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Digital Logic

Course Title:
Course Code: 241CSM-4
Program: Bachelor in Computer Science
Department: Computer Science
College: College of Computer Science
Institution: King Khalid University, Abha
Table of Contents
A. Course Identification .................................................................................................... 3
6. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply) ............................................................................... 3
B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes ............................................................... 3
1. Course Description ................................................................................................................. 3
2. Course Main Objective............................................................................................................ 3
3. Course Learning Outcomes ..................................................................................................... 4
C. Course Content ............................................................................................................. 4
D. Teaching and Assessment ............................................................................................ 5
1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and Assessment
Methods ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Assessment Tasks for Students ............................................................................................... 5
E. Student Academic Counseling and Support .............................................................. 6
F. Learning Resources and Facilities............................................................................... 6
1.Learning Resources .................................................................................................................. 6
2. Facilities Required................................................................................................................... 6
G. Course Quality Evaluation .......................................................................................... 7
H. Specification Approval Data ....................................................................................... 7

A. Course Identification

1. Credit hours:
4 (3+ 1)
2. Course type
a. University College Department ☒ Others
b. Required Elective
3. Level/year at which this course is offered: 6
4. Pre-requisites for this course (if any):

5. Co-requisites for this course (if any):

6. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply)
No Mode of Instruction Contact Hours Percentage
1 Traditional classroom 75 100
2 Blended 0 0
3 E-learning 0 0
4 Distance learning 0 0
5 Other 0 0

7. Contact Hours (based on academic semester)

No Activity Contact Hours
1 Lecture 45
2 Laboratory/Studio 30
3 Tutorial 0
4 Others (specify) 0
Total 75
B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes
1. Course Description
This course is designed to familiarize the students with Digital Logic, with the specific
objective to make them understand how the hardware of the computer works. Students are
introduced to the concept of Boolean functions, design of logic circuits, simplification of the
circuits, combinational logic design, working of registers, counters and adders. As a whole the
students are expected to acquire a reasonably good knowledge of the internal working of the
Central Processing Unit.

2. Course Main Objective

The objective of this course is a modern introduction to logic design and the basic building
blocks used in digital systems, in particular digital computers. The main objective of the
course is to teach the students how to minimization techniques, arithmetic circuits, and
modern logic devices such as field programmable logic gate. Also, how to design and simplify
digital logic circuits those are appropriate for problems that they might encounter. Students
will become acquainted with the strengths and limitations of sequential circuits: flip-flops,
synthesis of sequential circuits, and case studies. This course offers the students a mixture of
theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

3. Course Learning Outcomes
1 Knowledge and Understanding
1.1 Define different number systems, digital logic gates and Boolean K1
1.2 Define the performances for different basic logic circuits. K1
2 Skills :
2.1 Analyze different combinational circuits’ outputs and how to simplify it S1
in Digital Logic.
2.2 Convert numbers from one base to another, such as from decimal to S2
binary, octal, hexadecimal and so on in Digital Logic.
2.3 Demonstrate Boolean functions, their implications using different S3
methods such as substitution and K-map methods.
3 Values:
3.1 Urging Students on research presentations, based on legal and ethical V1
principles, on Combinational Logic Circuit, Building Blocks, Adders
(half and full), subtracts, Multiplexers, Decoders, Encoders and priority
encoders, Demultiplexers used in Digital Logic
3.2 Activation of Students’ Group Discussion sessions, on Sequential V2
Logic Circuit Building Blocks, Latches, Flip-flops: RS, D, JK and T,
Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuits etc .

C. Course Content
No List of Topics
Introduction to digital systems
1 3
Number systems (Binary)
Negative number representation
Unsigned/ signed addition and subtraction
Multiplication and Addition in various number presentation
2 9
Octal/ hexadecimal number representation
Number conversion
Logic Algebra
Theorems of logic algebra
Digital Logic gates and Circuits
3 6
Truth tables
Synthesis using AND, OR, NOR , EX-OR, EX- NOR and NOT gates
Design examples
Logic function minimization, Karnaugh map
Two- and Three-Variables Map.
Four-Variable Map.
4 6
Product of Sums Simplification.
Don’t-Care Conditions.
Minimum SOP/ POS forms
Combinational Logic Circuit Building Blocks
Adders (half and full)/ subtracts
5 6
Decoders, Encoders and priority encoders

