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HARRY E. WHEELER Dept. Geology, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.

Baselevel, Lithosphere Surface,

and Time-Stratigraphy

Abstract: Certain ideas pertaining to baselevel surface wherever deposition begins and drops
appear to be valid. Among these are the notions: beneath it wherever erosion commences, thus
that it is an imaginary surface delimiting the depth making at any place alternate upward and down-
of erosion potential (Powell, 1875); that it em- ward transits, and thereby providing a baselevel
bodies the concept of balance or equilibrium (Rice, transit cycle.
1897); and that it is a nearly horizontal surface as The preserved record of the depositional phase
significant to sedimentation as it is to erosion (Bar- of the principal baselevel transit cycles in earth
rell, 1917). Contrary to Barrell, baselevel as a history comprises the major unconformity-bounded
surface is a forceless abstraction which is without sequences. The equally important but nonrecorded
control over geological processes; and contrary to parts of the cycle constitute the lacuna, which
Hayes (1899) and Dunbar and Rodgers (1957), the consists of the hiatus and the degradation vacuity.
notion of a horizontal baselevel plane gives rise to The degradation vacuity may also be combined
needless inconsistencies. with its corresponding sequence to reconstitute
Baselevel relates directly to deposition and the holostrome or original depositional cyclic
erosion, which occur only at the lithosphere sur- phase. Significantly, the boundaries separating all
face; therefore, the baselevel surface configuration of these abstract time-stratigraphic entities are
may be conceived only in its relationship to the traces of the area-time migration of either the up-
lithic surface. This and the seemingly valid notions ward or downward transits of baselevel (migration
of Powell, Rice, and Barrell permit only a single, of the intersections of baselevel and the lithosphere
abstract, ever-present (worldwide), baselevel surface).
"sphere" constantly undulating in response to the Configurational relationships imply the existence
ever-changing, erosion and deposition-controlling, of positive, negative, and neutral aspects of time-
supply-energy patterns as they impinge on the stratigraphy.
lithosphere surface. Baselevel rises above the lithic

Elusive baselevel concept 599 Figure
Law of lithosphere surface relationships . . . . 602 1. A, Profile showing inconsistencies of "hori-
Baselevel as a worldwide abstract surface . . . . 603 zontal plane" concept of baselevel; B,
Baselevel transit 603 Profile showing the undulating, universal,
Baselevel transit cycle 604 abstract surface concept of baselevel . . . 601
Physical stratigraphic manifestation ol baselevel 2. A, Section showing physical relationships of suc-
transit 605 cessive unconformity-bounded sequences;
Area-time configurations of baselevel transit . . 606 B, Area-time projection of 2A, showing
Positive, negative, and neutral aspects of time- lithosphere surface-moment and baselevel
stratigraphy 607 transit migration patterns in time-stra-
Acknowledgments 608 tigraphy 606
References cited 608

level," the fact that this particular judgment

ELUSIVE BASELEVEL CONCEPT has not stood the test of time need not detract
Powell (1875, p. 203) first used the term from the significant implications of his basic
base-level for an "... imaginary surface concept. Barrell (1917), however, has been
below which the rocks cannot be de- credited in recent years, not only with broad-
graded." Although he introduced the addi- ening the baselevel concept to include sedimen-
tional notion of sea level as a "grand base- tation and stratigraphy as well as physiography,

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 75, p. 599-610, 2 figs., July 1964


