligible) in the party gains the Clue indicated It is highly recommended to try to explore as many new Kingdom
by the pathway you take on the current Kingdom card. Important: cards as you can. Sometimes, however, backtracking may be ben-
You gain the Clue type indicated on the pathway of the card you are eficial (or even necessary).
leaving, not the card you are moving to. This is important, because it Note that some game effects could trigger when you backtrack.
allows you to choose a travel direction that will yield the most needed Remember to resolve them!

Kingdom Card Sizes

Each path informs you of the size of a Kingdom card it leads to
( , , or ). Generally, the larger the size of a card, the more
likely you will gain additional Clues from traveling there, and the high-
er your chance of finding the Boss lair or a point of interest. However,
larger Kingdom cards will also give you more threat.
The table below informs you how much Threat you should gain or lose
when traveling onto an unexplored Kingdom card of a given size. All
other information shown in the box is also represented on the cards
themselves and serves only as reference.

Size Threat Clues on Clues on card Boss Lair Point of
travel Interest

S -1 0 0 impossible rare

M +1 1 0 impossible uncommon

L +2 1 1 possible likely

XL +3 1 2 guaranteed guaranteed

Additional Path Symbols Additional Kingdom Card Symbols

Aside from symbols designating card size and travel direction, paths Most Kingdom cards contain additional symbols. Some of them must
may also show additional symbols. These include: be resolved only when you travel onto the card, while others have a
, , or - If you travel through this pathway onto an un- constant effect. They include:

explored tile, each eligible Knight gains a clue of the designated
type (Remember: only Knights who require clues of this type to ✦ - Represents a Boss’s Lair. If the Party Marker is on a Kingdom
progress their quest are considered eligible). card with this symbol, in the Activation Step, you may choose to
✦ - If you travel through this pathway onto an unexplored tile, initiate a Boss Clash (see p. 32).
gain 1 Curse ( ) Level. Point of Interest - Has no inherent effect although other game

✦ - After you travel onto this Kingdom card, if it is unexplored, elements may refer to the symbol. When instructed to place a
place a Panzergate token on this path (see Panzergate box). token on a , place it on top of the symbol, covering it. This symbol
is then used.
✦ Additional Clues - and Kingdom cards provide additional
PANZERGATE clues. If there is a , , or symbol on an unexplored card,
when you travel onto it, each eligible Knight gains a clue of the des-
The Principality of Stone is a shifting maze of narrow streets, a
ignated type.
landscape full of rubble and ruins. This is reflected both by the
irregular sizes of Kingdom cards themselves as well as the Panzer- ✦ Trait - Some Kingdom cards in this demo have a Stone trait. It serves
gate tokens. no purpose for now, but in the Full Game it will interact with other
effects and rules.
A path with a Panzergate is impassable - meaning that you cannot
travel through it in the Travel step. Panzergates block movement Valid and Invalid Paths
in both ways, meaning that if a path with the Panzergate token is Due to the twisted nature of the Principality of Stone, you may be un-
connected to a path on a different Kingdom card, the other path is able to travel in certain directions, even if they appear passable at the
also impassable - it is considered to be a path with a Panzergate for first glance. For this reason the game may sometimes refer to a valid or
the purpose of all game effects. invalid path. The path is invalid if:
You can never place a Panzergate on a path that is already under ✦ It is blocked by a panzergate (or there is a panzergate on a path it is
the effect of a Panzergate - if you would be required to place a Pan- connected to).
zergate on a path with a Panzergate or connected to another path
with a Panzergate, discard it without effect. ✦ Traveling through it would require you to place a Kingdom card
overlapping another Kingdom card.
There are various effects that allow you to get rid of Panzergates.
When you are instructed to remove a Panzergate, simply choose ✦ It leads to an explored Kingdom card with which it is not connected
one to discard and remove it from the table. (their paths do not align or the other card is flipped over)

Dead End is a special Kingdom card with no paths. If you travel
onto a Dead End, simply place it so that its top or bottom edge
aligns with the path you used, then place your Party Marker on it.
While on a Dead End, you can only travel back onto the Kingdom
card that lead you there. Once you leave a Dead End, you cannot
Panzergate return to it.

2. Exploration Step Delve Ability Cards
Each Knight has a growing set of Ability cards. Before a delve, they
choose some of them to count as their hand, according to their Hand
Limit. Ability cards are double-sided. When you transition from one
Plague Ratwolves phase of the game to another, flip all cards in your hand as well as in the
sink, delay and discard areas to the other side.
1 Place this card next to the Exploration Deck
and place a Generic token on a random direction The Clash side can only be used in the Clash phase. These abilities
on this card. This arrow denotes a pack of
Ratwolves on the hunt! will be explained in greater detail later.
If you travel in a direction marked with
a Generic token, each Knight loses 4-X
(where X is the number of Generic tokens
Delve side is used in the Delve phase. By default, Ability cards can
on this card), then this card. be played in the Activation Step. Some abilities, however, denote a spe-
End of Delve Round: cific activation time (e.g. ‘when you are about to draw an Exploration
Place a Generic token on the next empty direction
symbol (going clockwise). If there are 4 Generic Card’). If they do, they can only be played during this activation time.
tokens on this card, it.

2 #____________________%

If you travel in a direction marked with Smoked

a Generic token, each Knight loses 6-X instead.

Exploration Card
To resolve the Exploration Step, simply draw the top card from the
Exploration Deck and apply its effect 1 . Note that some Exploration
cards have an additional effect 2 that triggers based on your Threat (
) or Curse ( ) level. Apply it only if the level on the indicated track
is equal to or higher than denoted.
Raise Threat Level by 1 to place
1 on your Knight Sheet.
Empty Exploration Deck (or)
Spend 1 and this card to gain
If there are no more cards left in your current Exploration Deck when +1 Limit.
you are about to resolve the Exploration Step, instead perform the fol- DELVE S
✦ If you have reached the end of the first exploration deck, the ene- Delve Ability Card
mies draw near and it is time to face them in battle. Resolve a Mob
Clash (see p. 30). After the Clash you will continue the Delve using
When you play an Ability card, resolve its effect 1 , then refer to its re-
the second exploration deck.
plenish symbol 2 . If it is instant ( ), it goes back to your hand, oth-
✦ If you have reached the end of the second exploration deck, your erwise place it in the appropriate area: sink ( ), delay ( ) or discard
time runs out. The mists thicken and your party gets separated, bare- ( ). These cards cannot be used again until they return to your hand.
ly able to find your way out. You lose the delve. You will regain cards from your sink and delay areas during Clash, but
Note: You only resolve these effects if there are no cards in the explora- discarded cards will only return to your hand after your next Clash. You
tion deck at the beginning of the Exploration Step. If you have already can learn more about these areas in the Clash section of the Rulebook
drawn and resolved an Exploration Card and its effect instructs you to (p. 13).
draw another exploration card but there are no cards left in the deck - Note that some Ability cards are played into your Play Area and have a
you are in luck. Simply ignore this instruction. constant effect. Their replenish symbol is taken into consideration only
Resolving Adventures when instructed by the card.
Each Knight has a Knight-specific Exploration card that leads to a 4. End Step
Kingdom Adventure! When you are instructed to resolve a Kingdom
Adventure, simply refer to your Kingdom Book (Principality of Stone In the End Step, simply pass the Party Leader token ( ) token to the
Kingdom Book in this demo) and consult the Random Adventure ta- player on the left from the current Party Leader and proceed to the
ble. Roll a d100 (a white and black d10, with the white being the first next Delve round. Continue resolving Delve rounds until you trigger a
digit and the black being the second) and go to a corresponding par- Clash (by getting to the end of the first exploration deck or finding the
agraph. Read through it, make a choice if required, gain rewards and Boss Lair) or until you win or lose the Delve (see Delve Victory and
suffer penalties, then continue your Delve. Loss Conditions on p. 8).
Ability Tests and Rolls
Many adventures will instruct you to perform a test. To do it, simply roll Additional Delve Rules
a single d10 and compare the result to the difficulty of the test (e.g. 6+). Gaining and Losing
If the test specifies a skill being tested (e.g. Endurance or Cunning),
consult your Knight Sheet and add the value of the corresponding skill There are many different things you could gain or lose during a Delve:
to the roll result. If the result is equal to or higher than the difficulty, it ✦ When you gain a physical component, such as Condition or Token,
is a Success. Otherwise it is a Fail. Resolve the correct outcome based simply take it and place it in your play area, then discard it when
on your result. you lose it.

3. Activation Step
During the Activation Step, all Knights may play Ability cards. If you
have already gone through the first exploration deck and resolved
a Mob Clash, you may also trigger a Boss Clash, provided the Party
Marker is on a Kingdom card with the symbol. If you do, proceed
to Boss Clash on p. 32.

✦ When you gain or lose a statistic, such as or , adjust its level on Saint card
the corresponding track. The saints embody noble Knightly virtues. Each of them is a patron of
✦ When you gain or lose something that is not represented by physical their favored aspect. When you gain a Saint card, such as Saint Urbain,
components, such as gold or resources, note it on your Character place it in your Play Area. From then on you must obey the rules repre-
Sheet. sented by the Vow.
✦ When you gain a gear card, note it on your Character sheet. Then, However, each time you finish resolving a Mortis or Judicium card, you
if you gained it in the middle of the Delve or even during a Clash, gain Virtue. Mark each Virtue gained with an acrylic cube placed on
you may immediately equip it by placing a corresponding card in the Saint card. The more Virtue you accumulate, the more powerful the
your play area. If you then exceed your available gear slots, you must abilities you will gain access to, listed on the Virtue Arc. You may only
discard gear cards to adhere to the limit. activate an ability from the Virtue Arc if the number of Virtue cubes
is equal to or higher than its level on the Arc. Be warned that you can
Escalation outside of Clash only draw from the power of the Saint once - when you use any ability
If instructed to Escalate during the Delve phase, simply apply this in- from the Virtue Arc, discard all Virtue cubes and the Saint card itself…
struction to the Enemy Decks prepared for the upcoming Clash (see unless you activate the Saint Incarnate! ability.
Escalation on p. 21). When you activate Saint Incarnate, flip the Saint card and place a num-
ber of cubes on it equal to the value. These are now Manifestation
Rest tokens. As long as you are under the Saint Incarnate effect, you gain
The Delve can be a daunting experience for your Knights. By the time bonuses such as increased speed and precision, an upgraded Knight
you reach the midpoint, you will likely have used up some of your most Power Die and powerful special abilities.
powerful abilities, lost a bit of vigor, maybe even discarded a Gear card At the end of your turn, discard one Manifestation token. When you
or two - don’t worry though. If you survive your encounter with the discard the last one, discard the Saint card as well and lose all bonuses
Ironcast Dead, you will get a moment of respite to prepare for the chal- granted by it.
lenges ahead.
When instructed to perform rest, resolve the following steps:
1. Resurrection: If any Knight is dead, they resurrect with
full . That Knight loses half of their Clues (rounding up). They
may choose which Clues they prefer to lose.
2. Stat Reset: Reset Passion ( ) and Heat ( back to 0.
Vigor ( ) does not reset automatically. Note: some effects and
abilities may influence this step. For example, if the Fleischritter
uses his ability to cap reset- it goes down to the designated value
instead of all the way to ‘0’.
3. Clean-up: Return all of your Ability cards from your Sink, Delay,
Discard and Play Areas to your hand, discard all Conditions, clear
the Knight Pool, discard all tokens from your Knight sheet (modi-
fier tokens, Lux, Fleisch, etc.), un-exhaust all Gear cards, regain all
discarded Gear cards as well as tokens.
4. Rest Abilities: Each Knight may now play Rest: ability cards.
5. Heat Readjustment: Adjust the limit marker to a value designat-
ed by your current Mortis level on the Peril Arc.

