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Subject:Citizen Newsletter #266

From: Henry Citizen (
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 19:12:27

The Citizen Newsletter

Issue # 266 May 25, 2011

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Contact The Citizen at Your comments and submissions are always welcome!

In This Issue

• News & Announcements

• Henry News Now Online
• Rep. Davis Annual Tourney
• Reasons to Support Cain
• the Hack Line
• Pawlenty: No Ethanol Subsidy
• Your Voice Drive For Life
• Court Gets It Wrong
To schedule your blood donation appointment, call 1-800-RED
• OB’s and Shane’s Top Picks
CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or go to and use
• Columbus GA TEA Party
the sponsor code “atlantaspeedway”
• Mercury Filled Bulbs
• Butts County GOP
• Charter School Hangs in Balance

Memorial Day Service Set for May 30 at Veterans Wall of


A Memorial Day service will be held at the Veterans Wall of Honor on

Monday, May 30 at 10:00 a.m.

The Veterans’ Wall of Honor is located at Heritage Park, 101 Lake

Dow Road, just off Highway 81 East in McDonough. For more
information, visit
Editorial / Publication Policy

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“A monster tornado nearly a mile wide
killed at least 122 people in Joplin, Missouri when it tore through
the heart of the small Midwestern city, ripping the roof off a
hospital and destroying thousands of homes and businesses. U.S.
weather officials said the tornado that hit the city of 50,000 at
dinnertime on Sunday was deadliest single tornado in the country
since 1953.”

Herman Cain on what He Would Offer Palestinians to Move

Mideast Peace Process Forward: “Nothing”
Your Support is Appreciated
Here is video of 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain on
The Conservative Voice of Henry Fox News Sunday today with Chris Wallace. Cain affirmed his
County has opened a venue for news, previous statement that President Obama “threw Israel under the
comment and opinion that exists nowhere bus” with his call for them to pull back to the 1967 Borders. When
else. It is because of you; a steady list of Chris Wallace asked Cain what he would offer the Palestinians to try
people who read and submit articles and move the Mideast Peace Process forward, Cain answered,
sharing ideas and principles. “Nothing.” He elaborated by saying it is not really the place of the
United States to make offers to the Palestinians. They must sit
down with Israel – which the U.S. can help facilitate – but they
must make a good faith offer for progress to be made and
negotiate with the Israelis.

Or visit
Henry County News is now online

It is a 3-minute radio broadcast every weekday that can be

downloaded easily and listened to via laptop, tablet or smartphone.
It is also FREE. Go to the "Henry County News" page on Facebook
and click "like" so you will be notified each weekday morning as it
comes online. You can also use the FB page to pass along news
tips. Thank you for your time.!/pages/Henry-County-News/213107035395940

Thank you,

Monroe Roark

If a politician found he had cannibals among his

constituents, he would promise them missionaries
for dinner.

~~ H. L. Mencken

Thank you for your support and participation

14,000+ Reads at and 4,100+ Subscribers

Rep Steve Davis 8th Annual Golf Tournament

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

Breakfast and Registration from 8:30am until 9:30am

Shotgun Start at 9:30am
Registration includes breakfast, lunch and drinks while golfing.

$100 per player
$400 per team
$150 Hole Sponsor
$500 Silver Sponsor
$1000 Gold Sponsor
$2500 Platinum Sponsor

Please make checks payable to:

Davis for House 109
1109 River Green Ct
McDonough, GA 30252

Top Ten Reasons to Support Herman Cain for President

By C. EDMUND WRIGHT for American Thinker
Even those conservatives who will not vote for Herman Cain to win the Republican nomination should hope that he
does run -- and that his candidacy lasts a long time during the nomination process, perhaps even succeeding.

Not the least of reasons is that a Cain candidacy would be a hoot. And I do not mean that in a derisive or
condescending way at all. I mean that it would be the kind of doggone honest and refreshing campaign the country
needs. It would be the opposite of the stale McCain run. Cain does not speak Washington drivel, and he's not afraid to
take a strong position. Dare I say it? He'll call a spade a spade, and he'll reach across the aisle only to smack
someone down. He will admit what McCain would not: that we do have a lot to fear from an Obama presidency.

Herman Cain is peerless among the long list of potential candidates -- and his impact on the field and the direction of
the party will be in the direction of free enterprise, less government, and speaking with boldness -- you know, pretty
much the opposite of what the GOP has done since Newt's Congress lost steam in the mid- to late '90s.

