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How much teaching experience do you have with kids?

I have 4 months of teaching experience in

primary school and I have been an online ESL teacher to children for 1 year and 9 months. What
activities do you usually use in online kids for a kid? As an online ESL teacher, I always make sure that my
student will have a student-centered learning experience that's why I always preparing different
activities to make our lessons fun and fruitful. The activities that I usually use in an online class for kids
are singing, dancing, role-playing, lesson recap, lesson check, pronunciation drills, and games like
(guessing the card, board games, spell the word game, sort out, bubble match, what's missing letters or
pictures, spin and say drag and say, etc.).I also use creative rewards and virtual rewards as part of our
activity because I believe these will encourage students' output. This is also one of the best tools we
have as teachers, from motivating, keeping them engaged, and encourage good behavior. How do you
explain something to a small child who is a beginner learner of English? To explain something to a small
child who is a beginner learner of English, first, I explain it by keeping it short and simple. This is one of
the most important steps to teach English to beginner learners. Second, I use my Total Physical
Response or TPR, show realia, picture, and other teaching aids to explain it to them. Third, I let them
listen first. Fourth, I give them lots of time to practice. Fifth, the child's attention span is very short and
they are in the play stage that's why I always make my lessons fun by having a kiddified background and
attire, showing some stuffed toys or puppets that I can use if I explaining something. Sixth, I always use
positive reinforcement. Seventh, I always check their understanding using the CCQs and ICQs. Eight, I
gave feedback to the parents about the performance of their child. And lastly, I am always patient in
teaching. These are the ways that I believe it's effective if I'm explaining something to a child. Can you
please share a challenge you had to overcome in an online class? The challenge that I had based on my
experience is to deal with the student that is not motivated to study the English Language. Some
students are just forced by their parents to study. Some are already tired and pressured in their school
works. There are many reasons why the student are not motivated to study and it's challenging on my
part how to know it since it's an online class. As a teacher, my job is not only to teach but also to
motivate my student to participate in class to have good quality lessons. So what I did is, I'm explaining
to them the importance of learning the English language that it can help them if they are planning to
study and work abroad, if they are going to take an entrance exam in the University, if they are going to
travel abroad, etc. But some students' English vocabulary is limited so they wouldn't understand it, so
what I did is to give them creative rewards, praise them for showing their effort in class, and make my
lessons fun and engaging. These are my ways how I overcome this challenge while having an online

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