Random direction
When instructed to determine a random direction, roll a d10: 1-2 is
, 3-4 is , 5-6 is , 7-8 is . On 9-10 choose a direction instead.

Clash Phase
The Full Game will offer a huge variety of Clashes - from simple Mob
fights and Boss battles to narrative, quest-specific encounters. When It’s hard to keep a Knight down. Resurrection refers to the many
the game instructs you to resolve a Clash, it will refer you to a specific different ways a Knight who has seemingly died, returns to con-
scenario in the Kingdom Book or one of the Knight Books. tinue the fight. Maybe that blow only looked like a fatal one?
Maybe the blade miraculously evaded all vital organs? Or maybe
In this demo you can get a taste of our combat mechanics in two Clash you just dug up from your grave? Regardless of what happened,
scenarios: A battle against hordes of Ironcast Dead (p. 30) and a boss the Knights simply wander from the Deep Fog. Some say there is
fight with the Eggknight (p. 32). When instructed to resolve any of something unnatural about those who venture into the Forlorn
these Clashes, familiarize yourself with Clash rules (if you haven’t al- Kingdoms. Others see it as a sign from God. Either way, your
ready), then refer to the corresponding Scenario at the end of this sec- Knight will not die permanently during the campaign. However,
tion. the game will track your ‘deaths’, as well as penalize you by dis-
carding Clues, which will inevitably lead to more Chapter failures
Clash Victory and Loss Conditions and a grimer fate. Try not to die!

Although some Clashes may introduce additional rules and conditions,

most of them are rather straightforward. To win, Knights must defeat
the Enemies by dealing a set amount of Wounds (designated on the Knight Sheet and Attribute track
Enemy Sheet). Knights lose if all of them die. Simple, isn’t it?
3 Discard
4 5 6
Note that winning a Clash does not guarantee winning a Delve and nei- 4 9
ther does it ensure your Quest’s success. 3 7
Losing a Clash, however, will cause a Delve loss as well (due to all

Knights being dead at the same time), thus effectively leading to your / : Move with +1 and Melee/Reach Attack with Auto-break 1.
11 You must move at least 3 spaces and reach your Target via the shortest possible path.

Quest’s failure.
Light Trespass
11 Spend 1 to immediately Refresh 1 card.


Venturing into the cursed Kingdoms is a perilous endeavor and 1 2 SPELLCASTER
will likely result in some of your Knights dying: #________%

Magic is fickle and most often takes more than it gives. (__________________________________________________________»
Limit 4
Still, there’s never a shortage of those willing to navigate #_____________________%
7-8 Minor
Limit 5 (_____)
✦ During the Delve Phase, a Knight dies if their is lowered the Secret Rivers, to tamper with the Heavenly Firmament.
Renholder, a mage knight rumored to have fled from the #_____________________%
4-6 Major
Limit 6 (_____)
Scholomance, has paid a heavy price for his knowledge
to ‘0’. and power. The Face he talks to, agrees. #_____________________%
1-3 Grave
Limit 7 `_(_____)
#____________________% `_(_____)
✦ During the Clash Phase, a Knight dies only when explicitly
0 Judicium
Limit 8

Peril Arc Heroic Arc

stated by a game effect (usually a Mortis or Judicium draw).

Knights do not automatically die in battle when their is Knight Sheet
lowered to ‘0’ (see Judicium, p. 18).
When this happens, remove that Knight’s miniature from the Each Knight has a set of attributes and abilities distributed between
board. They cannot gain or lose anything, use any abilities or per- a Knight Sheet and a Statistics track. They dictate their speed, power,
form any actions and are skipped when passing the Party Leader wellbeing and many others:
token. 1 Name, illustration and background text - These elements have no
In Kingdoms Forlorn, a Knight’s death is, however, far from per- inherent effects.
manent (see Death and Resurrections?!). It doesn’t mean, how- 2 Knight class - Some Knights have a class that allows them to use
ever, that there are no consequences to dying. Although Knights certain restricted Gear cards.
return to life after each Clash (meaning that they will need to sit 3 Discard, Delayed and Sink areas - Place your played Ability cards in
one out if they die during the Delve phase), those that die at any these areas, according to their replenish symbol.
point before a Boss Clash lose half of their total Clues (rounded
4 Speed - Informs you how many spaces you can move by performing
down) on resurrection (see Rest on p. 12).
a movement action ( ).
5 Starting Vigor - Designates your starting level. May be modified
by your Peril Arc.
6 Knight Power Die - Add the Power Die shown here to your Power
Die Pool for each attack your Knight performs.
7 Hand Limit - Informs you how many Ability cards you can have in
your hand.
8 Card Refresh X - In the Refresh Step, refresh X cards (see Refresh
Step, p. 19)

9 Refresh X - In the Refresh Step, lose X .
10 Skills - When instructed to perform a skill test, add +X to the result HEAT LIMIT
where X is the value of this skill on your Knight Sheet (see Ability
Tests and Rolls on p. 11). Your base limit increases with each Mortis threshold you cross
but it may also change due to adventures and other sources. When
11 Knight Abilities - These abilities can be used during a Clash (see you are instructed to gain +1 limit, simply move the limit mark-
Ability Usage, p. 24) er one space higher on the track. When your falls below a Mor-
12 Peril Arc - After you are dealt from an Enemy Attack, consult tis threshold, refer to your Peril Arc - if the limit designated on
this table to resolve Mortis Draw (see Mortis Draw, p. 18) it is higher, adjust your limit marker accordingly. If it is the same or
lower, nothing happens. limit does not change when you regain
13 Heroic Arc - When you attack you gain bonuses and abilities from
but it always resets on rest.
this table based on your current level.
14 Statistics track - Used to track your current , and levels
(see below).
Character Sheet Enemy Sheet
The Character Sheet serves as the personalized chronicle of your
Knight. You’ll use it to note your player name, earned abilities and arcs, 7+
Traits: Panzeronion, Humpty Charge
Egg, Knave
gained and crafted equipment, unlocked story chapters and important #____%
Additional Setup: Shuffle the Armor tokens face down,

choices. 1 6 then place one on each LVL space.

2 7+
Traits: Panzeronion, Humpty Charge, Counter
Here, you’ll also note any additional bonuses or penalties to your Skills,
as well as some more ‘esoteric’ Characteristics, like Despair, Drive, An- 4 10
Additional Setup: Shuffle the Armor tokens face down,
then place one on 1, two on 2 and three on 3.

ger, Hope and many more. These Characteristics may influence your
personal story and the whole game in surprising ways.
5 Traits: Panzeronion, Humpty Charge,
Counter, Jack'd, Hardboiled
Additional Setup: Shuffle the Armor tokens face down,

Knight Statistics
1, three on 2 and four on 3.

Each Knight has 3 main statistics represented on the tracks attached
to their Knight sheet. Whenever you are instructed to gain or lose any #______________%
1 #______________%
2 #______________%
When you Attack, lower your Total Power by the number of
Towering of stature and quick of temper, the oddly spherical
of them, simply increase or lower their level on a corresponding track. Armor tokens on the corresponding LVL.
Whenever the Eggknight loses an Armor token, place a Column terrain tile on the Battle
‘Egg Knight’ roams the petrified wastes of the Principality’s cities,
looking for hapless victims to torment – or, worse – take to their lair.
Its armor of oddly organic patterns regrow, its movements, not quite
Although there are effects that could cause you to gain or lose a statistic
Board in the space designated by the coordinates on the back of that Armor token.
Level 2+: Additionally lower your Total Power by the number of natural, make for a disturbing opponent. And it bleeds yellow.
Armor tokens on lower LVLs as well. Surely this grotesque creature cannot be human?
during the Delve Phase, they are mostly affected during Clashes. They
Enemy Sheet
Heat allows you to perform heroic acts: re-roll your dice, use
Ability cards and activate other abilities. The more you strain Similarly to Knights, Enemies are governed by a set of attributes repre-
yourself, the more you generate. You can gain up to your sented on the Enemy Sheet. These include:
limit, which increases the more wounded you become. You
lose at the start of each of your turns (see Refresh Step, p. 19) 1 Enemy Level - You should always refer only to the Traits and Sta-
Be wary though, as increasing your may cause the Enemies tistics corresponding to the Enemy’s current level. Each monster
to act more aggressively. Some AI cards have X+ effects that in Kingdoms Forlorn comes with multiple difficulty levels that not
you should apply if their target has equal to or higher than the only boost its stats but also introduce additional traits and may
designated level. greatly influence its behavior. In the Full Game, facing higher level
Enemies will be required to progress some of the Knight Quests
Passion represents your battle fervor: it increases each time and gain powerful rewards. For the purpose of this demo, refer to
you Attack and gives you access to powerful abilities from your Level 1 rules. If you wish, however, you can try out the other levels
Heroic Arc. By increasing it, you also become the threat in the after your first game! (Delve Aftermath: What To Do Next?, p. 34)
eyes of your Enemies. Each time you raise , compare its level
with other Knights. If yours is the highest amongst all Knights, 2 To Hit - Designates the Attack Roll difficulty (see Attack Roll, p. 20)
gain the Priority Target token (unless you already have it), 3 Speed - Instructs you how many spaces the Enemy can move at
thus becoming the main target for Enemy attacks (see Priority once.
Target, p. 16)
4 Wound Threshold - When the Enemies suffer Wounds equal to this
Vigor tracks your wellbeing as well as your desperation: it low- value, they are Defeated.
ers due to Enemy attacks and other injuries. As you lose
, you become gradually closer to death (see Mortis on p. 18). 5 Traits - List of Traits that need to be applied on each Enemy level.
However, true heroes never back down and when pushed to the Some of them are printed on the Enemy Sheet (ES6), while others
brink, they strike with increased ferocity. When your level can be found on additional Trait cards.
falls below any of the Mortis thresholds, you increase your
limit, unlock additional abilities on certain Gear items and have
AI and BP Decks
a higher chance of drawing a Mortis card with a powerful come- The Enemies are controlled by two decks of cards that guarantee highly
back effect. responsive and variable (though not impossible to predict) behavior:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) deck includes cards with Enemy attacks that
are usually resolved in the Enemy Round.
Body Part (BP) deck includes cards that designate the difficulty of a
Knight Attack and introduce Enemy responses.

