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Developed By: Nicole Roman

Lesson Title: Subject: Grade Level: Time Frame:

La Familia: ¿Quién Spanish 9th 50 min. (one whole period)

está en nuestra
familia? - Español Noveno 50 minutos (toda una clase)
¿Hombres > mujeres?
(El machismo en
familias Latinas)

Family: Who is in our

Men > Women? (El
machismo in Hispanic

World Languages Standards for California Public Schools

Communication standards:
● Communication Standard 1-Interpretive: Language users listen, view, and read
using knowledge of cultural products, practices, and perspectives.

● Communication Standard 2- Interpersonal: Culturally appropriate listening and

speaking, reading and writing, or viewing and signing take place as a shared activity
among language users.

Cultures standards:
● Cultures Standard 2: Cultural Products, Practices, and Perspectives

● Cultures Standard 3: Cultural Comparisons

Content Standards
Common Core Anchor Standards
● R2: Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development;
summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
Speaking and Listening:
● SL2: Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats,
including visually, quantitatively, and orally.

21st Century Skill

● Collaboration: working together throughout activities to retain vocabulary

Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a
ELD Standard(s) range of social and academic topics. SL.9–10.1, 6; L.9–10.3, 6

1. Students demonstrate understanding, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or

viewed on a topic from authentic text.

2. Students interact in a variety of real-world settings and for multiple purposes, in

spoken or written conversations.

3. Students will be able to name the different names of family members.

4. Students will become aware of how different families may look.

Learning Goal(s) 5. Students will learn about a popular concept in Hispanic families-”El Machismo” and
will be able to compare and contrast it with the role of the male in American

6. Students can create and present a family tree based on their family with appropriate
family member names using the visual of their choice.

7. Students can produce a written work upon reflecting on the given topic of

Content of Lesson
What do you expect ● Students will understand what “Machismo” is and the role it plays in Hispanic
students to deeply families.
UNDERSTAND ● Students will understand the names of family members in Spanish.
about the lesson?
● Students will understand and comprehend basic Spanish vocabulary and sentence
structure about family.
● Students will understand how different/non-traditional families can look like.

What do you expect ● I will expect my students to be able retain the appropriate titles for family members
students to retain in Spanish.
after the lesson and ● I will expect my students to be able to retain the changes in some family members
use in future
names according to the gender.
● I will expect my students to be able to retain how to determine singularity and
plurality when using family members' names.
● I will expect my students to retain how to effectively communicate the family
members in real-life conversations.
● I will expect my students to retain the concept “machismo” is and how it affects
different family members.

Pre-teaching ● I anticipate that I will have spanish-speakers in the class or students who have been
Considerations: What previously exposed to the language.
misunderstandings or ● A survey made by myself to gain perspective of how many of the students have
misconceptions do you
either been exposed to the language or if they never have. If they have,then where
expect students might
have from the lesson? do they stand. It is important to know the student's level of proficiency to be able to
gage where to start or how far back to go. This will also help me establish how
much “English speaking time” will be allowed in the classroom because the goal is
to speak the target language 90% of the time. Some students have probably traveled
to a spanish speaking country so they have experience. Can be an asset to the class,
can help out peers during certain sections.
● Students might have the misconception of assuming family member names are
cognates with English.
● Students might have the misconception that families can only look one certain way.
● Students might have the misconception of what “machismo” is and may have their
own thoughts and opinions about it. Will discuss this in a socratic seminar manner
to ensure all thoughts, opinions and reactions are voiced and respected.
● For teacher: Are there native speakers in the class? Students' families are all
different and unique. Make sure to showcase diversity in all kinds of families.
Examples: two mothers, two fathers etc.
● Ask students about their family. They could have a blended/non-traditional family.
How many members, close/immediate family, extended family,etc.
● Ask students what they think “machismo” means and how it may affect female
family members.

