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Joun Ali
M.Bunyad Ali
Mateen Hashmat
Momin Tariq
Mujtaba Hasham
Mustafa Rasheed
Hassan Shiekh
Faiza Rauf
Nadia Mahmood

MR. ASLAM, an officer in WAPDA in his thirties (Hassan Sheikh)

AALIYA, his wife, and the mother of two children

MR. BUKHARI, a factory owner in Lahore in his forties, who comes

to bribe Aslam in order to illegally reduce his electricity

FAISAL, Aslam’s P.A and also his close friend around 30 years
old. (Mustafa Rasheed)

FIAZ, Aslam’s peon in his office a young boy around 20 years old
(Mujtaba Hasham)

MR. IMTIAZ, a friend of Mr. Bukhari around forty years old, also
a factory owner who comes to Aslam to resolve his issues as well
for a bribe.

NATASHA, a girl around 27 years old, who meets Aslam at the


VOICE, the voice of Aslam’s unconscious who directs Aslam into

doing wrong deeds

HIMSELF, Aslam’s conscious, his good side who psychically appears

in front of him to warn him about his deeds

MAN, the person who threatens Aslam on the phone to pay his
money, in his forties

DEALER, the dealer at the poker game

CASHIER, the cashier at the casino

SECURITY GUARD, the guards at the casino parking

OFFICER, the officer at the bank credit department

JEWELER, the jeweler who buys the jewelry from Aslam

The story takes place in Lahore where Aslam has been working
for ten years, living a normal life, with a nominal salary and
not many luxuries to enjoy for his wife and children. Aslam gets
a chance to change his life through wrong means and his life
takes many turns as he makes decisions between what’s right and
what’s not, and faces both good and bad side of his inner self
which he wasn’t aware of earlier.


Mr. Aslam is sitting at his office, going through his files. The
phone rings, Mr. Aslam picks up

FAISAL: Sir Mr. Bukhari is here to see you.

MR. ASLAM: Alright send him in.

Mr. Bukhari enters the office

MR. ASLAM: good afternoon, have a seat Sir, how may I be of some
help to you.

MR. BUKHARI: Thank you, you are the only person that can be of
help to me, because of the authority and the power that is
brought to you by this very designation that you hold. And by
looking at a respectable man like you I can confidently say that
no man would have gone back dissatisfied if he had come to you
for some kind of assistance. But surely the man would have
received more than what he had come for. And that sir is the same
reason for me being before you at this moment.

MR. ASLAM: Sir, that is my duty that I sit here to fulfill, and
without any self interest in my mind I had listen to people’s
problem who had come here, each word with sincerity, each problem
as it was my own and to device ways under the very law and to do
everything that is possible to me by the authority. Therefore I
assure you that everything will be done to solve your problem,
just as soon as I know what it is.
MR. BUKHARI: Ah, your word surely put me to rest, sir; I own this
factory in the outskirts of the city. I’m involved in the
business of garments, which in return provide for the well being
of me and my family, but that sense of security in monetary terms
has been declining over the period, along with the increase in
all the other necessary cost that is to be incurred in order for
me to carry my operations, one thing bothers me a lot and is
placing a threat for my business and as well as my family.

MR. ASLAM: Sir if I’m not wrong, the thing that you talk about
which is being a problem for you and your business has surely to
do something with me and the department that I work for here,
which controls and distributes the electric supply to households
and businesses. If that is the case than I can assure you that
your worries will soon come to an end. Now, I would like you to
explain the exact problem that you face so I can go into the
detail of the matter and solve it in your benefit.

MR. BHUKARI: yes, thank you sir, while conducting the operations
in my factory, the electricity bills that I receive are highly
unjust and unfavorable for me, around a million rupees per month
for the electricity is what a man in my shoes cannot think of
affording along with the increase in all other expenses, you do
understand very well sir that it becomes very difficult to
support a family in these circumstances.

(Mr. Aslam while looking through the electricity bill of Mr.

Bukhari’s Factory bills)

MR. ASLAM: Yes I do understand that very much without a doubt.

But by looking at the records of your factory and the electricity
bills I do not come across any mistake or act of injustice
against you regarding your bills sir, I agree the amount might
not be favorable for you but by matching the utilizations and the
cost, I do not see how it is unjust.

MR. BUKHARI: Sir, I came to you not because I believe that there
has been a mistake from your side or your department, but for one
reason that I believe a man like you would be willing to
understand the core problem that I face. With due respect share
the pain that I suffer and relate to it as your own, and by the
use of your authority take me out of my miseries. In return I
will provide that man everything that he wants, which will in
return take him out of his miseries.

MR. ASLAM: Then I’m sorry sir, since I am not the man that you
are looking for

MR. BUKHARI; Is that so sir? Are you not the man that they talk
about, when they say that not even once in the time of your
service you let a man go disappointed? Aren’t you the man who is
always willing to help another? Aren’t you the man who alone has
such unquestionable authority in the department to solve such
issues? But I am sure sir that you are the man that I am looking
for and have found and I am the man that you have been looking
for. Since you are the same man who has a family with wants and
demands which have never been fulfilled in the past 25 years of
your service, but that can surely be changed right now. A change
which will create a relationship between two men who think of
each other’s benefit, a change which will make an unhappy wife,
happy. And a bond between father and his children which is the
most joyful one. Are you still willing to deny the fact that you
are the man I have been looking for?

MR. ASLAM: What is that you are exactly trying to say? Correct me
if I am wrong. Are you say saying that you want me to reduce the
amount of electricity tariff that you receive for your factory
and in return you will give me a bribe for my sin full act for
which my God does not allow?

MR. BUKHARI: Absolutely not sir, please forgive me since you have
gotten me wrong. There is certainly no question of a sin such as
the one you speak of, I am just hoping for a favor from you, and
in return of that favor I am willing to do a favor for you, my
friend. So what is that you have to say to that?

(Mr. Aslam after a pause)

MR. ASLAM: ….. Hmm if you put it that way, then I don’t see any
harm in such a relation of friend ship.

(Mr. Bukhari stretches his arm for a shake)

MR. BUKHARI: Alright then, to a new friend ship

(Mr. Aslam, while shaking hands)

MR. ASLAM: To a new friendship it is, and you don’t worry about
it, I will personally look into this matter and your problem
would be solved.

MR. BUKHARI: Thank you very much sir, you once again have proved
the loyalty that you have with mankind, and didn’t let another
man go disappointed from your office, oh and yeah my part of the

(Mr. Bukhari picks a bag from the floor which he brought with
him and places it on top of the table before Mr. Aslam)

MR. BUKHARI: Here is a small token of our friendship.

MR. ASLAM: Thank you; it was a pleasure meeting a person like


(Mr. Bukhari stands up and walks out of the office)


MR. ASLAM enters his house with the briefcase in his hand, his
wife is in the kitchen washing dishes and the kids are off too

AALIYA: You are back, and what do you have in that briefcase?

MR. ASLAM: It is the end of our worries, now you don’t have to
worry about money all the time and yell at me, since we will have
enough from now. You can see it for your self.

AALIYA: I don’t believe it, it’s too good to be true, and where
did it come from? And why do you look so upset?

MR. ASLAM: Oh it’s nothing, just a minor headache; I will go in

the room and rest now, and don’t worry about where it came from.

AALIYA: Ok. You do that, I will be right there after I am done

with the dishes.

Mr. Aslam walks in the room and lies down and closes his eyes
and he hears a voice.
VOICE: What’s wrong? Are you not happy?

Mr. Aslam is shocked, he gets up and looks around and doesn’t

see any one. Then he asked.

MR. ASLAM: Who are you? And where are you?

VOICE: You can’t see me but you can very much hear me. I am a
voice within you Aslam, I have been with you since your very
existence. But today I come to ask you that why have you become

MR. ASLAM: It’s because of the unforgivable act of sin that I

committed today.

VOICE: Listen to yourself Aslam, why do you call it an act of sin

when it’s not. Don’t you see there is nothing bad that you have
done. There is no one that you intended to harm but instead, you
have done well. Now for once you have done what is right. Now is
the time you start to live the way you are supposed to and I am
here to help you, guide you, and tell you what’s right and
what’s wrong since you know very little. Don’t you see how happy
your wife was? Now is the time Aslam, for you and I to make
everything right.

MR. ASLAM: You are in fact right, I am really grateful that you
are here to help and tell me what to do, since I know very

VOICE: I will be there, whenever you need me, now go to sleep and
stop thinking about what you shouldn’t.


Mr. Aslam is driving back home after work. The voice comes back
and talks to him.

VOICE: Where are you going?

Aslam gets a little surprised.

MR. ASLAM: oh… it’s you again, well I am going back home, this is
what I always do after work.

VOICE: Oh poor Aslam, see this is exactly what your problem is.
Men like you are blind who do not see the opportunities they get
every day, but instead live their lives just as pathetic as they
have been, and then regret upon how miserable they are. But you
don’t have to worry; I am here to tell you what you are suppose
to do in order to change your life in a better way. Let me take
you to a place where should be rite now, and not at your home.

MR. ASLAM: Hmm, alright. But where are we exactly going?

VOICE: My friend, we are going to get you rich, we are going to

the Casino.

MR. ASLAM: What? A casino? But I have never been to a casino.

VOICE: Exactly, so how have your life been?

MR. ASLAM: Miserable.

VOICE: Then now it is the time to change it. Casino is a place

where you go with the small amount of money that you have, and
come out with way more than you ever had before, from now on
whenever you go back home, you go with more and more money that
you ever had. This way all your miseries will end and you will
head towards a better life that you always dreamt of.

Aslam smiles and drives to the casino

MR. ASLAM: Ah we are here, time to get rich.

Aslam parks the car and walks inside the casino.


Aslam is gambling and placing the money that he has in order to

gain more, after a few hours Aslam has made double of what he
came with, and decides to go back home.


Mr. Aslam is walking towards his car and looks up in the sky

MR ASLAM: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

VOICE: Thank you for what?

MR ASLAM: Thanks for guiding me, you made my life rather you gave
me the real meaning of life.


Mr. Aslam walks inside the house with another briefcase of money
and his wife is watching TV.

AALIYA: Aren’t you quite late today? Where were you?

MR ASLAM: Yes, I got stuck in a meeting and here you go, take
this. (Aslam hands over the brief case)

AALIYA: What’s this?

MR ASLAM: It’s what we always wanted. It’s the solution to our

problems and beginning of our happiness.

AALIYA: It surely is, but still Aslam it fears me inside, when I

think of how you are getting this money, but I don’t ask. Since I
know what you do, you do for our happiness and the happiness of
our children. But I still want assurance from you that whatever
the means right or wrong, this money comes from. It will not now
and not later brings any harm for us or to our children.

MR ASLAM: Your worries are valid, but let me assure you that
whatever I do now is solely for the benefit of our family and for
no other reason. Don’t you think this is so?

