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Save Planet Earth

on April 22 and World Environment evel; continuous increase in human ac- ture from l.l to 6.4 detree Celsius in 6rbon dio:<ide and water vapor cov-
D. Rudrappan 2lth century. Moreover, warming is er dre atrnosphere and trap sorne of
day on June 5 errcry yelrr. tivities on earth has led to an increase
GbfulWarming ond Qimote (hange in green house tases and consequent expected to increase even after dre year dre ougoing enerry reaining heat just
Globd warming and climate change depletion of ozone lryer.The tempera- 2100 even if emissions are stopped lila glass panels of green house. That
:;,' lntroduction refer to rise in average tempefttrures. ture level depe$s on a number of fac- due to the vast heat capacity of the is why these gases are called green
gi#"'i*=*d lobal warming is an undispu Human activities-induced f-actors and tors such as afforestation, oceans, oceans and the prolonged life time house gases and the effect is the rise
$ ryable reality, which points out natural events such as volcano erup- moisture levels, topographic and wind of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. in tempenrsJre on the earth.
fuffithat our planet Earth has to tion and solar radiation contribute to movemenc f-actors. lncrease in temperature will lead to Greenhouse el?bcts in Ni,gero
be siied the imminent danger' increasing the global temperature The lnter-governmental Panel on a rise in the sea level and will change lncreasing sea water level due to
of $obal warming.The, hrth is warm- caused mainly by greenhouse gases Climate Change (IPCC) consisting of the amount and pattern of precipi- global utrrming is threatening people
ing up on account of population such as carbon dioxide, metlrane, w?- renowned scientists has been formed tation causing probably expansion of living in low lying coastal areas of
gr:owth'and consequent increase in ter vapour and other gases. Global by dre United Nations to study global sub-tropical deserts. Southern Nigeria, pafticularly in La-
human activities. However, the chanc- warming is a phenomenon where warming and submit reports periodL Melting of Arcfrc Ee ap: Melting'of gos. Half of the population accounting
es ecosystems to adapt naturally
for drere is an increase in earth's surface elly.The committee, in its repo6 has gfaciers has resuhed in the occurence nearly eight million people faces the
are decliningl-his is considered as one temperature causing a change in glo- concluded that most of dre rise in t€rl- of extreme 'weather events causing danger of sea erosion in coasal re-
of dre greaaest perils facing dre Earth bal climilt€; rn€lting,gf ice glaciers in perature since the mid 20th century species extinctions and nqative chang- gion of Lagqs. The natural protective
planet. The Copenhagdn Conference arctic regton,and'consequent increase was likely caused by increasing coll- es in agricultural yields. Population s)rstem in the'form of mangroves in
on gfobal warming convened recently in the sea level; Ozone depletion in centrations of green house gases iN a explosion and the consequent in- dne coasal area and wetland ecosys-
to ackle the global warming danger the troposphere, which is dre lowest result of human activities such as fos- dustrial expansion have also in- tem in many pans of Lagos have been
has not achieved its objectives.The first part of the earth atmosphere, also colr- sil fuel burning and unlimited defor- creased green house, gases. Fossil reduced considerably mainly due'to
Earft Day was celebrated in 1970 and tributed to wanning of earth sutface. estation.The plants and trees separate fuel burning has produced about human settlement and human inter-
the 2fth anniversary celebration of Famous climatologist, H.H Lamb, has carbon dioxide into carbon and oxy- 75 percent increase in carbon di- vention. ' '

Earth Day in 1990 have brought for- highlighted in his book'Climate in the gen during the process of photosyn- oxide and the rest is due to defor-
ward crucial environmental issues on 1960's' drat $obal warming akes place thesis reducing the level of green estation in the last two decades.
the world sage laying foundation for in the atmosphere between earth sur- house gases. The above findings have Greenhouse effects & Green- Dr. D. Rudrappan
dre ln} Unked Nations Earth Sum- face and the ozone layer ufiich is about been confirmed b)r a number of na- house goses
Professor of Economics
mit in Rio de Janeiro. To spread the 50 km up in the atmosphere. Temper- tional academies of science and sci- The sun mys energy euses dte at-
notion of save our planet dre United ature tends to decline ,with distance entific societies. mospheric tempeftrture tc rise by hat-
Nations as well as'all the world cqun- fitom die surface of dle earth.The 9x- lrcC neport poina out furdrer drat ing the weadrer and climate.The eardl Ota, Ogru, State,
trigs have been celebrating EarS Day 'istiflg ozone lryer protects the world climate model pr:ojection indicates like- sends back this energy into outer ru dr ap p an @ r e diffm ail. c o rn
t cotnftient@businessdayonline.
ffii*en from run radiation How- ly'increase in surface $obal tempera- space, however amlospheric gases like com

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