To codify, here are the top reasons to support Cain based on my observation of the man over a period of years:

10. The "race card": A Cain candidacy not only takes the race card off the table -- it might in fact put it in the
Republicans' camp. Frankly, Cain is "blacker" than Obama in every way imaginable. He does not have a white parent.
He has a slight black dialect and does not "turn it off" to impress Harry Reid or Joe Biden, nor does he "amp it up" to
impress Jeremiah Wright.

As Obama's presidency has shown, America did not need a black president. What America needs is to just get over the
race thing, period. Cain is over it, and I bet he would flat-out tell Obama to get over it, too.

9. Been there, done that: Cain brings a lot of "been there, done that" to the office, and that is in stark contrast not only
to Obama, but to almost anyone else running. Cain is not shy about making fun of politicians' lack of understanding of
the reality of the free-enterprise system, and certainly no group embodies that ignorance more than Obama and his
administration. Making a payroll; dealing with employees, the IRS, the INS, insurance companies; dealing with rents,
lawsuits, unemployment commissions, etc. -- Cain has been there, done that. Obama has not.

8. Not forgettable: One Herman Cain soundbite is worth ten from, what's his name? Oh, yeah, Pawlenty.
Cain's boldness and confidence and accent and voice will cut through the noise out there, and this makes his candidacy
dangerous even if he faces some financial handicaps versus other folks running. He is a talk radio host now by trade
and knows how to hold folks' attention.

7. Will break every rule set for him by "strategists": This one might be my favorite. Cain has never counted on political
strategists to get him where he is now, and this alone separates him from all other candidates. Lord help the first
"strategist" from the RNC who advises Cain to "tone it down" or "soften his position."

6. Will really get under the skin of the Washingtonian class: A Cain candidacy would drive David Brooks to apoplexy.
Charles Krauthammer -- doing his best to run off legions of his longtime fans -- would no doubt find some Palinesque
reasons to object to Cain. And those are the conservative ruling-class folks. Imagine what the liberals will say about
this non-Ivy league, non-elected Southern black guy running for president. I can't wait to hear it.

5. Will not get in way of the 2010 Congress' momentum: This might be the most important reason to support a Cain
candidacy. He has gained momentum as part of the Tea Party movement that was the defining factor in the 2010
congressional elections. A Cain candidacy would be in lockstep with what the country told Congress it wanted in
November 2010. It will be an extension of the 2010 campaign, and that's preferable to a presidential election that will
distract from the 2010 results.

4. Never held office before: While Cain's opponents -- on both sides of the aisle -- are licking their chops over this one,
they should rethink this. Mr. Cain already has a lethal (can we still say that?) response to this one: "Everyone in
Washington has held public office before. How's that working out for you?" Case closed.

3. Ann Coulter's second-favorite pick: So Ann's first choice is Chris Christie, and Cain comes in second. With some 25
names floating around out there, being number 2 on anyone's list is pretty good at this point in the game. Besides, I
predict that Cain will overtake Christie on Ann's list. Cain is more conservative and even less afraid to speak his mind.
While I love Christie's boldness on the issues where he is conservative, he will wobble off to the Jersey left a bit on
some issues. Cain will not.

2. Will not be cowed by the new speech police: The attempt by the left to silence conservatives in light of the Tucson
shootings will not be the last. And you can bet that when they do, some on the right will recoil and fall prey, regardless
of how mindless the attempts are. If you have followed Herman Cain, you know that this will not be an issue for him.

And the number one reason to support a Cain candidacy? It opens the door to a ticket of Cain and Haley Barbour in
some order. OK, maybe this is not earthshaking, but imagine the "racist Republican Party" putting forth a national
ticket including a drawlin' Mississippi good ol' boy and a black businessman who still speaks a smidgen of Ebonics.

This would be the hope and change America thought they were getting in 2008. This would be ticket not so much of
"racial healing" as it would be the ticket of "just get over the race thing." Because liberalism is joined at the hip with
the race pimp industry, a liberal African-American cannot by definition do for the country what a black conservative
can. A black liberal winning reinforces counterproductive stereotypes. A conservative black winning crushes them.

Yes, I know that reasons number one and ten seem a lot alike. They are. We have just about destroyed our country
trying to put this issue to bed, and the result is that tensions are higher than they were before Obama was elected.
Which we predicted.

A Cain presidency would actually go a long way towards solving this. And besides, Mr. Cain has some great ideas for
getting government out of our way and letting America be America again. And we all need that.

the Hack Line

Reasons to Vote No to T-SPLOST

Charles Mobley, writing for the Hack Line, has hit on a major reality check. Please read his article, “LET US

So much money, about $8 Billion, brings out the truth about politics and how that tax money would be used.