AALIYA: No Doubt, we are moving towards a better lifestyle day by

day and we can now plan a promising future for our children. We
are not afraid of going to parties any more; we can now afford to
wear party apparels and can have a better schooling for our
(Aslam and his Wife moves towards the room).


(After a few weeks, as per the routine Aslam is walking back to
his car when he sees a smart, tall girl dressed up in a pink and
white skirt, with beautiful long hair and possessed an innocent
face, smiles at Aslam and says)

NATASHA: Hey, I have been seeing you from quite long now you do
come here very often, don’t you, mr?

MR ASLAM: My name is Aslam. And yes, I do in fact, but how is it

of any concern to you?

NATASHA: Oh, I am Natasha. Well, I just couldn’t stop noticing

you on that poker table, and on top you have a fantastic
personality, that draws me more to you than anything else.

MR ASLAM: Lady, let me tell you that I am married and have

children, so if there is something more than a friendship that
you desire from me than let me tell you that you are barking at a
wrong tree.

NATASHA: Absolutely not. I wouldn’t give a thought to our

relationship if we have any to be more than a mere friendship.
So, what do you say? Should we grab a drink someday?

MR ASLAM: Right now I can’t commit anything. Hope to see you some
other day.

NATASHA: Sure, why not. We will meet at the same place tomorrow
and we might get a drink as well. So, see you then.

MR ASLAM: We might but still no promise, take care. It was nice

meeting you.


(Mr. Aslam arrives back at home, and finds his wife asleep on
the sofa of the common room without a blanket though it’s too
cold. He goes and gets a blanket from the room and covers her
with it, and then change his clothes, as he starts to undress
his shirt in front of the mirror he gives a deep look into his

VOICE: You look very attractive today, don’t you? What’s the
matter? (In a very sarcastic voice)

MR ASLAM: I am cool indeed, and by the way there is no such thing

that you are thinking of.

VOICE: Hah! You are lying to yourself indeed.

MR ASLAM: What’s your advice on this matter, should I go to see

that girl tomorrow?

VOICE: Yeah, Of Course, you should go to see her tomorrow in fact

you must go.

MR ASLAM: Don’t you think I’ll be cheating my wife, when she is

so sincere to me?

VOICE: Aren’t you tired of coming back home to the same person
since the past ten years. Come on, it’s time to change your life
a bit. Listen, you are not that old to be bound with the same
wife, you look cool and you deserve the charm.

MR ASLAM: But still, you are speaking the truth but I am also not
telling a lie. It’s wrong, (after a pause) it’s wrong, in any

VOICE: Ok, then stay with your old fashioned, so called sincere
wife. You are favoring a woman who never cared for your desires,
you think that you are cheating a woman who never dressed the way
you wanted her to be? Did she ever please you with the charm that
you always desired for?

(Aslam hears the footsteps)

ASLAM: I think my wife is coming to the room. Well answering your
question. Mmm…….! Well I don’t know, we should call this off. I
am going to sleep. (Aslam is facing the mirror)

(His wife enters the room)

AALIYA: Ooh! You are here. When did you come?

MR ASLAM!! Ooh Aaaaaa…….!! (In a sleepy voice) turns and looks

at the clock, around half hour.

AALIYA: Why didn’t you see me?

(While Aslam changes the clothes, his wife laid down on the
right side of the bed, facing the roof).

MR ASLAM: You were sleeping, my dear. Anyways how did the day go?
How are kids?

AALIYA: The day went fine, I went to pick the children up from
school today, where I met their instructor, well, she told me
that the kids are doing well and informed me about the upcoming
exams. Ummm!! What are you up to?

(While lying on the left side of bed facing Aaliya)

MR ASLAM: Huhhh!!The day was really busy there was a lot of work
that I had to go through. There was an important meeting today,
and after the meeting the Boss told us about the upcoming

(Aslam turns out the light by taking his left hand to the switch
on the wall behind the bed and then moves towards his wife and
slowly hugs her with his left arm, and then puts his left leg on

MR ASLAM: Waaoww!! You are still young (He gives a gentle kiss
on her neck and continues to do so)

AALIYA: (Slightly resists him by lowering his arm from her body).
Honey! I am really tired today, and I am not in a mood to do so.
(Aslam didn’t like this act of her and moves back to the left
side of the bed… after few moments Aslam hears the voice).

VOICE: See!! I told you and that’s exactly what happened. Now, I
believe that you know well what step you are going to take now.

MR ASLAM: Yeah! I better know now (says in a slow voice).

AALIYA: (Slowly moves and says in a sleepy voice) What? What are
you saying? Are you talking to me?

MR. ASLAM: No, I am talking to myself. You better sleep now as

you are tired enough.

(No response from wife as she has already slept. Aslam slowly
moves his left hand to the side table and get his mobile phone,
and says to himself)
MR.ASLAM: My wife is good for nothing. Her words of sincerity are
of no meanings to me anymore. I think now I should see Natasha
tomorrow, she is pretty. (Aslam then marks the date and time for
meeting Natasha the next day on his phone and sleeps).


(Aslam wakes up with the ring of the alarm, and finds that his
wife is not in the room, he finds his phone and at a glance
looks at the appointments and gets pleased when he sees the
meeting with Natasha at 09:00 p.m at the casino. He turns and
looks at the clock. He gets up).

MR. ASLAM: Aaliya!! (In a loud voice)

AALIYA: Yeesss! (In a loud voice)

MR. ASLAM: Where are you?

AALIYA: I am in the kitchen, getting the children ready for


MR. ASLAM: Can you get my clothes ready?

AALIYA: Not right now, Honey! I am really busy at the moment.

MR. ASLAM: It’s useless to request you, because you don’t care.

(After few seconds)

AALIYA: Honey, you get ready I am making breakfast for you.

MR. ASLAM: Ohhkeyy! (In great anger).

(Aslam opens the cabinet and looks over all the shirts and
chooses to wear a new shirt, he unpacks the new shirt and then
matches it with a trouser and then walks towards the bathroom as
he locks the door light disappears)

MR ASLAM: Oh God! (In anger) This Load shedding sucks…!! How am I

going to shave now?

(Then he moves the curtains away from the window pane and start
shaving in the light of sun meanwhile Aaliya is preparing

AALIYA: I will make Aslam happy, indeed I will satisfy him

tonight, last night I didn’t do good to him, my bad, I shouldn’t
have reacted this way (MURMURING), this cheese sandwich that I
have made is his favorite breakfast. Last time when I made this
he ate it with great joy.
(She tastes it with a fork to check the salt and pepper)

(Murmuring continues)
WIFE: Mmm! Yummy, very tasty. This new recipe is a miracle. I
think Aslam is about to come for breakfast I should clean the
table quickly.

(She hears the sound of the footsteps on the staircase, Aslam

walks towards the door, picks up the Newspaper and then walks
back to the dining table).

MR. ASLAM: Where are the kids?

AALIYA: School bus arrived and they have left for the school,
just before you came down.

AALIYA: Honey! You are looking gorgeous today. I am happy you

wore the new shirt and the trousers are matching with the shirt
too. And the change in the hairstyle is giving you a dashing
look, Isn’t it the same hair style which you used to make when we
used to meet before getting married?
(Aslam starts eating the sandwiches)
MR. ASLAM: Yes, it’s been ten years.

AALIYA: I still remember that time, when you used to pick me up

from college on your new motorbike, and also the long travel that
we did to canal side, I can still feel the fragrance of the trees
and the coldness of the weather. And the coffee on the weekends
was above all the pleasures. What a time that was? (Stating it in
a very exciting mood).

(Aslam is not giving importance to her words)

MR. ASLAM: Hmm..!! (Nodded) That was good, but now it’s gone.

AALIYA: What do you mean? It’s not gone, you are here, I am here.

MR. ASLAM: I am talking about the time (in a very serious tone).

(Aaliya was expecting that Aslam will like the sandwiches and
will surely praise them)

AALIYA: Well, how are the sandwiches, you liked em?

MR. ASLAM: Hmm..!! It’s fine.

AALIYA: Where is your tie?

MR ASLAM: Oh..! I think I forgot it in the room. Can u get it for


AALIYA: Sure, Sure.

(Aaliya goes into the room and looks for the tie on the dressing
table and on the bed, but she doesn’t find it. She comes back to
the dining room.

AALIYA: Aslam, it isn’t there).

MR ASLAM: I knotted then left the tie just before I was coming
down, I don’t know where the hell I have placed it.

AALIYA: You want more sandwiches or anything else, Honey?

MR ASLAM: I am done, fetch me a glass of juice.
(Aaliya goes to the kitchen to get the juice, in the meanwhile
Aslam goes to the room and gets another tie, knots it, and comes
back to the dining room, Aaliya serves him the juice and fits
the tie onto the collar).

MR ASLAM: I am leaving, I am getting late.

(Aslam walks towards the door, holding his briefcase in his left
hand and takes the key from the key stand behind the door).

AALIYA: Okay, Good Bye Honey! Have a wonderful day.

(The door shuts)


(As Aslam was driving his way to the office he gets the gas on
his way, he was in deep thoughts that whether he should meet
Natasha or not, because he became double minded again after a
friendly and caring attitude of his wife).

VOICE: Have you gone mad? You will miss the luckiest chance if
you don’t see Natasha today; this once in a lifetime opportunity
is knocking at your door.

MR ASLAM: I don’t want to cheat my wife, but I also don’t want to

miss the chance. (With a devilish smile on his face).

VOICE: Hah! Who is telling you to cheat on your wife, this is a

chance for you to enjoy your life to the fullest, remember you
are not cheating on your wife because you have no intentions to
marry her.

(Phone rings)

MR. ASLAM: Oh! Who is disturbing me and my thoughts?

(He takes out the phone from the left pocket)

MR. ASLAM: Oh! It’s Mr. Bukhari. Hello! How are you?

MR. BUKHARI: I am fine Sir, how are doing?

MR. ASLAM: I am fine, you tell sir, you are happy with the bills
now or still facing any issues?
MR. BUKHARI: I surely am sir, thanks to you. Sir if you don’t
mind, there is another favor that I would be needing from you.

MR. ASLAM: Sure sir! Anything for you, since you know very well
how to please a friend in return

MR. BUKHARI: You can count on that. Well, I will be sending a

friend to your office shortly his name is Imtiaz, please assist
him in his matter as you assisted me, and in return he will be
grateful to you as I was. I hope that you don’t have any issue.

MR. ASLAM: Not at all sir, Pleasure will be all mine. Take Care.

(Meanwhile he arrives at the office)


(Mr. Aslam enters into his office and moves towards his table,
quickly he looks at the to-do list that is posted on the notice
board, there he sees an appointment with his legal advisor, he
marks a cross in front of it and makes a wink against it. A peon
standing behind him sees him doing so, and passed a smile to
him, Aslam gets guilty for this, he tells the peon to call the

FAISAL: Good Morning Sir! You called me.

MR ASLAM: I want you to do a very important work for me.

FAISAL: Sure Sir, will be more than happy to do so.

MR ASLAM: Ok, Come and see me in five minutes, Meanwhile I will

prepare a work outline for you, which will clarify about what you
are actually expected to do.

