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Tiffany M. Stewart

ACADEMIC RANK: Associate Professor


Dudley & Beverly Coates Endowed Professor

Director, Behavior Technology Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical

Founder, CSO, Body Evolution Technologies, Inc.

Pennington Biomedical Research Center
6400 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Email address:
Phone: 225‐763‐2554
FAX: 225‐763‐3022


1992‐1996 B.S., Psychology
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL

1996‐1999 M.A., Clinical Psychology
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA

1999‐2002 Ph.D., Clinical Psychology
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA

2001‐2002 Pre‐doctoral Psychology Intern
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, SC



Licensed Clinical Psychologist, State of Louisiana, License #1069


1996‐1997 Research Assistant, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton
Rouge, LA.

1997‐1998 Clinic Assistant, Louisiana State University Psychological Services

1998‐1999 Clinical Psychology Extern, Pennington Biomedical Research Center,
Baton Rouge, LA.

1998‐1999 Clinic Assistant, Louisiana State University, Psychological Services
Center, Baton Rouge, LA.

1999‐2000 Clinical Psychology Extern, Pennington Biomedical Research Center,
Baton Rouge, LA.

2000‐2001 Clinical Psychology Extern, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical
Center, Baton Rouge, LA.

2001‐2002 Pre‐doctoral Intern, Medical University of South Carolina,
Charleston, SC.

2002‐2004 Assistant Director of Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical
Center Eating Disorders Program, Baton Rouge, LA.

2002‐2011 Instructor, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge,

2008‐Present Founder, Chief Scientific Officer, and President, Body Evolution
Technologies, New Orleans, LA.

2011‐2014 Assistant Professor, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton
Rouge, LA.

2014‐ Present Associate Professor, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton
Rouge, LA.

2015‐Present Dudley & Beverly Coates Endowed Professor, Pennington
Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, LA


1. Academy of Eating Disorders (AED)

a. AED Prevention Special Interest Group

b. AED Athletes & Eating Disorders Special Interest Group

2. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)

a. ABCT Obesity and Eating Disorders Special Interest Group

b. ABCT Mindfulness Special Interest Group

3. Eating Disorder Research Society (EDRS)

4. The European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO)

5. The Obesity Society (TOS)

a. eHealth/mHealth Special Interest Group


Psi Chi, 1993‐1996: Vice‐President, 1995‐1996, Florida State University

Golden Key Honor Society, 1994, Florida State University

Phi Kappa Phi, 1995, Florida State University

Phi Beta Kappa, 1996, Florida State University

Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Obesity and Eating Disorders

Special Interest Group’s New Researcher Award, 2000

NIH Loan Repayment Program Award, 2004‐2006, 2009‐2011

Patriotic Employer Award‐ Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2012, 2013

Louisiana Legislative Women’s Caucus Women of Excellence Award: Health &

Medicine, 2015

Baton Rouge Area Chamber Leadership Program Graduate, 2016

Baton Rouge Area Chamber Leadership Program Board member, 2016‐present



1. PI: Stewart, T.M. (PI) 5/11/2016‐ 09/30/2017
Oxford University $225,000
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment –Enhanced, for Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and
Bulimia Nervosa (BN); CBTe. This one‐year, multi‐site development project will
develop and pilot test an evidence‐based technology program for the remote
(non‐ clinic based) treatment of BED and BN.

2. PI: Stewart, T.M. (Contact PI) 3/1/2012‐2/30/2017

Co‐PI: Becker, C. (Trinity University) $2.3M
NIMH 1 RO1 MH094448‐01
Healthy Weight Intervention in Female Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
This 5‐year, multi‐site project will investigate the efficacy of an eating disorder
and obesity prevention program in female collegiate athletes; Female Athlete
Body Project (FAB).

3. PI: Stewart, T.M. 10/01/09 ‐ 11/30/2017
W81XWH‐09‐1‐0616 (DOD) $8.3M
Weight Measurements and Standards for Soldiers, Phase II
This 6 year, Department of Defense grant will test the efficacy of an
environmental and internet‐based intervention at reducing the body mass and
improving the fitness of National Guard Soldiers.

4. PI: Stewart, T.M. 08/01/15 ‐ 9/30/2018
W81XWH‐14‐1‐0335 (DOD) $1.5M
Weight Measurements and Standards for Soldiers, Phase III pilot
This 3 year, Department of Defense grant will test the efficacy of an intensive,
technology, field‐based intervention at reducing the body mass and improving
the fitness of U.S. Soldiers & their family members.

5. PI: Stewart, T.M. 1/01/13 ‐ 12/30/2015
W81XWH‐09‐1‐0616 (DOD) $65,000
Army H.E.A.L.T.H. Development
This two year, Department of Defense grant will ready the technology developed
in the Weights, Measurements, and Standards projects for DoD dissemination as
well as provide initial maintenance support for the distribution of the program
army‐wide, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Surgeon General’s Performance
Triad program for Army families.


Under Review
1. PI: Stewart, T.M. (Contact PI) 1/1/2016‐12/31/2021
Co‐PI: Becker, C. (Trinity University) $3.6M
NIMH 1 RO1 MH094448‐01
Dissemination and Implementation of the Female Athlete Body Project (FAB): A
Randomized Controlled Trial. This 5‐year, 60 site project will investigate the
efficacy and dissemination/implementation variables of an eating disorder and
obesity prevention program in female collegiate athletes when scaled up to a
large stakeholder population.

2. PI: Stewart, T.M.
W81XWH‐14‐1‐0335 (DOD) $1.5M
Army H.E.A.L.T.H. Cadets
This 3 year, Department of Defense grant will test the efficacy of an intensive,
technology, field‐based, and environmental intervention at improving nutrition,
fitness, sleep, and resilience habits of young cadets participating in a feeder
program for the U.S. Army.


1. PI: Stewart, T. M. 6/1/2014‐5/31/2015
SRA/Contract: Body Evolution Technologies
This contract will include: Management of website and Body Image Voice
application, and development and discovery for the Healthy Ideal app.

2. PI: Redman, L. 9/01/2011‐08/31/2014
Co‐I: Stewart, T.M.
Expecting Success: Personalized management of body weight during pregnancy.
This project will test the efficacy of a personalized gestational weight
management intervention delivered via Smartphone compared to an intensive
clinic‐based intervention and a usual care condition.

3. PI: Redman, L. 9/01/2011‐08/31/2014
Co‐I: Stewart, T.M.
Administrative Supplement to U01DK094418 S2
Expecting Success: Personalized management of body weight during pregnancy.
This project will provide important information on the validity of the Mindful
Eating questionnaire (MEQ) in pregnant women.

4. PI: Stewart, T. M. 9/1/08‐12/31/13
P30 DK072476
Genetics and Binge Eating: A Case‐Control Pilot Study

This project is a pilot/feasibility study investigating the relationship between
genes and binge eating that is part of a larger grant funded by NIH that includes
the Clinical Nutrition Research Unit (NORC).

5. PI: Ravussin, E. 9/30/2009‐4/30/2012
Co‐ Investigator: Stewart, T.M.
NIH 1 U01 AG20478‐01
“Metabolic Adaptations to Two Year Caloric Restriction”
The project includes a two‐year pilot study and a five‐year primary study of the
effects of caloric restriction upon biomarkers of aging and metabolic responses.
There are three sites for the project: PBRC, Tufts University, and Washington
University. Each site will conduct independent research protocols.

6. PI: Stewart, T. M. 9/1/2009‐8/31/2011
Sponsored Research Agreement: Body Evolution Technologies
Bodhi Body: A Mindfulness‐Based Body Image Intervention
The aim of this project is to develop and test an innovative and state of the art
body image treatment program.

7. PI: Williamson, D.A. 07/01/2006 – 06/30/2011
Co‐ Investigator: Stewart, T.M.
1 R01 HD048483‐01A1
“LA Health: Primary and Secondary Obesity Prevention”
The aim of this study is to test the efficacy of two obesity prevention programs
(primary and secondary) using a factorial design. The study will target children
in rural Louisiana schools and will consist of innovative prevention strategies,
including internet‐based prevention and modification of the school environment
(e.g., food choices in the cafeteria, opportunity to engage in exercise

8. PI: Williamson, D. 07/01/2004 – 07/01/2011
Co‐Investigator: Stewart, T.M.
United States Department of Agriculture
“LA Health: Primary and Secondary Obesity Prevention”
The aim of this study is to test the efficacy of two obesity prevention programs
(primary and secondary) using a factorial design. The USDA is partially funding
this study, and additional funds from NIH are being sought via the R01

9. PI: Williamson, D.A. 09/15/2005 – 09/14/2010
Co‐ Investigator: Stewart, T.M.
“Weight Measurements and Standards for Military Personnel”‐ Phase I Pilot
This Department of Defense grant will test the efficacy of an internet‐based
intervention at reducing the body mass and improving the fitness of Citizen
Soldiers in the Army Reserves. This trial will also include modification of the
environment to promote healthy eating and fitness behaviors.