1. AI draw
2. Targeting
3. Enemy Movement
4. Enemy Attack
3 5. After Attack
9+ AI draw

[} Closest
Knight in front, in
Slashigor 1
[} Closest
Knight in sight.

1 /____Move & Attack

+1 _________
each_________. \
Each hit does 1
. 4
After Attack
AIGan 5
gup 3. 7+

AI Card Target
2 [} Closest
Knight in front, in
[} Clo
IRON-CAST DE sest Knight in sight.
3 & Attack
+1 _______\
1 Each hit does 1
Bone Squire For each 2 hits, roll
1 4AIAfter Attack
Gangup 3.
another (resolve once).


AI Card elements

2 At the start of the Enemy Round, draw an AI card from the top of the
AI Deck. Notice the numeral at the bottom of the card back illustration
While this is reve
(AI1). This number indicates the level of the AI card - as the Enemies
1 #_________________%
All Knights have -1
Precision. escalate, you will add higher level AI cards into the deck. So, although
Reveal the leftmost
the AI cards are face down, you get some sense of how dangerous the
________% Gan next Enemy Attack will be.
gup 3.
__________% Look at a chosen
. Each AI card has targeting instructions (AI2), Movement and Attack
instructions (AI3), After Attack instructions (AI4) and Evasion stats
(AI5): dice number and Evasion Difficulty.
BP Card
Learning your Enemies’ movesets and planning your battles according- After you reveal the AI card, check the Targeting to see who is being
ly is a vital part of Kingdoms Forlorn. If you pay close attention to how attacked. Targeting is a series of increasingly more general separate in-
the monsters act, you might be able to prevent some of their most dev- structions called lines. To check who becomes the Target of the Attack,
astating abilities before they even happen. read the lines in the ‘Targeting’ area of the AI card, one by one from top
Both of these decks consist of 6 or 8 cards at a time but it does not mean to bottom until you find the first one that you can resolve. Do not
that this is all each Enemy has to offer! In the course of a Clash, these check further Targeting lines. Possible targeting instructions include:
decks will Escalate and become progressively more deadly. You’ll learn Closest: The Enemy can reach this Knight by moving the fewest spaces.
more about Escalation on p. 21.
In front: The Knight is on any space in front of and within Line of Sight
of the Enemy (see facing, below)
Clash Sequence In range: The Enemy can reach the Target by moving a number of
Clashes in Kingdoms Forlorn are resolved in a series of alternating En- spaces up to its speed value and perform an Attack against the Target.
emy and Knight Rounds. By default all Clashes begin with the Enemy In sight: The Target is within Line of Sight of the Enemy.
Round. During the Enemy Round, you draw and resolve AI cards, then
Engaged: The Target is on a space sharing an Edge with a space occu-
during the Knight Round each Knight takes their turn and performs
pied by any Enemy.
a movement action ( ) and combat action ( ). Repeat this se-
quence until you win (by dealing a set amount of wounds) or lose (if Non-engaged: The Target is on a space not sharing an edge with a
all Knights die). space occupied by any Enemy.
Priority Target: The Target with the Priority Target token.
Enemy Round
In Zone X: The Target is in a space within Zone X (see Zone X below).
In the Enemy Round, you activate Enemies by drawing and resolving
AI cards. In a Boss Clash, you only activate the Boss Enemy (thus you Blindspot: The Target is in a space that is the Blindspot of the Enemy.
usually draw only one AI card), whereas in a Mob Clash the number of No target: Refer to this instruction if no other Targeting Line applies,
Enemies you need to activate is designated by activation tokens (see instead of resolving Routine.
Activation Tokens on p. 19). Each Enemy activates separately and must To become the Target, a Knight must fulfill all requirements of a single
resolve its whole activation before any other Enemy can activate. To Targeting line (e.g. for a “ [} Closest non-engaged Knight in range” in-
activate an Enemy, resolve the following steps: struction, the Knight must be the closest among Knights that are both

non-engaged and in range).
If there is no valid Target for any of the Targeting instructions, the AI
card is discarded and the Enemy performs its Routine instead, if it has
one (see below).
Priority Target
The Priority Target token serves as a tiebreaker for the purpose of
Targeting. The Knight with the token is considered to be the Prior-
ity Target. When during Clash you increase your Passion for any
reason (usually when you Attack), compare your current level to
the of the Priority Target token’s holder. If your is higher, you
become the new Priority Target and gain the token.
If two or more Knights are equally viable Targets (fulfill all instructions
of the same Targeting line) and one of them is the Priority Target, this
Knight becomes the Target.
If two or more Knights are equally viable Targets and none of them is
the Priority Target, the players may choose which of them becomes the White spaces are in front, black spaces are in the rear.
When the Knight with the dies, pass the token to the living Zone X
Knight with the highest Passion. Zone X designates an area around the Enemy. For simplicity, this also
Line of Sight (LoS) includes corner spaces, so that the Zone takes the shape of a square.
Zone 1 indicates a Zone extending 1 space around the model, Zone 2
Line of Sight is used to determine whether a Knight has an unobstruct- indicates a Zone extending 2 spaces and so on.
ed view of the Enemy and vice versa. A Knight must have LoS to the
Enemy to perform an Attack against it. Most of the time the Enemy also
requires LoS while attacking, but some Targeting instructions do not
require it. (see “Targeting” on p. 15)
To check LoS, see if you can Draw an imaginary unobstructed straight
line from a corner of any space occupied by the Attacker to a corner of
any space occupied by the Target:
✦ If the line passes through an obstacle or along its edge, there is no
line of sight.
✦ If the line touches a corner of such space, there is line of sight.
✦ Miniatures do not block line of sight.
✦ In any other situation there is line of sight.
Important exception: Knights in the Blindspot (see p. 32) are never
in Enemy LoS.
Every Enemy miniature and standee has a front, a direction it is facing. Zone 2 example
Some Targeting instructions and other game elements may refer to the
Enemy’s front or rear. To find out if a Knight or any other game ele-
ment is in front of the Enemy, draw an imaginary line passing along the SIGNATURE AND ROUTINE
edges of the spaces occupied by the Enemy miniature’s front. All spaces
beyond this line in the direction the Enemy is facing towards are con- One of the Enemies in this demo, the Eggknight, has a Routine
sidered in front (see diagram below). Rear designates only the spaces card - it is a special action the creature does when there is no eli-
adjacent to the Enemy, directly behind it (in relation to the front). gible Knight for any of the Targeting lines on its current AI card.
The Enemies always turn: Usually, Routines are devastating effects that should be avoided
at all costs!
✦ Towards their target when they move or attack
As all great Bosses, the Eggknight also has an iconic move, repre-
✦ When otherwise instructed to turn sented by a Signature card. If another effect instructs you to per-
form a Signature, this is the Attack you should resolve

Enemy Movement
Most Enemy AIs will instruct you to move them. An Enemy always
performs its move and tries to move as close to the Target as possible,
up to its value, stopping when they become adjacent (unless stated
At the beginning of the move, the Enemy always turns to face the Target
first (even if it’s already adjacent.) Then it moves along the shortest pos-
sible path, that is through the fewest number of spaces.

Note: Boss enemies can move through Obstacles and Knights, but
Mob enemies will move around them (and count spaces accordingly).
Enemies always move one space at a time, in cardinal directions (not
If there is more than one valid path the Enemy can take, it will ‘zig-
zag’ move towards its target - cardinally, switching the movement axis
after every space traveled (players choose the initial movement axis). It
stops ‘zigzag’ movement if it would cause it to get further away from the
target. Then, if there is still more than one valid path to choose (none of
them is shorter), players decide which one it will take.

Enemy Movement example 2

Boss Movement through occupied spaces

If the Enemy moves through a space occupied by a Knight miniature,
that Knight suffers Crash. The Knight loses 1 and suffers Knock-
Enemy Movement example 1 down (gains the Knockdown: Falling down Condition card). Then,
if the Boss Enemy finished its movement on a space occupied by the
Knight, this Knight suffers unavoidable Knockback 5 (see Knockback
X keyword on p. 26).
Target out of range!
Sometimes an Enemy will target a Knight that is outside of its effective
Move and Attack range. In such a case, they will still perform the move-
ment, trying to get as close to their Target as possible, and they simply
skip the Attack step and go straight to the After Attack step.
Window of Opportunity
Most AI cards, as well as some BP cards and other game elements, give
the players an opportunity to react to the situation, most often the Ene-
my Attack, outside of their normal turn. These ‘action spaces’ are called
windows of opportunity, represented by the symbol. When you
see a preceding an instruction or effect, it means that you can
use reaction abilities immediately before you resolve it. In this demo,
some Knights have a reaction ability: the Knight Roll. It is extremely
powerful if used in the right moment - it allows you to readjust your
positioning or even roll away from a charging Eggknight (see Humpty
Charge trait)!
Enemy Attack
For most Attacks, the Enemy must be adjacent to its target - the Knight
or the Zone designated by the Targeting instructions. If it is not, simply
skip this step and proceed straight to After Attack.
Evasion Roll
In Kingdoms Forlorn, Enemies do not roll to hit - it is up to you to
evade them! In the upper right corner of the card, each Enemy Attack
has a number of Evasion dice and the Evasion roll difficulty below it.
To perform an Evasion roll you must roll the specified amount of dice
(remember to always roll one white Critical Die! See p. 28), trying to
roll equal to or higher than the difficulty.

If you have any Gear cards or effects that improve your Evasion ( ), Some Mortis cards are instantaneous, while others persist throughout
add their bonus to the result of each die rolled. You may also use to the Clash or force you to gain a Condition card. After resolving the Mor-
re-roll Evasion dice (see Heat on p. 14). Remember: Each die can only tis card effects, discard it (unless stated otherwise). Any Mortis card you
be re-rolled once, regardless of the source of the re-roll! discard should be put at the bottom of the corresponding deck.