FAISAL: Ok, sure sir.

(While Aslam is writing the work outline for the P.A, A person
comes to MR ASLAM’S office holding a briefcase in his left hand
and introduces himself as friend of Mr. Bukhari)

MR IMTIAZ: Hello Sir!

MR ASLAM: Yes please have a seat! How can I help you?

MR IMTIAZ: I am Imtiaz, I am the president of Trade Union of the

leather industry, Mr. Bukhari spoke to you on the phone about me.
Didn’t he?

MR ASLAM: Oh Yes he did. What would you like to have a cup of

tea or a cold drink?

(Aslam rings the bell and the peon comes in)

FIAZ: Yes Sir! You called me.

MR. IMTIAZ: Mmm! It’s too hot today so cold drink would be a
better option.

MR ASLAM: Fiaz, go and get a chilled coke for Mr. Imtiaz, get one
for me too. (After a pause) So Mr Imtiaz how can I serve you?

MR IMTIAZ: I have come here for the same issue for which Mr
Bukhari came to you, I hope that you will be of great help for me
as you were for Mr. Bukhari and in return you will be pleased as
you were pleased by him.
(Peon enters into the office and serves the drinks)
MR ASLAM: You can leave now, call my P.A.

FIAZ: Sure Sir, I will give him your message.

MR IMTIAZ: Sir, what do you suggest in my case?

MR ASLAM: Kindly give me two minutes, so that I can assign the

work to the P.A. You take the drink in the meanwhile.

MR IMTIAZ: Sure Sir.

(The door knocks)

MR ASLAM: Yesss! Come in.

MR ASLAM: Here is the file, make sure you do this before 07:00
and you do it the right way because I have to leave early today.
(Faisal leaves the office and the door shuts)

MR ASLAM: I need some details from you, in order to get your work
(Aslam hands him a piece of paper)

MR IMTIAZ: What kind of information am I supposed to write on

this piece of paper?

MR ASLAM: Just write down the complete address where the business
is in operation your telephone number and your National Tax
(Imtiaz writes the required information on the paper)

MR ASLAM: Is there anything else you want me to do?

MR IMTIAZ: No Sir, this will be all, and one more thing sir, do
let me know, if I could be of any help to you regarding any
matter, whatever the time of the day. Just give me a ring. Here
is my card.

MR. ASLAM: Oh, Thank you so much, and I promise that you will not
have to worry any more regarding your bill.

MR. IMITIAZ: I hope that this deal between you and I remains

MR. ASLAM: Sure, Sure Sir! Since MR. Bukhari is my close friend,
that makes you my friend. Therefore I am obligate to keep your
secrets unrevealed as I keep my own.
MR IMTIAZ: Alright Thank you Sir, I am leaving now. Take Care.
MR ASLAM: Oh, You too, Take Care.
(Mr. Imtiaz hands over the briefcase to Mr Aslam and walks out
of the office).

(Aslam picks up the phone and calls Faisal to see him in the
office after few minutes Faisal comes to him)
FAISAL: Yes Sir!
MR ASLAM: I need a favor from you?

FAISAL: Oh Sir, what kind of favor you need from me?

MR ASLAM: Go and get my car washed from the nearest service


FAISAL: Alright Sir, but what about the work that you assigned to
me, I am half way in doing it and I might complete it before

MR ASLAM: No Worries, you can submit me the work tomorrow.

FAISAL: Ok Sir! As you say.

(MR ASLAM puts his hand in the pocket and takes out the car
MR ASLAM: Here you go, take the keys.
(Faisal takes the keys from Aslam and goes out, Aslam continues
with his work but as time passes he can’t concentrate on his
work as his attentions are more diverted towards Natasha).

VOICE: What are you doing Aslam? You still are doing your work.
Don’t take that much of stress. Come on, you are going to meet
her for the first time. You should look fresh.

MR ASLAM: Oh Man! You are going to ruin me. Okay (he said this by
putting all his work away) here’s my work.
(Aslam looks at the clock)

MR ASLAM: Why isn’t the time passing today?

VOICE: It’s not your fault, neither the time’s fault. It’s only
because you are in deep thoughts of Natasha and waiting for the
time to pass, rather you concentrate on your work.

(Aslam calls Faisal from the office phone)

MR ASLAM: Hey Faisal, make sure that the car is washed properly
and how much time you will take more to return?
FAISAL: Sir, you don’t worry it’s done, I am on my way back to
the office.

MR ASLAM: Okay, Okay that’s good, one more thing bring a bouquet
of red roses and keep it in the car trunk.

FAISAL: (sarcastically) Hmm…! Okay Sir, I will do so.

MR ASLAM: Ok, Good.

(Aslam is sitting on his office chair and then start moving the
chair back and forth and is facing the roof with the eyes shut,
relaxing his muscles. After sometime Faisal enters the office
and hands over his car keys)

FAISAL: Here is your car key sir, the car is washed properly and
the bouquet is resting in the trunk

MR ASLAM: Ok that’s great. How much do I owe you for this


FAISAL: No sir it’s not a big amount leave it.

MR ASLAM: Well if you want to spend something on me, then keep it

due I promise I won’t spare you on this (both laugh) now tell me
the amount.

FAISAL: Sir its 2500; 500 for the car wash and 2000 for the

MR ASLAM: Here you go take this and I hope that the amount worth
the service.(Mr Aslam takes out money from his wallet and hand it
to faisal)

FAISAL: Sure why not sir the bouquet I have bought is the best in
the market and I believe that this is for someone very valued for

MR ASLAM: Friend you are not only my personal assistant and you
know that, I believe that I always shared my personal matters
with you so here is a new one.
FAISAL: Its must be a girl sir.

MR ASLAM: Smart boy, I must say. Since, you already know I won’t
have to waste my time in telling you what exactly the twist is.

FAISAL: Surely not.

MR ASLAM: Well I am going to meet a girl tonight for the very

first time in my life, apart from my wife, who however not seems
to be interested in me anymore. I have taken it on my head and I
am really nervous about that. (After a pause) well you know how
simple my life has always been. I never looked at any other girl
in my life other than my wife and in fact I lived a very bored
life. A life that always floated between my home and my office
through my career as a paper ship floats on the stagnant water
between two places, you know, I wanted some change in my
monotonous taste I never dated any one. So I don’t have any
experience. That’s why I am feeling nervous can you guide me
through this situation?

FAISAL: Why not sir, this will definitely bring a positive change
in your life. Trust me! Sir look, I have been working with you
for 5 years and I have never seen you dressed up in this manner,
see how your trouser is making a perfect match with your other
apparel and I believe that the girl you are going to meet tonight
is the perfect match for you.

MR ASLAM: What change do you think that girl can bring in my

life, think and answer rationally.

(Faisal looks up for a moment and then looks at his boss and
speaks to his boss)

FAISAL: Sir I can see the same glow on your face that I saw in
the pictures that you showed me of the time when you took your
fiancé to the canal side. So it’s time to bring those days back.
You are not that old, so I believe that you deserve a new girl in
your life and that girl will bring you out of that picture and
enjoy the life with the same warmth and frequency
MR ASLAM: Don’t you think I will cheat on my wife this way?

FAISAL: No, no surely not, she is your wife and your children
need her and the girl you are going to meet tonight, you need
her. However you are not going to marry her. Take it just for

(Mr. Aslam looks at the clock)

MR ASLAM: Its 7.30 and it’s time for me to leave.

FAISAL: Ok sir, Good luck, and don’t get nervous just show a bit
of attitude towards her and surely she will be yours.

(Mr. Aslam gets off the chair, shakes his hands with Faisal and
nods towards him as he is thanking him for his advice and walks
out of the office)


(Aslam opens the trunk of the car and takes a look at the

MR ASLAM: Wow… cool she will surely like it.

VOICE: Of course she will. After you hug her and then present her
the bouquet with a gentle kiss on her cheeks, Mmmmm…! Sounds

MR ASLAM: Oh come on, it just sounds good, but I am not going to

do anything like that to her, it’s just the first meeting.

VOICE: If it sounds good, the same way it will feel good, and
trust me you will surely kiss her when you meet.

MR ASLAM: You are crazy I must say.

(Aslam closes the trunk gently with a smile, unlocks the car and
open the door with his right hand, puts the briefcase on the
back seat and starts to drive towards the destination)

(While he is on the move he thinks)

MR ASLAM: I doubt, whether she will come or not? (After a pause)

Well… if she doesn’t come, I will present this bouquet to the
“mother of my children… Hahh…! So called wife”.

VOICE: Why are you getting confused about this?? My advice to you
will be to concentrate on Natasha more, and stop thinking of

(Aslam stops at the signal and looks at his face, in the rear
view mirror and talks to himself)

MR ASLAM: Are these the appropriate looks for such an important

event? Will these apparels attract her? And am I looking fresh?

VOICE: Yeah sure your looks and your apparels perfectly fit on
the situation. You are looking as fresh as the flowers on your

(While he is in his deep thoughts, suddenly a car horns starts

honking and it continues until he gets disturbed, as he lowers
the side window of the driving seat and looks at the driver of
the car behind him, yelling at him to move the car at a glance
he looks at the signal and finds it green)

MR ASLAM: OOhh…!! Sorry, sorry, sorry (while moving his car and
take his right hand out of the window as he is apologizing)
(Aslam looks at the watch on his left hand)

MR ASLAM: oh my God, I am getting late… (After a pause) I must

drive fast now.


(Aslam drives the car to the parking where he is stopped by the

guard for minor security check)
SECURITY GUARD: Sir, kindly switch off the lights and open the
hood and trunk of the car

MR ASLAM: Sure…!!

(Guard quickly examines the car and gives the signal to move the
car ahead. Aslam parks the car in row 3 and walks towards the
casino, holding the bouquet in his right hand)

MR ASLAM: Its 9 and I am here, don’t know about her (looks in the
sky) God knows better…!

(And then continues to walk towards the entrance gate, just

before he enters, he finds Natasha on the bench that is placed
on the right side of the entrance gate. Natasha is using her
cell phone. Mr. Aslam stops).
VOICE: Look she is here before you.

MR ASLAM: Ahaan…! There she is…!!

VOICE: Go and greet her, this will give her a good impression.

(Aslam steps towards Natasha)

MR ASLAM: Hey, how are you?

NATASHA: Ohh… (Natasha gets up) hello Aslam…! I am fine. (she

moves her right hand towards Aslam and gets little closer) I was
waiting for you anxiously and I knew you will come. I was here on
the bench just to welcome you.

(Aslam shakes hand)

MR ASLAM: This is for you (presents her the bouquet)

NATASHA: Oh beautiful… beautiful I must say (she looks delighted

while accepting the bouquet) you are looking gorgeous by the way…
(She slightly hugs him)

MR ASLAM: You are looking pretty too… (Kisses her on the cheeks)

VOICE: Ahaan….!! See, it doesn’t only sound good, it also feels

(Aslam and Natasha walk towards the casino.)
MR ASLAM: Ooh please, go away this time.

