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School Organization Development Planning: An Approach Towards A successful

curriculum Implementation Administration and Supervision in the 21’st Century

By: Hannah A. Pendatun, MAEd-EM, 1st Year
Victorino M. Laviste, MAEd, EM 606- Professor

I. Chua Integrated School (Junior High School Department)

II. Introduction
II.1. Challenges/Problems in the School Management Observed
 School head is not fast in providing necessary documentation
for MOOE liquidation, causing our budget to be delayed every
 Teachers' needs aren't properly addressed.
 The principle lacks a detailed plan for all operations, resulting in
an undesirable output.
 She isn't goal-oriented, and she isn't motivated to generate a
high-quality outcome in all of her actions.
 No proper classroom
 Not prepared for the upcoming face to face classes
 No facilities
 The location of the school has sink-hole
 Undeveloped school premises
II.2. Team Building Leadership Knowledge and Skills
 Achievable Plans
 Goal-Oriented strategy
 Strategic approach to meet ends
 Proper designation of work

II.3. Team Building Leadership and Management skills
 Support System in every activities
 Planning ahead of the time
 Unifying Teachers
 Addressing conflict properly
 School Resource improvement

III. School Administration And Supervision Development Plan Goals And

3.1 Goals
 Produce highly competitive students.
 Child Friendly School
 Complete School Facilities and Equipment
3.2 Objectives
 Building a strong support system
 Teachers development
 Enhanced Teaching strategy
 Updated School Facility
IV. Plan Components and Methodology
4.1 Determine the School Curriculum and Development Needs
4.1.1 Teaching Knowledge, Teaching Skills, and Teacher’s Behaviors’
needs of teacher
 extensive pedagogical content knowledge
 enhanced problem solving strategies
 adaptation for diverse learners
 better decision making
 better perception of classroom events
 greater sensitivity to context
 Greater respect for students.

4.1.2. Learning and Competencies needs of learners in the different grade

 Forming individual identity and values
 Learning skills to be independent and productive
 Establishing emotional independence from parents
 Developing sexuality and gender-based social roles
 Building more mature relationships with peers
 Scientific Knowledge and Skills

4.1.3 Teaching and Learning support services needs of teachers and

learners in the curriculum
 Learning materials (Books) for Students
 ICT equipment
 Classroom materials

4.1.4. Teaching and Learning equipment and facilities and needs of

teachers and learners based on the curriculum
 Classroom building
 Library
 Computer laboratory
 Science laboratory

4.1.5 Teaching and Learning Monitoring and Learning and evaluation

needs of teachers and learners based on the competencies development
needs in the curriculum
 Promoting education to the students who have high absentism
 Making learning as fun as possible
 Systematize flow of communication
 Reaching out students in the far flung area
 Promote reading as one qualification in passing the academic
 Strengthening comprehension in the early three years of basic
education (grade 1-3)
 Promote Good Manners and right conduct in every grade level
4.2 Study and determine the components of Team Building Leadership
4.2.1 School Organization, Human Resources Skills Enhancement Need
 Continuous Professional Development
 Technologically equipped teachers
 Teaching strategy
 Strong intrapersonal skills
 Flexible

4.2.2. School Physical Resource Enhancement Needs

 Repair
 Landscaping
 Fence
 repaint

4.2.3. School Financial Resources Enhancement Needs

a. School Personnel Services Cost Needs ( Salaries; Honoraria;
Bonus/Christmas Gift; 13th Month Pay; and 14th month pay)
 Classroom beatification allowance
 Specific guidelines on special hazard/hardship pay

b. School Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Need
 On time liquidation
 Travelling expense must be given in time of travel not after
the travel
 Purchase of equipment must be higher than 15,000 limitation
 AIP and SOB must be discussed
 Purchase order and request must be made by the teachers
they are the ones who have knowledge on what to purchase
 School Technical working group should be form to work on the Liquidation
 Build strong partnership with the stakeholders
 Encourage NGO to visit the school
 Transparent financial statements
c. School Capital Outlay Enhancement Needs
 School Fence
 Landscaping
 School Canteen
4.3 Study and determine the School Human Resource Needs and Recruiting
and Staffing Plan
4.3.1 Human Resource Needs and Staffing Plan
4.3.2 Non-teaching Human Resource Needs and Staffing Plan
4.4 Study and determine School Administration and Supervision Needs
School School Plan’s Plan’s Plan’s Plan’s Implementing
Administr Supervision Objectiv budgetar budget expected Schedule of
ation Plan Plan e y sources Outcome Activities
requirem of Plans
Q Q2 Q3 Q4
I. School Administration and Supervision Planning of Human Resources
1.1 Human Conduct To Choose 2,500 PTA Selected Au
Resource school based among the (food, Budget competitive gu
Recruitmen teaching applicants materia on Teachers st
t and applicant who are ls Human
staffing interviews qualified for needed Resourc
and division for e
assessment ranking intervie
ws and

1.2 Non- Conduct To Choose 2,500 PTA Selected Au

Teaching school based among the (food, Budget competitive gu
Human Non-teaching applicants materia on Teachers st
Resource applicant who are ls Human
Recruitmen interviews qualified for needed Resourc
t and and non- for e
staffing assessment teaching intervie
position ws and

1.3 Promote To 5,000 MOOE Skilled and M Ju Se Nov

Teaching trainings for equipped (travelli highly ar ne pt emb
and Non Professional teaching ng competitive ch , e er
Teaching Development and non- expens teaching and Jul m
Personnel teaching es, non-teaching y be
Training personnel registra staff r
the skills tion per
and quarter
knowledge )
needed to
quality and
II. School Administration and Supervision Planning of Physical Resources
nt and
a. School Classroom To have a 15,000 MOOE Strong Ap
Buildin and other safe and building for ril
g school conducive conducive
building learning learning and
structures and teaching
Renovation teaching
t for
b. School Purchase To help 15,000 MOOE Technologic Ap
Equipm ICT students ally skilled ril
ent equipment and Teachers
(Smart TV, teachers and produce
Desktop for become technological
Students, competent ly advance
Printers) and students
users of
and they
can use
and skills 5,000 MOOE M
School Sport acquired to Win the ay
Equipment assist them differed
in school. sports
To compete
succeed in
c. School Build To enhance 5 MOOE, Produce M M Oc dec
Facilitie classrooms, students million DONAT competitive Ar ay to emb
s and learning AION, and advance ch be er
Laboratories by understa CENTR students r
nding the AL
theoretical GOVER
concepts of NMENT
science whi
ch are
taught in
III.School Building  To Provide 20,000 Donatio Having a M M Oc dec
Developm strong high-quality n strong Ar ay to emb
ent Plan relationship education support from ch be er
resource to the with the other r
generation stakeholders help of agancies
fund especially stakeholder
sourcing the NGO’s, s that can
LGU’s, link to
private student
companies achieveme
and others. nt to school

Raise fund
IV.Monitori Updated To have 15,000 MOOE Good M M Oc dec
ng and Transparenc access to Monitoring Ar ay to emb
Evaluation y board. the plans of and ch be er
of School the school evaluation r
ation and
n Plan

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