Then compare the results to the Evasion roll difficulty. Each result Some game effects may also instruct you to draw a Mortis card of a spe-
equal to or higher than the Evasion roll difficulty value is a successful cific severity or even to draw a Judicium card. When it happens, simply
evade, whereas each result lower than the difficulty is a hit. If you have resolve the Mortis Draw from the designated deck, regardless of your
a Block X keyword, you may trigger it now to ignore X hits. current level.

If there are no hits (meaning that you successfully evaded with all dice), After you draw a Mortis card, remember to resolve any lingering
it is considered to be a full evade and you should proceed straight to attack effects, then proceed to the After Attack effects.
the After Attack part of the AI card, as well as trigger all ‘Full Evade:’
abilities. Otherwise, proceed to attack effects.
Some of the most powerful Mortis cards as well as a few other
DEFENSIVE STATISTICS effects may allow you to perform a bonus Attack. If it happens
Some Gear cards have defensive statistics that you during an Enemy Attack, it could in turn elicit a response from a
should keep in mind when resolving Enemy Attacks. BP card which in turn can force you to draw another Mortis card.
These include Evasion bonus 1 added to all Evasion To avoid an endless cycle and having to keep in mind several lin-
Dice you roll and Armor Dice 2 that allow you to gering effects, the game enforces an action Chain Break rule: An
mitigate dealt. To learn more about gear cards, see 1 attack or a Enemy attack always breaks the chain; this means
p. 23. that if an attack interrupts another attack, ignore all lingering
+1 effects of the original attack (including After Attack).

Judicium Cards
When your goes down to 0, you are not killed immediately but your
Attack effects chances of survival go drastically down. Dropping to 0 (or below)
If you rolled at least one hit, you must resolve all effects of the AI card. always causes a Mortis Draw - even if it was not caused by an Enemy
Thankfully, most Attacks scale with the number of hits you receive, so Attack! When it happens, draw a Judicium Card, as instructed by the
even a partial evade will make the attack weaker. Resolve all attack ef- Peril Arc. Note, that although your track stops at 0, you should re-
fects in the order they are written on the card. member any excess you suffered - it may matter!
Attacks have various effects but most of them do Damage ( ). When By default there should be only two Judicium Cards in the deck: a ‘You
it happens, perform Armor Roll, then for each suffered, lose 1 live’ card and a ‘You die’ card. They do what you would expect. So, when
and immediately resolve a Mortis draw (see below). If the attack has you draw a Judicium, you have a 50-50 chance of dying. After resolving
any other effects, remember to resolve them after drawing a Mortis a Judicium card, always shuffle it back into the deck.
card! If you suffered significant excessive below 0 , you may have to
Armor Roll add more negative Judicium Cards into the deck - consult the Massive
All Knights start with a basic breastplate, but Damage table below and shuffle the designated cards into the Judicium
they may soon gain additional defensive items! Deck. Note that effectively you are still at 0 , any excess is taken
Whenever you are dealt from an Attack, roll into consideration for this draw only. The cards added to the Judicium
a pool of Power Dice equal to the total of all deck, however, remain in it until the end of Clash - it affects all Knights,
armor dice on all of your equipped Gear cards even the ones that did not suffer massive damage.
and subtract all results from the total value of
dealt. If it reduces to 0, do not resolve a
Mortis Draw. Note: Unlike evasion dice, armor MASSIVE DAMAGE TABLE
dice cannot be re-rolled using . Armor Dice symbol

Mortis Draw Excess Damage Judicium added

In Kingdoms Forlorn, neither Knights nor their Enemies stand idly
when attacked. Each time you are Attacked, you must draw a Mortis 5+ You Died Horribly
card to see how your Knight reacts. These cards can take the form of
wounds and negative Conditions, but they are equally as likely to pres-
ent you with opportunities or allow you to perform heroic deeds. 9+ Your Gruesome Death Becomes
When any is dealt to you, lower your level accordingly (remem-
ber to adjust your limit if needed, see p. 14), then consult your Peril
Arc and draw a Mortis card of a severity that corresponds to your cur- 12+ Your Death Beckons the Graal
rent level - Minor (1), Major (2), Grave (3) or Judicium. Note that
Judicium cards are a special case of Mortis, described in greater detail Note: These effects stack, i.e. if you suffer 12 excessive and no
below. Judicium cards have been added to the deck, add all of them.
Remember: You only resolve a Mortis Draw after you are dealt
from an Attack. Do not draw a Mortis card when you lose
for any other reason (unless you drop to 0 or below - see Judicium

Multiple Target Attacks Knight Round
Some Attacks affect more than one Knight. If it happens, resolve all of
these attacks separately, in the order of your choosing (each Knight per- In the Knight Round, each Knight activates in any order and performs
forms a separate Evasion Roll). Examples of such attacks include: their turn. A Knight’s turn consists of two steps:
Additional Target Attacks - some boss attacks are so powerful, they I. Refresh Step
deal collateral damage. When you see the Additional Target diagram
on an AI card (see example below), it means that this Attack is resolved In the Refresh Step, Refresh your and cards. Lower your by a
against the target and another Knight in the designated spaces (if there value designated by your Refresh. Consult your Card Refresh statis-
is any). There are two types of Additional Target Attacks in this demo: tic and return a designated number of cards from your Sink ( ) area
to your hand (if there are any). Then move all cards from your Delay
Attack is resolved against the Target and a Knight ( ) area to your Sink ( ) area. That’s it, now you’re ready to perform
standing directly behind it. your actions.

Attack is resolved against the Target and a Knight II. Action Step
standing in the other space directly in front of the En- In the Action Step you perform one Movement Action ( ) and one
emy. Combat Action ( ). You can choose which of your actions you wish
All Knights in Zone Attacks - Although most Attacks target specific to perform first, but you must finish one action before you perform an-
Knights, some of them will instead affect all Knights in a designated other (i.e. you cannot move, then attack, then continue movement).
area, usually Zone X (see Zone X on p. 16). Movement Action - Allows you to move a number of spaces up to
After Attack your Knight’s . Similarly to Enemies, Knights can only move in cardi-
nal directions and they cannot move through spaces occupied by other
Once all main Attack effects have been resolved, simply proceed to re-
Knights, Enemies or terrain tiles with the obstacle keyword (such as
solve the After Attack effects (if any). Note that these are separate from
the main Attack effect - they are resolved even if the Attack itself was
fully evaded. Then see if there are any other Enemies that need to be
activated. If not this is the end of the Enemy Round. Proceed to the
Knight Round.

You use activation tokens during a Mob Clash to track which Mob
Enemy will act next. For the purposes of this demo, use the generic
acrylic cubes as activation tokens. In the Ironcast Dead Battle Setup
you are instructed to place activation tokens on the two leftmost
BP cards. All activation tokens are readied (not spent) by default.
In the Enemy Round, activate a number of Mobs equal to the
number of activation tokens, starting from the leftmost Mob with
an activation token. Once you finish resolving a Mob activation,
move the activation token from this BP card to the first BP to the
right from the other activation token (see example below), i.e.
one without an activation token.
Each token only activates one card per Round - when you move a
Knight Movement examples
token, it is considered spent. Place it above the card as a remind-
er. If there are no valid BP cards to the right, instead place it on the
Combat Action - Allows you to Attack an Enemy (see Knight At-
leftmost BP card on the track.
tack on p. 20). To Attack, the Enemy must be within your weapon’s
1 2 effective range - adjacent for most weapons, within a specified number
or spaces for Ranged and Reach weapons (see Keywords, p. 25) and in
your Line of Sight (see Line of Sight, p. 16).
During your turn you may also use any number of Free Actions (such

1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1

1 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10
as playing Ability Cards) before, in between or after you perform both
6 7 8 9 10

of your Actions but not during another Action unless the ability clearly


31 41 denotes a specific activation time (e.g. “when you are about to perform

Enemy Sheet

Enemy Sheet

2 2 a Power Roll”).
3 3



1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1

4 4 AI AI

Spending Actions
1 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 6 7 8 9 10

5 5

GraveSheet Judicium

GraveSheet Judicium



If 61a Mob is defeated while there is61 an activation token on (or Some effects may require you to spend an action. You can only
2 it, move the token as if it was2 activated, according to the
spend an action that is available (i.e. it has not been performed yet


rules above but do not change its state (spent or readied).



3 8
3 this turn) and, once you spend it, it cannot be used or spent again.


At49 the end of the Enemy Round, all 9 spent activation tokens are
4 AI Powerful combined abilities such as Rush may even require you to

10 again - place them on the cards
10 they are assigned to. spend both of your actions ( ). These are called Complicated


5 5
Judicium Minor

Judicium Minor


6 6
7 7



8 8


9 9

10 10 19



Knight Attack
Each Knight Attack follows these steps, explained in greater detail
Heroic Arc
below: The more you gain, the dead-
1. Declare Attack and Active Weapon lier you become. This is reflected Tracker
2. Raise Passion and check Priority Target by the Heroic Arc. You can find
each Knight’s Heroic Arc on their
3. Attack Roll Knight Sheet. It shows Passion
4. First Ability Window Levels and corresponding bonus- `_(_____)
es. These bonuses stack. For ex- (_____)
5. Draw BP card
ample, if you had 3 , you would `_(_____)
6. Power Roll
gain bonuses from the first, second (_____)
7. Responses `_____4__________________________+__________1__________________{
and third levels. Sometimes Heroic
8. Wounds and Escalation Arc provides you with a choice: for `_(_____)
example, Sir Sonch at 1 may (_____)
9. Clearing the Knight Pool
choose to either gain Break 1 for
10. Second Ability Window Heroic Arc
his attack or Hug 1 and Opening
1. Declare Attack and Active Weapon 1. To learn the meaning of other
Declare you are about to attack, then choose one of your unexhausted Heroic Arc symbols, see Keywords Heroic Arc
(see Exhausting Cards on p. 24) weapon Gear cards as an active weap- on p. 25.
on for this attack.
Remember: You can only choose a weapon as active if the target of
your attack is in its effective range (adjacent for all weapons without 3. Attack Roll
Reach or Ranged keywords) and within line of sight (see Line of Sight
on p. 16). Roll a number of attack dice (d10s) equal to the value of your weap-
on. Remember to always use one white Crit Die. If you roll a natural
Important Exception: It would be a terrible shame if you got a bonus ‘10’ on a Crit Die, you gain a Crit Chance - remember it for now, we’ll
Attack and were unable to resolve it. For this reason, in case of bonus get back to it later. Increase (or lower) the result of each attack die by
Attacks, you can choose an exhausted weapon as an active weapon and your weapon’s Precision modifier. Remember that you can use Open-
immediately unexhaust it. Now that’s some bonus! ing or Addle tokens from the Knight Pool to gain additional Precision
(See Co-op tokens on p. 28). You can also re-roll your dice by gaining
or using other abilities and effects that provide Attack Re-rolls (see
OFFENSIVE STATISTICS Dice Re-rolls on p. 28).

