L4 Introduction To Management Information Systems Dec11

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Unit Title: Introduction to Management Information Systems

Guided Learning Hours: 100

Level: Level 4
Number of Credits: 12

Learning Outcome 1
The learner will: Understand the meaning of ‘Information System’ and related terms.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:

1.1 Explain the terms 1.1.1 Explain the meaning of the term ‘system’ using
‘information’ and ‘system’. examples from everyday life.

1.1.2 Distinguish between the terms ‘data’ and ‘information’.

1.2 Explain the types of 1.2.1 Explain the reasons why managers need information in
information needed by order to perform their varied roles.
1.2.2 Describe the different types of information (such as
routine, exception and summary) with examples from the

1.2.3 Highlight the importance of relevance, timeliness and

accuracy in the delivery of information.

1.3 Discuss the concept of 1.3.1 Explain the concept of an information system using
an information system. familiar commercial examples.

1.3.2 Identify the common features of information systems in

terms of data input, storage, processing and the output of

1.3.3 Illustrate the extent to which computer systems partly or

wholly support the work of information systems.

1.3.4 Outline the features of computer systems in common

use, ranging from laptops to supercomputers and including
networked systems.
Learning Outcome 2
The learner will: Understand the major hardware and software components of a PC and their

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:

2.1 Name the major 2.1.1 Distinguish between the central processing unit (CPU)
hardware components and and the peripherals.
describe briefly the
function of each. 2.1.2 Describe the primary function of the CPU.

2.2 Categorise the 2.2.1 Identify the output peripherals in common business use
peripheral devices in and suggest applications for each one.
common use and identify
appropriate applications 2.2.2 Describe the current data entry methods which are in
for them. general use.

2.3 Classify the backing 2.3.1 Explain the need for backing storage and provide
store devices employed examples of devices and their media.
and summarise their
properties and uses. 2.3.2 Compare the main properties of fixed and portable
backing store devices.

2.4 Distinguish between 2.4.1 Explain the role and importance of software in computer
systems software and systems.
applications software, and
illustrate typical functions 2.4.2 Distinguish between the functions of systems software
in each group. and applications software.

2.4.3 Describe the typical appearance of a graphical user

interface (GUI) in a modern operating system.

Learning Outcome 3
The learner will: Understand the importance of selecting an appropriate development
environment for a project.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:

3.1 Describe, in outline, 3.1.1 Explain the importance of a systematic approach to the
the typical stages in creation of effective software.
developing a software
product. 3.1.2 Describe the typical stages in the development of a
software product using a high-level language.

3.1.3 Explain the role of translator programs such as

compilers and interpreters.
3.2 Explain the benefits of 3.2.1 Describe the features of a program development
program development environment (PDE).
environments as a means
of increasing productivity. 3.2.2 Justify the use of a PDE when developing a modern
software product.

Learning Outcome 4
The learner will: Know the common office packages used in business and their main

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:

4.1 Name the packages in 4.1.1 Name the packages in common use, including word
common use in business. processing, spreadsheet, database, graphics, presentation, and

4.2 Describe the main 4.2.1 Describe the main functions of each individual software
functions of each package package.
and how they contribute to
office efficiency. 4.2.2 Suggest ways in which each package can improve office

4.3 Determine the value of 4.3.1 Indicate what additional facilities can arise by integrating
integrating the functions of functions across packages.
packages in a software
suite. 4.3.2 Give examples to show the benefits of using integrated
software suites in the business environment.

Learning Outcome 5
The learner will: Understand the data processing stages of common business applications
which have been implemented on a computer system.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:

5.1 Identify the data 5.1.1 Identify, for a common application, such as payroll or
necessary for input to the stock control, the items of data which need to be input to the
system. system.

5.1.2 Describe the checks and procedures which should ensure

that data is stored accurately within the computer.

5.2 Suggest suitable file 5.2.1 Explain the main methods of organising individual data
structures for data storage. files.
5.2.2 Suggest suitable file structures for common business

5.2.3 Account for the need to relate several data files (tables) to
form a database.

5.3 Describe briefly the 5.3.1 Distinguish between querying and updating processes
likely processes applied to using examples.
the data.
5.3.2 Compare the updating processes achieved by batch and
online methods.

5.4 Summarise the results 5.4.1 Describe briefly the various media which can be used for
which are output from the issuing results produced by a computer system.
system, and compare
alternative methods of
producing and
disseminating the

Learning Outcome 6
The learner will: Understand the impact of the internet and other recent technologies on
business models and commercial activities.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:

6.1 Distinguish between 6.1.1 Explain what is meant by the internet and name the main
the internet and the services which it supports.
services which it supports.

6.2 Describe the purpose 6.2.1 Describe the purpose of the main internet services such
of the main internet as the world wide web, email and file transfer protocol.
services such as the world
wide web, email and file
transfer protocol.

6.3 Describe well-known e- 6.3.1 Explain the potential benefits and drawbacks of e-
Commerce applications Commerce to businesses and their customers.
employed on the internet
such as Amazon and 6.3.2 Describe well-known e-Commerce applications such as
eBay. Amazon and eBay.

6.3.3 Outline a typical procedure for obtaining goods or services

using an e-Commerce application.

6.4 Explain how mobile 6.4.1 Name the various media which can be used to obtain a
(wireless) devices can be connection to the internet.
used to communicate and
obtain information. 6.4.2 Identify the hardware, software and services needed to
communicate over the internet.

Learning Outcome 7
The learner will: Understand the staff and skills required for effective development,
implementation and use of computer systems.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:

7.1 State the job titles of 7.1.1 List the job titles of the staff employed in the
individuals employed in a development of a computer systems project.
computer project.
7.1.2 Identify the job titles of staff employed in the long-term
support of a working computer system.

7.2 Outline the functions of, 7.2.1 Outline the functions of the individuals identified in 7.1.1
and the skills required by, and 7.1.2, and summarise the skills they require.
the individuals identified in

Learning Outcome 8
The learner will: Understand the importance of adequate security measures in the operation
of computer systems.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:

8.1 Outline the risks and 8.1.1 Name the components of a computer system which are
threats to which computer exposed to risk.
systems are exposed.
8.1.2 Categorise the threats faced by computer systems
under the headings: accidental and deliberate.

8.2 Summarise the security 8.2.1 Explain the meaning of general methods of protection
precautions which should be such as physical, technical and procedural.
adopted in order to achieve
adequate levels of 8.2.2 Suggest practical precautions which should achieve a
protection. degree of protection for each of the threats in 8.1.2.

8.3 Describe the importance 8.3.1 Justify the need for a business continuity plan in every
and the main contents of a commercial organisation.
business continuity plan.
8.3.2 Summarise the main contents of a business continuity

• Assessment method: written examination (unless otherwise stated).
• Written examinations are of three hours’ duration.
• All learning outcomes will be assessed.

Recommended Reading:
Please refer to the Tuition Resources section of the Members Area of the ABE website
(www.abeuk.com) for the recommended reading for this subject.

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