10. PI: Stewart, T. M.
The Pennington Biomedical Research Foundation 9/1/2008‐8/31/2009
Investigation of Candidate Genes, the Melanocortin System, and Eating Disorder
This pilot project established the foundation for the investigation of the nature
of the relationship between selected candidate genes, with a particular focus on
the melanocortin system, and eating disorders.

11. PI: Williamson, D. 05/01/2003 ‐ 12/31/2009
Co‐ Principal Investigator: Stewart, T.M.
DAMD 17‐03‐2‐0030
“Military Health Behaviors: Promotion of Healthy Weight and Fitness in Career
This project tested the efficacy of an internet‐based health promotion
intervention in career soldiers at Ft. Bragg, NC. There will be a pilot test and a
two‐year prevention trial.

12. PI: Williamson, D. 10/01/2002 – 09/30/2005
Co Investigator: Stewart, T.M.
NIH 1 R01 DK063453‐01
“Wise Mind: Environmental Approach for Obesity Prevention”
The project will test the efficacy of an environmental approach for the
prevention of weight gain in children in the second to sixth grades. The efficacy
of this prevention program will be compared to an active control group that
provides a substance abuse prevention program.


Journal Articles

1. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D.A., Smeets, M.A.M. & Greenway, F.L. (2000). A
Computerized Assessment of Body Image: A Psychometric Study. Obesity
Research, 9(1), 43‐50. PMCID: PMC2743122

2. Barbin, J., Williamson, D.A., Stewart, T.M., Reas, D., & Thaw, J. (2002)
Psychological Adjustment in Children of Mothers with Eating Disorders. Eating
and Weight Disorders, 7(1), 32‐38.

3. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D.A., & White, M. (2002). Rigid and Flexible Dieting:
Association with BMI and Eating Disorder Symptoms. Appetite 38, 39‐44.

4. Stewart, T.M. & Williamson, D.A. (2003). Body Positive: A Preliminary
examination of a new treatment protocol for Body Image Disturbance. Clinical
Case Studies, 2 (2), 154‐166.

5. Williamson, D.A., White, M.A., York‐Crowe, E., & Stewart, T.M. (2004). Cognitive ‐
Behavioral Theories of Eating Disorders. Behavior Modification, 28(6), 711‐738.

6. Stewart, T.M. & Williamson, D.A. (2004). Multidisciplinary Treatment of Eating
Disorders I: Structure and Costs of Treatment. Behavior Modification, 28(6),

7. Stewart, T.M. & Williamson, D.A. (2004). Multidisciplinary Treatment of Eating
Disorders II: Primary Goals and Content of Treatment, A Mindful Approach.
Behavior Modification, 28(6), 831‐853.

8. Stewart, T.M. (2004). Light on Body Image Treatment: Acceptance through
Mindfulness. Behavior Modification, 28(6), 783‐811.

9. Ryan, D. & Stewart, T.M. (2004). Medical Management of Obesity in Women:
Office‐based approaches to weight management. Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, 47(4), 914‐927.

10. Williamson, D.A., Gleaves, D.H., & Stewart, T.M. (2005). Categorical versus
Dimensional Models of Eating Disorders: An Examination of the Evidence.
International Journal of Eating Disorders, 37(1), 1‐10.

11. Williamson, D.A. & Stewart, T.M. (2005). Behavior and Lifestyle: Approaches to
the Treatment of Obesity. Journal of Louisiana Medical Society, 156, S50‐S55.

12. Williamson, D.A., Martin, C.K., & Stewart, T.M. Psychological Aspects of eating
disorders. (2005). In Bailliere’s (Ed.), The Gastroenterologists’ View of Obesity, 18
(6), 1073‐1088.

13. Williamson, D.A., White, M.A., Newton, R.L., Alfonso, A., & Stewart, T.M. (2005).
Association of body size estimation and age in African‐American females. Eating
and Weight Disorders, 10, 216‐221.

14. Anton, S.D., Newton, R.L., Sothern, M., Martin, C.K., Stewart, T.M., & Williamson,
D.A. (2006). Association of Depression with Body Mass Index, Sedentary
Behavior, and Maladaptive Eating Attitudes and Behaviors in 11 to 13‐Year Old
Children. Eating Behaviors, 11 (3), 102‐108. PMID: 17075232

15. Anton, S.D., Han, H.M., Newton, R.L., Martin, C.K., York‐Crowe, E., Stewart, T.M., &
Williamson, D.A. (2006). Reformulation of the Children’s Eating Attitudes Test
(ChEAT): Factor Structure and Scoring Method in a Non‐Clinical Population.
Eating and Weight Disorders, 11(4), 201‐210. PMID: 17271950

16. Kendzor, D.E., Copeland, A.L., Stewart, T.M., Businelle, M.S., & Williamson, D.A.
(2007). Weight‐related concerns associated with smoking in young children.
Addictive Behaviors, 32(3), 598‐607. PMID: 16860488

17. Stewart, T. M.(2007). Genes and binge eating: Are we missing the target? Obesity
Management, 2(6), 223‐226.

18. Martin, C.K., Newton, R.L., Anton, S.D., Allen, H.R., Alfonso, A., Han, H., Stewart, T.,
Sothern, M., & Williamson, D.A. (2007). Measurement of children’s food intake
with digital photography and the effects of second servings upon food intake.
Eating Behaviors, 8(2), 148‐156. PMID: 17336784

19. Williamson, D.A., Copeland, A.L., Anton, S.D., Champagne, C., Han, H., Lewis, L.,
Martin, C., Newton, R.L., Sothern, M., Stewart, T., & Ryan, D. (2007). Wise Mind
Project: A School‐Based Environmental Approach for Preventing Weight Gain in
Children. Obesity, 15(4), 906‐917. PMID: 17426326

20. Stewart, T.M., May, S., Allen, H.R., Bathalon, G.P., LaVergne, G., Sigrist, L., Ryan,
D.H., & Williamson, D.A. (2008). Development of an Internet/Population‐based
weight management program for the U.S. Army. Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology 2(1), 116‐126. PMCID: PMC2769719

21. Williamson, D. A., Champagne, C. M., Harsha, D., Han, H., Martin, C. K., Newton, R.,
Stewart, T. M., & Ryan, D. (2008). Louisiana (LA) Health: design and methods for
a childhood obesity prevention program in rural schools. Contemporary Clinical
Trials 29(5), 783‐795. PMCID: PMC2628769

22. Williamson, D. A., Bathalon, G. P., Sigrist, L. D., Allen, H. R., Friedl, K. E., Young, A.
J., Martin, C. K., Stewart, T. M., Burrell, L., Han, H., Hubbard, V., & Ryan, D. (2009).
Military Services Fitness Database: Development of a Computerized Physical
Fitness and Weight Management Database for the U.S. Army. Military Medicine
174, 1‐8. PMCID: PMC2761744

23. Stewart, T. M., Allen, H. R., Han, H. & Williamson, D. A. The Development of the
Body Morph Assessment Version 2.0 (BMA 2.0): Tests of Reliability and Validity.
(2009). Body Image 6(2), 67‐94. PMCID: PMC2743122

24. Williamson, D. A., Champagne, C. M., Han, H., Harsha, D., Martin, C. K., Newton, R.
L., Ryan, D. H., Sothern, M. S., Stewart, T. M., & Webber, L.S. (2009). Increased
obesity in children living in rural communities of Louisiana. International Journal
of Pediatric Obesity, 4, 160‐165. PMCID: PMC2725211

25. Newton, R.L., Han, H., Anton, S., Martin, C.K., Stewart, T.M., Lewis, L., Champagne,
C., Sothern, M., Ryan, D.H., & Williamson, D.A. (2010). An environmental weight
gain prevention program in African American students: a pilot study. American
Journal of Health Promotion 24, 340‐343. PMCID: PMC2871317

26. Gabriele, J. M., Stewart, T. M., Sample, A., Davis, A. B., Allen, R., Martin, C. K.,
Newton, R. L., & Williamson, D. A. (2010). Development of an internet‐based
obesity prevention program for children. Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology 4(3), 723‐732. PMCID: PMC2901051


27. Martin, C. K., Thomson, J. L., LeBlanc, M. M., Stewart, T. M., Newton, R. L., Han, H.,
Sample, A., Champagne, C. M., & Williamson, D. A. (2010). Children in school
cafeterias select foods containing more saturated fat and energy than the
Institute of Medicine recommendations. Journal of Nutrition 140, 1653‐1660.
PMCID: PMC2924597

28. Stewart, T.M., Bachand, A., Han, H., Ryan, D., Bray, G.A., & Williamson, D.A.
(2010). Body image changes associated with participation in an intensive
lifestyle weight loss intervention. Obesity. NIHMSID: NIHMS250514

29. Stewart, T.M., Han, H., Ryan, D.H., Newton, R.L. Jr., & Williamson, D.A. (2011).
H.E.A.L.T.H.: Efficacy of an Internet/Population‐based Behavioral Weight
Management Program for the U.S. Army. Journal of Diabetes Science and
Technology 5, 178‐187. PMCID: PMC3045224

30. Newton RL, Han H, Stewart TM, Ryan DH, Williamson DA: (2011). The efficacy of
a pilot internet‐based weight management program for Army Reserve Soldiers:
H.E.A.L.T.H. Journal of Diabetes, Science, and Technology, 5, 1255‐1262. PMCID:

31. Williamson, D.A., Han, H., Johnson, W.D., Stewart, T.M., Harsha, D. (2011).
Longitudinal Study of Body Weight Changes in Children: Who is Gaining and
Who is Losing Weight. Obesity, 19, 667‐670. PMCID: PMC3026913

32. Williamson, D. A., Champagne, C. M., Harsha, D., Han, H., Martin, C. K., Newton, R.
L., Sothern, M., Stewart, T. M., Webber, L. S., & Ryan, D. (2012). Effect of an
environmental school‐based obesity prevention program on changes in body fat
and body weight: A randomized trial. Obesity,20(8), 1653‐1661. PMCID:

33. Stewart, T.M., Bhapkar, M., Das, S., Galan, K., Martin, C.K., McAdams, L., Pieper, C.,
Redman, L., Roberts, S., Stein, R.I., Rochon, J., & Williamson, D.A., for the CALERIE
Study Group (2013). Comprehensive assessment of Long‐Term effects of
reducing intake of energy Phase 2 (CALERIE Phase 2): Screening and
Recruitment: Methods and Results. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 34 (1), 10‐20.
PMCID: PMC3525758

34. Becker, C., Hill, K., Greif, R., Han, H., & Stewart, T.M. (2013). Reducing Self‐
Objectification: Are dissonance‐based methods a possible approach? Journal of
Eating Disorders, 1:10,1‐10. DOI: 10.1186/2050‐2974‐1‐10. PMID: 24999392

35. Becker, C.B., Plasencia, M., Kilpela, L.S., Briggs, M., & Stewart, T.M. (2014).
Changing the course of comorbid eating disorders and depression: What is the
role of public health interventions in targeting shared risk factors? Journal of
Eating Disorders, 2 (15), 1‐14. PMID: 24914411

36. Stewart, T.M., Plasencia, M., Han, H., Jackson, H., & Becker, C.B. (2014).
Moderators and predictors of response to eating disorder risk factor reduction
programs in collegiate female athletes. Psychology of Sport & Exercise (special
issue: Eating Disorders in Sport), 15 (6), 713‐720. PMID: 25400505

37. Teyhen, D.S., McClain, J., Stewart, T.M., Neal, D.N., Thorndike, F., Aldag, M.,
Edinborough, E., Levine, B., Ghanadian, J., Kinn, J., Parramore, D., Trabosh, V.,
Haught, A., & Kunkler, K. (2014). Leveraging technology: Creating & sustaining
changes for health, Telemedicine and e‐Health, 20, 9, 835‐849. PMID: 24978152

38. Kilpela, L., Becker, C.B., Wesley, N., & Stewart, T.M. (2014). Body Image in Adult
Women: Moving Beyond the Younger Years. Advances in Eating Disorders:
Theory, Research, and Practice, 1‐21. doi: 10.1080/21662630.2015.1012728

39. Eric Ravussin, Leanne M. Redman, James Rochon, Sai Krupa Das, Luigi Fontana,
William E. Kraus, Sergei Romashkan, Donald A. Williamson, Simin N. Meydani,
Dennis T. Villareal, Steven R. Smith, Richard I. Stein, Tammy M. Scott4, Tiffany M.
Stewart, Edward Saltzman, Samuel Klein, Manju Bhapkar, Corby K. Martin1, John
O. Holloszy, Cheryl H. Gilhooly, Evan C. Hadley, Susan B. Roberts for the CALERIE
Study Group. (2015). A two‐year randomized controlled trial of human caloric
restriction: feasibility and effects on predictors of health span and longevity.
Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 10, 1‐8.

40. Apolozan, J.W., Meyers, C.A., Cowley, A.D., Brady, H., Hsia, D.S., Stewart, T.M.,
Redman, L.M., Martin, C.K. (2016). Examination of the reliability and validity of
the Mindful Eating Questionnaire in pregnant women. Appetite, 100, 142‐151.

41. Martin, C. K., Bhapkar, B., Pittas, A. G., Pieper, C. F., Das, S. K., Williamson, D. A.,
Scott, T., Redman, L. M., Stein, R., Gilhooly, C. H., Stewart, T., Robinson, L., Roberts,
S. B. for the CALERIE Phase 2 Study Group. (2016). Effect of calorie restriction on
mood, quality of life, sleep, and sexual function in healthy nonobese adults: The
CALERIE 2 randomized clinical trial. JAMA Intern Med, 176(6), 743‐752. PMID:

42. Stewart, T.M., Beyl, R., Pollard, T., Wesley, N., Kilpela, L.S., Becker, C.B. The
Female Athlete Body (FAB) Study: Rationale, Design, and Baseline
Characteristics. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. Under

Book Chapters

1. Williamson, D.A., Stewart, T.M., White, M.A., and York‐Crowe, E. (2002).
Information Processing Perspective on Body Image. In T.F. Cash and T.
Prudzinsky (Eds.), Body Images. (pp. 47‐54). New York: Guilford Press, Inc.

2. Stewart, T.M. & Williamson, D.A. (2004). Assessment of Body Image
Disturbances. In J.Kevin Thompson (Ed.), Handbook of Eating Disorders and
Obesity. (pp. 495‐514). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

3. Stewart, T.M., & Williamson, D.A. (2004). Assessment of eating disorders. In M.
Hersen (Ed.), Psychological assessment in clinical practice: a pragmatic guide. (pp.
175‐196). New York: Brunner‐Routledge.

4. Williamson, D.A., Martin, C.K., & Stewart, T.M. (2005). Adult clinical applications
on behavioral weight control. In M. Hersen & J. Rosqvist (Eds.), Encyclopedia of
behavior modification and cognitive behavior therapy: Volume I: Adult clinical
applications. (pp. 167‐171). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

5. Stewart, T.S. & Williamson, D.A. (2006). Eating Disorders. In M. Hersen (Ed.),
Clinician’s Handbook of Adult Behavioral Assessment. (pp. 253‐278). Philadelphia:

6. Williamson, D.A., Walden, H., York‐Crowe, E., & Stewart, T.M. (2006). Internet‐
based treatment for pediatric obesity. In M. Sothern, S. Gordon, & T. von Almen
(Eds.), Handbook of Pediatric Obesity: Clinical Management. (pp. 201‐207). Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press.

7. Williamson, D.A., Martin, C.K., & Stewart, T.M. (2006). Behavioral Strategies for
Controlling Obesity. In G.A. Bray & D.H. Ryan (Eds.), Overweight and the
Metabolic Syndrome: from Bench to Bedside. (pp. 219‐232). New York: Springer.

8. Stewart, T.M., & Williamson, D.A. (2007). Eating Disorders. In M. Hersen & J.C.
Thomas (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Interviewing with Adults. (pp. 266‐281).
California: Sage Publications of Thousand Oaks.

9. Stewart, T.M. & Williamson, D.A. (2008). Bulimia Nervosa. In M. Hersen and J.
Rosqvist (Eds.), The Handbook of Assessment, Case Conceptualization, and
Treatment. (Vol.1, pp. 463‐497). New York: John Wiley and Sons.

10. Martin, C.K., Stewart, T.M., Anton, S., Copeland, A., & Williamson, D.A. (2008).
Health Psychology. In M. Hersen & A.M. Gross (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical
Psychology (Vol. 1 Adults, pp. 693‐723). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

11. Becker, C., MacKenzie, K., & Stewart, T.M. (2014). Cognitive and Behavioral
Approaches to the Prevention of Eating Disorders. In M. Levine & L. Smolak
(Eds.), Handbook of Eating Disorders, Wiley‐Blackwell. In press.


1. Stewart, T.M. Body Shape and Weight goals in Obesity: Not all goals are created
equal. An oral presentation presented at the Pennington Biomedical Research
Foundation meeting, March, 2006.

2. Stewart, T.M. Development of an Internet/Population‐based weight management
program for the U.S. Army. An invited presentation at the seventh annual
Diabetes Technology Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2007.

3. Stewart, T.M. Weight Management Websites: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. An
invited workshop given at the Cleveland Clinic Obesity Summit, September 2007.

4. Stewart, T.M. Body Evolution: Next Generation Technology. An invited
presentation given at the Louisiana Purchase Venture Capital Forum, Baton
Rouge, LA, October 2008.

5. Stewart, T.M. Body Evolution: The next Frontier of body image and eating
disorder technology. An invited presentation given at an invited work group
session, New Orleans, LA, May 2009.

6. Stewart, T.M. Body Evolution: Leading a movement for health, backed by science.
An invited presentation given at the annual Themelios Venture Capital meeting,
September, 2010.

7. Stewart, T.M. Behavioral Science meets Digital Media. An invited presentation
given at the Pennington Biomedical Research Foundation meeting, March 2012.

8. Stewart, T.M. Nutrition tracking devices: A Review. An invited presentation
given at an invited work group session for the U.S. Army Surgeon General
workgroup ‐the U.S. Military Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research
Center (TATRC), Leveraging Technology to Create and Sustain Change, Ft.
Detrick, MD, May, 2013.