Each weapon card has an Attack Dice Each die with a result equal to or higher than the Enemy’s To Hit
Axe, Bandit, Metal
( ) value is a hit. If you hit with all your attack dice, it is considered
value 1 , Precision Modifier 2 and
Weapon Power 3 . These are the main
1 1 Bandit a full hit and activates all ‘Full hit:’ abilities. Generally, the more dice
2 Handaxe you hit with, the better - your Weapon’s power is later multiplied by the
Offensive Statistics you are going to re- +0 number of hits.
fer to when you Attack. Some powerful
weapons also have Bonus Power 4 3 All dice that are not hits are misses. If you miss with all your attack dice,
that is added on top of your Power Roll + 4 it is considered a full miss. Do not resolve any further attack steps ex-
result. To learn more about Gear cards, cept step 9 (Clear the Knight Pool), then activate all ‘full miss:’ abilities
see p. 23. and immediately end the attack.
Note that some Gear cards have additional effects that activate based
on the result of your Attack roll.
2. Raise Passion and check Priority Target Remember: A natural ‘10’ is always a hit and a natural ‘1’ is always
Raise your by 1. Then, if your is higher than the Priority Tar- a miss – no matter how many positive or negative Precision mod-
get’s , you become the new Priority Target – gain the token. ifiers you apply.
Deadly 9-10.
Auto-break 1. 4. First Ability Window
Apply all effects and abilities resolved in the first ability window. Gen-
70 Haven Wareserally,
this is when you use effects that improve your own attack (such
as Autobreak X) and allow you to change your positioning (such as
Hug X or Reposition X).

5. Draw BP Card
Inner Shell 3 Remember the Over X+ part of the BP card? Once you resolve the
Power Roll, do the following:
✦ If you Failed to wound, compare your Total Power to the X
✦ If you Wounded, compare only your excess power: subtract
the value from your Total Power, then compare it to the
1 6 X value.
2 #____________________€_________________%
Over 4+ Leave 1 . If the power you compared is equal to or higher than X, you get
to resolve the corresponding effect! It is a co-operative effect that
3 #_________________%
Pushback 4. Suffer 3 . strengthens the next attack - therefore it is always resolved in the
Fail second ability window. You may, however, want to place the desig-
Humpty Charge.
nated co-op tokens next to the Knight Pool, as a reminder.
Eggknight gains -1 .


7. Responses
If you are attacking a Mob Enemy, check the number on the standee. Enemies do not take lightly to being attacked! Almost every Knight
Reveal the BP card assigned to the corresponding Mob number. attack will garner some form of response. The exact nature of the re-
If you are attacking a Boss Enemy, instead simply reveal the top card sponse depends on the result of the Power roll:
from the BP deck. ✦ If you scored a Wound, you resolve the Wound response. However,
Notice the numeral in the center of the card back. This number indi- if you wounded and had a Crit Chance, you instead resolve only the
cates the level of the BP card. So, although the BP cards are facedown, Crit effect.
you get some sense of how hard the BP card will be to wound. On the ✦ If you failed to wound the Enemy, you resolve the Fail response.
other hand, the higher the level, the better rewards it is going to yield! ✦ Sometimes an Enemy will also have an Instinct response that you
Use this information to choose which Mob to attack and to choose the have to resolve regardless of the Power roll result (and in addition to
order of your attacks against the Boss. any other responses; the only exception being the Critical).
The most vital part of an BP card is its value 1 . It designates the Once you know which response should be resolved (if any), see if it in-
power required to wound this card. Aside from this, each BP card also volves an Enemy Attack (AI card, Signature or Routine) or Follow-up
has an “Over X+” rating and effect 2 and possible Enemy Responses Knight Attack. If it does, note what kind of attack it will be, then finish
3. up the current attack flow. The new attack will happen immediately
6. Power Roll after this one is completely resolved.
Once you know which Body Part you are attacking (or, in case of Mobs, If the response does not involve an attack, resolve it now and proceed
which monster), you must gather your Power Pool and roll the Power to the next step.
Die, trying to meet or exceed the value. Your Power Pool consists 8. Wounds and Escalation
As the Battle goes on, Knights gain that makes them more pow-
✦ Your Knight’s Power (for all Knights in this demo, it is one ). erful and in turn Enemies become more sturdy and ferocious. Such is
✦ Your weapon’s Power multiplied by the number of successful hits. the effect of Escalation, one of our central Clash mechanics. Escalation
makes the Enemies tougher, by adding higher level cards to the BP
✦ Any additional Power Dice and bonus from your gear, abilities and
deck, and more deadly, by swapping AI cards in the AI deck.
the Knight Pool.
Once you’ve gathered your Power Pool, roll all of your Power Die. Each If you failed to wound, the Enemies remain as they are:
symbol gives you 1 power. If you rolled any symbols, they can be ✦ In a Mob Clash, leave the BP card revealed in its current space on
converted into using Break or Pierce tokens (see Co-op tokens on the Mob track. Note that some Mob BPs have additional effects
p. 28). You can also use any Power Re-roll abilities now if you are not when revealed.
satisfied with your results (note that you cannot re-roll Power Dice ✦ In a Boss Clash, place the revealed BP card in the BP discard.
using !).
If you inflicted the wound, refer to the following paragraphs. For a full
When you decide you do not want to modify your roll further, simply breakdown of each case, see the table on p. 22.
sum your Total Power. If it is equal to or higher than the BP card’s
value, you successfully Wound the Enemy. Wounded Mob standees are
removed from the battle board but a wounded Boss remains - and will IMPORTANT ESCALATION RULES
likely strike back! If your Total Power is lower than the BP card’s
, you Fail to wound. This does not, however, mean that your attack did When resolving Escalation, keep the following in mind:
nothing! See the box below. 1. There is a major difference between wounding a Boss and a
Note that some weapons have a Full Power: effect that activates if you Mob Enemy:
have the maximum power on each of your Power dice (2 for Red Power a. A Wounded Boss escalates both BP and AI decks.
Die, 4 for Black Power Die). You can use results to reach Full Power, b. A Wounded Mob escalates only the AI deck.
provided you have enough tokens. 2. If instructed to search the deck and discard, always prioritize
the deck. Search discard only if there is no applicable card in
the deck.

Escalating the BP deck
Generally, when the current BP card leaves the BP deck to become a
Wound, you take a random BP card one level higher from the escalation NO VALID CARD TO ESCALATE
deck and shuffle it into the BP deck. If the new BP card would end up as
the only card in the deck, shuffle in the BP discard pile too. If you search the deck and discard looking for a card to escalate
and you have not found one of an appropriate level, instead esca-
Important: The BP deck is only escalated after a Wound dealt to a late a card one level higher. If there is no higher level to escalate
Boss. Some effects, however, may instruct you to perform a BP escala- and you still cannot find a card to escalate, go down in levels in-
tion in a Mob fight as well (see Types of Escalation, p. 28). To resolve it, stead.
simply find the designated BP card on the BP track (prioritize leftmost)
and remove it from the game, then place a random BP card one level
higher from the escalation deck in its place.
Escalating the AI deck
To escalate the AI deck, search the deck and discard pile for a card match-
ing the wounded BP card’s level and remove it from the game. Then, take
a random AI card of a higher level and shuffle it into the AI deck. Do
not shuffle in the AI discard pile, unless you removed the card from the
discard pile or the new AI card would end up the only card in the deck.

Escalation Table

Wounded card: BP Deck (Boss Clash only!) AI Deck

BP 1 Shuffle a BP 2 card from the escalation deck into the Search the AI deck and the AI discard pile for an AI 1
BP deck. card and remove it from the game. If you removed a
card from the discard pile, shuffle the discard pile into
the AI deck. Shuffle an AI 2 card from the escalation
deck into the AI deck.

BP 2 Shuffle a BP 3 card from the escalation deck into the Search the AI deck and the AI discard pile for an AI 2
BP deck. card and remove it from the game. If you removed a
card from the discard pile, shuffle the discard pile into
the AI deck. Shuffle an AI 3 card from the escalation
deck into the AI deck.

BP 3 Search the BP deck and BP discard pile for the lowest Search the AI deck and the AI discard pile for the
level BP card and remove it from the game. If you lowest level AI card and remove it from the game. If
removed a card from the discard pile, shuffle the you removed a card from the discard pile , shuffle the
discard pile into the deck. Shuffle a BP 3 card from the discard into the AI deck. Shuffle an AI 3 card from the
escalation deck and the wounded BP 3 card into the BP escalation deck into the AI deck.

BP 3 (Critically Wounded) Search the BP deck and BP discard pile for the lowest
level BP card and remove it from the game. If you
removed a card from the discard pile, shuffle the
discard pile into the deck. Shuffle two BP 3 cards from
the escalation deck into the BP deck.

BP 3, when all cards in the Shuffle the BP discard pile into the BP deck. Place the Search the AI deck and the AI discard pile for the
BP deck and discard pile are set aside BP 3 card at the bottom of the BP deck. lowest level AI card and remove it from the game. If
already BP 3 cards you removed a card from the discard pile , shuffle the
discard into the AI deck. Shuffle an AI 3 card from the
escalation deck into the AI deck. If there are no level
BP 3 (Critically Wounded), Shuffle the BP discard pile into the BP Deck.
3 AI cards left, the Enemy gains 1 bonus per Wound,
when all cards in BP deck and Note: The BP deck will have 1 card less.
in the following order: +1 Damage dealt per hit, +1
discard pile are already BP 3
to-Hit, +1 Attack Die, +1AT.

