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Enquanto aluno do curso de Letras, aprendiz de língua inglesa e futuro professor desse

idioma, você foi convidado para fazer parte de um projeto que divulga informações sobre
saúde e bem-estar com uma linguagem simplificada. Esse grupo utiliza textos de
renomados veículos de imprensa, dentre eles, o The Times in Plain English. Apesar de os
textos desses sites já estarem transpostos a uma linguagem mais acessível, há, ainda,
muitas pessoas que estão iniciando seu processo de aprendizado em língua inglesa que
não conseguem compreender os textos ali apresentados. A função do projeto, portanto, é
tornar os textos ainda mais acessíveis a essa população com menos proficiência.
Você ficou responsável por deixar o texto a seguir mais acessível, simplificando-o:
Maskne Is the New Acne, Here Is What Is Causing It
Lisa Adams for The New York Times.
We should have known maskne was coming. What is maskne? It is a skin irritation caused
by wearing masks.
A professor said, “It is a real thing. My God, you can just feel things forming with the oil and
sweat swishing around.” She herself has gotten maskne from wearing her three layers of
Front-line workers are most at risk of maskne. The masks of these workers are tighter-
fitting. These workers are wearing their masks longer.
A doctor said, “Conversations about acne have hit a record high in my practice. That is
because masks can worsen skin issues that already exist or cause new ones. Add in the
summer heat and humidity and you have a petri dish for breakouts.”
How to Avoid Maskne? Read On
Consider the type of mask you wear.
You must decide between the weight of the mask material and the level of protection you
want. Dermatologists suggest 100 percent cotton as a good compromise. It allows skin to
breathe a bit.
As the temperature rises and you sweat more, you will need to keep the mask clean. An
expert said, “You need to treat it like underwear and wash it often. You do not want that oil
and sweat and dirt to sit there and then you put it back on your face.” Use micellar water or
a gentle cleanser to do a quick wash when you take it off.
Streamline your skin care routine
Many of us use too many beauty products. Consider mask wearing a good excuse to adopt
the most basic skin care routine. Use only a gentle non-soap cleanser and a mild,
fragrance-free moisturizer.
Use drugstore skin care brands such as Eucerin and CeraVe. A moisturizer does double duty
here. Besides moisturizing the skin, it can protect it from mask friction.
Break up with makeup (at least for the time being).
If you have put on makeup for a video call, consider taking it off when you go out. “This is
the time to tone it down,” a doctor said. For those who cannot break the habit, she
suggests a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen.
How to Treat Maskne If You Get It
“With maskne you have to be careful.”
A doctor recommends using an over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide treatment. Use it only
on the spots. Start with a 2.5 or 5 percent concentration of the treatment, not 10 percent.
Folks with black or brown skin may develop hyperpigmentation from the acne. A doctor
recommends a topical with glycolic acid. This can treat both the blemishes and the
darkening of the skin. But she cautions against long-term use of a skin lightening agent.
Rather, you should see a dermatologist.
Patients with hyperpigmentation should wear sunscreen even indoors. The blue light from
devices can make the problem worse.
Problems like a rash or itchy face may be dermatitis. Hydrocortisone cream can help. Dab
but do not slather on your skin. It is best to see a dermatologist.  
If your acne persists, you may want to look at two other potential causes of acne: stress and
Disponível em: <
what-is-causing-it/>. Acesso em 20 de set. 2020. Adaptado.
Para realizar a simplificação, você deverá considerar os seguintes critérios:
- O texto simplificado deverá configurar-se como um resumo do texto original. Assim
sendo, ele deverá ter de 150 a 200 palavras e deve responder aos seguintes
-What is maskne?
-What causes maskne?
-How to avoid maskne?
-Once you have maskne how can you treat
-Mantenha, em seu texto, o título do texto original.
-O texto poderá ser escrito em parágrafos (dois a três “parágrafos corridos”), ou, ainda,
apresentar-se por subtópicos (for example: definition, causes, prevention, treatment).
-As informações escolhidas para o texto simplificado não poderão ser diferentes daquelas
contidas no texto de partida. Isso significa que o texto final pode apresentar menos
informações e detalhes, mas as informações não poderão ser distorcidas.
-O texto final deverá contar com uma linguagem simples, porém, formal. Assim, deve-se
evitar as terminologias técnicas, dando-se preferência a termos mais corriqueiros. Da
mesma forma, deve-se evitar o uso de gírias, termos coloquiais e marcas excessivas de

What is maskne? - "Maskneis a combination of friction, sweat, and heat,

called acne mechanical," explains NYC-based dermatologist Dr. Dendy
Engelman, MD. "When you’re hot, your body naturally cools down by
releasing sweat through our pores — but if your pores are blocked by a
layer of fabric, now you have sweat and bacteria trapped in a pore with
nowhere to go." Cue breakouts. "Over time, this buildup of sweat and
bacteria will lead to pimples." Ahead, we consulted the pros for a
complete routine to help you deal.
What causes maskne?