VOICE: Ahaan…!!! As you say.

(Natasha stops)
NATASHA: Did you say something to me?

MR ASLAM: Oh no, not at all.

(They step inside)


(Both enters the casino chattering in a good mood)

MR ASLAM: How about having dinner?

NATASHA: You hungry??

MR ASLAM: Yup, little bit, I think we should have a meal

NATASHA: Okay sure, Why not

(Both looking for a table)

MR ASLAM: How about that table? Next to the billing counter
(pointing towards the left)

NATASHA: Its fine but why don’t we sit in some isolation, what do
you think?

MR ASLAM: Yeah it’s a good idea, indeed.

NATASHA: How about that corner table right next to the planted
window? (Pointing with her left arm)

MR ASLAM: Ooh okay. That one is good.

(Both move towards the table Aslam stops in the mid)

MR ASLAM: I need to go to the bathroom. You sit and I will join

you on the table in a couple of minutes.

(Aslam enters the bathroom, washes his face OVER the sink, dries
his face with a tissue and looks at himself in the mirror.
Suddenly he sees a man in the mirror, that look exactly like
him, even dressed up in the same way, standing on the right side
behind him. He gets shocked)
MR ASLAM: Who are you? (In a shivering voice)

HIMSELF: I am you Aslam, rather Aslam, you are me.

(Aslam turns around and there is no one in the bathroom, then he

turns back and looks into the mirror and finds him again, he
gets scared)

MR ASLAM: What the hell are you talking about? (In a miserable

HIMSELF: You tell me what are you talking about? Huhh, saying
hell to yourself? You..! Poor chap.

(Aslam’s forehead is full of sweat, he gets really scared)

MR ASLAM: Look I don’t know who you are?

HIMSELF: You don’t need to know that. You traitor…!! You are
cheating on your wife…!!

(Suddenly the bathroom door opens, Aslam turns around, a man

enters the bathroom Aslam turns and looks back in the mirror and
he is gone. Aslam shakes his head and takes a deep breath and
looks at himself into the mirror he finds himself pale. He
splashes some water on his face and then leaves the bathroom. As
he steps out of the bathroom he finds Natasha sitting on the
corner table)

MR ASLAM: Oh! There she is.

VOICE: Come on go to her and release all your worries.

(This result in the vanishing of all his stress, he gets calm
and joins Natasha on the table. Natasha calls the waiter)

WAITER: Yes Ma’am how can I serve you?

NATASHA: I want you to take the order, show the menu.

(Waiter gives the menu card to both)

NATASHA: Let us go over the menu; I will call you in a bit.

WAITER: Sure Ma’am I am right there besides the counter

(Aslam and Natasha take a look at the menu and look at each
other and smile)

MR ASLAM: What would you like to have?

NATASHA: Dear, I offered you a drink yesterday which makes you my

guest, so the choice is all yours.

MR ASLAM: Ahan, Thanks for the respect

(Natasha interrupts and speaks in a speedy tone)

NATASHA: Here we go… I have a very special idea.

MR ASLAM: Oh, what so special?

NATASHA: Let’s turn this dinner into an exciting game.

MR ASLAM: Ahaan… what kind of game?

NATASHA: Ok listen, you order the meal of your choice and I will
order my favorites.

MR ASLAM: Then what is so special about it?

NATASHA: Since we are un familiar to… each other’s taste, and the
exciting part is that we will exchange our meals, this way we
will get to know each other’s choice.
MR ASLAM: Oh wow that’s really great. (Mr. Aslam calls the
waiter) hey… come here!
(Waiter comes, Aslam looks at Natasha)

MR ASLAM: You go first…!

NATASHA: Okay chicken Pineapple with extra topping of almonds and

cashews, roasted to perfection Mmmm one egg fried rice and that’s

WAITER: And what about the drink ma’am?

NATASHA: Oh… mmm one Pinacolada enriched with coco powder.

WAITER: And what about you, sir?

MR ASLAM: Chicken black pepper stake with mustard sauce and a

boiled potato Mmmm and one strawberry smoothie. That will be all.

WAITER: Thank you sir! Your meal will be served in 20mins.

(Waiter leaves and they both continue in some talk)

NATASHA: So, What are you as a professional?

MR ASLAM: I work as EXEN in WAPDA LESCO (Lahore Electric Supply

Company), it’s a government organization.

NATASHA: Great…! You told me that you are married, so what’s your

MR ASLAM: We are four in total; a wife and my two kids.

NATASHA: Wife and kids complete family must be living a happy


MR ASLAM: I hoped this would be the case, anyways leave it.

(Aslam sees waiter bringing their meal to the table, Waiter puts
the meal according to the placement of the order and turns to go
NATASHA: Excuse me!

WAITER: Yes Ma’am?

NATASHA: Switch the meals please.

(Both look at each other with a smile and have their meal)

MR ASLAM: It tastes good…!

NATASHA: You know when I was a teenager, steak was one my

priorities, you know choices change with the passage of time,

MR ASLAM: (Nods) Yeah You are absolutely right. Ok, tell me

something about yourself?

NATASHA: What do you desire to know? (While taking a sip of

Strawberry Smoothie)

MR ASLAM: Definitely I am not going to ask you about the amount

of the Electricity Bill that you received last month. (Both of
them laugh). You may tell almost everything, where you live? What
you do? And things like that.

NATASHA: I don’t have parents, neither am I married, I live with

my grandma, by profession I am a fashion designer in a boutique.

(While Natasha is answering Aslam’s question, Aslam’s phone

rings, He accidently answers the call and then ask Natasha to
keep quiet)

MR ASLAM: It’s my wife. (In a low voice to Natasha) Hello! How

are you, (on the phone)

AALIYA: Where are you honey and when are you coming back.

MR ASLAM: Listen! I am in the middle of a meeting cannot talk and

I will be late.

NATASHA: Awww, Why did you do that?

MR ASLAM: Listen! She is a very conservative type of woman, you
don’t know, telling you this frankly, to me she is just the
mother of my kids and there is nothing more that I expect from

NATASHA: Well, Still, she is your wife.

MR ASLAM: (Ignoring what Natasha said) I am done with the meal,

and believe me I ate this for the very first time in my life ever
and it was very tasty. You have a very good taste I must say.

NATASHA: Nothing can be more important for me than the fact that
you liked it. Your words made a home in my heart.

MR ASLAM: I really enjoyed this game of yours. Are you done?

NATASHA: I am done, I was waiting for you to finish. Dear, I will

be back in a moment.
(She walks towards the bathroom)

VOICE: Hey! Look at her body. How pretty she is looking in the
tight jeans and black short top.

(Aslam shakes his head)

MR ASLAM: You are planning to destroy me, aren’t you?

VOICE: I am not destroying you; I am making your life joyful.

(While Natasha is in the bathroom, Aslam pays the bill)

VOICE: Hey! Look she is coming towards the table. What a body she
possesses, Awesome.

(Aslam moves his head towards Natasha and stares her from head
to toe in detail, his eyes slowly moves along the body as she

MR ASLAM: Oh my God…! What kind of curves she has. She is so....

(Natasha notices his eyes moving along her body as she moves,
but she ignores it)
NATASHA: Dear, enough with the food, let’s play some poker.

MR ASLAM: Sure, let’s go.

(Aslam gets up from the table and both of them hold each other’s
hand and take a round of the games side while doing so they pass
by a table on which Faisal and his girlfriend were sitting and
Faisal sees Aslam with a young girl, Faisal speaks to his self)

FAISAL: Ooo I see…! This is the girl that Boss was talking about,
he told me that it is his first meeting but doesn’t seems to be.

MR ASLAM: It’s not that crowded today. Isn’t it?

NATASHA: Hum…! Might be because of workdays.

(Aslam is about to play Poker, meanwhile he sees Faisal with a

girl coming towards him, and Faisal is talking to someone on the
phone, as Fasial shakes his hand to Aslam, Faisal puts the phone
on hold; call is still connected and puts it in his pocket).

FAISAL: Hello! How are you? What’s going on? You enjoying?

MR ASLAM: Hey Faisal! I am good, meet her, she is my friend


FAISAL: Ooh! Hello Natasha! How are you?

NATASHA: I am fine, nice to meet you.

(Meanwhile Faisal’s girlfriend greets Natasha)

(Aslam indulges into a doubt, that if Faisal has come here to

follow him).
MR ASLAM: You play Poker, Come join me.

FAISAL: No I don’t play Poker; I am here with my friend today,

just to get a drink.

MR ASLAM: Ohh great!! Then have fun.

(Faisal and his girlfriend leaves, Aslam sits at a poker game
and the game starts with a good pair of cards in Aslam’s hand,
Natasha keeps on pumping Aslam to raise the amount of bet, and
he does so each time, and here comes the moment of conclusion,
all five cards are placed facing upward on the table and
everyone has placed their bet, Natasha takes hold of the mic)
NATASHA: People! Here comes the moment of conclusion and I feel
that my very special friend Aslam will take the lead, as he has
bet the biggest amount for the day.

People shouting; Aslam, Aslam, Aslam…!!

(All the players show their cards and reveals the hands they
have, apparently Aslam has the biggest hand and wins the game.).

NATASHA: Finally, It goes without saying, Aslam took the day. I

would like to call Aslam on Stage.

(As Faisal gets to hear this news of Aslam’s success, he enters

into the crowd and he is still on the phone, Meanwhile Aslam
takes the mic in the right hand from Natasha and holds her in
his left arm)

MR ASLAM: Ladies and Gentlemen (in a very arrogant tone), I took

the day, and one day I will own this Casino, I can never lose,
and the credit goes to this lady in my arms, Natasha, she is very
lucky for me and I gift all my today’s winning to her.

(Clapping Continues, and Faisal is taking pictures of Aslam and

Natasha together)
NATASHA: Aslam, you gave me the pleasure which I never dreamed
of. Thank you, Aslam.

MR ASLAM: Oh…! No need to say thanks in fact you made my day.

(They come down from the stage and walk towards the parking,
passing through gentle applause of the crowd)


(As they walk towards Aslam’s car both of them exchange their
cell numbers and then, he ask Natasha)
MR ASLAM: Do you have a ride back home?
NATASHA: No but I will manage to go.

MR ASLAM: Ok there is no problem I can drop you.

NATASHA: Mmmm ok… well…! I don’t have any problem.

(Both sit in the car meanwhile Aslam notices Faisal’s car

passing by)


(Aslam drives the car out of the Casino)

Natasha: My house is just 7 kilometers away, take a right from
the next road (she pointed through her fingers)

MR ASLAM: I have never experienced such charm with my wife that I

had with you today.
(As Aslam continues to talk she lowers her head on his left

NATASHA: I loved the way you held me today in your arm, it gave
me pleasure that you can’t imagine.

MR ASLAM: It makes me feel younger today.

(Natasha kisses him on his left cheek and then puts her head on
his shoulder again, after a moment of silence)

NATASHA: I think, I am in love with you.