Wounding a BP 3 You can gain some Gear from Quests and Adventures but mostly you
Each time you wound a BP 3, you deal a powerful blow to the Ene- will craft it using gold and resources in between Delves.
my forces: you either defeat a Mob commander or damage one of the Gear Types
Boss’s vital organs. Therefore each BP 3 card in the Wound stack counts
There are three main categories of Gear cards:
as 2 Wounds!
✦ Weapons (various symbols): All Gear carried by Knights in their
Since, however, there is no higher card level to Escalate into, they are
hands counts as a weapon (shields included!). Weapons can occupy
approached a bit differently. See the Escalation Table (p. 22) for details.
one hand slot or two hand slots. All weapons have offensive
Important exception: In Boss Battles a BP 3 card only lands on the capabilities, but some of them may grant you defensive ones as well.
Wound stack if Critically Wounded. When it happens, you add an ad- Generally Knights have 2 slots but they may gain abilities that
ditional BP 3 card to the deck when you escalate (as instructed in the will allow them to carry more equipment into battle.
Escalation Table). ✦ Armor : This category includes all sorts of defensive Gear that
Non-critically wounded BP 3 cards are shuffled back into the BP deck. covers the Knight’s body. Armor usually grants an Armor Value,
Place a generic Double Wound near the Wound stack to mark the in- Evasion bonus, Evasion re-rolls or a combination of these defensive
flicted damage (see Single and Double Wounds, p. 29). statistics. Generally, Knights have 1 slot.
9. Clearing the Knight Pool ✦ Support : Support Gear gives you access to unique abilities and
effects. Support cards usually have no defensive or offensive statis-
After resolving responses and performing Escalation, remove all to-
tics. Generally, Knights have 2 slots.
kens from the Knight Pool except the ones with an effect that explicitly
states otherwise (like Pierce, Addle, Lux and Fleisch). Remember: al- Knighves
ways make use of as many co-op tokens as possible, since they will be Aside from their main weapon, Knights always carry a sidearm into bat-
removed at the end of the attack anyway. tle. A short dagger, a broken spear’s tip or an improvised weapon - so
10. Second Ability Window called Knighves come in many shapes and sizes. For all intents and pur-
poses, Knighves are treated as any other Gear card, with the following
Activate applicable abilities from your Knight’s Heroic Arc, your ac-
tive weapon and any other non-weapon Gear cards equipped on your
Knight. During this Modifier Ability Window you will usually leave co- ✦ Each Knight may equip Knighves as their weapon during Gear
op tokens for your fellow players (most notably from Opening X and Loadout. They are never noted in the equipment section.
Break X keywords). As you often have a choice of tokens to leave, con- ✦ If, at any point of the Clash, a Knight loses all of their weapon cards,
sider the card back of the top BP card to make an informed decision! they immediately gain the Knighves card and may use it like a nor-
Remember: If there are any Attack responses to resolve, this is the time mal Gear card.
to do it! ✦ When a Knight is about to declare an active weapon, they may
choose to immediately discard their weapons and equip Knighves
End of Knight Round instead (for example, this could be useful if you only have ranged
weapons and gain a bonus Attack while adjacent to the Enemy).
Once all Knights have taken their turns, the Knight round ends and you
Note, however, that the discarded weapons are then unavailable un-
should proceed to the Enemy round. Continue resolving Knight and
til Rest.
Enemy rounds until you win or lose.
✦ Knighves can be exhausted or discarded just like any other Gear
Additional Clash Rules card! If a Knight loses their Knighves card, then they are truly help-
Gear Cards

2 Knighves
3 Knives 6
2 2 Knighves 1

Opening 1.

Basic Melee

Knighves Gear Card

5 Opening 1.
Gear attributes
Basic Melee
All Gear cards share a number of attributes that define them.
Offensive Gear stats are found primarily on weapons and influence
Gear card elements include type 1 , name 2 , offensive stats 3 , your ability to attack. They are always situated on the left side of the
defensive stats 4 ability box 5 and traits 6 . Gear card and include:

Attack Dice: Number of Attack Dice rolled for
each Attack.
+3 Precision bonus: A value you add to the result of each of your
Attack dice.
Weapon Power: Number of Power dice provided by
each hit. Once you hit the Enemy, for each successful (_____)
2 #_______
9 _%
__________it _____
4 __________
hit you add this many dice to your Power Pool. (_3____) ________»
#_ ______
(7-8 ___________Mi______nor__%
(_4____) ____________________Lim
__________it _____
5, Bre__________
ak _____
1 ___»
Bonus Power: Some powerful weapons have Bonus Power, that is
bonus Power dice or even Raw Power that is added to each Attack, (_5____) #_
__________it _____
6, Fir_____e_____1 ________»
providing the player scored at least one hit. (_6____) #_
__________ Gra ______
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____
_ _ _________
{ Lim__________it _____ _____e_____1 ________»
Defensive Gear stats increase your survivability and are found primar-
(_ ____)
`___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ 7, Fir
0______Jud ______ ______
(____________________ Lim
iciu m_%
ily on armor, shield weapons and some support Gear. They are always _______________it_____8, _____
x ________»
situated on the right side of the Gear card and include: Peril Arc

Armor value: Number of Armor dice added to your Armor

Arc Cards
roll dice pool.
Exhausting Gear
Evasion bonus: A value you add to the result of each of your Many effects will instruct you to a Gear card.
Evasion dice. When a card is exhausted, you should turn it 90 degrees to the right to
denote it. It is still treated as equipped on your Knight but you cannot
Other Gear stats and qualities
use it as an active weapon, use its defensive statistics nor activate any of
Aside from main statistics, you may find the following elements on its abilities unless stated otherwise.
Gear cards:
Cards remain exhausted until they are unexhausted by another effect
Charges : Some powerful effects are limited by (see below).
the number of charges. At the start of Battle, place
a number of tokens on this card equal to the
value. When an ability instructs you to spend a
charge, discard 1 token from this card. If there are 2 Knighves
no charges on a Gear card, you cannot use abilities +0
that require you to discard a charge. Charge Token

Ability box: All effects described in this part of a Gear card are abilities.
To learn more about them, see Ability Usage below.
Traits: These are additional descriptors of each Gear card. They have
no inherent effect but other game elements may refer to specific traits.

Gated Abilities and Effects
In Kingdoms Forlorn, some Gear cards grow more powerful as the Bat-

tle goes on and their wielder inches closer to death. Some card stats
Opening 1.

and abilities are gated by Mortis level.

Basic Melee

Crit Evade: Opening 2.
Gated Ability Exhausted Card
Once you meet the requirements by dropping below a designated Mor-
tis threshold (see Mortis on p. 18), the gated ability or stat becomes Un-exhausting Gear
unlocked. If, for some reason, you stop meeting the gate requirement, Each Knight may spend their or to un-exhaust all of their
the ability is again locked and unavailable. Note that some gated abil- equipped Gear cards. Some other game effects may also allow you to
ities are added on top of the normal abilities, while others replace the un-exhaust some or all of your game elements.
normal abilities of a card.
Discarding Gear
Arc cards
When you are instructed to discard a Gear card, flip it facedown. It is
Although these are not Gear cards, you can equip them on your Knight unusable until you rest and it is not treated as equipped by your Knight.
instead of their default Heroic or Peril Arc. They represent changes in
your character’s attitude and abilities caused by important events in Ability Usage
their storyline. You can only have one Heroic Arc and one Peril Arc
equipped at a time. If you equip an alternate Arc, cover your default Arc There are various types of Abilities in Kingdoms Forlorn. They include:
of the corresponding type. Treat all abilities on your Arc cards as your Innate Abilities - listed on your Knight Sheet and Arc cards.
Knight’s Innate Abilities.
Card Abilities - printed on each Knight’s Ability Cards.
Note: Although Knights may trade equipment and resources, they can
Gear Abilities - denoted on your Gear cards.
never trade unlocked Arcs! These are exclusive for every Knight.

All abilities are either active or passive: Break X: During the second ability window, place X Break
Active abilities usually require you to pay some cost: spend your ac- tokens in the Knight Pool. During the Power Roll step, ev-
tion ( , or ( ), gain heat ( ), lose vigor ( ), exhaust ( ) ery Break token in the Knight Pool allows to turn 1 result
or discard ( ) the card granting you this ability. You must be able to into 1 .
pay the whole cost to use an Active ability. If an Active ability does not
denote a specific activation window (such as “when you are about to Bonus Power die: During the power
perform a Power Roll”), it can be used as a free action: before, after or roll step of an attack, add the Power die
between your regular actions. shown here to your die pool.
Break Token

Bypass: You may move through other Knights. You cannot end your
voluntary movement on a space occupied by another Knight.
Cantrip X: During the second ability win-
dow, place X Cantrip tokens in the Knight
Passive abilities have no cost - they are automatically applied each Pool. During declaring Attack, change each
time they are relevant. Note: All abilities on Heroic Arcs are passive Cantrip in the Knight pool to either Open-
abilities. ing or Break.
Cantrip Token
Choke: Gain Choked Condition card.
CLASH ABILITY CARDS Crash: Apply when a Boss Enemy moves through a space occupied by
a Knight or a Knight is pushed into an Obstacle. That Knight loses 1
During the Clash Phase you can and is knocked down.
only use the Clash side of your 2
Ability cards. All Clash Ability Daze: During any Modifier Window, If adjacent, you may turn the Ene-
Cards are Active abilities and fol- my (without moving it) in a way that would result in your Knight being
low the same rules. When you in one of its rear spaces.
play an Ability card, resolve its ef- Deadly: During an Attack roll, you gain a crit chance on 9-10 results
fect 1 , then refer to its replenish instead.
symbol 2 . If it is instant ( ), it
Delay: Delay all cards in your sink area (move them to the delay area).
goes back to your hand, otherwise
place it in the appropriate area: sink Deploy X: At the beginning of a Clash, you can move X spaces from
( ), delay ( ) or discard ( ). 1 your starting position.
These cards cannot be used again Disable: Discard 1 random card from hand.
until they return to your hand.
Generally, cards in the sink and de- Distracted: Gain the Distracted Condition card.
lay area can be Refreshed during Clash (see Refresh Step on p. Escalate X: Escalate X lowest LVL cards from both the BP and AI
19), whereas cards placed in the discard area are unavailable until decks.
rest. Note that some Ability cards are played into your Play Area
Evasion Re-roll X: During the Evasion roll you may re-roll X dice
and have a constant effect. Their replenish symbol is taken into
without gaining .
consideration only when instructed by the card.
Fire X: During the second Modifier Window, place X Fire tokens in the
Knight Pool. During the Power Roll step, every Fire token in the Knight
Pool can be spent to turn 1 result into 1 . You must spend as many
Fire tokens as possible (you may use potential through different tokens
Keywords first). During the Clear Knight Pool step of an attack, remove all spent
A keyword is a common ability that has been shortened to a single word Fire tokens and 1 unspent Fire token. Leave any other unspent Fire to-
for convenience sake. Each keyword has its own rules which can be kens in the pool.
found on the keyword list below:
Fleisch: In the second ability window place 1
Addle: During the second ability window, Fleisch token in the Knight pool. These tokens
place an Addle token in the Knight Pool. can be used to pay for certain Knight abilities.
During Attack Roll, every Addle token in They are not removed from the Knight pool in
the Knight Poll adds +1 to the result of each the clear Knight Pool step of an attack and are
of your attack dice. Addle tokens are not re- only discarded when spent. Fleisch Token
moved in the Clear Knight Pool step and last
Addle Token Full Power: During an Attack, Attacking Knight
until the end of Clash.
achieved maximum possible power. (All rolled power dice resulted
Attack re-roll X: During the Attack roll you may re-roll X dice without with best possible outcomes and potential are used. (2 power for red
gaining . die, 4 for black die.)
Auto-break X: During the first ability window, place X Break tokens in Heal (Minion): Take the top card from the Wound Stack and place it
the Knight Pool (see Break X keyword). on the leftmost empty space of the Mob track. Take a corresponding
Block X: While performing an Evasion roll, treat X successful hits as Mob standee and place it on the battle board, adjacent to the Mob that
evaded. This ability can be used even when knocked down or otherwise performed heal (or in the closest unoccupied space), facing the most
prohibited from using abilities. Knights.
Hug: If adjacent to an enemy, during any modifier window,
move X spaces cardinally or diagonally. Each space you move to
must be unoccupied and adjacent to an enemy. You cannot per-
form movement through a corner between two occupied spac-

es. If you perform Hug in the first modifier window, you cannot
move in a way that would result in your target being outside of
your weapon’s effective range.