What KNOWledge ● Students will know how to use the sentence "Este es mi..." "Esta es mi..." (This is
and SKILLS do you my…)
expect students to ● Students will know to use the target language to describe and talk about their family.
have after engaging
● Students will be able to understand and pick up the correct word for their family.
in the lesson?

● Students will be able to understand other cultures' views on family roles including
gender and status.
● Students will know about “machismo” and how it affects men, women and other
members of the family and society.

Assessment/Checking for Understanding

What essential 1. What is a family?
questions will you ask 2. What are the appropriate names for family members?
to determine if 3. Why is having a sense of belonging important?
students are not
4. How do families differ from one another?
meeting, meeting, or
exceeding the 5. What is “machismo”?
learning goal(s) of the 6. How does it affect female family members and themselves?
lesson? 7. What are the long term effects of ‘machismo” in society?

What will students do Formative

to demonstrate
achievement of ● Fly Swatter Activity with vocabulary words - They are going to go up on the white
content during the board and we will say the vocabulary word in english and they will fly swat the
lesson? correct vocabulary word in spanish. The teacher observes which students answered
quicker and which took longer finding the answer to determine if they are ready to
move on. The class will determine what the winner of the two teams gets as a
● Thinking/Mind Map- The word ‘machismo” will appear at the center. As a class, we
will read aloud a text about “machismo” and its effects on families and society.
viral-en-latinoamerica.Then in small groups, the students will write down words,
phrases and other concepts found in the reading that relate to “machismo”. This will
be a helpful resource for when students get together for philosophical chairs. As
they work in groups, the teacher can analyze what needs to be re-visited. (for class
presentation, we will watch a video on the topic)
● Give one, get one- In pairs, students will discuss one main takeaway from the
reading and share out one with the class. The teacher will walk around and hear
discussions to determine if the students grasped the main idea of the article.
● Philosophical Chairs- Students will be given the topic of “masculinidad tóxica” and
after watching the following TEDxTalk, they will be pre assigned the pro and the
con side and will discuss their reasoning. The teacher can find out which students
fully comprehend the concept and its issues and which students may need to review
and determine if the class is ready to move on.
● Kahoot quiz- to review the family members.
● Exit Ticket (3-2-1)- As an exit ticket, the students will write down 3 things they
learned today, 2 they found interesting and 1 question they might still have and
create a hashtag like the one seen in the article about the fight against
“machismo”.The teacher will review the exit ticket and find out how much the
students learned and answer lingering questions at the beginning of the next class.

How will you know Summative (end of unit)

students understand
the content? ● Family Tree Presentation -The students will describe their families using descriptive
(Summative adjectives and describe a family tradition/custom of theirs. The students may use
Assessment) any form of media they would like. They can make visual boards, videos,
powerpoints etc.
● Reflection journal- one page response upon the reflection of the gender roles in
societies and in family and how it affects both genders and compares it to their own

Structured Student Learning Activities

Instructional Check method(s) used in the lesson:
☐Modeling ☐Guided Practice ☐Collaboration ☐ Independent Practice
☐Guided Inquiry ☐ Reflection
Lesson Opening Prior Knowledge, Context, and Motivation:

● Hook/Setting the scene- present the theme by playing “La Familia de los Simpsons
Song”. This will function as the comprehensible input at the beginning of class. After the song is finished, the
teacher will read a short story about a family, stressing the names of family
members and have the students repeat them. The teacher will then show them an
example of a family tree diagram of her own family.

● Context- Following the comprehensible input of the family member vocab words,
the teacher will plant the seed of the sub-topic of the day by making statements such
as: “should men cry?” and have students go to the left of the class if they agree and
go to the right of the class if they disagree. They will not be asked why they chose
the side that they did, this will get their mind going and spark their interest on the
topic of “Machismo” which will be further explored in the lesson.

● Motivations- Integrative and Assimilative: The learner will become personally

motivated to learn the language to become acquainted with people who speak the
target language and they will have a strong desire to become a member of the
culture. To achieve this, I will connect the class native speakers and authentic
material (article from newspaper “El Pais”) to make the language “come alive” for
learners. Some students may have previous knowledge or exposure to this concept
therefore they can input their personal experiences, making this more interesting to
them.This will also be done by giving clear instructions and by modeling how to
complete activities/tasks successfully.