9. Becker, C., & Stewart, T.M. Improving body image and preventing eating
disorders in female athletes: Problems & Promises. An invited presentation
given at the Female Athlete conference: Strategies for Optimal Health &
Performance, Boston, MA, June 2013.

10. Stewart, T.M. Research & Innovation: From Science to Start‐Up. An invited
presentation given at the Baton Rouge Area Chamber Leadership Class Meeting,
April 2014.

11. Stewart, T.M., & Becker, C.B. Female Athlete Body Project: Using Teamwork to
Clear the Prevention Hurdle. An invited presentation given at the Eating
Disorders in Sport Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 2014.

12. Stewart, T.M. H.E.A.L.T.H.: Moving Beyond the Standards. An invited
presentation given at the Soldier Medical Readiness Seminar, June 21, 2014.

13. Stewart, T.M. Be Strong. Be Fit. Be Well. What Soldiers & Athletes Can Teach Us
About Our Own Health and Well‐Being. An invited presentation given at the
Pennington Biomedical Research Foundation Council of 100 meeting, March 2015.

14. Stewart, T.M. H.E.A.L.T.H. Update: Moving Beyond the Standards. An invited
presentation given at the U.S. Army Surgeon General’s Task Force Update Meeting,
Washington, DC, May 2015.

15. Becker, C.B., Thompson, R., Stewart, T. Contextual Body Image in Female
Athletes: From Assessment to Intervention. An invited presentation given at the
Victory Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 2015.

16. Stewart, T.M. Stopping It Before It Starts. Prevention of Eating Disorders in
Female Collegiate Athletes. An invited keynote presentation given at the Female
Athlete Conference: Strategies for Optimal Health & Performance, Boston, MA,
June 2015.

17. Stewart, T.M. Research & Innovation: From Science to Start‐Up. An invited
presentation given at the Baton Rouge Area Chamber Leadership Program, April

18. Stewart, T.M. Translating Scientific Discoveries into Products that Improve Your
Life. An invited presentation given at the Pennington Biomedical Research
Foundation Council of 100 meeting, June 2016.


1. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D.A., Smeets, M.A.M., & Greenway, F.L. (2000).
Abstract: A Computerized Assessment of Body Image: A Psychometric Study.
Obesity Research, 8, Supplement 1: 102S.

2. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D.A., & White, M. (2001). Abstract: Rigid and Flexible
Dieting: Association with BMI and Eating Disorder Symptoms. Obesity Research,
9, Supplement 3: PC10.

3. Stewart, T.M. and Williamson, D.A. (2003). Abstract: Body Shape Versus Body
Weight Goals: One in the Same? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 34 (1):

4. Williamson, D.A. & Stewart, T.M. (2004). Body Image in African‐American Girls:
A Developmental Psychopathology Study. International Journal of Eating
Disorders, 34 (4): 491.


5. Martin, C.K., Anton, S.D., Newton, R. Jr., Allen, H.R., Alfonso, A., Han, H., Stewart,
T., & Williamson, D.A. (2004). Validation of a method to assess children’s food
intake in a cafeteria, and the effect of second servings on food intake. [Abstract].
Obesity Research, 12 (Suppl.), A5‐A6.

6. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D.A., Rzeznikiewicz, A., Ryan, D.H., Bray, G.A., & the
Look AHEAD Body Image Research Group, USA. (2004). Body Shape and Weight
Goals in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: All Goals are not Created Equal. Obesity
Research 12, Supplement 3:318‐P.

7. Stewart, T.M. Williamson, D.A., Allen, H.R., & Han, H. (2005). The Body Morph
Assessment Version 2.0 (BMA 2.0): Psychometrics and Interesting Findings.
Obesity Research, 13: 499‐P.

8. Allen, H.R., Han, H., Martin, C., Stewart, T.M., & Williamson, D.A. (2005). Military
Services Fitness Database (MSFD): A Computerized Tracking System for Body
Weight, Fatness, and Fitness Data of Soldiers. Obesity Research, 13: 821‐P.

9. Williamson, D, Copeland A, Anton S, Champagne, C, Han H, Lewis L, Martin, C,
Newton, R, Sothern, M, Stewart, T, & Ryan, D. (2006). Wise Mind: A school‐based
environmental approach for weight gain prevention in children. Obesity
Reviews, 7 (suppl. 2), page 109.

10. Martin, C.K., Stewart, T.M., Newton, R., Anton, S., Han, H., Lewis, L. Sothern, M.,
Copeland, A., & Williamson, D.A. (2006). Effects of a school‐based environmental
weight gain prevention program on objectively measured food intake using
digital photography. Obesity Research, 14: 565‐P.

11. Stewart, T.M., Bachand, A., Williamson, D.A., Han, H., Ryan, D., Bray, G. (2008).
Weight loss determines improved body image: Results from the Look Ahead
Study. Obesity Research, 16 (suppl. 1), S159.

12. Williamson, D. A., Champagne, C., Han, H., Harsha, D., Martin, C. K., Newton, R.,
Ryan, D., Sothern, M., Stewart, T. M. & Webber, L. (2008). Increased obesity in
children living in rural communities of Louisiana. [Abstract]. Obesity, 16 (Suppl.),

13. Newton, R., Han, H., Martin, C. K., Sothern, M., Webber, L., Stewart, T. M.,
Champagne, C., Harsha, D., Ryan, D., & Williamson, D. A. (2008). Physical activity,
sedentary behavior, and obesity in children living in rural communities of
Louisiana. Obesity, 16 (Suppl.), S244.

14. Stewart, T.M., Chellino, A., Han, H., & Allen, H.R. (2009). Does body mass index
influence perceptions of attractiveness? International Journal of Eating Disorders.

15. Martin, C., Thomson, J., Stewart, T., Newton, R., LeBlanc, M., & Williamson, D.
(2009). The association of food selection, plate waste, and food intake with
gender, race, and weight status in school cafeterias: implications for improving
children’s health. ISBNPA Conference Proceedings, 290.

16. Stewart, T.M., Allen, H.R., Lavergne, G., Han, H., McGucken, D., Ryan, D.H. &
Williamson, D. (2009). H.E.A.L.T.H.: Efficacy of an Internet/Population‐based
Behavioral Weight Management Program for the U.S. Army. Obesity.

17. Williamson, D.A., Champagne, C.M., Harsha, D., Han, H., Martin, C.K., Newton, R.,
Sothern, M., Stewart, T.M., Webber, L., & Ryan, D. (2010). Efficacy of two obesity
prevention programs in rural schools: Primary outcomes for the Louisiana (LA)
Health study. Obesity Reviews, 11 (Suppl. 1), T5:0S2.1.

18. Williamson, D.A., Han., H., Johnson, W.D., Stewart, T.M., Harsha, D.W. (2010).
Longitudinal study of body weight changes in children: Who is gaining and who
is losing weight. Obesity, 19 (3): 667‐670.

19. Stewart, T.M., Martin, C.K., Han, H., Newton, R., Allen, R., & Williamson, D. (2011).
Sustained Utilization of Internet‐based weight management programs can be
achieved. Obesity 2011 Abstract supplement, 341‐P: 121.

20. Martin, C., Hall, L., Stewart, T., Lecoultre, V., Johannsen, D., & Ravussin, E. (2012).
Effect of 40% high fat overfeeding on activity measured in a room calorimeter
and food cravings. [Abstract]. Obesity Facts: The European Journal of Obesity, 5
(Suppl. 1), 71.

21. Stewart, T., Williamson, D., Han, H., Ryan, D., Bray, G., Greenway, F., Coday, M., &
Mack, H. (2012). Body image dissatisfaction in the look ahead study: four year
results. [Abstract]. Obesity Facts: The European Journal of Obesity, 5 (Suppl. 1),

22. Stewart, T. M., Bhapkar, M., Das, S. K., Galan, K. M., Martin, C. K., McAdams, L.,
Peiper, C., Redman, L., Roberts, S., Rochon, J., Stein, R. I., & Williamson, D. A.
(2012). Comprehensive Assessment of Long‐Term Effects of Reducing Intake of
Energy (CALERIE) Screening and Recruitment: Methods and Results. [Abstract].
Obesity, 20 (Suppl. 1), S140.

23. Stewart, T.M., Becker, C., Han, H., Jackson, H., & Plasencia, M. (2013). Moderators
of two programs designed to reduce eating disorder risk factors in female
athletes. [Abstract]. International Journal of Eating Disorders.

24. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D., Martin, C., Gilhooly, C., Robinson, L., Scott, T., Stein,
R.I., Pittas, A., Pieper, C., Bhapkar, M., Das, S.K., & Susan, B. (2014). Is calorie
restriction associated with the development of eating disorder in non‐obese
adults? [Abstract] Obesity, T‐2130‐P.

25. Stewart, T.M., Becker, C., Smith, L., Han, H., Brady, H., Wesley, N., Ragusa, S.,
Briggs, M., White, J., Splawn, L., Mullenix, S., Meeks, J., Argyropoulos, A., & Powell,
M. (2015). The Female Athlete Body Project (FAB): Preliminary 12 Month
Results. [Abstract]. International Conference on Eating Disorders, (Session 2), 62.