Knockback examples

Knockdown: Gain the Knockdown (Falling down) Condition card and

place your miniature on the side. If Knockdown is caused by an attack,
it affects you only, if you are within its effective range (adjacent for me-
lee attacks, in the designated zone for zone attacks, within X spaces for
Ranged X attacks, etc.). If it’s caused by a response, it affects you only if
you are within adjacency.
Hug example Motivate X: During the second ability modifier window,
choose another Knight. That Knight may move up to X spaces.
Knockback X: Move the affected miniature X spaces directly away
from the source of knockback in a straight line. It can move through Lux: In the second ability window place 1
spaces occupied by other miniatures and ignores all Terrain tiles with- Lux ( ) token in the Knight pool. These
out the obstacle trait. tokens can be used to pay for certain Knight
abilities. They are not removed from the
✦ If a Knocked Back miniature moves through an obstacle terrain tile,
Knight pool in the clear Knight Pool step of
it stops on the space with the obstacle, then the obstacle terrain tile
an attack and are only discarded when spent. Lux Token
is removed. Knights suffer Crash when they collide with an obstacle.
✦ If a Knocked Back miniature would be forced to move into the Opening X: During the second ability win-
Board Edge, it continues to move along the Board edge, away from dow, place X Opening tokens in the Knight
the source of Knockback. Pool. During the Attack Roll step, every
✦ If Knock Back is Unavoidable, it cannot be lowered, but still stops if Opening token in the Knight Pool adds +1
the target collides with an obstacle terrain tile. to the result of each attack dice.
Opening Token
Petrify X: Turn X Gear cards upside down. They are
petrified. Until the end of the delve, you cannot use or discard those.

Pierce: During the second ability win-

dow, place Pierce token in the Knight Pool.
During the Power Roll step, every Pierce
token in the Knight Pool can be used to
turn 1 result to 1 . Pierce tokens are not
removed in the Clear Knight Pool step and
Pierce Token
last until the end of Clash.

Power re-roll X: During the Power Roll step of an attack, you placed to an adjacent space in a way that would allow the source
may re-roll X Power Dice. Remember, you cannot re-roll pow- of the pushback to move onto a space previously occupied by the
er dice using . affected miniature, then continue pushback.
Pull X: Move the affected miniature X spaces towards ✦ Knights may resolve Pushback X keyword during any ability modi-
the source, along the shortest possible path. The affected fier window of the attack or when instructed.
miniature can move through spaces occupied by other
miniatures and obstacles.
✦ If the affected miniature is or becomes adjacent to the source, the Pull
does not end. Instead, move the source directly away from the affect-
ed miniature the remaining number of spaces, then finish the Pull.
✦ If the affected miniature ends pull in a space with another miniature,
the other miniature is displaced.
✦ The affected miniature must resolve the effects of any Terrain tiles it
moves through. If it is pulled through an obstacle terrain tile, the tile
is destroyed. Knights suffer Crash when they collide with an obstacle.
✦ Knights may resolve Pull X keyword during any ability modifier
window of the attack or when otherwise instructed to do so.

Enemy Pushback example

Pull example

Pushback X: Turn the source towards the affected minia-

ture. Then, move in the direction of the affected miniature,
pushing it X spaces in a straight line. The affected miniature
can move through spaces occupied by other miniatures and
✦ If the affected miniature ends pushback in a space with another min-
iature, the other miniature is displaced.
✦ The affected miniature must resolve the effects of any Terrain tiles it
moves through. If it is pushed through an obstacle terrain tile, the tile
is destroyed. Knights suffer Crash when they collide with an obstacle.
✦ If the affected miniature is not adjacent, move in its direction along
the shortest possible path (see examples in Enemy Movement sec-
Knight Pushback example
✦ If a miniature is about to be pushed into the Board Edge, it is dis-

Ranged X-Y: To attack with this Gear, you must be at least X and up to
Y spaces away from your target. Possible Subtypes:
✦ Unwieldy Ranged X-Y: Same as above with the following exception:
your target must be in a straight, cardinal line from you.
Reach X: You may attack from up to X spaces away (still counts as Me-
lee). Possible subtypes: Opening Token Break Token

✦ Unwieldy Reach X: Same as above with the following exception: Crit Dice
your target must be in a straight, cardinal line from you.
Whenever you perform an Attack or Evasion roll, one of the dice you
Resistance: You are immune to the following effect. If you would suf-
roll must always be the white critical die. If you roll only one die, it is
fer it, simply ignore it.
always the critical die. The critical die is used to simulate strokes of luck,
Reinforce X: During the Armor roll, add X red armor dice to your die as well as unexpected failures.
Whenever you roll a natural (i.e. before applying any modifiers) ‘10’ on
Reposition X: During the second ability window, move up to the critical die, you gain a ‘crit chance’.
X spaces.
During a Knight Attack, a crit chance will turn your Wound into a Crit-
Second Chance: After you draw a Mortis or Judicium card, ignore its ical Wound! If you successfully wound the Enemy while you have crit
effects and discard it. Draw and resolve another card from the same chance, ignore all other responses and instead resolve the Critical ef-
deck (note: a discarded Judicium is always shuffled back into the Judi- fect. If you fail to wound, resolve responses as normal.
cium deck). You cannot ignore the second draw in any way. This ability
Some Gear cards introduce other critical effects, during and outside of
can be used even when knocked down or otherwise prohibited from
attacking. These include:
using active abilities.
Crit hit: Resolve this effect if you roll a natural ‘10’ in the Attack roll
Subdue: Place 1 random card from your hand into the sink area.
(on top of gaining the ‘critical chance’ as normal).
Suppress: Shuffle the discard pile denoted by the subtype into the ap-
Crit miss: Resolve this effect if you roll a natural ‘1’ in the Attack roll.
propriate deck. Possible subtypes:
You may re-roll this die as normal (using or other effects), but crit
✦ BP Suppress: Shuffle the BP discard pile into the BP deck. miss effects must be resolved nonetheless. If you re-roll the crit die and
✦ AI Suppress: Shuffle the AI discard pile into the AI deck. roll a natural ‘1’ again, resolve any crit miss effects an additional time.
Tumble: When you are about to suffer Crash, roll a d10. On a 6+ ig- Crit evade: Resolve this effect if you roll a natural ‘10’ in the Evasion
nore it. roll.
Vault: If you’re adjacent to the Enemy, place your miniature Dice Re-rolls
on an empty space in a straight line from you, on the opposite
side of that Enemy, adjacent to it. A Knight may perform this Many effects will allow you to roll some of the dice again if you are not
action during any ability window of its attack. satisfied with their result. All of these effects are referred to as re-rolls.
During a single roll, each die can only be re-rolled once. You must de-
Wound: Exhaust: During the second ability window, if you successful-
clare all dice you wish to re-roll before you perform any of these re-rolls.
ly wounded with this weapon, exhaust it. Treat it as a voluntary exhaust.
If multiple players perform their rolls at the same time (for example
when the text states: “All Knights perform a test.”), they must all declare
STACKABLE KEYWORDS whether they want to re-roll their dice before any of them performs a
All keywords followed by a number (e.g. Opening X) stack, mean-
ing that you can use the same stackable keyword in the same ac- Heat Re-rolls
tivation window a couple times, making it stronger. For example, Gaining Heat ( ) is the most common way of re-rolling d10 dice. The
if you have Opening 1 on your weapon and two symbols on following rules apply to Heat Re-rolls:
your Heroic Arc, you may effectively use them as a single instance
of Opening 3. Note: unless they are accompanied by a number, ✦ You must gain 1 for each die you decide to re-roll.
all stackable keywords represented as symbols on the Heroic Arc ✦ Using , you can re-roll Attack Rolls, Evasion Rolls and Tests.
have a value of 1. ✦ Using , you cannot re-roll Power Rolls, Armor Rolls and any oth-
er roll not listed above.

Co-op tokens Types of Escalation

Many keywords and other abilities allow you to place co-op tokens in Aside from Wound Escalation, described in detail on p. 21, there are
the Knight pool. Generally these are meant as means to support your a few other cases of escalation that happen outside of the Attack se-
fellow Knights but some rare abilities (like Auto-break X) may allow quence. These include:
you to place them in the Knight pool for your own attack. Escalate X - When you see the Escalate X keyword, simply escalate the
Most common co-op tokens are openings that increase your chances lowest AI and the lowest BP card X times.
of hitting the Enemy and breaks that allow you to generate addition- Escalate AI/BP - Escalate the lowest card from the designated deck
al power, provided you roll any results. Keep in mind the following only.
Mob BP Escalation - Since Mobs do not have a regular BP deck during
✦ Each co-op token can be used once per Attack. Clash, apply all instructions that refer to the BP deck to the BP track
✦ All tokens are removed from the Knight pool in the Clear Knight instead (e.g. when instructed to Escalate the BP deck, find the lowest
Pool step of each attack unless explicitly stated otherwise (most no- Mob BP on the BP track, remove it, then place a random BP card one
table exceptions are Lux, Fleisch, Pierce and Addle). level higher in its place).

Single and Double Wounds Column/Petrified wretch/Barrier
When instructed to deal an additional wound, place a generic acrylic Destructible: When a Boss enemy moves onto a destructible tile, or
cube next to the Wound stack: white for a Single Wound or black for a Knight or Mob enemy is pushed or knocked back into it, the tile is
a Double Wound. These are treated as wounds for the purpose of win- destroyed.
ning the Clash, but do not cause additional Escalations. Obstacle: Knights and Mob enemies cannot voluntarily move through
obstacles. If a Knight is pushed or knocked back into an obstacle, they
Conditions suffer Crash, see: Pushback X, Knockback X.
Various effects (like Mortis cards, Adventures or Enemy Attacks) cause
Knights to gain Condition cards that apply additional negative or posi-
tive effects. When you gain a Condition card, place it in your play area.
All Conditions are discarded during rest.