What to know about maskne skin conditions

Generally, “maskne” is an umbrella term for several skin conditions

that can be caused by wearing a face mask or covering. It can include:

 Acne. Acne happens when your pores become clogged with oil,

dead skin cells, and dirt. It can cause pimples, whiteheads,
or blackheads.
 Rosacea. If you have rosacea, wearing a mask may cause flare-
ups. This can lead to pimples and redness.
 Contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis occurs when you’re
allergic or sensitive to the material of your mask. It can result in a
red rash, along with irritation and blisters.
 Folliculitis. Folliculitis, or an infection of your hair follicles,
causes bumps that look like an acne breakout. You might also
experience itchiness or pain.

If you already have one of these conditions, you may be more prone to
developing maskne.

What causes it?

Because maskne can involve various skin conditions, the exact cause
of your symptoms may vary.

In most cases, maskne is the result of clogged pores. You already

have oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells on your skin. But when you wear
a mask, these substances can build up more and block your pores.

A mask also traps humidity due to your breathing and sweating, which
may increase the risk of acne.
Another possible cause is friction. The material of a face covering can
rub against your skin, leading to chafing and irritation.

Or you may be sensitive or allergic to the material of your face

covering. Some masks are pretreated with chemicals or feel rough on
the skin. Similarly, wearing a mask that’s been washed in a scented
detergent may cause irritation.

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Aqui.,..seria como evitar esta doença

How to treat maskne

It’s essential to keep wearing a face mask, even if you have maskne.
Keeping your mouth and nose covered is one of the best ways to
protect yourself and those around you from COVID-19.

There are several ways to treat maskne symptoms. Let’s take a closer
look at each step.

Wash your face regularly

During the pandemic, continue following your regular skin care routine
to keep your skin healthy.

This includes washing your face:

 once in the morning

 once at night, before going to bed
 after sweating or wearing a mask
When washing your face, use lukewarm water. Pat your skin dry with a
clean towel. Avoid rubbing your skin as this may cause irritation.

Use a gentle cleanser

A gentle cleanser can help remove excess oil, sweat, and bacteria.
Avoid cleansers that contain alcohol or perfume. These ingredients can
cause irritation and make it harder for your symptoms to heal.

If your maskne is more severe, try a medicated cleanser with benzoyl

peroxide or salicylic acid.

If you have sensitive skin, ask your doctor or dermatologist about the
best type of medicated cleanser for your skin.

Use a noncomedogenic moisturizer

After washing your face, apply a moisturizer to keep your skin

hydrated. Use a noncomedogenic product, which likely won’t block
your pores.

Apply cortisone cream and moisturizer with


If your maskne mostly involves irritation and raw skin, you may want to
apply a mild cortisone cream to the area together with a moisturizer
that contains ceramides. This can help protect your skin and relieve
itching and irritation.

Take a break from makeup

Skip the makeup while you’re treating maskne. Beauty products such
as foundation, concealer, and blush can clog your pores and prolong

-Once you have maskne how can you treat it? Maskne
prevention tips
Since you’ll likely need to continue wearing a face mask in public for
the foreseeable future, it might help to follow these maskne prevention

Wash fabric masks after every use

Never reuse a cloth mask without first washing it. Use unscented
hypoallergenic laundry detergent, then let it dry completely.

Apply a topical antibiotic cream

It’s not uncommon for bacteria to build up under a mask, which can
lead to acne. To prevent this, dermatologists often recommend
applying a topical antibiotic cream or gel on your skin before putting on
your face mask.

Toss disposable masks after each use

After wearing a disposable mask, throw it away. Consider keeping

several face masks on hand in case you need a fresh one.

Remove your mask every 4 hours

The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends
removing your mask for 15 minutes every 4 hours. This will help give
your skin a break.

You should remove your face mask only when you can
practice physical distancing with people who aren’t in your household.
It’s also important to wash your hands before taking a mask break.

Apply moisturizer before wearing a mask

If your skin tends to be dry, a mask may cause irritation. Applying a

noncomedogenic moisturizer can help hydrate your skin. A moisturizer
can also serve as a barrier between your skin and the mask.

Choose the right mask

To avoid skin issues, be mindful of the type of mask you wear.

Try to wear a face mask that:

 fits snugly, but not too tight

 has two or more layers of fabric
 is made of natural, soft fabric (like cotton)

Avoid masks made of synthetic fabrics, such as nylon or rayon. These

materials can irritate the skin.

Wash your face after wearing a mask

Once you’re back at home, wash your face with a gentle cleanser.
Follow with a moisturizer to protect your skin. Washing your face is
especially important after sweating while wearing a mask.
The bottom line
Maskne, or mask acne, involves acne breakouts from wearing a face
mask. Symptoms may include chafing and irritation, along with pimple-
like bumps if you have rosacea or dermatitis.

Although maskne can be frustrating, it’s important to keep wearing face

coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Regular face-washing,
moisturizing, and wearing the right type of mask may help prevent skin

If your maskne is more severe, or if it still persists after trying these

recommendations, be sure to follow up with your dermatologist or
healthcare provider.


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