1. Stewart, T.M. The Relationship Between IQ Level, Education Level and the
Nature of the Crime Committed in a Population of Incarcerated Women. A Paper
Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Conference, Atlanta,
Georgia, 1996.

2. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D.A., Smeets, M.A.M., & Greenway, F.L. The Body
Morph Assessment: Preliminary Report on the Development of a Computerized
Measure of Body Image. A Poster Presented at the Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto, Canada, November, 1999.
3. Geiselman, P.J., Martin, P.D., Copeland, A.L., Ryan, D.H. Stewart, T.M., and Neal, J.L.
Dietary and Weight Control Following Smoking Cessation in Women. A
Presentation given at the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, Denver,
Colorado, April 2000.

4. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D.A., Smeets, M.A.M., & Greenway, F.L. The Body
Morph Assessment: Preliminary Report on the Development of a Computerized
Measure of Body Image. A Poster Presented at the North American Society for
the Study of Obesity, Long Beach, California, October, 2000.

5. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D.A., Smeets, M.A.M, & Greenway, F.L. The Body Morph
Assessment: Preliminary Report on the Development of a Computerized
Measure of Body Image. An oral presentation given at the Association of the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, Louisiana, November, 2000 in
response to the Eating Disorders and Obesity Special Interest Group’s New
Researcher Award.

6. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D.A., & White, M. Rigid and Flexible Dieting:
Association with BMI and Eating Disorder Symptoms. A Poster Presented at the
North American Society for the Study of Obesity, Quebec City, Quebec, October,

7. Stewart, T.M., & Williamson, D.A. Body Positive: A Preliminary examination of a
new treatment protocol for Body Image Disturbance. A Poster Presented at the
Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, November,

8. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D.A., & Allen, H. R. The Body Morph Assessment
Version 2 (BMA 2.0): A Psychometric Study. A Poster presented at the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, Nevada, November 2002.


9. Stewart, T.M., & Williamson, D.A. Body Shape versus Body Weight Goals: One in
the Same? A Poster Presented at the Academy of Eating Disorders International
Conference, Denver, Colorado, May, 2003.
10. Stewart, T.M. & Williamson, D.A. Approaches at Home: Internet‐based
interventions for prevention and treatment of obesity”. A workshop presented at
Department of Health and Human Services sponsored conference, “Weighing
Down Obesity”, New Orleans, LA, August 2003.

11. Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D.A., & Allen, H.R. The Body Morph Assessment 2.0
(BMA 2.0): Innovative Technology to Assess Body Image Using Computers and
the Internet. An oral presentation presented at the Advancement of Behavior
Therapy, Boston, Massachusetts, November, 2003.

12. Stewart, T.M. Light on Body Image: Acceptance through Mindfulness. An oral
presentation presented at the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston,
Massachusetts, November, 2003.

13. Williamson, D.A. & Stewart, T.M. Body Image in African‐American Girls: A
Developmental Psychopathology Study. A Poster Presented at the Academy of
Eating Disorders International Eating Disorders Conference, Orlando, Florida,
May, 2004.

14. Stewart, T. M., Williamson, D.A., Rzeznikiewicz, A., Ryan, D.H., Bray, G.A., & the
Look AHEAD Body Image Research Group, USA. Body Shape and Weight Goals in
Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: All Goals are not Created Equal. A Poster presented
at the North American Society for the Study of Obesity, Las Vegas, Nevada,
November, 2004.

15. Martin, C. K., Anton, S. D., Newton, R. Jr., Allen, H. R., Alfonso, A., Han, H., Stewart,
T., & Williamson, D. A. Validation of a method to assess children’s food intake in a
cafeteria, and the effect of second servings on food intake. Oral presentation,
annual meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, Las
Vegas, NV, November, 2004.

16. Anton, S.D., Newton, R., Sothern, M., Martin, C.K., Stewart, T.M. & Williamson, D.A.
Association of sedentary behavior with body mass index, depression and dieting
concerns in young adolescents. A poster presented at Association for
Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA, November, 2004.

17. Stewart, T.M. Dietary Restriction, Caloric Restraint, and Eating Pathology: A
Critical Examination. An oral presentation presented at the Association for
Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2004.

18. Stewart, T.M. Williamson, D.A., Allen, H.R., & Han, H. The Body Morph
Assessment Version 2.0 (BMA 2.0): Psychometrics and Interesting Findings. A

poster presented at the North American Society for the Study of Obesity,
Vancouver, BC, October, 2005.

19. Allen, H.R., Han, H., Martin, C., Stewart, T.M., & Williamson, D.A. Military Services
Fitness Database (MSFD): A Computerized Tracking System for Body Weight,
Fatness, and Fitness Data of Soldiers. A Poster Presented at the North American
Society for the Study of Obesity, Vancouver, BC, October, 2005.

20. Martin, C.K., Newton, R., Anton, S.D., Stewart, T., York‐Crowe, E., & Williamson,
D.A. The Effect of Second Servings Upon Food Intake: Identification of Behavioral
Targets for Weight Control. A Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies, Washington, D.C., November, 2005.

21. Rzeznikiewicz, A.E., Williamson, D.A., Stewart, T.M., & Martin, C.K. Assessing
Body Image Concerns: Do the BSQ and the MASS Measure the Same Thing in Men
and Women? A Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Washington, D.C., November, 2005.

22. Anton, S.D., Han, H., Newton, R., Martin, C.K., Stewart, T., & Williamson, D.
Reformulation of the Children’s Eating Attitudes Test (ChEAT) Factor Structure
and Scoring method in a Non‐Clinical Population. A Poster presented at the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Washington, D.C.,
November, 2005.

23. Martin, C.K., Stewart, T.M., Newton, R., Anton, S., Han, H., Lewis, L. Sothern, M.,
Copeland, A., & Williamson, D.A. Effects of a school‐based environmental weight
gain prevention program on objectively measured food intake using digital
photography. A poster presented at the North American Society for the Study of
Obesity, Boston, MA, October, 2006.

24. Williamson, D.A., Copeland, A., Anton, S., Champagne, C., Han., Han, Lewis, L.
Martin, C., Newton, R., Sothern, M., Stewart, T., & Ryan, D. Wise Mind: A school‐
based environmental approach for weight gain prevention in children. A poster
presentation, 10th International Congress on Obesity, Sydney, Australia,
September, 2006.

25. Martin, C. K., Stewart, T. M., Newton, R. L., Anton, S. D., Han, H., Lewis, L., Sothern,
M., Copeland, A., Williamson, D. A. Effects of a school‐based environmental
weight gain prevention program on objectively measured food intake using
digital photography. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the North
American Association for the Study of Obesity, Boston, MA, October, 2006.

26. Stewart, T.M. Development of an Internet/Population‐based weight management
program for the U.S. Army. An oral presentation at the seventh annual Diabetes
Technology Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2007.

27. Martin, C. K., Williamson, D. A., Copeland, A. L., Anton, S. D., Champagne, C., Han,
H., Newton, R. L., Sothern, M., Stewart, T., Ryan, D. A school‐based environmental
approach for weight gain prevention in children: results of a pilot study.
Symposium presentation at the 41st Annual Convention of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA, November, 2007.

27. Stewart, T.M. Allen, H.R., Lavergne, G., Bathalon, G., Ryan, D.H., & Williamson, D.A.
Development and Implementation of an Internet/Population‐based Behavioral
Weight Management Program for the U.S. Army. A poster presented at the
Association for the Advancement of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Orlando, FL,
November, 2008.

28. Williamson, D.A., Champagne, C., Han, H., Harsha, D., Martin, C.K., Newton, R.,
Ryan, D., Sothern, M., Stewart, T.M., & Webber, L. Increased obesity in children
living in rural communities of Louisiana. Poster presentation at the Obesity
Society meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 2008.

29. Newton, R., Han, H., Martin, C.K., Southern, M., Webber, L., Stewart, T.M.,
Champagne, C., Harsha, D., Ryan, D., & Williamson, D.A. Physical activity,
sedentary behavior, and obesity in children living in rural communities of
Louisiana. Poster presentation at the Obesity Society annual meeting, Phoenix,
AZ, October, 2008.

30. Stewart, T.M., Bachand, A., Williamson, D.A., Han, H., Ryan, D., Bray, G. Weight
loss determines improved body image: Results from the Look Ahead Study. A
poster presented at The Obesity Society meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 2008.

31. Thompson, J. , Martin, C., Stewart, T., Newton, R., & Williamson, D. Adherence to
national school lunch program guidelines in rural Louisiana grade school
children. Poster presentation at the Texas Obesity Research Center Inaugural
Conference, Houston, TX, April, 2009.

32. Martin, C., Thomson, J., Stewart, T., Newton, R., Leblanc, M., & Williamson, D. The
association of food selection, plate waste, and food intake and gender, race and
weight status in school cafeterias: implications for improving children’s health.
Poster presentation at the annual conference of the International Society of
Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), June, 2009.

33. Stewart, T.M. Bodhi Body: A Mindfulness‐Meditation‐Based Program for Body
Image Disturbance. An oral presentation at The Mind and Life Summer Research
Institute, Garrison, NY, June 2009.