What activities will ● Hook- Students will get the Nearpod link to follow along with the lesson.The
students be students will watch a video about family members' names of the Simpson family as
involved in during comprehensible input to be introduced to the topic of the lesson.
the lesson to
● Modeling- The teacher will show the students her own family tree diagram while
support their
achievement of the using the sentence structure “Este es mi.. Esta es mi…” and the students will repeat
learning goal(s)? the name of the family member Ex) madre, padre, abuelo/a etc..
(Make a list.) ● Direct Instruction- Slideshow on non-traditional families will be presented.
● Guided practice- The students will participate in a matching card game to put
together the appropriate family member name with the appropriate family member
of the Simpsons family.
● Independent practice- The students will participate in an activity that will strike
their competitive side as they race to the board with the Fly Swatter Activity with
vocabulary words to see who can swat the appropriate word the fastest. This will be
both fun and educative for the students. Students sit down in a chair for many hours
throughout the school school day, this will allow them to move around and get some
pent up energy out while they practice newly acquired vocabulary.
● BRAIN BREAK- Piedra, Papel, Tijera! (Rock,paper, scissors)
● Direct Instruction- The teacher will introduce the topic of “machismo” , then the
students will be handed a Thinking/Mind Map Activity worksheet that will have the
concept of “machismo” in the center with 4 keyword pertaining to the concept. The
teacher will ask the class what they know about this topic. Guided Practice- After,
the class will read an article on a campaign against “machismo” which went viral in
Latin America while adding secondary ideas to the keywords.
● Collaboration- In give one, get one the students will collaborate with one other
classmate and discuss one key takeaway they each had, they will then share one
takeaway with the class.
● Independent Practice- The students will watch a TedTalk about toxic masculinity
and then participate in a Philosophical Chairs Activity to discuss thoughts and
opinions about the points discussed in the video by the presenter and how said topic
affects families, men and society as a whole. Using their mind map worksheet as
support to expressing their thoughts/claims.
● Reflection-The students will write one paragraph to reflect on “machismo” and its
consequences on family units and society.
● Wrap up-The students will write down 3 things they learned today, 2 they found
interesting and 1 question they might still have and create a hashtag like the one
seen in the article about the fight against “machismo”. Short Kahoot quiz on family
member names.

How will you group ● Students will be grouped for the fly swatter activity into two teams. These teams
students and will be pre-assigned before class by the teacher. The teacher will be aware to
manage group provide each team with an equal amount of native speakers + non-native speakers.
work to support
student learning? ● In give one, get one the students will work with the closest peer to their right. They
will be informed of this when the activity is mentioned.

Instruction to Support Learning

What instructional -In order to optimize individual choice and autonomy, I will allow the students as a
strategies will class to decide what the prize shall be for the winner of the two teams in the fly
support student swatter activity. They can choose from +3 extra points added to a hw assignment or
learning through
a no homework pass.
-To foster collaboration and community, the students will be asked to share out with
Be sure to explain peers and participate in socratic seminars such as philosophical chairs to build a
your UDL Multiple sense of community in a welcoming environment.
Means of…
Representation -The philosophical chairs activity will allow learners to self-regulate in terms of
Engagement emotional reactions to the topic of toxic masculinity. They will also develop skills to
Expression learn how to engage in an environment with different opinions.

-The material presented to students can all be customized in order to meet all their
individual needs. Text can be enlarged in slides and closed captioning will be
provided for videos.

-Multiple media will be used to illustrate the family members' names. A song-video
will introduce them to this, followed by a personal family diagram by the teacher,
then a matching game all about the family members to ensure alternative forms are
available for learners of different styles.

