Modern Physics

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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 1 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topic covered : Photoelectric Effect, Matter Waves

1. The photoelectric current increases if:

(Assume that each change is made while keeping all other parameters constant)
(A) the intensity of incident light is increased
(B) the frequency of incident light is increased
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Light of frequency 8  10 15
2. Hz is incident on a substance of photoelectric work function 6 eV. The
maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons is :
(A) 27 eV (B) 22 eV (C) 17 eV (D) 37 eV

3. For the photoelectric effect, the maximum kinetic ( E K ) of the emitted

photoelectrons is plotted against the frequency  of the incident photons as
shown in the figure. The slope of the curve gives :
(A) Planck’s constant (B) charge of the electron
(C) Work function of the metal
(D) Ratio of planck’s constant to electronic charge

4. A proton has kinetic energy E = 100 keV which is equal to that of a photon. The wavelength of photon is
1 and that of proton is 2 . The ratio of 1 / 2 is proportional to :

(A) E2 (B) E1/ 2 (C) E 1 (D) E 1/ 2

5. According to photon theory of light, which of the following physical quantities, associated with a photon,
do not/ does not change as it collides with an electron in vacuum :
(A) Speed and momentum (B) Speed only
(C) Energy only (D) Energy and momentum

6. When intensity of radiation (with frequency > threshold frequency of photosensitive metal) is increased on
a photosensitive plate, then :
(A) The kinetic energy of photoelectrons increases
(B) The number of photoelectrons increases
(C) Both number and kinetic energy of photoelectrons increases
(D) There is no effect

7. Rate of photoelectric emission is proportional to :

(A) Frequency of incident radiations
(B) Intensity of incident radiations
(C) Square of intensity of incident radiations
(D) Square of frequency of incident radiations

DTS - 1 84 Level - 1 | Modern Physics

8. Photons of 5.5 eV energy fall on the surface of the metal emitting photoelectrons of maximum kinetic
energy 4.0 eV. The stopping voltage required for these electrons is :
(A) 4.0 V (B) 5.5 V (C) 1.5 V (D) 9.5 V

9. A radio transmitter radiates 1 kW power at a wavelength of 198.6 m. How many photons does it nearly
emit per second?
(A) 1010 (B) 1020 (C) 1030 (D) 1040

10. According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation, the graph between the kinetic energy of photoelectrons
ejected and the frequency of incident radiation is :

(A) (B) (C) (D)

11. The de-Broglie wavelength of an electron having 80 eV of energy is nearly

[Given: 1 eV = 1.6  10 19 J , mass of electrons  9  10 31kg and Planck’s Constant  6.6  1034 J sec ]
(A) 1.4 Å (B) 14 Å (C) 0.14 Å (D) 140 Å

12. The de-Broglie wavelength of a proton with kinetic energy K is  . Then, the de-Broglie wavelength of an
alpha particle with kinetic energy K is;
 
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) (D)
2 2

13. An electron of mass ‘m’ and charge ‘e’, initially at rest gets accelerated by a constant electric field E. The
rate of change of de-Broglie wavelength of this electron at time t is:
h eht mh h
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 E 2 eE
eEt eEt

14. Radiation with photons of energy twice and five times the work function of a metal are incident
successively on the metal surface. The ratio of the maximum velocity of photoelectrons emitted in the two
cases will be :
(A) 1:2 (B) 2 :1 (C) 1: 4 (D) 4 :1

15. In a photoelectric experiment, the work function of the metal is 0 , and the cut-off potential is found to
be V. Then, the wavelength of the light used in the experiment is:
hc hc  1 1   1 1 
(A) (B) (C) hc    (D) hc   
0  eV 0  eV    
 0 eV   0 eV 

DTS - 1 85 Level - 1 | Modern Physics

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 2 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topic covered : Radiation Force & Pressure, Atom

16. In case of complete absorption at normal incidence of a parallel beam of light of intensity I, the radiation
pressure on the absorbing object is :
(A) I /c (B) Ic (C) c /I (D) zero

17. A light beam of intensity 10 W/m 2 falls normally on the entire surface of a perfectly reflecting mirror of

surface area 600 cm 2 . The force experienced by the mirror is:

(A) 2  10 9 N (B) 4  10 9 N (C) 2  10 11 N (D) 4  10 11 N

18. The ratio of the maximum wavelength of the Lyman series in hydrogen spectrum to the maximum
wavelength in the paschen series is :
3 6 52 7
(A) (B) (C) (D)
105 15 7 108
19. In hydrogen and hydrogen like atoms the ratio of difference of energies E 4n  E2n and E 2n  En varies
with atomic number Z and principal quantum number n as :
Z2 Z4 Z
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
n2 n4 n

20. The angular velocity of an electron in the nth Bohr orbit in a Hydrogen atom is proportional to:
1 1
(A) n (B) (C) (D) n3
n n3