VOICE: Hey! Admire that you love her too. (In an ordering tone)

MR ASLAM: Well…! Natasha, I also think the same way about you.
(in a very polite tone)

NATASHA: Aslam!! Stop the car, My house is right there. I wish

this journey will never end.

(The car stops, she moves back to her seat, and then they look
into each other’s eyes in silence).
NATASHA: Time to go now (she speaks while looking into his eyes)

VOICE: Kiss her..!! Kiss her...Now!! Kiss her... I said!!

(As Aslam gets close to her lips, suddenly a voice comes)

HIMSELF: Aslam! (In a threatening tone), don’t you dare do such

an act.

(Aslam moves back slowly, as he hears this threatening voice of

the man, who is sitting on the back seat of the car, the man
that frightened him in the bathroom as well)
Natasha: Aslam…!! Come on, go for it, please.

(Natasha looks at him, and gets closer to him, he tilts his eyes
on the back seat, and finds it empty this time. Both kiss each
other for a moment, Natasha walks out of the car and he drives
back home).
(Fade out)


(Aslam enters his home, puts his briefcase in the entrance

lobby, unties his knot while moving towards the children’s room.
As he steps through the stairs, he turns the light on from the
switch at the very beginning of the staircase, slowly opens the
door and finds Aaliya sleeping with the kids, he closes the door
gently, and moves towards his room, opens the door with his
right hand and finds that the light is already on, he moves
toward the dressing table and start to change his clothes, while
looking in the mirror, he sees his wife’s diary on the bed with
open leaves and a pen, he sits on the left side of the bed and
starts reading today’s entry, page starts with this)

(Aaliya narrates her writing in her own voice)

AALIYA: I didn’t do well to him last night when he wanted to make
love; I shouldn’t have repelled him this way. But I was so tired
that if I would had made love I won’t be able to satisfy him. I
know he disliked this act of mine, when I woke up early morning I
decided to treat him with politeness, I made his favorite
breakfast, but he didn’t give any importance to me, his reaction
was surely right, but I tried my best to please him, today I
specially made his favorite dish for dinner, but he didn’t show
up, when he will come, I will…………

(While he is reading the diary, He hears the click of the door

handle, he startles and quickly looks towards the door, while he
looks at the door nervously to know who is on the other side,
the door starts to open, with a squeaking sound as if the clamps
weren’t oiled for a long time, the door kept on opening slowly,
with this sound getting louder with the passing second as
Aslam’s heart beat became more audible and faster than the tick
tock of the clock , hanging beside the bed. When he sees himself
before him Aslam’s face is pale, just as if his soul has
abandoned him. He slowly walks into the room and sits on the
chair in front of the bed)

HIM SELF: Hello Aslam! What are you doing at this time of the

MR ASLAM: Who are you? (In a shaking tone)

HIM SELF: I told you, that I am you, you forgot me? Surely you
forgot me.

MR ASLAM: Please leave me alone, why are you constantly chasing


HIM SELF: I just want to save you from Bad Deeds. I forbade you
continuously to refrain from sins; instead I tried to stop you

MR ASLAM: As far as I remember, I never did anything wrong. (His

voice rises gradually)

HIM SELF: You are lying to yourself Aslam. Again a sin.

MR ASLAM: You, You, Your voice is the same as I used to listen.

HIM SELF: The voice you used to hear is the voice of our enemy.
MR ASLAM: Our enemy…!! Why are you bonding yourself with me?

HIM SELF: I told you many times that I am you, I am you since you
came into this world, and it would serve in your best interest as
soon as you accept this reality, I am here to guide you.

MR. ASLAM: Huhh…!! Guide me, I never got any guidance from you
since I am born, instead I changed my fate with my own struggle.

HIMSELF: Which Fate are you talking about?

MR. ASLAM: I am talking about my fate, whose star is shining

bright in the sky. Indeed you are jealous of my fate, and let me
clarify, it’s not only you, everyone is jealous of my fate.

HIMSELF: Fate?? Which fate are you talking about? Huh…!! The fate
that you have made through all illegal, unethical and immoral
means. Aren’t you afraid of ALLAH? Don’t you believe on the Day
of Judgment? This fate is nothing more than a pile of sins…!!

MR ASLAM: Where were you when my fate was in a deep sleep? Where
were you when it was hard to arrange bread and butter for me and
my family? Now those days are gone and I am living a luxurious
life. Now I have everything that I desired for. And by the way
(sarcastically) can you remind me of any event when you saw me
committing a sinful deed, you would have stopped me and I refused
to listen your word??

HIMSELF: Hahaha here I catch you…!! Let me remind you a couple of

events when you ignored my words and got indulge in one of the
most sinful act.

(Aslam interrupts HIMSELF)

MR ASLAM: Stop beating about the bush, come to the point.

HIMSELF: So, you remember the day when Mr. Bukhari came to your

MR ASLAM: Oh yes for sure, he is a good friend of mine indeed.

And that day my life took the right turn.
HIMSELF: The day that you think was the day that brought
prosperity and joy for your life was in fact the day when you
went blind and started to walk on the path which was wrong from
the beginning and will be wrong till the end. But now I am in the
middle of the journey where you still have an opportunity to walk
away from this path towards the one which is right.

MR ASLAM: What path are you talking about, the same one which
made me live a life which was pathetic and miserable?

HIMSELF: History gives the evidence that bad deeds end in a big
disaster. I am here to guide you the difference between right and
wrong. Over the years, what was bad 500 years ago is still the
bad today and what was good is still good today, it’s not about
the fact that what you feel is right will be right or what you
think is bad will be bad.

MR ASLAM: What are you talking about, what does it has to do with

HIMSELF: You compensated Bukhari and resolved his issue for a

briefcase full of money, without thinking that how badly this
favor will affect the poor people for whom it’s very difficult to
make both ends meet.

MR ASLAM: Where are you actually pointing at?

HIMSELF: Did you see the news in the paper regarding the suicide
of a young man, who committed this act only because he was highly
over charged for the electricity bill and was unable to clear the
dues as a result of which recovery department of your
organization cut the electricity supply with the notice not to
resume electricity till the dues are fully paid. (After a pause)
and Aslam you are responsible for that, solely you.

MR ASLAM: What…? You mean Me?

HIMSELF: Yes it’s you and only you, if you had not accepted
Bukhari’s bribe nor this would have been the result. And do
remember my words you will get ruin one day as you ruined the
future of that family, to which that young man belonged to, you
will be finished one day.

MR ASLAM: Well, let the time come.

HIMSELF: Same way you compensated Imtiaz too.

MR ASLAM: Well, I had to give him the service.

HIMSELF: Yes because you wanted another briefcase of reward in


MR ASLAM: Look I need the money, not just for me, it’s for my
wife and for the future of my kids.

HIMSELF: Wife….??? Which wife are you talking about? The one you
have already cheated??

MR ASLAM: Well she doesn’t love me, I know this, and she is just
the mother of my children. She doesn’t care for my desires.

HIMSELF: Just a couple of minutes ago you were reading her diary
and you yourself read her concern about you.

MR ASLAM: Oh…! This is just in words.

HIMSELF: I forbid you to meet Natasha. She is not a good girl.

MR ASLAM: Oh, how can you say that? She is really nice.

HIMSELF: How can you evaluate her in just one meeting, that she
is good? No one could be as good as your wife, well, one day she
will ditch you, I bet…!!

(Suddenly he hears the voice of the opening door from the

children room. Aslam tilts his eyes towards the door of his
room, HIMSELF vanishes, his wife enters the room, she greets him
and lies down on the right side of the bed and she looks at the
open dairy)
AALIYA: Ooh, I forgot to hide this. (She puts the diary into its
cover which was on the right side of the bed and then falls
asleep shortly)

(Aslam looks at her but she does not give any expression then
Aslam fell asleep on the left side in a disappointing mood)
(Fade Out)


(Aslam’s alarm rings)

(Fade In)

MR. ASLAM: Aaah… it’s too early to be up this time…

(Says to himself, switches off the alarm, by moving his left
hand form quilt towards the alarm, that is placed on the side
table of the bed)

VOICE: (After a few moments) Aslam…..!! Aslam….!! Get up….!! Get

up from the bed you are getting late.

(While sleeping, Aslam slowly shakes his head as he is in a


VOICE: Aslam… you have plenty of work piled up in the office.

Get up… and start your day.

MR. ASLAM: I don’t want to wake up because there are so many

worries, so many tensions in my life; I just want to enjoy this
peaceful sleep. (Murmuring in his own mind)

VOICE: I think the only place for you, to find peace, is in

Natasha’s arms.

(Aslam open his eyes as his head shudders, and finds no one
MR. ASLAM: I think it was a dream.

(he gets up from the bed, gets ready, and moves down the stairs)
MR. ASLAM: Aaliya…!! Aaliya…!! (After a pause) Where is my
briefcase?? (After a pause) I am getting late… (While he is
moving down)

AALIYA: it’s in the lobby honey…

MR. ASLAM: Okay….!

AALIYA: Your breakfast is ready…

MR. ASLAM: I am getting late, I will not have the breakfast

(then he moves towards the door, picks up his briefcase and the
car keys behind the door and leaves the door shut.)

(Fade Out)


(Mr. Aslam is sitting in the office, he calls the peon by

ringing the bell on the table, peon enters the room)
FIAZ: Yes sir.

MR. ASLAM: Tell Faisal to see me, and bring the file.

FIAZ: Right sir

(Peon leaves, after a while the door knocks.)

MR. ASLAM: Yes. (He looks at the door) Come in Faisal…!

FAISAL: (On the phone) Dear, I will call you later.

(Faisal puts the phone into his front pocket gently)

FAISAL: Hello sir, how are you?

MR. ASLAM: Yes Faisal I am fine. Have a seat.

FAISAL: Thank you sir and here is the file you asked for.

(Aslam is turning over the pages of the file)

MR. ASLAM: Hmmm good…!
FAISAL: So, did you enjoy last night?

MR. ASLAM: It’s none of your business. And you better stay out of
this. (In a very strict tone)

FAISAL: I apologize, sir.

MR ASLAM: It’s ok. (Aslam gets normal)

FAISAL: I just asked you about this because, I am happy for you
that you had fun last night.

MR ASLAM: Yeah, I did. I had a great time.

FAISAL: Every eye was on you and your beautiful lady, to whom you
gifted all the money.

MR ASLAM: (Nods). Mmm..!! (With no other expression)

FAISAL: Sir, you look tensed? All fine?

MR ASLAM: No, there is nothing like that

FAISAL: Sir, you can share it with me, I believe we are friends
also, apart from this official relationship.

MR ASLAM: I am sharing it with you, only because I consider you

my friend.

FAISAL: I assure you; whatever we talk about will be buried there

and then.

(Aslam after a moment of silence)

MR ASLAM: I loose all the control of my senses, when I am drunk.

FAISAL: Sir, this is just normal. This happens with every normal
MR ASLAM: But, my case is super normal, what happens with me
usually does not happens with other people.

