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NET-107 Computer & Network Hardware Lab

Instructions ____/ 25 pts

XP Virtual Machine
Objectives: For this lab, a type 2 hypervisor will be downloaded and installed. In addition, an
ISO file to create a virtual machine will also be explored.

Some students find it easier to follow instructions with a printed copy of lab instructions. If a
printed copy is desired, DOWNLOAD this document, OPEN in Edge, then PRINT ON BOTH
SIDES of the paper.
 Necessary components for this lab:
□ Workstation PC (under the desk) □ Windows XP installation CD

IMPORTANT NOTE: This lab is NOT a group lab. It is to be performed individually. If you have
questions or need assistance, please ask the instructor.

Part I: Creating a VM

1. Power on the workstation PC and log in to Windows as an administrator.

2. Insert the Windows XP CD into the classroom PC optical drive.

NOTE: If VirtualBox is already installed, skip the next two steps.

3. Open a web browser and perform a search for VirtualBox by Oracle.

4. Navigate to the download page > Download & install the latest version of VirtualBox (Hint:
“host” is the PC in use).

5. Open VirtualBox and select New.

6. The Create Virtual Machine window will open. Click the Expert Mode button (Because we are!)

7. Enter the following information:

a. Name: XP
b. Machine Folder: Leave as default
c. Type: Microsoft Windows
d. Version: Windows XP 32-bit
e. Memory size: 2 GB (2048 MB)
f. Hard disk: choose Create a virtual hard disk now - then click Create.

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NET-107 Computer & Network Hardware Lab


a. Close VirtualBox without saving
b. Reboot
c. Enter BIOS
d. Enable Virtualization
e. Save & Exit (and return to step 5)

8. The Create Virtual Hard Disk window will open. Enter the following information:
a. File Location: Default (chosen in an earlier step)
b. File size: 10.00 GB
c. Hard disk file type: VDI
d. Storage on physical hard disk: Dynamically allocated (this means that the virtual
HDD created for the VM to install to, is dynamic – it will expand as the VM expands!)

9. Click Create. XP – Powered Off will appear in the left pane of the VirtualBox window.

10. Click the Settings icon and select Storage.

11. Under the Controller: IDE click the CD icon labeled Empty.

12. Under Attributes, view the Optical Drive. It is listed as IDE Secondary Master. Click the CD
icon to select an available ODD.

13. Select Host Drive ‘E:’ from the drop-down. (drive letter may vary), then click OK

14. Ask the instructor to VERIFY the XP VM settings and initial here: ______

Part II: Installing a VM OS

15. The Windows XP Virtual Machine is now ready for OS installation. Select the Start arrow
and wait for the Windows XP CD to load.

16. There will be a Preview window showing Windows XP installing. Click the green arrow that
is labeled as Show.

17. Read the notes at the top of the VirtualBox screen with information about Auto Capture
Keyboard and mouse pointer integration and click the x to close them both in order to
maximize the view of the VM environment.

18. Maximize VirtualBox in order to see all available options during the installation process. If
the usable viewing screen does not immediately increase, it will eventually.

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NET-107 Computer & Network Hardware Lab

19. Windows XP installation instructions are at the bottom of the screen. The first input will
require pressing Enter, then F8=I agree

20. The next screen will show what Windows XP believes to be the HDD, however this is the
virtual disk image created in an earlier step. Press Enter to install.

21. Choose Format the partition using the NTFS file system (Quick). If the correct option is not
chosen, this installation will take a very long time.

22. On the Windows XP Setup screen, click Next, then type in a Name and Organization (make
one up).

23. The next screen will ask for a Product Key.

NOTE: For any Microsoft Windows Virtual Machine, the same rules apply as if it were a
physical machine – Windows requires a valid license.

24. Since this is a lab environment, and use of the XP VM will be limited, click Next to skip this
step. Microsoft allows a 30-day trial period without Product Key activation.

25. The pop-up Error box is making sure that the user knows the rules behind skipping Product
Key activation. Click No.

26. Enter XP-VM for the computer’s name, enter the correct information for Date & Time and
Time Zone, and then click Next.

27. Make sure Typical Settings is selected, then press Next.

28. When the Welcome to Microsoft Windows screen appears, click Next.

29. When the Help protect your PC screen appears, select Not right now and click Next.

NOTE: This is a lab environment, therefore updates are not necessary. In a real-world
scenario, Windows and software updates should never be ignored – even in a VM.
30. When the Internet connection question screen appears, select Yes, then click Next.

31. When the Ready to activate Windows screen appears, select No, then click Next.

32. Type in a user name, then click Next.

33. Click Finish on the next screen and the Windows XP desktop will appear. A Windows XP
virtual machine has been created – this is the guest OS which is running on top of the host

34. Ask the instructor to VERIFY that XP is loaded in VirtualBox and initial here:_____

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NET-107 Computer & Network Hardware Lab

Part III: Exploring a VM

35. Right-click the XP desktop, then select New->Text Document. Leave the default name and
press Enter.

36. Right-click the file just created and select Copy.

37. Right-click the desktop of the host OS. Is Paste an option?

38. Back inside the XP VM, click the Start menu, then select My Computer. Does the VM
recognize the XP installation CD?

39. Click the Start menu, then right-click My Computer and select Properties.

40. The System Properties window will open. Notice the information and answer the following
a. Does the XP VM recognize the same actual CPU that the host OS recognizes?
b. Does the XP VM recognize the same amount of RAM that the host OS recognizes?

41. Click the Start menu, then right-click My Computer and select Manage.

42. The Computer Management window will open. Notice the information and answer the
following questions:
a. Select Device Manager. Are there any missing drivers?
b. Select Disk Management. What is the size of the C: drive?

43. Close the XP VM window and select Save the machine state. Do NOT remove/delete this

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NET-107 Computer & Network Hardware Lab

44. Study the virtualization depiction above, and answer the following questions:
a. List the host OS for the workstation PC:
b. List the guest OS for the workstation PC:

45. Eject the Windows XP disc and return any lab components/tools to the location indicated by
the instructor.

46. This lab is complete. Submit the answers to the instructor.

Networking Technology @ OTC 5 We Build the Network

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