“How is it that is you are not a minority you cannot do the job of getting the potential new transportation tax passed in
the region?

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed complained that a team of consultants lacking in diversity won’t be able to convince voters
in the diverse communities of metro Atlanta to support the referendum.

Light rail was the public transit option of choice for 45.5 percent of those who answered the survey, far ahead of buses.

The interesting twist on the light rail is that for umpteen dozen years money was set aside for the Atlanta to Macon line
and nothing ever done on it. The advisor sitting on the Executive Panel spearheading the new proposed tax levy from
Henry County has not been in favor of light rail in Henry.

Henry County elected leaders have chosen not to participate in the light rail. It is not on the table in the $8 billion tax
levy for Henry. Though the region seems to want to have light rail system, once again Henry will be over looked by
choice this time and the huge money will flow north to provide needed options to those who have to commute
and the tax dollars collected here go with it for the light rail elsewhere.”

Pawlenty: No Ethanol Subsidies

Captain Courageous?

NEW YORK – Iowa often drives candidates to defend the ethanol subsidies that benefit the state. Pawlenty has bucked
the trend. But as Michael Tomasky explains, the move is less gutsy than it looks.

Of all the misused words in the lexicon of punditocracy, “courageous” is easily the word most often misapplied.
Remember when Paul Ryan’s budget plan was “courageous,” for about a week, before most people realized it was
dishonest and/or nuts? It was a classic example of the genre: political journalists have certain idees fixe about the so-
called hard facts of political life, and when a politician appears to confront one of them, he’s instantly dubbed

Today’s example is Tim Pawlenty. In announcing his presidential candidacy on Monday, the Minnesota Republican won
the appellation by saying that it was time to end ethanol subsidies. This is considered courageous because of Iowa’s
place on the political calendar, and because Iowa gets and loves those ethanol subsidies. And let’s give Pawlenty his
due. His stance is certainly risky, and it’s nobler than the position taken by Al Gore in 2000, for example, which was to
go against his better instincts (as he later admitted) and support ethanol subsidies even though he knew that corn-
based ethanol is hardly more “green” than gasoline.

Any time a politician feels the need to pat himself on the back as much as Pawlenty did in his announcement speech,
you should immediately raise your BS deflector shields.
But let’s not get carried away. Remember the Newtonian rule of power politics: for every interest that wants X, there is
an opposing interest that wants Not X. The interest in this case is, of course, the ethanol industry, reliant on roughly $7
billion a year in subsidies. The opposing interest? Oil and gas, largely—the producers of traditional energy. Bearing this
fact in mind, we might conclude that Pawlenty’s attack on ethanol subsidies is less a courageous act of political derring-
do than a nod to an industry that invests millions in Republican politics and whose single most heavily invested
corporation, according to, is our old friend Koch Industries.

In the 2009-2010 election cycle, the Koch brothers spent $1.9 million in political donations. I don’t have a breakdown
on the partisan split of Koch money, but for the industry as a whole, donations were about 3.5-1 in favor of
Republicans. So it just could be that while Pawlenty is bracing himself for those testy town-hall meetings in Waterloo
and Sioux City, he can take some comfort in the fact that Koch industries, Exxon Mobil, and other large oil donors are
looking down smiling.

They have plenty to smile about in Pawlenty’s case. Here’s a report from just last month from Think Progress,
describing Pawlenty’s participation in two Koch-related events in New Hampshire. TP’s Lee Fang writes:

As Pawlenty strives for the Kochs’ and other conservatives’ approval, he has changed his beliefs, most notably on
climate change. When he was governor, Pawlenty strongly endorsed action to curb carbon emissions and even attacked
the Bush administration for not setting up a cap and trade system. Now, he doesn’t believe that man-made climate
change exists.

Yes, Pawlenty was once a reasonably green governor for a Republican. That began to change in 2009. He’d once
backed cap-and-trade legislation. Then he started using it as a punch line. Again, the oil interests were surely smiling.

Or maybe Pawlenty is trying to appeal to tea-party, fiscal-disciplinarian sentiment. So speculates the Times today in its
coverage of Pawlenty’s announcement. But as Ben Adler reported on last December, the Iowa Tea
Party had taken no position on ethanol subsidies.