FAISAL: What kind of super normal thing is happening to you?

MR ASLAM: Faisal…! Last night, I saw myself in front of me, and

made me realize that I am on the wrong path.

FAISAL: It’s your imagination sir; (in a very strange tone) What
did he say to you?

MR ASLAM: (after a moment of silence) I am really double minded

these days. I am now feeling guilty for the bribes that I have
accepted and my life is moving towards the wrong side, since I
had joined the casino. And after meeting Natasha my indignity is
at its peak, and I feel like that I am cheating on my wife.

FAISAL: Is that all sir?

MR ASLAM: No, it’s not over yet, when I hear the voice of myself,
it tells me to enjoy each moment of my life, not taking into
account whether you are on the right path or the wrong one.
(After a moment of silence) and on the other hand I see this man
who looks exactly like me and tells me that whatever I am doing
is wrong ….

(In the meanwhile, Aslam’s phone rings)

MR ASLAM: Oh, it’s Natasha.
(Phone ringing continues, Aslam puts his right hand on his head
and thinks for a while)
Should I answer her call?

FAISAL: Sir, it’s your choice. (Faisal looks puzzled)

MR ASLAM: I shouldn’t answer this call.

(Phone rings continues)
MR ASLAM: But if I won’t pick this call up, I think that I will
miss an important train of my life. (Phone ring discontinues)
Ok, let’s leave it to fate (after a pause), Faisal, if she calls
me back again, I will answer her call, but if she doesn’t I will
try to forget her.
(Aslam’s eyes are now fixed at his phone and he taps his hand on
his head, as the phone rings again)

MR ASLAM: (on the phone) Hello Natasha, how are you?

NATASHA: I am fine, where were you, why didn’t you answer my


MR ASLAM: I was busy, working on some task.

(While Aslam is talking to Natasha on the phone, Faisal takes

out his cell phone from his front pocket and puts it on the
NATASHA: Ok, we will talk later.

MR ASLAM: No, it’s ok, carry on.

NATASHA: I want to meet you today; can we meet after you are done
the office?

MR ASLAM: I also wanted to see you; in fact I have something very

important to talk to you.

NATASHA: Woww…!! Important (in a very exciting tone) I have

planned something wonderful and breathtaking for both of us.

MR ASLAM: Ok, We will have dinner at the Casino around 9.

NATASHA: Ok, take Care, Bye.

(Aslam disconnects the call and puts it on the table)

MR ASLAM: I will meet her tonight, and tell her that our
relationships ends today, and tonight will be my last night into
the Casino, I can’t cheat on my wife anymore. (In a Good mood)

FAISAL: Sir, go for what satisfies you from inside.

MR ASLAM: Yeah, I thought the same (after a pause), Dude..! I

know your girlfriend gifted you a new phone, put it inside your
pocket, I am kind of getting embarrassed with my older phone.
(Ha Ha..!! Both laughing)

FAISAL: Sir, I have some work to do.

MR ASLAM: Yeah, Sure... You can go

(Faisal leaves and the door shuts)
(Fade Out)


(Fade In)

(Aslam joins Natasha at the table)

MR ASLAM: Hello Natasha, how are you?

NATASHA: Hey I am good, have a seat dear

(Aslam notices the flower arrangements on the table and in the

meanwhile the waiter comes and lights the candles, Aslam looks
MR ASLAM: What’s so special in the Casino today?

NATASHA: There is nothing special in the Casino today.

MR ASLAM: Then what about this arrangement on our table.

NATASHA: Remember, I told you that I have some exciting plan for
tonight. I have also ordered your most favorite chicken black
pepper stake for dinner.

MR ASLAM: that’s great you told me that you don’t like stakes

NATASHA: yeah that’s true but our last meeting did kind of a
magic on my mind that I am in love with everything that relates
to you.

(Waiter comes and serves the meal)

MR ASLAM: Trust me Natasha I feel the same way but there is a
problem (In a serious tone)

(Both start eating)

NATASHA: Cheer up baby! I will take all your worries tonight and
in return give you all the happiness of the world. Trust me.
(She looks into his eyes)

(Aslam passes a smile to Natasha)

NATASHA: Hey that’s what I want. I want to see you smiling every

(Natasha orders a bottle of wine)

MR ASLAM: Natasha I don’t want to drink tonight

NATASHA: Oh come on every one drinks here, what’s wrong with it?
Trust me this drink will make you forget about all the worries
you have.

MR ASLAM: Okay… let’s see…

(Waiter serves the drink; Natasha pours the drink in his glass,
moves her hand towards Aslam)
NATASHA: Dear take it.

MR ASLAM: Aaaa…. Ok!

(Aslam drinks the whole glass in one shot, Aslam looks into
Natasha’s eyes, she smiles and pours some more drink in his
glass, she then looks deep into his eyes and holds her glass up)
NATASHA: Cheers my dear…!!

MR ASLAM: Here you go… Cheers…!!

(Both of them drink in a single shot, both taking a deep breath,

for a few moments Aslam gets lost into her eyes and then Natasha
gets up from the table and comes closer to Aslam, holds his
right hand)
NATASHA: Come on let’s have fun, let’s play poker.

MR ASLAM: I think I should not play today.

(Meanwhile she pulls his hand towards him, Aslam gets up of the
table, and she pulls him closer and puts his hands around her
waist, Aslam gets confused but as he starts to feel the warmth
of her body he gets a little relaxed. Both walks towards the
poker table)

NATASHA: Oh dear play for me tonight. I promise this night is

going to be the most joyful night of our life.

(Both reach the poker table)

MR ASLAM: 10 lacs…!! (Aslam bets when the first three cards are
revealed on the table)

NATASHA: Yeah that’s like my man. (In a very exciting mood)

MR ASLAM: It’s only for you Natasha… (He holds her more tightly
in his arm)

DEALER: (On the mic.) The wage in the pot is 400, 000, and still
two more cards to be revealed…

(After the second last card is turned on the table, Aslam tilts
his eyes towards Natasha and in response Natasha blinks her eyes
in a very slow movement)
NATASHA: Go for it Aslam (In a very slow voice)
(Natasha orders absolute vodka)

MR ASLAM: 50 laCS…!! (Aslam raises the bet, two of the player

fold and leave the table and the fourth player calls Aslam’s

(After the fifth card is flipped over, Aslam looks into the eyes
of the other player then looks towards Natasha)

NATASHA: Your success is guaranteed, you can never loose.

MR ASLAM: Yeah, yeah. No one can doubt my success. (In a very

proud tone)
(Aslam’s intoxication reaches its peak that makes him limitless,
he moves his hand along her back and till the bottom of her
dress in a slow motion)
(Now it’s the final bet and the opponent raises the bet by 2

MR ASLAM: Great…!! It feels good to play at some similar level.

(Gives that player a thumbs up sign)

NATASHA: I want you to bet a little more than him, your success
is guaranteed.

(Aslam feels a tap on his back, and turns his face to look back,
there he sees HIMSELF standing besides him)
HIMSELF: No (Forbidding him to do so with the movement of his
finger and head)
HIMSELF: Don’t you dare do that, you will be finished.

(Aslam moves his head back towards Natasha)

NATASHA: Go for it.

(He turns to himself; meanwhile himself disappears and then

turns back to the table)

MR ASLAM: Double the amount…!! Four crores…!! (Aslam raises the

bet and the other player accepts Aslam’s bet and calls for him to
show the cards.)

CROWD: Yaaaaaayyyy…!! Today we have a big game to witness.

Yaaaaayyy…!! (Raise the slogan by the name of Aslam) Aslam,
Aslam, Aslam.

MR ASLAM: With pleasure.

(Aslam throws the cards that he has in his hand, on the table
without giving a single thought. None of them even noticed the
cards that they played for the final round. Aslam and Natasha
get involved in the physical interaction among themselves. Aslam
moves his hands along her body)

NATASHA: UUUhhnn…! Not now, dear, Not here.

(Natasha takes Aslam to the deluxe room that she had already
booked on the other side of the counter, as she locks the door
Aslam grabs her from the back side, and holds her tightly, they
both move towards the switch to dim the light)

MR ASLAM: Mmm, Muaaah, Come On baby.

(Both of them lie down on the bed, and after having romance then
they both slept on top of each other.
(Fade Out)


(The door knocks, as Aslam open his eyes)

MR ASLAM: Aaliya…!! Where are you?

MR ASLAM: Oh! What’s the time? What place is this and why am in
this room?

MR ASLAM: Oh man! What am doing here?

(Aslam searches for his cell phone in the room, and finally
finds it in the pocket of his trousers)

MR ASLAM: Oh!! It’s dead.

(Aslam turns the curtain of the Window aside)

MR ASLAM: Oh! It’s the Casino.

(The door knocks again)

MR ASLAM: Who is there?

WAITER: Newspaper Sir!

MR ASLAM: No, I don’t need it.

(Aslam washes his face, gets fresh and walks out of the room
towards the counter, as he reaches the counter, he asks for the

CASHIER: Room Number, Please?


(After he operates the computer)

CASHIER: Sir, it’s already paid.

MR ASLAM: Paid…, Paid?? Who paid the bill?

CASHIER: Ma’am Natasha.

MR ASLAM: Oh..!! I see, Natasha.

(He leaves the counter and moves towards the parking)

MR ASLAM: Oh! I got it, I came here to have dinner with Natasha
and the steaks were really very tasty.
(Aslam taps his head and tries to remember)

MR ASLAM: I think..! Aaaaa, (after a pause), we walked towards

the Playing Zone. Well!! I don’t know.

(He searches for his car and finds it at the end of the second
row, he searches for the keys in his pockets and couldn’t find
them, he gets worried, and he walks back towards the counter to

MR ASLAM: I have lost my car keys, can you help it out?

CASHEIR: We found a key chain, last night?

MR ASLAM: Well..!! Okay, show it to me.

(Aslam look at the key chain)

MR ASLAM: Oh, it’s mine, where did you find this?

CASHEIR: Sir, we found it under the Poker table.

MR ASLAM: That means, I played poker last night. Anyways thank


CASHEIR: My pleasure Sir, I hope you will stay with us again.

(Aslam walks towards the car)


(Aslam drives towards home)

MR. ASLAM: Yesterday, was the worst day of my life, I shouldn’t
have seen Natasha, and she didn’t do good to me, and I will not
forgive her for this ever in my life. I went there to tell her
that we can’t maintain this relationship anymore, but she grabbed
me and did what she intended to do to me.

VOICE: But, Why are you crying now? Wasn’t last night the night
that you always wished for throughout your life?

MR ASLAM: Oh You, shut up. Don’t you dare talk to me in my life

again. You are the root cause of all my worries.