but also with elucidating its meaning. Without in their discussion of cyclothem development.
diminishing the obvious significance of Bar- Their inclusion of the word "control" was
rell's specific contribution (or of his ideas on improper.
rhythms), a review of his application of the Dunbar and Rodgers (1957) appear to have
term baselevel does not indicate an altogether followed the notion of Hayes (1899) in im-
clear and consistent connotation. Barrell (1917, plying that baselevel intersects the surface as a
p. 778) stated: "horizontal plane." They further stated that
"Thus the sediments [are] deposited with respect from the stratigrapher's point of view it is the
to a nearly horizontal controlling surface. This "baselevel of aggradation," whereas from an-
surface of control is baselevel [which is] of more other " . . . viewpoint it is the baselevel of
inclusive content than the sense in which it has erosion." Many inadequacies of concept and
generally been used by physiographers as a level practice stem from the popular notion that
limiting the depth of fluvial erosion. Sedimentation stratigraphy is the science of past sedimentation,
as well as erosion is controlled by baselevel [which] to the exclusion of degradation; but if time is
is that surface toward which external forces strive, properly incorporated in the system, the
the surface at which neither erosion nor sedimen- stratigrapher must concern himself with the
tation takes place." (Bracketed words are author's.)
interpretation of degradational as well as
It should be noted that Barrell referred to aggradational patterns. Conversely, the geo-
baselevel in the singular; whether by intent morphologist who ignores depositional phe-
or not, he implied the existence of only one nomena is equally delinquent. Thus there need
baselevel surface. Also, he conceived it as a be no complication of the concept to change
nearly horizontal surface. Thus he did not with the kind of hat the geologist is wearing
envisage baselevel as comprising multiple hori- at the moment. It is true, as is more explicitly-
zontal planes, as others have repeatedly in- pointed out further on, that there is a baselevel-
terpreted or implied. Finally, he extended its related cycle with two phases—one phase
meaning to include depositional as well as initiated by the change from deposition to
erosional relationships, although this was actu- erosion, and the other by the inevitably follow-
ally implied much earlier by Rice (1897, p. ing change from erosion to deposition. Al-
140) who stated that baselevel is ". . . the though the two "changes" differ in direction
condition of balance between erosion and and manifestation, each of the two should be
deposition." seen in the same light by any geologist.
Beyond these significant points, however, The notion that baselevel is a "horizontal
Barrell also stated in the preceding that base- plane" also leads to disparities that preclude
level is a "controlling" surface, and that both meaningful comprehension and consistent ap-
sedimentation and erosion are "controlled" plication of the concept. Such horizontality
by it. He thus gave baselevel (which as a would demand countless numbers of "base-
surface is a pure abstraction) an intrinsic levels," each of which would come into "being"
quality and force which it does not possess. and cease to "exist" with each change in the
Deposition-erosion patterns can be delineated constantly fluctuating deposition-erosion pat-
without reference to baselevel; but all intrinsic terns. Moreover, the obvious complexities of
points on the baselevel surface are definable subaerial patterns have led to the prevailing
only in terms of erosion-deposition boundaries contradictory notion that most "nonmarine"
on the lithosphere surface. Obviously, there- baselevel changes belong to a stratigraphically
fore, the factors which control changes in the unimportant category because they are "tem-
erosion-deposition patterns are the same as porary."
those responsible for configuration changes of No less disturbing is the fact that many of
the abstract baselevel surface. Although base- these "horizontal baselevels" are improperly
level is indeed important, it exists as a surface positioned relative to deposition and erosion.
only in the human mind; it controls nothing. The lower part of the profile in Figure 1A is
Moreover, Barrell's only graphic illustration taken with slight modification from Dunbar
(1917, p. 796, Fig. 5) purporting to show and Rodgers (1957, p. 129), in which "base-
baselevel relationship is not validly conceived. level" A-A' is shown as a horizontal plane
Careful examination reveals that baselevel is intersecting the surface at locality 1. The upper
not shown in this frequently cited diagram. part of the profile is added to show a segment
Wheeler and Murray (1957) were also con- of nonmarine deposition between localities 2
fused in the use of the term "baselevel control" and 3. The segment between 1 and 2, and that

above 3 are undergoing erosion. If the notion couraged the search for a consistent concept
of A-A' is valid, then B-B' and C-C' must with their further statement that where deposi-
also be accepted. At locality 2, however, as is tion occurs more rapidly than subsidence (as at
often the case with lava flows, dunes, and locality 2 in Fig. 1A), deposits "accumulate
deposition along drainage profiles, such a hori- above baselevel." However, although they
zontal surface as C-C' does not properly obtain, recognized this as a contradiction, they sought
for deposition would occur above such a ' 'base- justification of such "suprabaselevel" deposi-
level" and erosion below it. And where, one tion on the grounds that it is "temporary."


Figure 1. A. Profile showing inconsistencies of "horizontal plane" concept of baselevel. B,

Profile showing the undulating, universal, abstract surface concept of baselevel.

must ask, is the point of change from "supra- At this point a number of questions arise:
baselevel" to "sub-baselevel" between localities What is the meaning of "temporary" and
1 and 2, or 2 and 3? It is evident that the what is its duration? Which of such deposits
"horizontal plane" concept of baselevel gives are not at least occasionally found as parts of
rise to inconsistencies. As shown later, the that which is generally regarded as the "per-
Barrellian concept of baselevel as a "nearly manent" (presently preserved) stratigraphic
horizontal surface" avoids these discrepancies. record, regardless of age? Must a separate set
Among other authors of recent textbooks, of stratigraphic principles be conceived in order
Termierand Termier (1963) discussed baselevel to deal with them? What known stratigraphic
in terms of cases rather than fundamentals; and succession anywhere in the world implies the
Krumbein and Sloss (1951; 1963) essentially existence of a "permanent" baselevel? Finally,
accepted Barrell. Although Krumbein and the most important question, is there a base-
Sloss logically followed Rice (1897) to make level concept which is valid regardless of scale,
the pertinent point that baselevel is a "condi- duration, or the applicable field, be it geo-
tion of equilibrium," they have in effect dis- morphology, sedimentation or stratigraphy? In

