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AU G U ST 1 , 20 17

If You Want to Hear God, Quiet

Your Mind

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Article by Leslie Schmucker
Guest Contributor

If you are past a certain age, or if you are averse to paying for cable or satellite
television, you may be familiar with rabbit ears. They are those metal, V-shaped
antennas that, when positioned just so, may or may not allow you to receive a few
channels on your TV.

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I can remember my father adjusting the ears and, when the desired channel appeared
with as much clarity as he could finesse, gingerly letting go of the antenna only to
have the static return with frustrating obscurity. Many nights we watched Ed Sullivan
through the maddening distortion and sound of static.

Static muddles and clouds. The enemy uses the static of self-
talk, cheap advice, societal pressures, social media, and
“Static muddles and
busyness, which all make us strain to hear truth. If we are not
careful, the static in our hearts and minds will make it difficult clouds, making us
to hear God’s voice, especially since he often speaks in tones
strain to hear the
that are still and small. If we allow the static to persist, we just
might give up and tune in to another channel. truth.”

Tormented by Static
Eve, in Genesis 3, experienced static in the garden. The serpent craftily obscured and
distorted truth as he asked, “Did God really say . . . ?” And Eve lost satisfaction in her
Creator. Cain, in Genesis 4, succumbed to static. Can you picture him, tilling the
ground, sweat pouring off his brow, back sore, talking himself out of giving God his
best? Then, when God naturally rejected his offering, the static grew louder and
culminated in Cain killing his brother out of jealousy and anger. He had stopped
revering his Creator.

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Job was tormented by the static of his chattering friends and wife, who added more
grief to his already sorrowful soul. They made it hard for him to trust his God. King
Saul was paralyzed by the static of fear, jealousy, and paranoia, ultimately leading to
his dethroning and death. He rejected his Creator. We can fall into strife, despair, and
sin too when we allow the static in our minds to tune out the still, true, sure voice of

Succumbing to Static
God’s voice is steady and unwavering. But we must quiet
ourselves to hear it. Too often, we succumb to the crackling,
“God’s voice is steady
grace-robbing intensity of the static around and within us:
and unwavering. But
The kids watched way too much TV today.
Look at her children. They are all so clean and perfect.
we must quiet
Mine look like they just stepped out of a Dickens novel. ourselves to hear it.”
I wonder if her cherubs ate dry Cocoa Puffs off the floor
and shared milk with the dog this morning.
Am I good enough?
I can’t serve Christ. I’m not qualified.
Are people really interested in what I have to say?
Am I humble enough? Genuine enough?
They said I did a good job, but I know they were just being polite.

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Did I pray that prayer correctly?
Oh man, I fell asleep while reading my Bible, again!
Where did that thought come from? I must be the worst sinner on the planet.
With my past, nobody could possibly love me.
I know God loves people, but does he love me? Does he even like me? How can I
know for sure?
Am I really saved?

Scripture Defeats Satan’s Static

Even Jesus encountered static. In the wilderness, Satan tried again and again to warp
and contort truth in Christ’s mind. Jesus was hungry, tired, and thirsty, and he was
being tested. Satan blasted him with static: “Hey, I can see that you’re really hungry.
If you’re truly God’s Son, turn these stones into bread. You and I both know you can.
Come on up here. Let me see you jump off this temple. I want to see the angels come
and catch you. You and I both know they will. Look, I know you’re tired. Why is your
Father testing you this way? Tell you what, just worship me and I’ll make you king
over all you see. You and I both know that will be better.”

How did Christ clear this static? Scripture, Scripture, and more Scripture. Jesus did not
answer Satan without invoking God’s word. Ultimately, Jesus defeated Satan with the
inspired authority of God’s very words.

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Don’t think for a moment that Christ’s defense worked just because he is the Son of
God. Not only do we have unhindered access to Scripture, but we also have access to
the same authority to command Satan. We too can say, with confidence and
ascendancy, “Be gone, Satan!” The devil will have no choice but to leave because we
have Christ dwelling in us with all the power and authority that implies.

Tune in to the Bible

Jesus knew that the only absolute, static-clearing truth resides
in the high-def clarity of Scripture.
“The only absolute,
Feeling condemned? Tune in to Romans 8:1 or Psalm static-clearing truth
Fearing that you’re underqualified? Let 2 Corinthians 1:27
resides in the HD
bring truth into focus. clarity of Scripture.”
Have a messy past? Allow Hebrews 8:12, Philippians 3:13–
14, and Psalm 25:7 to sharpen your perspective.
Telling yourself you are worthless and disliked by God?
Let him clear that up by meditating on Zephaniah 3:17 and John 3:16.
Wondering if your salvation is a lie? Flip to Philippians 1:6.

When we take our minds off our fears, our doubts, our self, and shift our focus to God,
his word, and his promises, we see the picture of our lives with sharp, all-satisfying,

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God-glorifying clarity.

Your Direct Link

Consistent, daily Bible intake is essential to infusing truth into our sin-worn minds. If
we are in Christ, the static is a lie. The truth will never waver and will not shift. The
more we saturate ourselves with God’s word, the less distortion our minds will

You have a direct link to the throne of grace — no rabbit ears required.

Leslie Schmucker (@LeslieSchmucker) retired from public school teaching to create a special
education program at Dayspring Christian Academy in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She and her
husband, Steve, have three grown children and five grandchildren. She blogs at

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First the Church, The Safest Man for

Then Marriage Women
Follows How Christian men treat sex, whether married
or not, sheds light on Christ for all to see, or

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The model for the first marriage was modeled obscures and slanders him.
after Jesus and his Bride; not vice versa. This is
the meaning of marriage.

John Piper Marshall Segal

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when we are most
satisfied in him
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