(As Aslam takes the last turn towards his street, he finds
Faisal’s Car moving out of his home)


(Aslam enters the house and finds Aaliya, crying on the floor,
as Aaliya sees Aslam, she runs towards him and hugs him tightly
and cries in a more loud voice, Aslam drops the briefcase from
his left hand and hugs her. Aslam gets so much emotional and
feels guilty for the act that he committed last night. Aslam’s
eyes are now wet and he looks at Aaliya, she smiles and cries at
the same time)

AALIYA: Thank God…!! You are back home, you can’t imagine how
much worried I was about you, I called you many times but your
phone was not reachable. Children came to me to inquire about
you, I told them that you had to go outstation on account of some
important work. Well, I think you must be tired, go and sleep for
a while.

MR ASLAM: I am sorry, I couldn’t contact you, I should have

informed you. I am sorry.

AALIYA: Its okay, I am not angry at you, it’s only that I was
very much worried about you.

MR ASLAM: Where are the kids?

AALIYA: It’s their school time Honey.

MR ASLAM: Oh! I thought today is their off day.

(Both move towards the bed room, Aslam lie on the bed and she
covers him with the quilt, and then lowers the curtains)

MR ASLAM: Put the phone on charging, please.

(She holds the phone and charger and moves out of the room and
walks downstairs and plugs it in the kitchen and starts to chop
vegetables, while she is doing so, Aslam’s Phone rings)

Aaliya: Hello!

MAN: Who is there? Can I talk to Aslam. (In a very arrogant


AALIYA: I am Mrs. Aslam and Mr. Aslam is sleeping this time.

MAN: Woww…!! (Sarcastically) I can’t understand, how can he sleep

after losing the last penny that he had to his name?

AALIYA: What do you mean by this? I think you have the wrong

MAN: You Listen! Neither I have called a wrong number nor are you
listening wrong. When Your Man gets up remind him of the 6 crore
that he owes me from the poker game last night. Fucking, XEN,
poor chap, lost all that he had.

Aaliya: Nooooo, this can’t happen to us. This is not the reality.
(She screams’ loudly). Hello, Hello.

But there remains no voice in the phone other than the

Disconnecting beep. (Toon, Toon)
Phone drops on the floor and she cries and Screams bitterly.

(She drops her knees on the floor near the cooking range, and
within no time her nose turns red and her eyes are full of
tears. She cries in agony and the voice of her scream echoes all
over the house. Aslam hears this scream.)
MR. ASLAM: Aaliyyaaa…!!

(Throws away his blanket and rushes towards the kitchen bare
footed and finds her on her knees crying bitterly, he also bends
on his knees in front of her and holds her shoulder)
MR. ASLAM: Are you okay? What happened? Tell me. Why did you

AALIYA: Nothing okay, we are finished, we are finished, indeed we

are ruined. (In a soaring tone)

MR ASLAM: Tell me what happened? (In an inquiring tone)

AALIYA: Where were you last night?

MR ASLAM: I told you that I am very guilty about, what happened

last night. So, I don’t want to discuss that again, I cheated you
last night.

AALIYA: Ok, I will tell you

MR ASLAM: What do you mean? What do you know about last night?

AALIYA: Why didn’t I die before knowing that you were in a

Casino, and I am dying of the shame that you were gambling.

MR ASLAM: Oh, that’s it.

WIFE: What do you mean by this? Why are you acting like, you
don’t know anything? You lost 6 crores in the Casino last night,
and you say that’s it.

MR ASLAM: Have you gone mad? 6 crores? Who told you this

AALIYA: I received a call from the person, to whom you owe this
amount, the person to whom you lost your money last night?

(He rubs his eyes with his hand)

MR ASLAM: Why am I unable to remember what actually happened last
AALIYA: So, you don’t remember, good acting I must say. You went
there to see Natasha??

MR ASLAM: Oh, How do you know this? (Aslam is puzzled)

AALIYA: You think I am unaware of your deeds, if this is so, than

you are the biggest fool of the world. Listen! (After a pause)
let me tell you that I know everything except what happened last
night. Now, you tell me what exactly happened last night.

MR ASLAM: Now, whatever I am going to tell you is the truth, you

have to trust my words, I went to the Casino yesterday to clarify
it to Natasha that we can’t maintain this relationship anymore. I
decided that I will not continue this gambling anymore and
tonight will be my last night in the Casino, but she took control
of my mind by serving me alcohol. I resisted, but she forced me
to do so, and after that she took me to the gambling zone, after
this, all I can tell you is, that I woke up with the sound of the
knocking door and found myself alone in the room.

(Silence for few moments, she looks at him with disappointment

and tears)

MR ASLAM: Trust me; I went there to finish this all. I know you
have a lot anger on me, and you should have, believe me, whatever
happened last night was not intentional.
(After the silence of few moments)

MR ASLAM: You tell, how do you know about Natasha?

AALIYA: Do you remember, your first meeting with Natasha, when

Faisal met you with his girlfriend, and he was on the phone? I
was on the line with him. I tell you exactly what happened? Right
before Faisal greeted you he put his phone in his pocket and the
call remained connected, I heard all your conversation.

MR ASLAM: What kind of conversation?

AALIYA: Remember? You introduced Faisal to Natasha and she

greeted his girlfriend, and at the end you gifted all your
winnings of that day to Natasha and I still have the photograph
of that. (She starts to cry again). I never expected that you
will cheat me like this.

MR ASLAM: Damn…!! You know every single thing. (In a

disappointing manner)

AALIYA: Who sent Faisal to the Casino? That was me. That day when
you got dressed up in the morning, I knew there was something
fishy, so I called your office and told Faisal to follow you and
report me. You remember? The very next day when you called Faisal
to show up with the file, he was talking on the phone and he
disconnected the call and placed the phone in his front pocket
and then on your table and I remember your words when you told
him to put it in his pocket as you got embarrassed because of
your old phone. In fact I was connected that time.

MR. ASLAM: This all happened with me because I heard the voice of
myself, it guided me wrong, and I kept on dancing on his

AALIYA: I am confused, what should I discuss and what not? You

didn’t tell me about the voice of yourself to whom you blame for
this day neither you told me that you saw your subconscious in
front of you?

MR ASLAM: Please, don’t repeat all that. I can’t bear this

anymore. I am dying of indignity already.

(Aslam cries and puts his head on her lap and continues to cry
until she feels the wetness of his tears on her lap, her heart
melts and she lowers her head on Aslam’s head and they both cry)

AALIYA: Aslam I have forgiven you for everything by heart because

your heart is now clear. I am very happy that I got you back.

MR ASLAM: Thank you so much..! No wife in the world can be

sincere to his husband to such an extent. I love you.
AALIYA: Honey its time for the children to return home I think we
should quickly get fresh and remember one thing, we are not going
to discuss a single thing in front of the children.
(she holds his hand) I promise you that we will boldly face this
problem and will take any step to resolve this issue for the
future of our kids.

(They both got fresh; children return and are very happy to see
their father at lunch after a very long time)
AALIYA: We will take the children to the park tonight.

MR ASLAM: Yeah sure I also want some change.


(Children are playing in the park with Aslam meanwhile Aslam’s

phone rings)

MR ASLAM: Aaliya keep an eye on the kids I am on the phone

AALIYA: ok honey!!

(Aslam walks to the corner and walks back when he is done with
the phone call )

MR ASLAM: Come on kids it’s getting late, time to go back home.

(they walk towards the car)

(Fade Out)


(They enter home, Aaliya makes the children sleep, and then goes
to her bedroom shuts the door)
MR ASLAM: I was waiting for you, are the kids in bed?

AALIYA: Yup they are asleep

MR ASLAM: Listen I got his phone call in the park when I asked
you to see the children.
AALIYA: Then what did he say??

MR ASLAM: He wants me to pay the money within no time. And we

don’t have a single penny at the moment. So Aaliya what do you
think? What should we do?

AALIYA: I think you should consult your contacts

MR ASLAM: Oh I will call Bukhari tomorrow. I think he will surely


AALIYA: Ok I will try on my end also. I myself will go to drop

the kids and then, I will visit different banks. I hope we can
get the loan.

MR ASLAM: Ok! I hope that God will help us.

(Both join hands, there is silence for some moments, Aslam turns
the light off by moving his left hand behind the bed)
(Fade out)

AALIYA: Good night honey

MR ASLAM: Hmmmm… sleep tight.


(Aslam calls Mr Bukhari from the office phone and tell him)
MR ASLAM: Hello..Mr Bukhari!! How are you?

MR BUKHARI: I am good, who is this?

MR BUKAHRI: Who Aslam?

MR ASLAM: Sir, I am the one who is taking care of your factory


MR BUKAHRI: Ooh..!! that Aslam. How are you Mr. Aslam?

MR ASLAM: I am good, I wanted to discuss something.

MR BUKHARI: Go ahead.

MR ASLAM: Sir, I need some money urgently.

MR BUKHARI: How much money?

MR ASLAM: Sir, 6 crore rupees.

(Absolute silence on the receiver as he discloses the amount of
MR Bukhari, Are you there? (And the Silence ends with the
disconnecting beep)

(Aslam starts striking his head with the receiver, meanwhile his
cell phone rings)
MR ASLAM: Hello Aaliya, what’s the update?

AALIYA: (crying) I couldn’t make it, no one agrees to give the

loan without collateral, and we don’t have that. Didn’t you
contact Mr. Bukhari?

MR ASLAM: Yeah, but I see no hope from his side.

AALIYA: Ok honey, it’s time for the kids to return home, I have
to prepare lunch for them.

MR ASLAM: Okay, bye

(Aslam gets busy in his work)


(Aaliya sets the table for the children, she looks at the clock
after preparing lunch)
AALIYA: Oh my God…!! It’s been an hour, where are my kids, Oh
God, Please protect my children.
(Aaliya is walking in the living room and her anxiety increases
with every single minute that goes ahead, she picks up the phone
and calls at the school)


(Aslam receives a call from Aaliya)
AALIYA: Honey..!! I am really worried. Kids are not back home
yet. (In a nervous voice)

MR ASLAM: Oh God..!! Did you inquire from the school.

AALIYA: Yeah, I did, school bus left on time, and now its one and
a half hour late. One more thing I called my neighbor and her
children were back home on time.


AALIYA: Aslam, I am really worried, where are the kids? {In a

crying voice).

MR ASLAM: Aalya, I have a call on waiting, I will call you back.

(Aslam answers the call)

MR ASLAM: Hello! What is it that you want now? I told you that
you will be paid soon.

MAN: I called you, just to inform you that your kids are with me,
and you will get them back only when you pay the amount.

MR ASLAM: How did you dare touch my kids?

MAN: Listen…!! Don’t pounce on me, you better know that I can
kill your kids and throw them away.

(Aslam gets up from the table)

MR ASLAM: Listen..!! I will pay each penny to you, but you have
to promise me that you won’t even touch my children.

MAN: I am a business man, and I keep my words. You better arrange

the money soon.
(Tears drop down on Aslam’s face; he leaves the office and drive
back home)


(Aslam rushes towards his wife)

MR ASLAM: Our kids have been kidnapped by him, and listen don’t
panic, we need to do something on urgent basis and I don’t want
to see you crying. You, just bring all the jewelry that you have?
And bring the locker book quickly.
(Aaliya rushes towards the room, meanwhile Aslam gets the
property papers from the drawer of the store room, both of them
meet in the lobby)

MR ASLAM: Put it in your bag and come with me.