34. Stewart, T.M., Allen, H.R., Lavergne, G., Han, H., McGucken, D., Ryan, D.H. &
Williamson, D. H.E.A.L.T.H.: Efficacy of an Internet/Population‐based Behavioral
Weight Management Program for the U.S. Army. An oral presentation at The
Obesity Society, Washington, D.C., October 2009.

35. Stewart, T.M. Allen, H.R., Ryan, D.H., & Williamson, D. Is a behavioral prompting
program necessary to initiate sustained utilization of an internet‐based weight
management program for the U.S. military? A poster presentation presented at
the Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY, November

36. Williamson, D.A., Champagne, C.M., Harsha, D., Han, H., Martin, C.K., Newton, R.,
Sothern, M., Stewart, T.M., Webber, L., & Ryan, D. Efficacy of two obesity
prevention programs in rural schools: Primary outcomes for the Louisiana
Health (LA Health) study. Oral presentation at the 11th International Congress on
Obesity, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2010.

37. Williamson, D.A., Stewart, T.M. Longitudinal study of body weight and fat
changes in boys and girls: Who is gaining and who is not? A poster presentation
at The Obesity Society, San Diego, CA, October, 2010.

38. Stewart, T.M., Han, H., & Allen, H.R. Body image in U.S. Soldiers: A Preliminary
Study. A poster presented at the Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapy, San Francisco, CA, November 2010.

39. Stewart, T.M., Martin, C.K., Han, H., Newton, R., Allen, R., & Williamson, D.
Sustained Utilization of Internet‐based weight management programs can be
achieved. A poster presented at The Obesity Society, Orlando, FL, October 2011.

40. Shepard, D., Chellino, A., Correa, J., Stewart, T.M., & Martin, C.K. The effect of
overfeeding and weight loss on eating disorder symptoms among healthy adults.
An oral presentation presented at the Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapy, Toronto, ON, November 2011.

41. Martin, C., Hall, L., Stewart, T., Lecoultre, V., Johannsen, D., & Ravussin, E. (2012).
Effect of 40% high fat overfeeding on activity measured in a room calorimeter
and food cravings. A guided poster presented at the European Obesity
Conference, Lyon, France, May 2012.

42. Stewart, T., Williamson, D., Han, H., Ryan, D., Bray, G., Greenway, F., Coday, M., &
Mack, H. Body image dissatisfaction in the look ahead study: four year results. A
guided poster presented at the European Obesity Conference, Lyon, France, May

43. Stewart, T.M., Martin, C., Redman, L., Williamson, D.A., Das, S., Roberts, S.,
Saltzman, E., Stein, R., Villareal, D., Fontana, L., Galan, K., Bhapkar, M., & Rochon, J.
Comprehensive assessment of Long‐Term effects of reducing intake of energy
(CALERIE): Recruitment, screening, inclusion and exclusion. A poster presented
at The Obesity Society meeting, San Antonio, TX, September, 2012.

44. Hsu, Y., Simon, M., Miller, A., Williamson, D., Stewart, T.M., & Martin, C. K. The
ability of children to recognize gradual weight change. A poster presented at the
Society of Behavioral Medicine meeting, San Francisco, CA, March, 2013.

45. Miller, A., Simon, M., Stewart, T.M., Thomas, D., & Martin, C.K. Increased restraint
and food avoidance mediate short‐term weight loss interventions. Poster
presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, National Harbor, MD, November, 2012.

46. Jackson, H., MacKenzie, K., McDaniel, L., Becker, C., & Stewart, T.M. Additive Value
of Combined Body Image Interventions for Female Athletes. A poster presented
at the Association for the Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy
meeting, Washington, DC, November, 2012.
47. Hsu, Y., Simon, M., Miller, A., Williamson, D., Stewart, T., Martin, C. The ability of
children to recognize graduate weight change. A poster presented at the Society
of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA, March 2013.

48. Stewart, T.M., Becker, C., Han, H., Jackson, H., & Plasencia, M. Moderators of two
programs designed to reduce eating disorder risk factors in female athletes. A
poster presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders, Montreal, CA, May, 2013.

49. Stewart, T.M., Becker, C., Han, H., MacKenzie, K., Brady, H., Davis, A., Ragusa, S.,
Henderson, L., Briggs, M., Chen, K., Perko, V., Hall, L., Simon, M., Faulk, M.,
Tavernit. Assessment of the Efficacy of the Female Athlete Body Project:
Preliminary Evidence. A Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research
Society Annual meeting, Bethesda, MD., September, 2013.

50. Becker, C. B., Davis, A., Brady, H.M., MacKenzie, K., Briggs, M., Henderson, L.,
Simon, M., Ragusa, S., Perko, V., Hall, L., Kilpela, L.S., Powell, M., Argyropoulos, A.,
Mullenix, S., & Stewart, T.M. A poster presented at the Academy for Eating
Disorders annual meeting, New York, NY, March, 2014.

51. Scott, T.M., Martin, C.K., Stewart, T.M., Williamson, D., Stein, R., Bhapkar, M.
Pieper, C., Rochon, J., & Roberts, S. CALERIE II: The effect of 25% restriction over
two years on cognitive function. A poster presented at the Experimental Biology
annual meeting, April 2014.

52. Stewart, T.M., Becker, C., Han, H., Kilpela, L.S., Brady, H., MacKenzie, K., Wesley,
N., Ragusa, S., Briggs, M., Henderson, L., White, J., Mullenix, S., Meeks, J.,
Argyropoulos, A., Powell, M. Preliminary Evidence on the Efficacy of the female
Athlete Body Project (FAB). A Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research
Society Annual meeting, San Diego, CA, October, 2014

53. Stewart, T.M, Williamson, D.A., Martin, C.K., Gilhooly, C., Robinson, L., Scott, T.,
Stein, R.I., Pittas, A., Piper, C., Bhapkar, M., Das, S.K., Roberts, S.B. Is calorie
restriction associated with the development of eating disorders in non‐obese

adults? A poster presented at the Annual Obesity Society Meeting, Boston, MA,
November 2014.

54. Becker, C. B., Beyl, R., Mackenzie, K., Briggs, M., Kilpela, L. S., Ragusa, S., Brady, H.,
Wesley, N., Davis, A. B., Perko, V., Stewart, T. (2014). Risk factors in the
development of eating disorder pathology in collegiate athletes. Poster
presented at the 48th Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.

55. Verzijl, C. L., Briggs, M., Roberts, C., Kilpela, L. S. M., Stewart, T., Becker, C. B.
(2014). Negative body image in adult women: Do adult women report the range
of outcomes seen in younger females? Poster presented at the 48th Annual
Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,
Philadelphia, PA.

56. Wilfred, S. A., Verzijl, C., Martinez, V., Kaufman, M., Kilpela, L. S., Stewart, T.,
Becker, C. B., (2014). Self‐objectification theory: Does body shame mediate the
pathway from objectification to eating disorders longitudinally. Poster presented
at the 48th Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.

57. Stewart, T., Beyl, R., Kilpela, L.S., Brady, H., Wesley, N., Ragusa, S., Briggs, M.,
White, J., Splawn, L., Mullinix, S., Meeks, J., Argyropouos, A., Powell, M., Becker,
C.B. (2015). The Female Athlete Body Project (FAB): Preliminary 12 Month
Results. Poster presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders annual meeting,
Boston, MA.

58. Roberts, C., Verzijl, C., Pollard, T., Kilpela, L. S., Stewart, T., & Becker, C. B.. (2015).
Health and wellness outcomes as predicted by body dissatisfaction in older adult
women. Poster presented at the 36th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of
the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Antonio, TX.

59. Stewart, T., Beyl, R., Kilpela, L., Wesley, N., Brady, H., Ragusa, S., Hamilton, K.,
Mullenix, S., Meeks, J., Argyropoulos, A., Powell, M., Becker, C.B. (2015).
Preliminary Evidence on the Change in Eating Disorder Behaviors and Risk
Factors in the Female Athlete Body Project: 12‐Month Follow‐Up. Poster
presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Annual meeting, Taormina,

60. John W. Apolzan, Candice A. Myers, Mandy D. Cowley, Heather Brady, Daniel S.
Hsia, Tiffany M. Stewart, Leanne M. Redman, Corby K. Martin. (2015). The
Mindful Eating Questionnaire: A Reliable and Valid Method to Assess Mindful
Eating in Pregnant Women. Poster presented at The Obesity Society’s annual
meeting, Obesity Week, Los Angeles, CA.

61. Wesley, N., Becker, C., Beyl, R., Kilpela, L., Thompson, R., Sherman, R., Stewart, T.
(2015). Body Image in Female Athletes: Psychometric Properties of the

Contextual Body Image Questionnaire for Athletes. Poster presented at the 49th
Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,
Chicago, IL.

62. Verzijl., C., Roberts, C., Wilkinson, S., Kilpela, T., Stewart, T., Becker, C. B. (2015).
Predictors of health and wellness behaviors in women 25 and older. Poster
presented at the 49th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, Il.

