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The Minor Seminary of the Archdiocese of Capiz

Lawaan, Roxas City, Capiz
Tel. No. (036) 6210-453

A. Understand each question and choose the letter of the correct answer. (2pts. Each)

1. The Principle of Moral Law is a good guide in developing character because

a. It is engraved upon the minds of all people.
b. All will be well when they believe in this law.
c. This is the only law that the humankind believes.
d. It explains why people should do good and avoid evil.

2. The meaning of responsible freedom is that

a. A person is absolute or completely free.
b. There must be respect for the freedom of others.
c. Freedom is a requirement of human law.
d. A person is free when he/she does not have a family responsibility

3. Freedom carries accountability. Hazel is applying this because

a. She has chosen her interest, which is sports club, and trains only at her own time.
b. She joins the school theater every afternoon and sets up enough time for her lessons.
c. She is free to go home anytime in the evening even when there is no club training.
d. She decides to join the folk dance troupe and thinks she does not have to consult with her
parents the trainings scheduled on Saturdays.

4. Why is someone who serves the needy free?

a. Because someone who serves is free to choose to help the poor.
b. Because he/she is free from responsibility for himself/herself.
c. Because someone who serves has loved ones who are poor.
d. Because service eradicates poverty.

5. “There are many freedoms today that enslaved people to bad acts.” The weakest implication of this
statements is:
a. Learn to be free from the slavery of negative influences.
b. Be free from temporary pleasures and worldly comfort of life.
c. Be responsible by helping the less fortunate in society.
d. Allow the government to freely find a way to provide others better living conditions.

B. Please read the statement and answer the questions comprehensively. (5pts. each)

1. Do you believe that for every good that you do, there is always something evil to avoid?
2. Is a person always free to choose the good in all circumstances? What do you think are the possible
reasons that may hinder a person to do good?
3. What is the effect of the use of freedom on doing good?
4. What can you say about how your fellow youth perceive and use their freedom?

C. Essay (20 pts.)

How do you practice responsible freedom in this time of pandemic knowing that we have a lot of
restrictions and guidelines?
“That in all things, God may be glorified.”

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