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Planning Worksheet, Data Summary and Data Analysis Sheet

Teacher Candidate __Sarah Crissman________ Course/Section ________________________

Cooperating Teacher/Grade Level __Mrs. Plummer – First Grade___Total Students __21___
Supervisor ___Dr. Bates_________ Semester/Year ________________________
Unit Topic ____Solids & Liquids (Science)_______

1. List (bulleted) the content and/or process standards you’ll be assessing with your authentic
• Comparing objects by color and shape
• Comparing objects that roll and stack
• Investigating liquids that can sink and float
• Describe how liquids move
• Define and give examples of solids
• Define and give examples of liquids

2. Design performance based task and accompanying rubric, aligned to these content
standards. Check the district objectives (based on the district’s curriculum framework).

3. Prior to administering the authentic task, set your proficiency levels.

For instance, what will constitute “Target”, “Acceptable” and “Unacceptable”? Please list
proficiency levels below. Attach a copy of the task and rubric.
• Target = 80-100%
• Acceptable = 60-80%
• Unacceptable = Below 60%

4. Administer the Authentic Assessment and assess its results. Record the results below.

Authentic Task
Target Acceptable Unacceptable Total
Number 13 5 2 20
65% 25% 10% 100%
% of students

5. Given the authentic task data, please analyze the following:

• Student Strengths:
o Using key words to describe their solid and liquid.
o Supporting their facts with pictures.

• Areas of student struggle:

o Writing use complete sentences and following basic grammar and convention

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• Error patterns:
o Copying facts word from word instead of putting the information into
their own words.
o Misspelling sight words (students have access to a word wall to help
them spell these words)

6. After reviewing the data, please describe your remediation plan for students who
demonstrated an unacceptable level of achievement? If all students achieved at the
acceptable level or above, please write a hypothetical remediation plan in which
you both anticipate what skills/concepts students MIGHT have difficulties
accomplishing/understanding and how you’d go about remediating. This might
include re-teaching (with different methodology of course!), adapting the materials,
adapting/revising the assessment, etc.

• After reviewing the data from the performance assessment, I think in the future I
would adapt the reading materials the students used for researching their solid and
liquid. The handouts I supplied for the students to read featured too many words and
not enough pictures. I think one of the reasons why students had such a hard time
putting the facts into their own words was because the handouts were above their
reading level and the students were not comprehending everything they were reading.
In addition, in the future I would assign books on epic for the students to page and
look through. For this assignment, I also allowed the students to do the researching
since this was a skill, we had previously practiced in writing workshop. However, I
noticed many of the students included facts that were not facts and were actually more
opinion based. The last way I would adapt the materials would be by including video
links for more visual learners. Some students learn better from watching or seeing
something in real life. I think including a video on trees for example could be more
helpful for some students then having them read about a tree.

Weiler 2016

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