Wound and Inflammation

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Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College


1.Wound, classification, healing, management, complications (keloid and


2.Inflammation, sinus, fistula, ulcer, diabetic foot


Essay questions(10 marks)

S.No Questions(10 marks) Year

Classify wounds. Write in detail about wound 2019
1 healing and factors affecting wound healing. Jul
2 Wound healing- definition, stages, role of cytokines, management and 2014
complications. Jul

Short notes(5 marks)

S.No Questions (5 marks) Year

1 Marjolin’s ulcer 2020

2 Keloid 2019

3 Types of wound healing 2015


4 Wound healing by secondary intention 2014


5 Factors influencing wound healing 2013


6 Neuropathic ulcer 2012


7 Factors affecting wound healing 2011


8 Rodent ulcer 2012


Old regulation
2011-2012 questions

S.No Questions Mark Year

1 Keloid 5m 2012

2 Keloid scar 5m 2011


3 Rodent ulcer 5m 2011



S.No Question A B C D Year

1 All are characteristic 95% occur in Called BCC Lymph node Usually a 2012
features of rodent ulcer upper part of is the circular Jan
EXCEPT face commonest ulcer
route of
2 Which ulcer does not occur Syphilitic TB ulcer Malignant Marjolin’s do
in the tongue ulcer ulcer ulcer
3 Which malignancy is called Squamous Basal cell Adeno Adeno 2012
rodent ulcer? cell carcinoma carcinoma lymphoma Jul
4 Carcinoma which occurs in a Rodent ulcer Marjolin’s Gummatous Trophic do
scar is called as ulcer ulcer ulcer
5 Snail tract ulcers are present Secondary tuberculosis chancre Glossitis 2011
on the undersurface of the syphilis migrans Jan
tongue in
6 A blue green colouration of Pseudomonas tuberculosis staphylococci spirochaetes do
the ulcer denotes infection pyocyaneus
with a
7 Which is rodent ulcer Squamous Papillary Basal cell Follicular 2011
cell carcinoma carcinoma carcinoma Jul
8 Which ulcer is not a trophic Anaesthetic Neuropathic Ischaemic Venous do
ulcer ulcer ulcer ulcer ulcer


S.No Question A B C D Year

1 AII are features of Punched out Syphilitic in Wash Erythematous 2020

Gummatous ulcers edge nature leather base Dec
except slough
2 Painless ulcer of tongue dyspepsia syphilis tuberculosis none of the do
is due to above +2019
3 Delayed wound Healing Malignancy Hypertension Diabetes Infection 2020
is seen in all except Dec
4 A clean incised wound Primary Secondary Excessive None of the do
heals by intention intention scaring above
5 Chronic burrowing ulcer microaerophilic Pepto streptococci Streptococcus 2020
is caused by streptococci streptococci viridian pyogenes Jan
6 A punched out edge is a TB Rodent ulcer Syphilis Malignant 2019
characteristic of which ulcer Jul
type of ulcer
7 Wound healing is worst Sternum Anterior Eyelid Lips do
at neck
8 Wound healing by The clean There is loss The wound The wound is 2018
tertiary intention is incised wound of skin and is allowed to treated Jan
called when heals. deep heal by immediately
structures granulation by skin
which heal tissue and grafting
by then sutured
granulation. the
9 Neuropathic ulcer Atherosclerosis. Diabetes Varicose Malignancy. do
occurs in mellitus. vein. +2015
10 Edge of Rodent ulcer is Sloping Undermined Raised and Punched out. 2018
heaped up. Jan

11 Marjolin's ulcer from Rodent ulcer Chronic ulcer Diabetic Melanoma 2018
ulcer ulcer Jul
12 Decubitus ulcer due to Ischemia Venous stasis Lymphatic Nerve disease do
block +2017
13 Scar tissue is called as Granulation Keloid Callus All of the 2016
tissue above Jan
14 Golden period for the 4 hours 6 hours 12 hours 24 hours do
treatment of open
15 Marjolin's Ulcer is Squamous cell Adenoma of Tuberculosis Amoebic ulcer do
Carcinoma scar ulcer
from scar
16 Which of the following Cortisol Growth Thyroxine Adrenaline do
affects the wound Hormone
healing most
17 Which of the following Balanced diet Vitamin C Vitamin D Salt 2016
is most needed in Jul
healing of a surgical
18 The following are the Rare in white Not To get Common over 2015
characteristic feature of skinned people spreading in worsened the sternum Jan
true keloid EXCEPT to the even after a +2012
normal tissue year Jul
not affected
by the
19 Healing by first Clean incised Severely Degloving Wounds with 2014
intention occurs in and sutured lacerated wounds loss of skin Jan
wounds wounds
20 Marjolin’s ulcer is called The chronic The basal The ulcer is The ulcer is do
when scar turns into carcinoma pigmented caused by
squamous cell bleeds with black ischemia
carcinoma pigments
21 Cause of non healing of Specific Foreign body congenital Granular 2014
sinus areas follows infection tissue Jul
22 The best line of surgery radiotherapy Injection of Antihistamines do
management of keloid cortisone
23 Causes of non healing Neuropathy Angiopathy Increased Decreased 2013
ulcer in diabetic foot sugar level hemoglobin Jan
are as follows EXCEPT level
24 Function of fistula is Secretion Excretion Transmission Transforming do
of fluid

25 Least severe form of Concussion Contusion Laceration Herniation do
head injury is
26 Cytokines are Blood cells Endothelial Wound Wound do
cells hormones enzymes
27 Rubor,colour,dolor and Infection Inflammation Injury Irritation do
tumor together is
28 For healthy epithelium Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin D do
we need
29 All are true about keloid Grows beyond Excess More Whites are at 2013
EXCEPT wound margin collagen common in high risk Jul
deposition female
30 Following are required Zinc Copper Vitamin C Calcium do
for wound healing
31 The following is the Instep of foot Lower 1/3rd Lower 2/3rd Middle 1/3rd Do
commonest site for leg and ankle of leg of leg +2012
venous ulcer Jan
32 Persistence of fistula Presence of Tuberculous Presence of Obstruction of 2013
indicates the following foreign body infection Streptococci passage Jul
33 Cause of persistence of Foreign body Unresolved Malignancy All of the 2012
a sinus or fistula obstruction above Jan
34 Not indicated for Debridement Elevation of Head end of Low dose do
arterial leg ulcer limb bed is raised aspirin
35 Ulcer that develops in Marjolin’s Rodent Melanoma Curling 2011
burn scar is called as Jul
36 Commonest site of Inner canthus Outer Angle of Cheek do
rodent ulcer is canthus mouth
37 In squamous cell inverted Everted Rolled Undermined do
carcinoma the margin is
38 True about Marjolin’s Ulcer over scar Rapid growth Rodent ulcer Painful do
39 Which is the congenital Median mental Pilonidal Pre auricular Osteomyelitis 2018
sinus sinus sinus sinus with sinus Jan
40 Pilonidal sinus originate Near mouth In foot Near anal Near ear 2017
from region Jan
41 Marjolin’s ulcer from Rodent ulcer Chronic scar Diabetic Melanoma 2017
ulcer ulcer Jul



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