(Door shuts)


(Both rush into the bank and request to operate their locker,
both go into locker room, meanwhile Aaliya takes out the keys
from her bag, gives in Aslam’s hand, Aslam opens the locker and
takes out all the jewelry,)

MR ASLAM: Put all the jewelry in this bag. (Pointing towards

Aaliya’s bag)

AALIYA: Ok. (Aaliya puts all the jewelry quickly). Ok, it’s done.

MR ASLAM: Let’s move towards the loan section.

(Both go upstairs towards the loans department)

OFFICER: Please, be seated.

MR ASLAM: Sir, I own a house in the centre of the city and these
are the legal documents (Presents him the file, Officer takes a
look on the file)
How much will you grant against it.

OFFICER: Three crores (after looking at the paper for sometime),

with in the period of two days.

MR ASLAM: I want it latest by tomorrow morning. I really need the


OFFICER: Sir, this can only be processed under special

instructions by the manager, you sit here, I will be back in a
few minutes.
(he moves towards the manager’s cabin, meanwhile Aaliya looks at

AALIYA: This is just fifty percent of the total. (She looks with

MR ASLAM: Listen next step will be to sell the jewelry; I hope

that it will give a good return

(The officer returns)

OFFICER: Sir your case has been approved and you can collect the
payment tomorrow morning as the bank opens.

MR ASLAM: Thank you very much.

(Both of them leave)


(Fade in)

(Aaliya is putting all her jewelry on the table)

MR ASLAM: I want to sell it, how much will I get for it?

(The Jeweler weighs all the jewelry and checks with a gold
detector, makes a calculation)
JEWELER: it sums up at a total amount of 1 crore.

MR ASLAM: Ok give it to me now.

(Jeweler looks at him with strange expressions, and goes to his
safe to get the money)

AALIYA: Aslam, nothing is more important to me than my kids. (In

a crying voice)

MR ASLAM: Aaliya, trust me everything will be alright.

(Aslam’s phone rings, he takes out his phone from the left
pocket, worry across his face)
Aaliya, that man who kidnapped our kids is calling me.

AALIYA: I hope that everything is fine.

MR ASLAM: (Answers the call) Hello.

MAN: What did you decided? Are you arranging for the money, or
you want your children dead?

MR ASLAM: Oh please…! Don’t do this to my kids (tears fall down

from Aslam’s eyes)

(Meanwhile jeweler comes back, with a briefcase of cash; Aslam

gets up from the chair and walkS towards the corner behind him)

ASLAM: Sir trust me…! I am arranging the money. And I have

arranged 4 crores by selling all my assets, but now I am left
with nothing to sell and my salary is just 60 thousand. Please
give me some relaxation.

MAN: You should have thought before betting (after a pause) give
me 6 crores and you will get your children back in no time…. so
you like the deal….?? Han (Phone disconnects)
(Aslam cries and comes back to the seat, Aaliya holds his hand
and gives him hope)

JEWELLER: Sir, here is your money.

AALIYA: Is it the full amount?

JEWELLER: Yes Ma’am, you can count it.

(Mean while Aslam puts the money in Aaliya’s bag)

ASLAM: Ok, it’s done. Let’s go Aaliya.

(Both of them leave the jeweler’s shop quickly)


(Aslam is driving the car rashly and the people on the road
stare at him badly each time the car passes by, Aslam is not
following the lane discipline)
AALIYA: Calm down, Aslam, and please drive carefully.

ASLAM: Huh! How can I drive with patience, my heart is getting

down with every call that the Kidnaper gives me.

AALIYA: Aslam, getting paniced at this point in time is not a

wise act, it’s time to arrange the remaining amount by any means.

ASLAM: What else is in my possession, I have sold all I had,

where the hell will I find 2 crores. (In an Angry voice)

AALIYA: You come to the left side, let me drive you are not in
the situation to drive the car.
(Car stops and both exchange their seats)

AALIYA: (While driving) Aslam, calm down we will think of it, as

we get home. Relax please.


(Both of them enter the house, and walks to the living room,
Aslam sits on the sofa, Aaliya puts her bag on the table)

ASLAM: Fetch me a glass of water.

(Aaliya walks towards the kitchen)

AALIYA: Take this. (giving him the glass of water)

(While Aslam is drinking the water, tears fall from his eyes;
Aaliya sits beside him and puts her arm over his shoulder)
AALIYA: I am in deep thought that whether I should talk to you
about this or not.

ASLAM: What is it now? Tell me?

AALIYA: Listen, when I went visited various banks to apply for

the loan, the person who looked at me with lust and vulgarity, so
I went and talked to him.
ASLAM: What do you mean by this? (In an inquiring tone)

AALIYA: Aslam, why don’t you understand, it’s not the time to get

ASLAM: What’s the meaning of such kind of talk at this time? What
do you want me to do now?

AALIYA: Whatever I am going to say, just listen to it carefully.

ASLAM: Ok, go ahead.

AALIYA: When I was visiting the banks for loan, and inquiring
about the loan policies, the officer at ABL (Allied bank) refused
my loan application, a man sitting on the sofa beside me was
listening to my conversation with the officer. As I turned back
with disappointment, he stared at my body from head to toe and
offered the loan without any security and while giving his
visiting card to me he said, all I have to do for him against the
loan amount will be to spend some time with him.

ASLAM: Have you gone crazy? Do you really know the meaning of
what you just told me? (In a yelling tone)

AALIYA: See, Aslam, the thing is that, whatever you did was for
the betterment of our future, and for the betterment of our life,
without giving a single thought to it that you did this all to
fulfill your personal desires.

ASLAM: Now, what do you want? You want to spend the time with
him??? (In a shouting tone)

AALIYA: Listen, all I want is the life of my children, and I can

go to any extent for them. If, you can arrange 2 crores till
tomorrow, its fine, otherwise, I will have to take this step. No
matter, how many times you stop me from doing this. You met
Natasha for the fulfillment of your personal desires, but I will
meet this man for the life of our children.
ASLAM: Stop it. I can’t hear this bullshit anymore. (Aslam cries

AALIYA: If anything happens to my children, I will finish myself

and the bitter fact is this that you are still thinking of your
ego instead you think that we have no other option to get 2
crores in just one day.

ASLAM: How can I do that to you?

(Aaliya interrupts)
AALIYA: And if you don’t allow me to do that, he will kill our
children and I would be of no use to you anymore, cause I will be
dead. Aslam, I love you, and I love my children, I want to do
something for my kids (she holds his hands and both cry
bitterly). You think it’s easy for a woman to spend some time
with a man other than her husband, you can never feels how much
it even hurts to think of, but, I will do this to save my

(Aslam, is beating his head with both his hands)

ASLAM: I am ashamed of myself, I want to kill myself, I feel
ashamed of looking at my own face, I don’t know what will happen
to me on the Day of Judgment. I am ruined, I know I can never
arrange 2 crores in one day, instead, I can’t arrange it in one

AALIYA: I am going to call him, I have his business card, we have

no other option.
(Aaliya picks up the receiver and dials the number on the
business card)

AALIYA: Hello…! I am the lady you met in the bank… I am ready… I

need 2 crores for this… What time… Ok, I will be there.

ASLAM: What did he say?

AALIYA: He has committed 2 crores, and wants me to come.

ASLAM: (In a crying voice) I want to see him once before you meet
AALIYA: Ok, you will drop me there.

ASLAM: I will wait for you outside his place.

(Aslam’s mobile phone rings both look at each other fearfully)

MAN: I can’t bear your children anymore, you better be quick.

Arrange the money tomorrow before six in the evening.

ASLAM: Don’t hurt my kids; your amount will be ready tomorrow

after twelve noon.

(Call disconnects)
AALIYA: What did he say?

ASLAM: He told me that I have to arrange the amount before

tomorrow evening.

AALIYA: We need to leave; he called me to the Star hotel. After

two hours.


(Aslam drives the car to the entrance lobby)

AALIYA: Aslam, stop the car (Aaliya looks into the eyes of
Aslam) I love you, I love you very much and I love my kids too.

(Aslam gives the car to valet for parking and both walk towards
the entrance)

ASLAM: I will be in the lobby; you will not find me there and
make sure you don’t drink anything when you meet him.

(Both split and Aaliya walks towards the reception. And Aslam
sits on the third sofa on the left side of the reception and
picks up the magazine, while he is reading the magazine his eyes
tilt towards Aaliya and he sees her meeting a man, whose face is
not visible due to his side posture, the magazine drops from
Aslam’s hands, he bends to the floor to pick the magazine up,
when he moves his head up, he sees his face and recognizes him
in no time. He rushes towards them)

ASLAM: Oohh…! Mr. Imtiaz, it’s you! (Aslam gets pale)

MR IMTIAZ: Ooh, Mr Aslam, what are you doing here, and why are
you looking so pale?

AALIYA: (Surprisingly) Aslam, you know him.

MR ASLAM: Yes, He is Mr. Imtiaz, my client.

MR IMTIAZ: How do you know each other?

MR ASLAM: Yes Sir, She is... my wife. (Aslam’s eyes get wet)

MR IMTIAZ: (Surprisingly) Ooh, She is your wife. You mean my

bhabhi. (He turns towards AALIYA). I am really ashamed of myself
that I stared at you with the evil intentions. Please cover your
(Aaliya covers her head with her duppata)

MR IMTIAZ: You are very respectable to me... and by the way

Aslam, you tell me what the hell are you doing to your wife?

(Aslam’s forehead is full of sweat and eyes full of tears,

Aaliya starts crying)
MR ASLAM: Imtiaz you can’t imagine what I am going through.

MR IMTIAZ: Aslam calm down, you just sit here and relax, I will
bring you a glass of water.

(Aslam and Aaliya sit on the sofa, and Imtiaz brings a glass of
water and sits on the sofa)
MR IMTIAZ: Aslam, you feeling better? Now, tell me what happened?

MR ASLAM: Sir, I lost 6 crores at casino, and my children are

kidnapped by the person to whom I lost at the casino and that
person wants his money by tomorrow and I found no way out.
MR IMTIAZ: Are you in your senses??? And do you know what step
you have taken?

AALIYA: Sir this was my decision do not blame him, I can do

anything for my kids.

MR ASLAM: I sold everything that I had for 4 crores and I am left

with no other choice than this and if I don’t give him the money
he will kill my kids.

MR IMTIAZ: Ooh God, that’s awful. Why didn’t you tell me about
this indeed why didn’t you talk to Bukhari?

MR ASLAM: Sir I did but got no assistance, I thought that you

will do the same.

MR IMTIAZ: You should have remembered my words, when I told you

that I can help you anytime for anything, I really owe you my
(While taking out his cheque book from his pocket) even though I
am disappointed in you but this is what I am obligated to do for
(He writes a cheque for two crores in favor of Mr. Aslam and
hands it to Aslam.)

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