21. An electron in a Hydrogen atom transitions from the 4th excited state to the ground state, emitting a
photon of energy E. If the kinetic energy of the electron in the ground state is K, then the correct relation
24 48 15 15
(A) E  K (B) E  K (C) E  K (D) E  K
25 25 16 8
22. Magnetic moment due to the motion of the electron in nth energy state of hydrogen atom is proportional
to :
(A) n (B) n0 (C) n5 (D) n3

23. If an orbital electron of the hydrogen atom jumps from the ground state to a higher energy state, its
orbital speed reduces to half its initial value. If the radius of the electron orbit in the ground state is r,
then the radius of the new orbit would be :
(A) 2r (B) 4r (C) 8r (D) 16r

24. If a hydrogen atom at rest, emits a photon of wavelength , the recoil speed of the atom of mass m is
given by :
h mh h
(A) (B) (C) mh  (D)
m  m

DTS - 2 86 Level - 1 | Modern Physics

25. Ionization potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Hydrogen atoms in the ground state are excited by
monochromatic radiation of photon energy 12.1 eV. According to Bohr’s theory, the spectral lines emitted
by hydrogen will be.
(A) one (B) two (C) three (D) four

26. A gas of monoatomic hydrogen is bombarded with a stream of electrons that have been accelerated from
rest through a potential difference of 12.75 volt. In the emission spectrum one can observe lines of
(A) Lyman series (B) Balmer series (C) Paschen series (D) All of these

27. In the Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom, the ratio of the kinetic energy to the total energy of the electron in
nth quantum state is :
(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 2

28. The first line in Lyman series has wavelength  . The wavelength of the first line in Balmer series is :
2 9 5 27
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
9 2 27 5

29. A beam of electron passes undeflected through mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields. If
the electric field is switched off, and the same magnetic field as maintained, the electrons move.
(A) in a circular orbit (B) along a parabolic path
(C) along a straight line (D) in an elliptical orbit

30. Electrons in a certain energy level n = n1, can emit 3 spectral lines. When they are in another energy
level, n = n2. They can emit 6 spectral lines. The orbital speed of the electrons in the two orbits are in the
(A) 4:3 (B) 3:4 (C) 2 :1 (D) 1:2

DTS - 2 87 Level - 1 | Modern Physics

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 3 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topic covered : Atom, X-Rays

31. The shortest wavelength in Lyman series is 91.2 nm. The largest wavelength of the series is :
(A) 121.6 nm (B) 182.4 nm (C) 243.4 nm (D) 364.8 nm

32. The first line of the Balmer’s series of the hydrogen has a wavelength  , the wavelength of second line of
it is :
27 20  27
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
20 27 20 

33. The potential difference applied to an X-ray tube is 5 KV and the current thought it is 3.2 mA the number
of electrons striking the target per second is
(A) 5  1016 (B) 1  1017 (C) 2  1016 (D) 4  1015

34. What is the difference between soft and hard X-rays?

(A) velocity (B) intensity (C) frequency (D) polarization

35. The energy levels of the hydrogen spectrum is shown in figure. There are some transitions A, B, C, D and
E. Transitions A,B and C respectively represent :

(A) First line of Lyman series, third spectral line of Balmer series and the second spectral line of
Paschen series
(B) Ionization potential of hydrogen, second spectral line of Balmer series and third spectral line of
Paschen series
(C) Series limit of Lyman series, third spectral line of Balmer series and second spectral line of
Paschen series
(D) Series limit of Lyman series, second spectral line of Balmer series and third spectral line of
Paschen series

36. When an electron in the hydrogen atom in ground state absorbs a photon of energy 12.1eV, its angular
momentum :
(A) decreases by 2.11  10 34 J  s (B) decreases by 1.055  10 34 J  s
(C) increases by 2.11  10 34 J  s (D) increases by 1.055  10 34 J  s

DTS - 3 88 Level - 1 |Modern Physics

37. K a and K  X-rays are emitted when there is a transition of electron between the levels :

(A) n = 2 to n = 1 and n = 3 to n = 1 respectively

(B) n = 2 to n = 1 and n = 3 to n = 2 respectively
(C) n = 3 to n = 2 and n = 4 to n = 2 respectively
(D) n = 3 to n = 2 and n = 4 to n = 3 respectively

38. Electrons with energy 80 keV are incident on the tungsten target of an X-ray tube. The K-shell electrons
of tungsten have –72.5 keV energy. The X-rays emitted by the tube contain only :
(A) characteristic X-ray spectrum of tungsten
(B) a continuous X-ray spectrum with all wavelength
(C) a continuous X-ray spectrum with a minimum wavelength of 0.155 Å
(D) a continuous X-ray spectrum with a minimum wavelength of 0.155 Å and the characteristic X-
ray spectrum of tungsten