Sequential Logic Circuit Building Blocks
6 9
Flip-flops: RS, D, JK and T.
Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuits
Memory cells: Gate arrays-RAM and ROMs,
Designing with read only memory
7 Designing with programmable logic arrays (PLAs) 6
Designing with programmable array logic (PALs)
Seven-segment display
Total 45
D. Teaching and Assessment
1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and
Assessment Methods
Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods
1.0 Knowledge and Understanding
Define different number systems, digital Lectures, Tests,
logic gates and Boolean algebra. Lab Activities. Assignments,
1.1 Mid-exam
Define the performances for different Lectures, Home works,
basic logic circuits. Lab Activities. assignments,
1.2 quizzes, midterm and
final examinations
2.0 Skills
Analyze different combinational circuits’ Lectures, quizzes, midterm and
outputs and how to simplify it in Digital Lab Activities. final examinations
2.1 Logic using Substitution and K-map
Convert numbers from one base to Lectures, quizzes, midterm and
another, such as from decimal to binary, Lab Activities. final examinations
2.2 octal, hexadecimal and so on in Digital
Build combinational and sequential digital Lectures, quizzes, midterm and
2.3 logic circuits in Digital Logic. Lab Activities. final examinations
3.0 Values
Recognize and Interpret Combinational Lectures, Class assignments,
Logic Circuit, Building Blocks, Adders (half Lab Activities. Tests, Mid & Final
3.1 and full), subtracts, Multiplexers, Decoders, exams.
Encoders used in Digital Logic.
Interpret Sequential Logic Circuit Building Lectures,
3.2 Blocks, Latches, Flip-flops: RS, D, JK and T, Lab Activities. Assignments, Quizzes,
Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuits etc. Mid & Final exams.
2. Assessment Tasks for Students
Percentage of Total
# Assessment task* Week Due Assessment Score
1 Mid Term Exam I (theory) 7 10 %
2 Mid Term Exam II (theory) 11 10 %
3 Final Practical Exam 12 15 %
4 Theory Assignments & Quizzes 5, 10 10%
5 Practical Assignments & Quizzes 5, 10 05%

Percentage of Total
# Assessment task* Week Due Assessment Score
6 Final Exam (theory) After 15 50%
*Assessment task (i.e., written test, oral test, oral presentation, group project, essay, etc.)
E. Student Academic Counseling and Support
Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student
consultations and academic advice :
Teaching staff is available for students through office hours, course mail, and course messages
through blackboard.

F. Learning Resources and Facilities

1. Learning Resources
"Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals", M. Morris Mano &
Required Textbooks
Charles R. Kime, ISBN 0-13-376063-4, Prentice Hall, 2015.
"Digital Design", Mano, M. Morris. 3rd edition, ISBN 0-13-062121-
8, Prentice-Hall, 2002.

"Fundamentals of logic Design". Thomson Learning. 5th edition,

Essential References
Brooks/Cole, 2004.
KUMAR, 2nd edition, ISBN 9788120336797, PHI Learning, 2009.
Electronic Materials

Other Learning
Lab Manual

2. Facilities Required
Item Resources
Accommodation Lecture rooms
(Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration Computer Laboratories
rooms/labs, etc.) Accessories – Data Show Projector
Technology Resources Computers are installed with relevant software for ready
(AV, data show, Smart Board, software, to use.
etc.) Internet connection
Overhead projector
Other Resources Computer for individual students with network
(Specify, e.g. if specific laboratory
equipment is required, list requirements or
attach a list) Internet access
E-Learning resources are available

G. Course Quality Evaluation
Evaluators Evaluation Methods
Student Evaluation Students Indirect
Course Evaluation Respected Committee Indirect
Result Analysis (Qiyas) Course’s Coordinator Direct
Measurements of KPI Course’s Coordinator Direct
Evaluation areas (e.g. effectiveness of teaching and assessment, extent of achievement of course learning
outcomes, quality of learning resources, etc.)
Evaluators (Students, Faculty, Program Leaders, Peer Reviewer, Others (specify)
Assessment Methods (Direct, Indirect)

H. Specification Approval Data

Council / Committee
Reference No.

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