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the compositions of Fr.

Carceller were published in an anthology entitled Coleccion de

Canticos Sagrados por el Padre Domingo Carceller, Agustino Recoleto  in January 1937,
a month before the 33rd International Eucharistic Congress which was held here in
Manila.  Printed by the Ramon Roces Publishers, the book was 162 pages.  Following
are the contents of the anthology:
I. Gloria a Jesus
-The Himno Oficial of the 33rd International Eucharistic Congress.
II. Veni Creator
-Used for the feasts and celebrations of the Holy Spirit.
III. 8 Tantum Ergos and 2 O Salutaris 
-Both hymns are used for the Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
The origin of these 2 hymns dates back from the Time of St. Thomas Aquinas.
IV. Various Hymns (Motets) for the Holy Eucharist and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  The
devotion to the Sacred Heart was promoted during the Pontificate of Pius XI.
V. 2 Hosannas
– Used for the Procession of Palms on Palm Sunday.
VI. Stabat Mater
– Used during the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday and the “Soledad”.
VII. Regina Coeli
– is sung during the “Salubong” or “Encuentro”, a native custom dramatizing the
meeting of the Joyful Mother and the Risen Lord on Easter Sunday; also used to replace
the Angelus on Easter time.
VIII. Sacerdos Pontifex
– is usually sung on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul and in any celebrations that
pertains to the Pope.
IX. Te Deum
The hymn was important during the early years of the Spanish colonization of the
Philippines.  In Intramuros, the Te Deum was sung in churches when the Galleon
arrived and whenever there were announcements of Christian missionaries being
martyred in Japan or China.  Now it is used on special feasts in the Liturgy of the
This particular Te Deum was composed following the traditional style of using the
Gregorian chant alternately with measured music.
X. Masses
a. Misa Coral “ Cor Iesu Sacratissimum”
(Used for the Sacred Heart of Jesus)
b. Misa  “In honorem Sancti Joseph”
(For the Mass in honor of St. Joseph)
c. Misa de Requiem
(Mass for the Dead.  Also composed in the traditional style, using Gregorian chant
alternately with measured music.)
XI. 2 Trisagios
The Trisagio is a devotional hymn to the Holy Trinity which is recited or sung at dawn.
XII. Rosary Music
a. 2 Virgen Divino Sagrario (This is used at the beginning of the Rosary.)
b. 2 Rosario Cantada (Musical settings of the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.)
c. 5 Letania Laurentana
d. 6 Salve Reginas
XIII. Hymns to the Blessed Virgin Mary
a. Venid y vamos todos (Sung during the flower offering)
b. Canto a Maria
c. Estrella Hermosa
d. Despedida a la Ssma. Virgen (Final hymn after a Marian procession)
e. 2 Oh Maria!
f. Himno a la Inmaculada
g. 2 Ave Maria
h. Tota Pulchra
XIV. Villancicos
(Traditional Christmas Songs sung in the Liturgy during Offertory or Communion)
a. Villancico I
b. Venid, venid Villancico II
c. Nino Divino, villancico III
XV. 8 Hymns to St. Joseph and a Jaculatoria
(The Recolectos have a special devotion to St. Joseph)
XVI. 6 Hymns to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
(These hymns are specially composed for the Virgen del Carmen of San Sebastian
XVII. Hymn to Nuestro Padre San Agustin
XVIII. Hymn to Sta. Teresita del Nino Jesus

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