39. The minimum wavelength of X-rays emitted by X-ray tube is 0.4125 Å . The accelerating voltage is :
(A) 30 kV (B) 50 kV (C) 80 kV (D) 60 kV

40. K  wavelength emitted by an atom of atomic number Z 11 is  . The atomic number for an atom that

emits K  radiation with wavelength 4 is: [For K  line, b = 1]

(A) Z=6 (B) Z=4 (C) Z =11 (D) Z = 44

41. Electrons with de-Broglie wavelength  fall on the target in an X-ray tube. The cut-off wavelength of the
emitted X-rays is:
2mc 2 2h 2m 2c 23
(A) 0  (B) 0  (C) 0  (D) 0  
h mc h2

42. Wavelength of K  X  ray of an element A is 1 and wavelength of K  X-ray of an element B is 2 is
equal to 1/4 and Z1 and Z 2 are the atomic numbers of element A and B respectively. The relation
between Z1 and Z 2 are given by ;
Z2 Z1
(A) 2 Z 2  Z1 1 (B) Z 2  2 Z 2 1 (C) 4 (D) 4
Z1 Z2

43. In an Coolidge tube, the potential difference is increased from 12.4 kV to 24.8 kV, the difference between
the wavelengths of K  - line and minimum wavelength is doubled. The wavelength of the K  line is:

(A) 1Å (B) 0.5 Å (C) 1.5 Å (D) 1.25 Å

44. If the atom 100 Fm 257 follows the Bohr model and its radius is x times the Bohr radius then x is :
(A) 100 (B) 200 (C) 4 (D) 1/4

45. Magnetic field at the centre (at nucleus) of the hydrogen like atoms (atoms number = Z ) due to the
motion of electron in nth orbit is proportional to :
n3 n4 Z2 Z3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Z5 Z n3 n5

DTS - 3 89 Level - 1 | Modern Physics

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 4 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topic covered : Nuclei

46. The binding energy of an electron in the ground state of He is equal to 24.6 eV . The energy required to
remove both the electrons is :
(A) 24.6 eV (B) 49.2 eV (C) 79 eV (D) 38.2 eV

47. When a  particle is emitted from a nucleus, the neutron-proton ratio :

(A) is decreased (B) is increased
(C) remains the same (D) may increase or decrease

48. The binding energies of nuclei X and Y are E1 and E 2 respectively. Two atoms of X fuse to give one atom
of Y and an energy Q is released. Then :
(A) Q  2E1  E 2 (B) Q  E 2  2E1 (C) Q  E2  E1 (D) None of these

49. The energy released in the fission of 1 kg of 92U 235 is : (energy per fission = 200 MeV)

(A) (5.1  10 26 eV ) (B) (5.1  1026 J ) (C) 8.2  1013 J (D) 8.2  1013 MeV

50. On bombarding U235 by a slow neutron, 200 MeV of energy is released. If the power output of atomic
reactor is 1.6 MW, then the rate of fission will be.
(A) 8 × 1016/s (B) 20 × 1016/s (C) 5 × 1022/s (D) 5 × 1016/s

51. Calculate power output of 235

92 U reactor, if it takes 30 days to use up 2 kg of fuel, and if each fission
gives 185 MeV of useable energy. Avogadro’s number = 6 × 1023/mol?
(A) 56.3 MW (B) 60.3 MW (C) 58.3 MW (D) 54.3 MW

52. The binding energy of deuteron is 2.2 MeV and that of 2 He is 28 MeV. If two deuterons are fused to form
one 2 He then the energy released is :

(A) 30.2 MeV (B) 25.8 MeV (C) 23.6 MeV (D) 19.2 MeV

53. Mass of the nucleons together in a heavy nucleus is :

(A) greater than mass of nucleus (B) equal to mass of nucleus
(C) less than mass of nucleus (D) any of these

54. The nuclei of which one of the following pairs of nuclei are isotones?
(A) 34 Se , 31Ga 71 (B) 38 Sr
, 38Sr 86 (C) 42 Mo
, 40 Zr 92 (D) 20 Ca
, 16S 32

55. A nucleus with mass number 220 initially at rest emits an   particle . If the Q-value of the reaction is
5.5. MeV, calculate the kinetic energy of the - particle ?
(A) 4.4 MeV (B) 5.4 MeV (C) 5.6 MeV (D) 6.5 MeV

DTS - 4 90 Level - 1 | Modern Physics

56. The binding energy per nucleon of deuteron (1H2) and helium nucleus ( 2 He 4 ) is 1.1 MeV and 7 MeV

respectively. If two deuteron nuclei react to form a single helium nucleus, the energy released is :
(A) 13.9 MeV (B) 26.9 MeV (C) 23.6 MeV (D) 19.2 MeV