Biscuits & Brunch

149 Burke Street

Stockbridge, GA 30281
(770) 507-6800 Memorial Day Service Set for May 30 at
Veterans Wall of Honor

A Memorial Day service will be held at the Veterans Wall of Honor on Monday, May
30 at 10:00 a.m.
Cemetery Research
Group The Veterans’ Wall of Honor is located at Heritage Park, 101 Lake Dow Road, just
off Highway 81 East in McDonough. For more information, visit

Signature Broadcasting Court gets it wrong (again)

By Randy Evans

On May 16, 2011, the Georgia Supreme Court by a 4-3 margin struck down as
Network – SBN TV unconstitutional the law that allows a state commission to supplement local
We’re all about you! schools with charter schools. For students in charter schools - like the Ivy Prep
School, an all girls school that ‘provides rigorous, college preparatory program for
young women’ (68 percent black and 40 percent from low income families), the
court’s decision dampens the hopes of thousands (parents and students) to escape
a public education system that has failed generations of students in Georgia.
(Notably, as described in the dissent, “Ivy Prep’s students have outscored their
peers in surrounding school systems on standardized testing, sometimes
McDonough Arts 2011 events significantly, and have surpassed ‘adequate yearly progress’ standards .. ..”)

For more info contact: Debbie Why? Chief Justice Carol Hunstein along with Justices Robert Benham, Harris
Withers 678/522-4020 or Hines, and Hugh Thompson, held that Georgia’s 1983 constitution vests local boards of education with the “exclusive right to establish and maintain, i.e., the
exclusive control over, general K-12 public education.” The Georgia constitution does in fact vest certain governmental powers in a
number of specific boards, offices, and positions. For example, the 1983
constitution provides that “[t]he legislative power of the state shall be vested in a
General Assembly which shall consist of a Senate and a House of

“. . . .[T]he State Board of Pardons and Paroles shall be vested with the power of
executive clemency, including the power to grant reprieves, pardons and paroles;
to commute penalties, to remove disabilities imposed by law; and to remit any
part of a sentence for any offense against the state after conviction.”

“The chief executive powers shall be vested in the Governor.” The list goes on.

And, when the framers of Georgia’s constitution wanted to vest ‘exclusive’ power
somewhere, they clearly knew how to do it. For example, Georgia’s 1983
constitution states: “The judicial power of the state shall be vested exclusively in
Main Street McDonough the following classes of courts. ...”
5 Griffin Street McDonough, GA 30253
So, while lightly regarded by many, the framers of Georgia’s constitution did know
770-898-9868 how to vest exclusive power when they wanted to.

Where is the language vesting ‘exclusive’ jurisdiction to add schools in local school
boards? Simply, it does not exist.

There is no provision in Georgia’s constitution saying that the power to create

schools “shall be vested exclusively in” local boards of election. Yes, in the 1983
constitution “[a]uthority is granted to county and area boards of education to
establish and maintain public schools within their limits.” And, it also says, “[t]he
provision of an adequate public education for the citizens shall be a primary
obligation of the State of Georgia.”

DINNERS ON A DIME: Real Southern Bar-B-Que

MCDONOUGH, Ga. – This week, Dinners on a Dime features the best in local BBQ.
Every Tuesday Where U Live chooses four favorite eats in your area for you to
take your family and friends for a fabulous meal for a price that’s economically
feasible in today’s economy.

O.B.’s BBQ Catfish and Ribs is a popular BBQ restaurant in the area. They get “the best products available in the meat market, baste them with their special
recipe sauce and smoke them out back on their hickory smoker”. They also serve
fish and shrimp platters and a whole fried catfish. According to OB’s website,
they’ve been voted the best in the southeast; we’ll let you be the judge. The
restaurant is located at 725 Industrial Boulevard in McDonough.

Go down to McDonough and visit The Original Shane’s Rib Shack, which
started in 2002. Owner Shane Thompson left his corporate job to open up a BBQ
restaurant and make his dream come true. Thompson’s sauce is an age old recipe
passed down from his grandfather. The restaurant has locations in 14 states and is
becoming more popular, everyday. Visit them online to find the location near you.

Columbus GA Tea Party

Sunday, May 29th, 6 PM, Wes Lambertus will be holding his class on the Constitution. This is a comprehensive
article by article review that he teaches. Morningside Baptist Church, Building C

Tuesday, May 31st, 6-8 PM, our Tea Party class on the Constitution. This class takes a topic and
reviews the Founding Fathers intent. This will be held at Cooks Hotdogs, intersection of Miller Rd and Moon Rd. Topic to
be covered will be education and the federal government's role.
GA Reapportionment Hearing
Monday, June 6
Time: 5 - 7 pm
Columbus Public Library
3000 Macon Road
Columbus, Georgia 31906

Mercury-filled Light Bulbs

Saves the Earth, Kills Humans

Are you hoarding incandescent light bulbs yet? If not, why not? I have a full shelf....

