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110 學年度第 1 學期企業管理概論題庫-學生版

1.【期中會考】,佔學期成績 25%。
2.會考日期:110 年 11 月 17 日(三)1:40-3:00,教室會另行公告。
問答題:從 12 題問答題中,依各管理功能隨機抽取 1 題為考題,共計 4 題占 40%;
選擇題:各管理功能 10 題選擇練習題隨機抽取 2 題加固定考題 3 題,共計英文選擇題 20
題占 60%。

Q1. 請解釋什麼是規劃的本質與目的。 (Please explain what is the definition and purposes of
Q2. 何謂公司總體策略?公司總體策略有幾種?(What is the corporate strategy?How many
difference types of corporate strategies?)
Q3. 請說明解釋下列三種 Porter’s 提出的競爭策略: 成本領導策略、差異化策略、集中策
略。(Discuss Porter’s cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy, and focus strategy.)

Q1. 請解釋集權與分權。 (Plea se explain centralization and decentralization.)
Q2. 何謂部門化? 部門化分為那些類型? 請加以舉例解說. (What Is Departmentalization?
How many forms of departmentalization? Please describe it.)
Q3. 組織設計的主要考慮因素有哪些? 請列出至少 3 個設計組織時應考慮的因素,並且說
明其意涵。(What are the key elements in organizational design? Please list at least three
elements in designing organizational structure and describe what they are.)

Q1. 由 Hersey 與 Blanchard 所提出的情境領導理論,強調追隨者準備度對領導有效性的影
響。請說明該理論提出的四種領導類型。(The Situational Leadership Theory (SLT)
proposed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard emphasizes the influence of followers’
readiness on leadership effectiveness. Please describe the four specific leadership styles in
the SLT.)
Q2. 何謂需求層級理論? 又管理者可如何應用此理論來領導其部屬?(What is Hierarchy of
Needs Theory? How can managers utilize the theory to lead their employees?)
Q3. 請解釋何謂交易型領導者(transactional leader)與轉換型領導者(transformational leader)及
其差異。(What are “transactional leader” and “transformational leader”? How are they

Q1. 說明何謂控制(What is control),以及控制的程序為何? (and the control process)
Q2. 依控制進行時,可分幾種類型?請簡述其特性。(What are the types of control when it
takes place?Pease describe them in details.)
Q3. 請舉出控制裡的四種資訊來源並比較其優缺。(Please list four kinds of sources of
information for controlling and compare their pros and cons.)
選擇題練習題規劃、組織、領導、控制各 10 題

