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United Nations General Assembly [Plenary]

Agenda Addressing the Situation of Organized Crime in Middle East and
North African Region with the special emphasis on the Resurging Terror Nexus.

Minimum Delegates : 6

NOTE: Allotments must be done with respect to priority order.

Sr. No. Portfolio Priority Order

1 China A

2 Egypt

3 Iran

4 Nigeria

5 Russian Federation

6 Saudi Arabia

7 Syria

8 United States of America

9 Afghanistan B

10 Chad

11 Ethopia

12 France

13 Germany

14 India

15 Iraq

16 Israel

17 Lebanon

18 Pakistan

19 South Africa

20 Turkey

21 United Kingdom

22 Yemen
Sr. No. Portfolio Priority Order

23 Algeria  C

24 Australia 

25 Canada

26 Finland

27 Jordan

28 Niger

29 Palestine (O)

30 South Sudan

31 Sudan

32 Belgium D

33 Brazil

34 Bulgaria

35 Denmark

36 Japan

37 Kenya

38 Libya

39 New Zealand

40 Norway

41 Portugal

42 Qatar

43 Rwanda

44 Spain

45 Sweden

46 Switzerland

47 United Arab Emirates

48 Austria 

49 Eritrea

50 Mexico

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