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Student name – Simran Sidhu

Student ID – 500194431

1. Product style and product development

Product style: - Product styles are used by cycle designers Connecting consumer needs to
business Goals to enable brands to create with confidence Fertile product. Product designers
are working to increase it Consumer expertise within the contract. They create and promote for
their buyers. Their brand by creating products that make sense to them Long-term business
needs. The product type is Strict and diverse work. Usually, many Commitments and specific
expertise mean a lot An important balance. As a designer and many important Level guide, you
advocate the right decision for baby tissue decisions and challenges Obstacles, such as
neighborhoods Maxima of a married woman. Please consider it Similarities between product
designers and couples Designers here and there lead the brand Own different meanings of
goods Designer work and associated obligations. Therefore, many clubs can do without it
Admitting them from married female designers, Others tend to build up more debt To the
expected set of responsibilities. Guarantee Incident, for example a new company, you probably
think you're going Oversized part of the planned cluster in Meet the designer.

Product development: - Product development, also known as new product management, is a

series of steps that represent the concept, format, development, and marketing of a newly
created or rebranded product. The purpose of product development is to gain, maintain and
grow a company's market share by satisfying consumer needs. Defining the target market for a
product is an important part of the initial product development process because not all
products will appeal to all customers or customer bases. Quantitative market research should
be done at each final stage of the formatting process, including before the invention of the
product or service, in the product format or after the product is discovered

2. Product idea generation:-

Generating product ideas is the first step in any product improvement process. This expects
you to look for possible item selections that can be made. This is a necessary step for
associations to address their concerns. He asks you to do a statistical survey and a SWOT
survey. You must be intent on concocting a one-of-a-kind mindset among your opponents to
put it to good use.
A self-sterilizing input handle might be something you should consider, for example. It is
special and will be sought after due to the current trend towards a healthy lifestyle.
What are the steps to generate ideas in the new product development process?
• Internal Sources: The invincible source of ideas comes from internal sources. Many
companies pay.
• Market research: Companies constantly monitor a volatile market to consider changing
needs, .
• Competitors: A company's SWOT analysis can help you think. Look at competitors' offers and
• SWOT analysis: Business organizations can claim their weaknesses, strengths, opportunities,
and threats.

3. Reverse Engineering and Concurrent Engineering

Reverse engineering: - is the process of analyzing the constituent parts of an existing item to
enable the creation of a fully reproduced plan - or plan information - from deleted data.
Overarching items and ideas in terms of design and capabilities such as mechanical devices,
electronic parts, PC programming, compound formulations or natural matter are largely
reasonable for investigation of process use. RE. Logically speaking, an average selection
company would reverse engineer the work from a selected item to determine the plan and
innovation to be used by the producer of that item. This collected information then allows, at
this point, RE adopters to duplicate or refine the item - or essentially set the data to be used to
improve a friend's idea or an item involve.

Simultaneous engineering is a long-term business strategy that provides long-term benefits to

any manufacturing or business process. In this strategy, several groups within an association
work simultaneously to promote articles and management activities. Item planning, quality,
unit costs, and assembly time are the main limitations affecting the productivity of an
association. Concurrent design helps to work on these components and gives the organization a
profound strategic advantage. In this article, we will learn about the definition and standards of
concurrent design, the benefits, components, difficulties, and the process of completing items
using concurrent design.
4. Standardization and Mass Customization
Standardization is the most common conventions to guide the production of goods or the
government clings to the agreement of Relatively countless meetings are involved in
transaction. Standards ensure that work and the product is delivered in a particular transaction
Comes with consistent quality and square ruler similar to another equivalent product or
administration in a similar job. Standardization also helps to ensure benefits, capacity and
product similarity create. Some of the meetings were attended by standardized measures
include buyers, unconditional parties, state administrative agencies, standardization companies
and associations. Target Standardization is to ensure consistency specific practices within the

Mass customization is the most common method transfer of labor and products modified
square ruler to meet a specific need customer’s request. Mass customization possible is a
development strategy and responsive team Clear capabilities and customizability Handmade
products with low connection unit price with production. completely different names for
volume customize specially created combinations or worked to arrange. Mass customization is
Interaction level link allows a consumer to customize the specific provisions of meanwhile, so
far, the price has maintained at production prices. Mass customization allows a particular
style consumer to be particular created the ingredients of the product while up to now the
price is closer to the mass generated price product.

5 Kano Model and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)

The Kano model is an approach to prioritizing features on a product roadmap based on
potential customer satisfaction. The product team can evaluate responsive features against
implementation costs to determine if adding them to the roadmap is a sound strategic decision.
The Kano Model is one of many priority frameworks developed to help product teams prioritize
FMEA analyses the process to establish where and how failure occurs, evaluates the relative
consequences of specific failures, and highlights the sections of the process where
improvements are most critical. A method for identifying that is both systematic and proactive.
Teams use FMEA to assess the process for potential failures and to prevent them by proactively
adjusting the process instead than reacting to unwelcome occurrences after they happen. The
risk of injury to patients and workers can be reduced by focusing on prevention. FMEA is
particularly beneficial for evaluating new processes before they are implemented, as well as
evaluating the impact of planned reforms on current processes.

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