Knockdown Column tile Petrified wretch tile Barrier tile

Note: Column and Petrified wretch terrain tiles serve the same purpose
and can be used interchangeably. Barrier can only be placed using Sir
Sonch’s Quick-witted Ability.
You are knocked do
wn. Rubble
You cannot perfor
m voluntar y
movement, ,
or use active Difficult terrain: When a Knight moves through difficult terrain, they
abilities, unless the
ir effect allows you gain 1 temporary negative speed ( ) modifier token (discard it after
to stand up.
If this card is by your next ). Enemies on difficult terrain have -1 .
effect, stand up.
At the end of you
r next turn,
flip this card.

Condition Card

Curse Save
When required to perform a Curse Save, consult your current Curse
level (designated by a marker on the Curse track) and add the specified
value. This is the Curse Save difficulty. Then roll a d10: if the result is
lower than the difficulty, you Fail and must resolve the negative effect.
If it is equal or higher, you Succeed and do not suffer the consequences.
Example: To resolve Curse Save (Curse Level +2), while at Curse Level 3,
you must roll 5 or higher to succeed.
Note: Curse Save is not a test and cannot be re-rolled using !

Modifier Tokens
Modifier tokens are used to mark changes to Knight and Enemy attri-
butes. When a Knight or an Enemy gains a modifier token, find a token
with an icon corresponding to the attribute it modifies and place it on
the appropriate sheet (Knight or Enemy). Modifier tokens are dou-
ble-sided: each negative (red) modifier token lowers the attribute by
-1, whereas a positive (blue) modifier token raises it by +1.
Most modifier tokens last the whole Clash and are discarded during
rest, but some may be temporary, meaning that they should be dis-
carded after they take effect (e.g. you discard a temporary evasion token
after you perform an evasion roll). Remember to keep these separate
from any non-temporary tokens you may have.

Terrain tiles
For now, terrain is set up as part of every Clash Scenario. In the Full
Game there will be other factors that introduce additional Terrain tiles
to the Battle Board or change the Battle Board altogether. Tiles are
made of spaces (i.e. to measure distance through a terrain tile, count the
spaces underneath it). Unless stated otherwise, you resolve a tile effect
when entering the first space of a tile. If a terrain tile is destroyed (for
example, when an Eggknight charges into a column) simply remove it
from the Battle Board. For specific terrain tile rules, see below.

Clash Scenarios
Ironcast Dead (Mob) Clash

Mob Clash Setup

Legend: Introduction:
Knights Ironcast Dead And the jaws of fear bit hard into the people of the Principality, and they
Column x8 Difficult Terrain x2 sought refuge in plates of iron and chains of steel, and the fabled automail of
the Weisskeiser family. For naught. The curse did not spread by touch. They
died like they lived, in their armor.
You hear shuffling and a clamor of rusted breastplates banging together, like
a mournful threnody in memory of an armor smith. When the dead emerge
from the toppled cathedral, their time-worn features sheared to the bleached
bone, they are both familiar and completely alien. What sorcery begets the
undeath that animates these corpses? For what drives them you know: hate.

Clash Setup:
1. Randomly place Ironcast Dead standees numbered 1-8 on the spac- BP1 or Single Wound 10
es designated on the diagram. Note the facing direction - the arrow
on the base indicates front.
2. Place the Terrain tiles and Knight miniatures according to the dia- BP2 20
3. Shuffle the prepared BP deck and place the BP cards on the Mob
track (above the Battle Board), starting from the leftmost position
BP3 or Double Wound 35
(‘1’), one card per space. The numbers on the track correspond to
the numbers on Mob standee bases (see Mob Track box below)
4. If this is your first Delve, the Ironcast Dead are LVL 1 ( #____% ). Famil-

iarize yourself with their stats and traits list - note that they do not Aftermath
have the Counter trait yet.
5. Begin the Clash with the Enemy Round! (see Enemy Round on p.
15) Resolve rest (see p. 12).

Prepare the Boss Clash:

Additional Rules
From now on you can trigger Boss Clash on Kingdom cards with the
Gangup and Swarm symbol. Remove all Ironcast Dead elements from the Battle Board
Gangup X and Swarm X are two keywords unique to Iron-cast Dead (AI and BP cards, Enemy Sheet, standees) then prepare your Encoun-
(see the traits description). The undead hordes will attempt to separate ter with the Eggknight:
your party and surround the Knights to perform devastating attacks! Place the Eggknight Enemy Sheet in the designated space on the Battle
Note: If the affected Knight is not adjacent to the source of Gangup, Board. Shuffle the AI and BP decks (numbered 1, 2 and 3) separately.
the Mob will move towards it first (lowering the Gangup value by 1 for Place the AI 1 deck in the AI deck space on the Battle Board and the
each space traveled), then designate the target space once it reaches the BP 1 deck in the BP deck space on the Battle Board. Set aside all of the
affected Knight (see example below). remaining AI and BP cards above the Enemy Sheet. These are Escala-
tion Decks.

Continue the Delve

Resume your Delve, using the second exploration deck. Your goal
now is to find a Kingdom card with the symbol and defeat the
Eggknight… trying to finish your Knight objectives in the process!

To perform Gangup 3 against Sir Sonch, the pink Mob must first move one space
towards him, then resolve remaining Gangup 2. The yellow Mob is no longer
in front, therefore Sir Sonch must be pushed towards the red Mob. Since there
are two equally long paths to choose from, players decide.

Clash Outcome
Victory: You win when The Ironcast Dead are defeated (Number of
BP cards in the wound stack is equal to or greater than the Enemy
value). Gain Loot, then proceed to Aftermath.
Defeat: You lose if all Knights are dead. Gain Loot, then immediately
lose the Delve. Consult your Knight Books to find out your objective’s

For each wound your party receives the following resources:

Eggknight (Boss) Clash

Vassal Clash Setup

are not explained on its Enemy sheet. Note that it does not have the
Jack’d and Hardboiled traits yet.
Legend: 4. Begin the Clash with the Enemy Round! (see Enemy Round on p.
Knights Eggknight Column x8
Additional rules:
Introduction Blindspot
Towering of stature and quick of temper, the oddly oval Königsmänner Some bosses in Kingdoms Forlorn have a blindspot, a flaw you can ex-
roams the petrified wastes of the Principality’s cities, looking for hapless vic- ploit to better predict their behavior. Spaces in the blindspot are nev-
tims to torment – or, worse – to take to their lair. By the look of the broken er in the Enemy’s line of sight. Be wary though, it does not mean that
bones and pieces of armor found later… to sit on them. What grotesque they will never attack Knights hidden in the blindspot, only that their
ritual was this? chance of becoming targets is significantly smaller. For the Eggknight,
the blindspot is its rear spaces (see Facing on p. 16).
You heard all that, and more, and still you came. Foolhardy. As you stare it
down, track its erratic, unnatural moves, less human and more critter-like,
you can think of one thing only: nobody told you it was giant.
Humpty Charge keyword
Humpy Charge is a keyword unique to Eggknight (see the trait’s de-
scription on the Enemy Sheet). It causes the Eggknight to move in a
Clash Setup: straight line, a number of spaces up to its , trampling everything in its
1. Place the Eggknight miniature in the indicated space, randomly de- path. Try to use it to your advantage: position your Knights carefully to
termine facing direction. steer the Eggknight into obstacles or Board edges and utilize Knight Roll
and abilities that let you Stand up to avoid the consequences.
2. Place the Terrain tiles and Knight miniatures according to the dia-
3. If this is your first Delve, the Eggknight is LVL 1 ( #____% ). Familiarize

yourself with its stats and traits list. Find the Trait cards for traits that

your objective’s outcome. Note that Knights that died during the Boss
fight do not lose any clues.
Defeat: You lose if all Knights are dead. Gain Loot, then immediately
lose the Delve. Consult your Knight Books to find out your objective’s

For each wound your party receives the following resources:

BP1 or Single Wound 15

BP2 25 , 1 Panzershell ( )

BP3 or Double 45 , 1 Strange Liquid ( )


Example: As Eggknight is about to Humpty Charge into Kara, she

uses Knight Roll to avoid being knocked down. The Eggknight then
charges straight into a Column and stops as soon as it crashes into it. Aftermath
Conclude the Delve
Clash Outcome: You’ve won the Delve! Consult your Knight Book to find out your ob-
Victory: You win when Eggknight is defeated (Number of BP cards in jective’s outcome. Note that Knights that died during the Boss fight do
the wound stack is equal to or greater than the Enemy value). Gain not lose any clues.
Loot, then you win the Delve! Consult your Knight Book to find out

Delve Aftermath
(and What to Do next?)
Finishing the Delve and learning your first objective’s outcomes marks Note: Gear without a cost cannot be crafted. These are special rewards
the end of this demo’s story content. Congratulations! Thank you for tied to specific story outcomes and epic loot you gain by critically
joining us on this journey through the perilous realms of Kingdoms wounding enemies. Keep exploring the Principality of Stone to find
Forlorn. out how to unlock them!
Don’t worry though, it’s not all we have prepared for you! Normal-
ly, you would now progress to the next objective and continue your
Knight’s story. For now, however, you may wish to spend some of your
hard earned gold and resources, equip some of the newly acquired
Gear, Ability and Arc cards, reset your objectives and delve right back 80 3 Egg Smith
into the Principality of Stone. There is plenty of content to discover be-
yond your first playthrough - new encounters, higher enemy levels and
unique objective rewards among them! Read the following paragraphs
to see how to prepare for your future delves.
Gear cost

Gear Crafting
In the Full Game, there will be various merchants to unlock, upgrade Future Delves
and trade with. For the purpose of this demo, the crafting process has
Once you’ve upgraded your Knights with some new Gear, you may
been streamlined - simply find all Gear cards that are not currently used
now start a new Delve. Reset your Knights’ objectives and try to ex-
by the Knights and decide which of them you wish to craft (paying
plore some of the different outcomes. Since you’ve gained some signifi-
their costs of course!).
cant upgrades, however, we recommend playing with your enemies on
Most Gear cards have a cost denoted on their backs. To craft a Gear LVL 2 this time around. Alternatively, if you’d like to try a more forgiv-
card, simply pay the cost and note the change in gold and resources on ing variant, you may instead repeat the LVL 1 Clashes, or even lower
your Character Sheet. Then write down the card’s name in the Equip- the difficulty further by bringing the Eggknight down to level 0. Feel
ment section on your Character Sheet. Remember that in between free to play your way and repeat the Delve as many times as you wish
delves Knights can freely trade gold, resources and even Gear cards! It but keep in mind that the full game will not be as lenient.
does not have to be an equal trade - the whole party may chip in to buy
a powerful item for one of you.


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