57. If a star can convert all the He nuclei completely into oxygen nuclei then the energy released per oxygen
nuclei is: [Mass of He nucleus is 4.0026 amu and mass of Oxygen nucleus is 15.9994 amu]
(A) 7.6 MeV (B) 56.12 MeV (C) 10.24 MeV (D) 23.9 MeV

58. A nucleus with mass number 220 initially at rest emits an   particle . If the Q-value of the reaction is
5.5. MeV, calculate the kinetic energy of the   particle .
(A) 4.4 MeV (B) 5.4 MeV (C) 5.6 MeV (D) 6.5 MeV

59. Positron is the antiparticle of an electron. It has the same mass as an electron but the opposite charge.
An electron and a positron moving towards each other with equal and opposite velocities.
(A) can annihilate into one photon conserving both energy and momentum
(B) cannot annihilate into one photon because energy cannot be conserved
(C) cannot annihilate into one photon because momentum cannot be conserved
(D) cannot annihilate into one photon because charge cannot be conserved

60. Two radioactive elements A and B undergo alpha and beta decay respectively. The ratio of the
disintegration constants of A and B is x : 1 . If the rate of production of alpha and beta particles from a
sample of a mixture of elements A and B is equal, the ratio of the number of nuclei of A to the number of
nuclei of B at this instant is:
1 e
(A) x (B) ex (C) (D)
x x

DTS - 4 91 Level - 1 | Modern Physics

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 5 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level – 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topic covered : Radioactive Decay

61. A radioactive material decays by simultaneous emission of two particles with respective half-live, 1620
and 810 years. The time, in years, after which one-fourth of the material remains is :
(A) 1080 (B) 2430 (C) 3240 (D) 4860

62. A radioactive sample consists of two distinct species having equal number of atoms initially. The mean
life time of one species is  and that of the other is 5 . The decay products in both cases are stable. A
plot is made of the total number of radioactive nuclei (N) as a function of time (t). Which of the following
figure best represents the form of this plot?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

63. Three fourth of the active material decays in a radioactive sample in 3/4 sec. The half life of the sample
(A) 1/2 sec (B) 1 sec (C) 3/8 sec (D) 3/4 sec

64. During mean life of a radioactive element, the fraction that disintegrates is :
(A) e (B) 1/e (C) (e  1)/ e (D) e /(e  1)

65. In radioactive element,  rays are emitted from :

(A) Nucleus (B) Outer orbit (C) Inner orbit (D) None of these

66. A radioactive substance decays to 1/16th of its initial activity in 40 days. The half – life of the radioactive
substance expressed in days is :
(A) 2.5 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 20

67. A sample of radioactive element has a mass of 10 gram at an instant t = 0. The approximate mass of this
element in the sample after two mean lives is :
(A) 2.50 gram (B) 3.70 gram (C) 6.30 gram (D) 1.35 gram

68. The half life of radium is about 1600 year. Of 100 gram of radium existing now, 25 g, will remain
unchanged after
(A) 4800 year (B) 6400 year (C) 2400 year (D) 3200 year

69. The graph of ln  R / R0  versus ln A (where R = radius of nucleus and A = its mass number) is :

(A) a straight line (B) a parabola (C) an ellipse (D) a circle

DTS - 5 92 Level - 1 | Modern Physics

70. The activity of a sample reduces from A0 to in one hour. The activity after 3 more hours will be :
A0 A0 A0 A0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 3 9 9 3 27

71. There are two radioactive substances A and B. Decay constant of B is two times that of A. initially both
have equal number of nuclei. After n half lives of A, rate of disintegration of both are equal. The value of n
is :
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) All of these

72. If 92 u 238 changes to 85 At 210 by a series of  and  decays, the number of  and  decays
undergone is :
(A) 7 and 5 (B) 7 and 7 (C) 5 and 7 (D) 7 and 9

73. In a sample of a radioactive substance what fraction of the initial number of nuclei will remain
undecayed after a time t  , where T = half- life of radioactive substance.
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 4 2 1

74. The activity of a radioactive substance is R1 at time t1 and R 2 at time t 2   t1  . Its decay constant is  .

Then :

R 2  R1e  1 2 
 t t
(A) R1t1  R2t 2 (B)
R1  R2
R 2  R1e  2 1 
 t t
(C)  constant (D)
t 2  t1

75. N1 atoms of a radioactive element emit N 2 beta particles per second. The decay constant of the element

is (in s 1 ) :
N1 N2
(A) (B) (C) N1 ln  2  (D) N 2 ln  2 
N2 N1

DTS - 5 93 Level - 1 | Modern Physics

Modern Physics Level - 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45


46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75


76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

0.86 0.25 5.31 2.2 4.96 1 41 13.33 70.56 12.09 340 13 208.33 83 10

Answer Key 90 Modern Physics

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