From Conservative Action Alerts:

-- Friend of Free Enterprise:

Four years ago---in 2007, the newly-installed Pelosi-Reid Democratic majority in Congress began implementing what is
a global agenda to rid the world of the incandescent light. The 110th Congress' environmental agenda began with one
piece of legislation that suggested the world's worst environmental polluter might have been a guy named Thomas
Edison whose invention, the electric light--they claimed--causes global warming. ****note from Mercy: let’s not put all
the blame on the Democrats. Dubya signed this into law. He could have vetoed it. Just trying to be fair and balanced,
folks. ;)

By outlawing incandescent lights in favor of compact fluorescent lighting, the environmentalists said you will supposedly
be "environmentally-safe."

But are the CFL bulbs safe?

Just ask Ellsworth, Maine housewife, Brandy Bridges, who dropped and shattered a compact fluorescent light bulb on
the carpeted floor in her daughter's bedroom. Aware that CFLs are potentially hazardous, Bridges called the local Home
Depot store to ask for advice. Home Depot told her that the CFL contained mercury and advised her to call the Poison
Control hotline. Now remember, this is the replacement to the electric light bulb you've used for your whole life. You drop one on the floor. It breaks. What do you do? Get a broom and dust pan and sweep it up. What
happened when Brandy Bridges called the Poison Control hotline?

The hotline had her contact the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. The DEP sent Andrew Smith, a
toxicologist, to her home. He sealed the room with plastic and told Bridges it would cost about $2,000 to clean up the
mess from the one toxic $3 CFL devise that broke on her floor. The levels of mercury toxicity in the downstairs living
area were safely under 300 mg/m3. However, the mercury levels spiked to 1,939 mg/m3 in Shayley Bridges' bedroom.
Bridges' daughter could not sleep there because of the toxicity levels were too great. Bridges, a single mom with an
overcrowded house and limited financial means, filed a claim with her homeowner's policy. The insurance company
denied the claim because mercury is a pollutant that wasn't covered in her homeowner's policy. Smith said he believed
the contamination was localized at the spot where the bulb broke, adding that mercury is dangerous to anyone who has
experienced long term exposure to the chemical element - and, it's expensive to the homeowner who has the
misfortune to break a CFL in their home--$2,000 expensive to be exact.

U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), answering frustrated letters and emails from a majority of Americans who are against
the "green" CFLs, introduced Senate Bill 395 the BULB ACT (Better Use of Light Bulbs) that would repeal the standards
that limit choice which the Democratically-controlled Congress included in the 2007 "bad energy law."

Michele Bachmann has introduced HR 849.

Please contact your legislators to vote for these bills.



The Conventions for 2011 are done. Time to get back on track!

Join us starting at 6:30 pm to mingle, the meeting will start at 7:00 pm.

State Rep. Andy Welch III will let us know what’s going on at the State level.
Our County Commissioners will give us an update for the County.

We’ll review the 8th District & State Conventions and discuss current events. What are your concerns?

The meeting will be held at the Butts County Administration Bldg., located at 625 W. 3rd St., Jackson.

For information contact Debbie Moon at 770-504-0469 or email at

Debbie Moon
Chairman, Butts County Republican Party
770-504-0469 Office
770-365-2941 Cell

Proposed charter school hangs in balance

By LaTria Garnigan

That ruling shook many charter schools that had been approved by the commission, as well as many who hoped to be

Andrea Coffer, founder and CEO of the Mosaic School of the Arts, said they were looking to submit their proposal to the
Henry County Board of Education as well as the Georgia Charter Schools Commission. Not sure that the charter would
be accepted by the local school system, Coffer said their hopes now lay in the balance of the state supreme court’s
recent decision.

Mosaic School of the Arts, which is to be based in Stockbridge, is a secondary school that will serve ninth through 12th
grade students. Coffer said the school has had a lot of parental support, support from the arts community and from
Stockbridge Mayor Lee Stuart.

The school would be a magnet school for the arts, where students would have certification in whatever arts track they
choose: visual, music, dance and theatre. It will also focus on an rigorous International Baccalaureate curriculum.

“We don’t have a performing arts school south of Atlanta,” said Coffer. “And we don’t have any International
Baccalaureate program south of Atlanta.”

Henry County Schools joined in the lawsuit against the commission with Gwinnett County Schools, Bulloch County
Schools, Candler County Schools, DeKalb County Schools, Atlanta Independent Schools and Griffin-Spalding County

At press time, officials with Henry County Schools had not yet met to discuss the ruling, therefore had no comment on
the matter.

The Citizen Newsletter is provided by

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government

Larry Stanley, Editor

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