-An advanced organizer, such as the thinking/concept map will be provided to the
learners to supply background knowledge on the concept of “machismo”.
-Listening to the music video about family: to fit the needs of a learner that thrives
off listening and the musically gifted learner, the family members names will be
introduced through song.

-Traditional quiz: for the learner that is the most successful recalling information.
Will be done on Kahoot to incorporate technology.

-Picture matching activity: to fit the needs of the learner that is visual.

-Nearpod Powerpoint with slides: for learners to see the text, images and charts.

-Worksheet activities: to fit the needs of the learner that needs something tangible.

-Reflection activity: to fit the needs of the learner that expresses their thoughts better
on paper to reflect and summarize what was learned.

-Sharing with the peer activity (Give one, get one): to fit the needs of the learner that
retains information better by presenting it or discussing it with someone else.
-Philosophical chairs activity- to fit the needs of the learner that needs to be physical
and have movement.

-Brain break activities: to fit the needs of special needs students who might need a
break in between lessons

-Final family tree activity: the creative freedom in the construction of this activity is
so that every different learner can choose a medium or multimedia that they can best
thrive in.

What resources, ● Projector to project videos that will be seen in class.

materials, and/or ● Speaker to display sounds from the videos.
educational ● Nearpod link for distance learning
technology will you ● Personal Family Tree diagram
or your students
● 2 flyswatters provided by the teacher for Fly Swatter Activity.
use during the
● Laser pointer instead of fly swatter if needed for students with special needs.
● Family member name/picture matching card game cards
● Thinking map worksheet
● Worksheet for the exit ticket 3-2-1
Differentiated English Learners: When speaking English in the classroom to explain assignment
Instruction/ expectations/instructions, I will repeat myself more than once. I will write down key
Accommodations: words on the board so that the learners have a visual of the word as well. I can also
What adaptations prepare and distribute instructions in English in advance. I will also give the students
extra time to turn in an activity or homework to decrease anxiety. Using many
including, as
gestures and facial expressions to communicate is important as well, this will be
appropriate, done when speaking both languages in the classroom by the teacher. Frequent breaks
assistive for all students will also benefit ELLs who are feeling overwhelmed.
technologies, will
support individual Special Needs: If student(s) have a disability they will use a laser pointer to
student learning participate in the fly swatter activity rather than holding a swatter. I will
needs beyond the accommodate special needs students by sitting them closer to the screen when
UDL supports built watching videos if sight is an issue. Closed captioning will be present for all videos,
into the lesson? in both English and Spanish. Physical accommodations can be made by
English Learners: pre-assigning seats to sit learners with special needs close to the teacher or away
from students who could potentially distract them or ask for their input in seating
Special Needs: arrangements via an intake information profile sheet. Big tasks in the lesson will be
broken up into smaller steps to not make the learner feel overwhelmed. Students can
Accelerated also record lessons or take pictures of the board if they have trouble remembering
Learners: things or writing them down. The thinking map worksheet can have more
information filled out than the other students. The reflection paragraph can be
worked in pairs to aid learners with special needs. The exit ticket can be modified to
where they just write down one thing they learned and one question they might still

Accelerated Learners: Higher level questions can be asked such as: How many
generations back can they extend their family tree? Non-immediate family member
names can be reviewed with them. The reflection page can be one more than one
page. A second article can be given to these learners to fill out more information on
their thinking map. These learners can be put on the hot seat during philosophical
Lesson Reflection
Teacher Reflection on I included 2 summative assessments just as an idea for what will be turned in at the end of
Lesson Planning the unit but will not be completed on this particular day/lesson plan. I will analyze how well
the checks for understanding went, reviewing the exit tickets will help with this as well.
In the future, this
reflection will be Questions I will reflect on:
evidenced by student ● What worked well? Why?
learning outcomes ● What didn’t work? Why?
(SLOs) ● What changes would you make if you taught this lesson again?
● Should we have included more formative assessments?
● Were there regular check-ins with the students for understanding?
● Were the modification and accommodations enough for all different kinds of

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