63. Theall, B., Nelson, A.G., Early, K.S., Simoneaux, A.B., Johansen, N.M., Wesley, N.Y.,
Stewart, T.M. (2016). Influence of a body type training program on body image
dissatisfaction. Poster presented at 63rd Annual Convention for the American
College of Sports Medicine, Boston, MA.

64. Becker, C.B., Kilpela, L., Wesley, N., Pollard, T., Argyropoulos, A., Powell, M.,
Mullenix, S., Stewart, T.M. (2016). Efficacy of the Female Athlete Body Project in
Symptomatic and Non‐ Symptomatic University Athletes: 12 and 18 month
follow‐up. Poster presented at the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive
Therapies, Melbourne, Australia.

65. Wesley, N., Pollard, T., Beyl, R., Becker, C., Thompson, R., Stewart, T.M. (2016).
Exploratory Factory Analysis of the Internalization of Sport‐Specific Thin‐ Ideal
Measure in Collegiate Female Athletes. Poster presented at the 50th Annual
Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York,

66. Pollard, T., Wesley, N., Beyl, R., Stewart, T.M. (2016). Body Dissatisfaction in the
U.S. Army. Poster presented at the 50th Annual Convention of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.



The Body Morph Assessment (BMA), Copyright 2000

The Body Morph Assessment, 2.0 (BMA 2.0), Copyright 2002, 2009

The Body Acceptability Morph (BAM), Copyright 2007

H.E.A.L.T.H.: Healthy Eating, Activity, and Lifestyle Training Headquarters (U.S.
Army), Copyright 2002, 2008, 2012, Trademark in progress

Emerge™, Copyright, Trademark 2012

The Body Image Voice App™, Copyright, Trademark 2012


#NotBuyingit App, Copyright, 2013

The Comprehensive Body Image Assessment (CBI), in progress


Body Morph Assessment 2.0‐ license acquired from Pennington Biomedical by Body
Evolution Technologies, September, 2009

Companies Developed

Name: Body Evolution Technologies, Inc.
Role: Founder, Chief Scientific Officer

BE is a company formed to commercialize evidence‐based health behavior
technology and is an entrepreneurial venture (formed as a result of scientific
discovery at PBRC) funded by angel and venture capital investors. BE adapts
evidence‐based offline approaches into online/digital experiences, i.e. learning
programs including interactive, digital media applications, and health e‐games (e.g.
Internet, Smartphone, ipad apps) that address a wide range of health behaviors
including body image, eating disorders, and weight management. The programs
and assessment tools are integrated within a social network environment to
reinforce learning and promote adherence. Further, BE employs technologically‐
advanced data tracking systems associated with each health application. BE has
formed a number of alliances for this work including Eating Disorder Hope, Miss
Representation, Hynes Recovery Services, and Eating for Life Alliance to deliver
eating disorder prevention to large scale populations.

Licensing Activity

BE holds licenses for material and technology from:

Pennington Biomedical Research Center (Body Morph Assessment 2.0)

Trinity University (The Healthy Weight Program)

Oxford University Press (The Body Project Program)

New Harbinger Press (The Body Image Workbook Program & associated


Editorial Boards:

Body Image: An International Journal of Research 2005‐present

Obesity: Science and Practice 2014‐present

National Service:

President of the Mindfulness and Acceptance Special Interest Group, Association for
the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 2009‐2011

United States Army Surgeon General’s Task Force for the Performance Triad
Initiative‐ Technology Development: Nutrition, Fitness, & Sleep, 2014‐Present

National Speaker’s Bureau member for Recovery Services: Eating Disorders &
Athletes 2015‐present

Local Service:

LSU Research & Economic Development: Life Course & Aging Center (LSU adjunct)

Mayor’s Healthy Baton Rouge Committee (PBRC representation) 2014‐ present

Baton Rouge Health District Task Force (PBRC representation) 2014‐present

Baton Rouge Area Chamber Leadership Program Board (elected position) 2016‐

Institution Service:

PBRC Medical Committee 2004‐ present

Supervision of Psychological Services/consultation for PBRC clinic patients‐ 2012‐

LSU/PBRC Strategic Partnership Advisory Committee (PBRC representation) 2015‐

Chair of PBRC Employee Giving Campaign 2015

Business Development Advisory Committee, PBRC, 2015‐present

Ad hoc Manuscript Reviewer:
Archives of General Psychiatry
Behaviour Research and Therapy
Body Image: An International Journal of Research
Clinical Psychology Review
Diabetes Care
Diabetes, Science, and Technology
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
International Journal of Eating Disorders
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
Obesity Research
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology
Health Psychology
Pediatric Exercise Science
Pediatric Obesity
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

Consultant Positions:
2002‐2004 Assistant Director for Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center
eating disorders inpatient, intensive outpatient, and partial hospital

2008‐ Present Founder, Chief Scientific Officer, Body Evolution Technologies, Baton
Rouge, LA

2015‐ Present Oxford University, Development of Eating Disorder Treatment
Program Technology for Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder, Oxford,

2015‐ Present Walden Center for Education & Research, Research Development for
Eating Disorders, Boston, MA

Community & Volunteer Work
PBRC: Women’s Wellness Day 2004
OLOL: Elementary and Middle School Staff education on Eating Disorders 2004
OLOL: Eating Disorder Awareness Week: news briefs, LPB documentary, public
seminars on eating disorders, free screenings for eating disorders, 2004‐2005

Leader of the PBRC Katrina Relief Effort 2005

Woman’s Hospital Center for Wellness: Education of personal trainers and fitness
staff on body image and eating disorders 2006‐2008

Woman’s Hospital Center for Wellness: Multiple talks on body image and eating
disorders 2006‐2010

CME Courses

1. Centers for Obesity Research and Education (CORE) Workshop, April, 2003,
Tampa, FL

2. Centers for Obesity Research and Education (CORE), Workshop, August, 2003,
Albuquerque, NM

3. Extreme Expressions: Assessment, Diagnosis, Conceptualization, Treatment, and
Recent Developments in Eating Disorders. 2005 Professional Development
Workshops in Psychology: Sponsored by LSU Department of Psychology and LSU
Continuing Education. 2005

4. Stewart, T.M. Development of an Internet/Population‐based weight management
program for the U.S. Army. Oral presentation at the seventh annual Diabetes
Technology Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2007.

5. Weight Management Websites: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Invited
workshop given at the Cleveland Clinic Obesity Summit, September 2007.



2002‐2004 Supervision/mentoring of treatment team members in the
treatment of eating disorders in a hospital‐based eating disorder
treatment program at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center.

2009‐2010 LSU Training practicum for clinical psychology doctoral students;
Eating Disorders, Obesity, Body Image and Mindfulness, LSU.

2002‐present Mentoring of undergraduate students, research associates,
dietitians, statisticians, and post‐ doctoral fellows in research in the
areas of behavioral technology development; obesity, eating
disorders, and the assessment, treatment, and prevention of body
image disturbances.

Trainee Topic of Study /Project Area Dates of Training

Tarryn Pollard, BS Eating Disorders Psychology 2015‐present
Amy Heard, BS Body Image & Social Marketing Psychology 2014‐2015
Nicole Wesley, BS Female Athlete Study Neuroscience 2013‐present
Body Evolution Technologies
Morgan Faulk, BS Army projects Dietetics 2012‐2013
Female Athlete Study
Megan Simon, BS Female Athlete Study Psychology 2012‐2013
Sandra Coulon BS Body Morph Assessment Psychology 2006‐2008
Alicia Hymel, BS Binge Eating & Genetics Study Psychology 2006‐2008
Megan Franklin, BA Army projects Psychology 2006‐2007
Margaret Read, BS Body Morph Assessment Psychology 2002‐2004
Ethan Caraway, MS Body Image Tech Projects Tech Development, Gaming 2015‐present
Dione Milouskas, MS Army Projects Applied Nutrition 2013‐present
Kelly MacKenzie, MS Female Athlete Project Psychology 2012‐2015
Lindsay Hall, MA Female Athlete Study Psychology 2012‐2013
Archana Archarya, MS LA HEALTH Study Computer Programming 2008‐present
Army Projects
Bodhi Body Study
Female Athlete Study
Binge Eating Study
Allison Davis, MA LA HEALTH Study Psychology 2006‐2013
Bodhi Body Study Project Management
Female Athlete Study
Binge Eating Study
Shelly Ragusa, MS, LDN, RD Wise Mind Study Dietetics 2004‐ present
LA HEALTH Study Project Management
Army Projects
Bodhi Body Study
Female Athlete Study
Binge Eating Study
Hongmei Han, MS.Ap.Stat Wise Mind Study Statistics 2004‐2014
Army Projects
Bodhi Body Study
Female Athlete Study
Binge Eating Study
Heather Walden, MS OLOL hospital program Clinical Psychology 2002‐present
Wise Mind Study Project Management
Army Projects
Bodhi Body Study
Female Athlete Study
Matt McGucken, MA Army projects Project Management 2006‐2010
Sandra May, MS, LDN, RD LA HEALTH Study Dietetics 2004‐2009
Army projects Project Management
Amy Bachand, Ph.D. OLOL hospital program Clinical Psychology 2002‐2009
Look AHEAD Study
Postdoctoral Fellows
Hannah Jackson, Ph.D. Female Athlete Project Public Health 2012‐2013
Jeanne Gabriele, Ph.D. LA Health Clinical Psychology 2008‐2010
Steve Anton, Ph.D. LA Health Clinical Psychology 2004‐2008
Brandon M. Switzer, MA Army projects Field Management 2011‐present
Russell J. Boullion, BS Army projects Field Management 2011‐2014
Paul Mounts, MA Army projects Field Management 2010‐present
Verdis Walker, BS Army projects Field Management 2010‐ 2014
Jonathon Zeno, BS Army projects Field Management 2010‐ 29

Executive Summary
Overview & Mission:
Dr. Stewart is an Associate Professor, the Dudley and Beverly Coates Endowed Professor, the Director of
the Behavior Technology Laboratory: Eating Disorders and Obesity, at Pennington Biomedical Research
Center. Dr. Stewart also serves as Founder and CSO of Body Evolution Technologies Inc., a VC‐funded
entrepreneurial venture.