1. In formal planning, ________.

(A) specific goals covering a period of years are defined
(B) to maximize flexibility, specific goals are never spelled out
(C) very broad general goals are developed
(D) goals may be written or unwritten
2. Which of the following is a frequently cited criticism of formal planning?
(A) Plans lock organizations into rigid goals and timetables.
(B) Plans take too long to create.
(C) Plans create resentment within different levels of the organization.
(D) Formal planning works well only for smaller companies.
3. Studies of performance in organizations that plan have reached ________ with respect to the
benefits of formal planning.
(A) somewhat negative conclusions
(B) no conclusion
(C) extremely negative conclusions
(D) generally positive conclusions
4. The first step in the six-step strategic management process is to ________.
(A) analyze the organization's strengths and weaknesses
(B) identify the organization's mission
(C) identify feasible strategies
(D) analyze the opportunities the organization has
5. Which term refers to an organization's capital, workers, and patents?
(A) resources
(B) capabilities
(C) abilities
(D) core competencies
6. SWOT analysis identifies and analyzes an organization's ________.
(A) strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
(B) strategy for competing in the market
(C) human resource assets
(D) long-term goals
7. Growth strategies include ________.
(A) diversification, concentration, integration, stabilization
(B) vertical integration, horizontal integration, concentration, diversification
(C) vertical integration, horizontal integration, lateral integration, horizontal concentration
(D) integration, renewal, horizontal diversification, vertical diversification
8. A sneaker company creating its own stores where it sells only its own brand is an example of
which of the following?
(A) forward vertical integration
(B) backward horizontal integration
(C) forward horizontal integration
(D) reverse vertical integration
9. The thing that makes your product special is known as your ________.
(A) assets
(B) destruction device
(C) competitive advantage
(D) core device
10. This term describes an electric shaver company that carefully observes its competitor's
production line to look for ways to improve its own manufacturing process.
(A) trademarking
(B) benchmarking
(C) quality engineering
(D) reverse marketing
11. An organization is .
(A) the physical location where people work
(B) any collection of people who perform similar tasks
(C) a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose
(D) a group of individuals focused on profit-making for their shareholders
12. All organizations have that define(s) the organization's purpose and reason for existing.
(A) limits
(B) rules
(C) structure
(D) goals
13. One of the common characteristics of all organizations is that define(s) rules, regulations,
and values of the organization.
(A) a set of written bylaws
(B) an explicit goal
(C) a systematic structure
(D) a stated purpose
14. A fraternity is an example of an organization because it is comprised of people who .
(A) share the same values, traditions, and customs
(B) share the same goals and values
(C) share goals and function within a common structure
(D) function under the same set of rules and regulations
15. Which of the following is a key difference between managerial and nonmanagerial
(A) Managerial employees receive higher pay compensation.
(B) Nonmanagerial employees have less formal education.
(C) Nonmanagerial employees do not oversee the work of others.
(D) Managerial employees work longer hours.
16. The primary job of a manager is to .
(A) make decisions that help an organization grow
(B) tackle tasks that are too difficult for nonmanagerial employees
(C) coordinate between organization leaders and ordinary employees
(D) direct and oversee the work of others
17. . The work of a manager .
(A) is strictly limited to overseeing and monitoring the work of others
(B) may involve performing tasks that are not related to overseeing others
(C) involves only high-level tasks that require a sophisticated skill set
(D) does not involve interaction with nonmanagerial employees
18. Supervisor is another name for which of the following?
(A) team leader
(B) middle manager
(C) first-line manager
(D) top manager
19. Which of the following types of managers is responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization?
(A) team leader
(B) top manager
(C) department head
(D) project leader
20. Of the following, which is NOT thought to be an advantage of teams within an organization?
(A) increased organizational coherence
(B) employee job satisfaction
(C) more innovation
(D) new products developed faster at lower costs
21. Early leadership trait research looked to find characteristics that might ________.
(A) distinguish ordinary leaders from great leaders
(B) define charisma
(C) identify the physical traits of leaders
(D) differentiate leaders from non-leaders
22. In the Ohio State studies, ________ refers to how strict a leader's standards are.
(A) independent dimensions
(B) comprehensive structure
(C) initiating structure
(D) consideration
23. Fiedler assumed a person's leadership style ________.
(A) is contingent on the situation
(B) is variable
(C) evolves over time
(D) is fixed
24. The ________ dimension reflects the degree of trust and respect subordinates had for their
leader in Fiedler's model.
(A) leader-member relations
(B) position power
(C) task structure
(D) effectiveness
25. Your boss has total control over hiring, firing, and promotions in your department. According
to Fiedler's ratings of the situation, your boss has ________.
(A) low position power
(B) high position power
(C) high task structure
(D) low task structure
26. In the situational leadership theory (SLT), readiness is defined as ________ to perform a
(A) the ability
(B) the willingness
(C) both the ability and willingness
(D) the motivation one has
27. The leader-participation model contends that leader behavior should ________.
(A) never vary
(B) adjust to the structure of the task involved
(C) be dependent on the traits of the leader
(D) be consistent from task to task
28. Transactional leaders are leaders who guide by ________.
(A) inspiring followers
(B) articulating a vision for followers
(C) the force of their personality
(D) offering rewards to followers
29. Visionary leaders are leaders who guide by ________.
(A) inspiring followers
(B) articulating a vision of the future
(C) the force of their personality
(D) offering rewards to followers
30. Behavioral theories of leadership focused on ________.
(A) who effective leaders were
(B) what characteristics effective leaders had
(C) how to identify effective leaders
(D) what effective leaders did
31. Controlling compares ________ to see if goals are being achieved.
(A) planned performance to standard performance
(B) standard performance to ideal performance
(C) actual performance to competitor performance
(D) actual performance to planned performance
32. ________ are the most informal form of performance measurement.
(A) Oral reports
(B) Written reports
(C) Statistical reports
(D) Personal observations
33. An advantage of management by walking around is ________.
(A) perceptual biases
(B) obtrusiveness
(C) personal contact
(D) objectivity
34. When should a manager's course of action be to do nothing?
(A) when the cause of the variation has been identified
(B) when the standard is acceptable
(C) when the standard is not acceptable
(D) when the variance is acceptable
35. Immediate corrective action is designed ________.
(A) to get to the root cause of a problem
(B) to get performance back on track
(C) to shake up an organization
(D) to punish employees for poor performance
36. A company looks at its expenses and finds that its payments to freelancers increased
significantly over the past few months, exceeding the budget by 25 percent. This is an example
of ________.
(A) using a budget for planning
(B) using data to confirm a budget
(C) justifying expenses with a budget
(D) using a budget for monitoring and controlling
37. A household that cuts back on supermarket spending after going over budget on its food
expenses is using the budget as a(n) ________.
(A) planning tool
(B) controlling tool
(C) organizing tool
(D) leading tool
38. A disadvantage of a statistical report is that it may leave out ________ measurements of
(A) subjective
(B) objective
(C) positive
(D) negative
39. Of the options given, the most comprehensive form of performance measurement is this.
(B) oral report
(C) graphs
(D) written report
40. A basketball coach showing players how to position themselves on the court during practice
is carrying out ________, a form of concurrent control.
(A) unstructured supervision
(B) direct supervision
(C) indirect supervision
(D) feedback supervision

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