Dr. Stewart’s academic and entrepreneurial work is dedicated to Translational Research: taking e‐
health assessment, prevention, and treatment technologies from bench (science) to bedside
(programs everyone can utilize).

Dr. Stewart supports 100% of her salary with federally funded research projects and 11 FTEs in total at
Pennington Biomedical. This team includes behavioral research associates, registered dietitians, exercise
physiologists, computer programmers/developers, statisticians, and project managers. Her operating
monthly budget averages $115,500. Her overall operating budget for current projects totals
$11,189,419.96. This includes $19,414 (institutional funds from the past year) from the institution, with
the rest coming from federal grants, i.e., NIH and the Department of Defense.

Research Targets:
Obesity is viewed as a top priority for improving the health of the population. Studies have established
that obesity is difficult to treat and prevention efforts are needed. Within this same social context, the
value of a thin body size is still promoted, leading individuals to adopt unrealistic goals for body
weight/shape. Thus, the prevalence of disorder eating and body image disturbance has persisted.

With the dawn of new e‐health technologies and population health research models to reach
populations who don’t have access to or who are unable to participate in clinical programs and/or
healthcare, Dr. Stewart’s work over the years has been focused on developing and testing e‐health
technologies and community‐based programs in order to disseminate prevention and treatment
efforts to large population, specifically targeting eating disorders and obesity.

Eating Disorders:
Dr. Stewart has four ongoing eating disorder and body image studies including a NIH funded R01(1 R01
MH094448‐01A) investigating the prevention of eating disorders in female collegiate athletes across four
university sites. Given the cost of treating eating disorders (EDs) and the substantial morbidity and
mortality associated with these disorders, prevention of EDs has considerable public health significance.
Disordered eating is especially dangerous in female athletes because it increases risk for the Female
Athlete Triad (i.e., low energy availability/disordered eating, menstrual disorders, and decreased bone
mineral density/osteoporosis), subsequent injury, and long‐term health consequences. This research
tests the efficacy of a program for reducing ED risk factors and the Female Athlete Triad. This application
scored 18, in the 5th percentile, was funded, and is underway. Also just completed is a funded pilot study
on genetics and binge eating (P30 DK072476) (N=200), and a pilot study on the treatment of body image,
and an ancillary body image study to the Look AHEAD trial (U01 DK 56990). Dr. Stewart was also a Co‐I
for the NIH‐sponsored multi‐site CALERIE Phase 2 study (1 U01 AG20478‐01), evaluating the outcome of

the intervention and dissemination of results related to the impact of calorie restriction on health‐related
behaviors, body image, and eating disorders and a Co‐I for the NIH funded Expecting Success Study (1
U01 DK094418), investigating personalized management of body weight during pregnancy and
additional factors, e.g. body image, eating pathology.

Dr. Stewart is/has been PI, Co‐PI, or Co‐I for several multi‐site obesity prevention and intervention
studies including children/adolescents, adults, and U.S. Soldiers (Active Duty, Reserves, National Guard).
She is currently Principal Investigator for a randomized controlled trial (W81XWH‐09‐1‐0616;
Louisiana National Guard) funded by the Department of Defense and was Co‐PI & Co‐I for the two pilot
studies (Co‐PI; DAMD17‐03‐2‐0030, Ft. Bragg‐active duty Soldiers; Co‐I; W81XWH‐05‐2‐0082, New
England Reserve Soldiers) that preceded the RCT. Young career Soldiers must meet minimal standards of
body fat and physical performance to maintain combat readiness and remain in the military. Due to
intense pressure to meet standards, Soldiers often engage in unhealthy behaviors, e.g. disordered eating
behaviors. Further, Soldiers struggle to maintain healthy eating, fitness, and weight once they return
home from war.

These trials have included the development and the examination of the efficacy of a weight management
intervention and healthy eating/activity program in U.S. Army Soldiers, called H.E.A.L.T.H. (Healthy
Eating Activity Lifestyle Training Headquarters). This particular technology was developed and tested by
Dr. Stewart’s team, has undergone extensive review by the DoD, and is currently being disseminated as
an official technology driven weight management tool/program of the U.S. Army Surgeon General as
part of the Performance Triad (Activity, Nutrition, & Sleep) program.

Also funded and underway (W81XWH‐14‐1‐0335; DoD) is a new study (Stewart‐ PI), the Army
H.E.A.L.T.H. Intensive, enrolling Soldiers and their family members in a customized, one on one coaching
model, remote intervention for weight, nutrition, fitness, sleep and mind/body training for overall health
and wellness. This is one of the first trials to address a family model for obesity prevention and/or
treatment in military families.

Pediatric Obesity:
Dr. Stewart has been a Co‐I for two NIH‐sponsored studies investigating the prevention of
obesity/weight gain in children and adolescents (1 R01 HD048483‐01A1; 1 R01 DK063453‐01). Dr.
Stewart and her team have developed technologies that have been utilized in all of these studies as well
as published papers related to these studies accordingly. A new Department of Defense study is planned
(and funding anticipated in the latter half of the coming year) for Military children and adolescents
utilizing a new obesity intervention program specifically designed for this age group.

Dr. Stewart serves on the following Editorial boards/committees/task force groups for various local,
institutional, and national groups.
 National: Editorial Board: Body Image: An International Journal of Research
 National: Editorial Board: Obesity: Science and Practice
 National: U.S. Army Surgeon General Task Force for the Performance Triad Program Technology
 Local: Mayor’s Healthy Baton Rouge Committee

 Local: Baton Rouge Health District Force
 Local: Baton Rouge Area Chamber Leadership Program Board (elected position)
 Institutional: PBRC medical Committee
 Institutional: Supervision of PBRC Clinic Psychology Service
 Institutional: LSU/PBRC Strategic Partnership Advisory Committee
 Institutional: PBRC Business Development Advisory Committee
 Institutional: LSU Life Course & Aging Center‐ Adjunct Professor
Dr. Stewart currently mentors various level students and employees including post‐baccalaureates
applying/being admitted into grad schools and post‐ doctoral students on multi‐ site projects.

Body Evolution Technologies, Inc.:
Dr. Stewart serves as Founder and CSO of Body Evolution Technologies Inc., a VC‐funded entrepreneurial
venture (formed as a result of scientific discovery at Pennington Biomedical) dedicated to taking e‐health
assessment, prevention, and treatment technologies from bench to bedside. This venture aims to
transition evidence‐based assessment, prevention, and treatment approaches to mainstream
tools/learning programs that include digital media applications and health e‐games (e.g. Internet,
Smartphone, ipad apps) that target body image, eating disorders, and obesity in adults and children.

Laboratory Expertise/Services:
Finally, given the experience of Dr. Stewart and the Behavior Technology Laboratory members’
expertise and experience, the laboratory currently has the following expertise/services available:

1. Behavior Intervention Development & Dissemination/Implementation
The BTL, led by Dr. Stewart, a licensed clinical psychologist, currently develops curriculum for
behavior change interventions for various populations including Adults, Adolescents, and
Children for eating disorders, body image, and obesity. Further, the lab is equipped to design
delivery models and measurement models to disseminate the interventions to large populations,
as well as assess efficacy of these interventions in research studies and/or private companies, e.g.
treatment programs, etc.

2. Technology Development
The BTL has a long history of technology development and remote monitoring of delivery of
Interactive technology programs in large research studies. Whether a piece of technology to
simply accompany a behavioral intervention, e.g. assessments online, monitoring online, or an
entire intervention that resides on an Internet platform and/or Smartphone application, the BTL
has this special expertise of combining evidence based intervention curriculum and interactive
technology to deliver health behavior change tools to large populations in a portable way.

3. Psychological Assessment
The BTL is equipped with updated equipment and advanced software programming to create,
monitor, and score a wide range of psychological assessment, e.g. eating behaviors,
mood/depression, anxiety, eating disorders, weight management assessments, etc. for large
research studies. Further, the BTL team has extensive experience collecting, managing, and
analyzing behavioral/psychological assessment data for large populations for cross sectional and
longitudinal designs.


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