other words, is it necessary to depart from pret or recognize "continuity" and "discon-
those elements of the Powell-Rice-Barrell con- tinuity."
cept which seem to be based on sound logic? In these terms it is true that many fossils and
The writer has attempted to assemble a number lithic entities do not occur in precisely proper
of extremely simple, though (hopefully) funda- depositional succession, even though no "re-
mental concepts which appear to provide at working" or structual derangement has oc-
least partial answers to some of these questions curred. Boring animals, for example, live be-
and perhaps a few others. Although the view- neath the lithosphere surface in rocks of any
point of this approach is primarily stratigraphic, older age, but their stratigraphic significance is
the relationships envisaged here appear to be not diminished when they are properly referred
compatible when applied to other appropriate to the inevitable overlying surface (and deposi-
geological fields. tional interface) to which they directly relate;
or a regolith or a residual soil, though non-
LAW OF LITHOSPHERE depositional, relates temporally to the surface
SURFACE RELATIONSHIPS beneath which it is formed and thus also to the
Wheeler (1959) has cited the U.S.S.R. base of the stratal unit which directly succeeds
Stratigraphic Committee (Rotay and others, it, rather than to the older rock body which it
1956) and Dunbar and Rodgers (1957) as occupies and of which it is composed. This leads
pointing out that all surface-accumulated rocks, to the simple and universally valid concept that
whether they be sedimentary or not, form the any physical or biostratigraphic datum or any
stratigraphic record, and that all subsurface- temporally conceived surface in any stratal
emplaced rocki, whether or not they consist succession at any specific locality has meaning
of "sedimentary materials" (igneous intru- only in the sense that it either coincides with
sions, metamorphic bodies, veins, sandstone or the lithosphere surface or is directly relatable
evaporite intrusions, and cavern deposits) are to that surface at the time of its origin. And
nonstratigraphic in their relationships to en- it is equally obvious that any "continuous"
closing rocks. Only by making this distinction stratal accumulation is a "complete" physical
can a consistent system of universally opera- manifestation of a succession of lithosphere
tive stratigraphic concepts, principles, and surface-moments.
laws be derived. In this essential sense, con- But what of stratigraphic discontinuities as
trary to the implication of the American manifestations of nondeposition and accom-
Stratigraphic Commission (1961) all rocks of panying erosion? Here we pass into the realm
the Earth's crust do not constitute stratigraphic of no less important but completely abstract,
units or entities. area-time framework, in which a discontinuity
Once this restriction is accepted, not only takes on "area-time" configuration in the form
docs the law of superposition become uni- of the lacuna, which in turn, consists of hiatus
versally effective, but in addition, it will be and degradation vacuity (formerly and inac-
true that any stratigraphically denned point curately termed "erosional vacuity"; Wheeler,
at the base, the top, or within any strata! suc- 1958). Here again, however, though now under-
cession either was located on the lithosphere going erosion, it is the evolution of the litho-
surface or was directly related to that surface sphere surface which not only determines the
at the time of its origin. The base of a detrital configuration of the hiatus and consequent
particle, organic fragment or lava flow, for degradation vacuity, but which also culminates
example, rests upon the lithosphere surface in the depositional interface at the base of the
(depositional interface) at the moment of its next succeeding deposit at any given locality.
emplacement. Such a particle fragment or It is true, of course, that subsurface events may
layer may or may not be in "depositional have a profound effect upon the evolution of
continuity" with the underlying surface on the lithosphere surface, but the consequent
which it rests; and regardless of whether such subsurface-emplaced bodies themselves do not
entities are followed in "continuity" by others belong to the stratigraphic succession in this
or whether they subsequently are wholly or in properly restricted sense. Any ultimate inter-
part removed, the lithosphere surface is always pretation of the occurrence of events in area-
at hand, either as a surface of deposition or of time (geologic history) must attempt to en-
erosion. Moreover, in such a world of "pure" visage the successive lithosphere surfaces rela-
stratigraphy the ceaseless alternation of deposi- tive to all other geological entities, as the
tion and hiatus prevails throughout, regardless only universal physical geologic "datum" sur-
of the scale at which one may choose to inter- faces with direct stratigraphic implication.

Insofar as this logic is sound, it implies the and two undergoing deposition. As demon-
existence of the following stratigraphic princi- strated, the concept of a "horizontal baselevel"
ple, which may be called the law of surface in the case of C-C' in Figure 1A is invalid
relationships: time as a stratigraphic dimension because deposition occurs above such a "base-
has meaning onlv to ihe extent that any given level" and erosion below it. However, if Bar-
moment in the Earth's history may be conceived rell's concept that baselevel is a "nearly hori-
as precisely coinciding with a corresponding zontal surface" is applied, it is evident that the
worldwide lithosphere surface and all simultane- true baselevel surface must have a downgrade
ous events either occurring thereon or directly slope, the inclination of which exceeds the
related thereto. surface slope in the manner of D-D'. From
At any given moment the Earth's lithic this it may be readily seen that this D-D' sur-
surface is divisable into innumerable areas, face will merge with the B-B' surface in the
each of which is characterized by one or the up-grade direction, and with the A-A' surface
other of two processes—deposition and erosion. in the down-grade direction; and if this logic
The boundary between any two of these areas is sound, an undulating surface approximated
is at baselevel. by B-D-D'-A' represents the gross (not de-
tailed) form of baselevel for the moment under
BASELEVEL AS A WORLDWIDE consideration. A segment of this worldwide
ABSTRACT SURFACE abstract baselevel surface is shown as X—X' in
To satisfy the stated objections to the several Figure IB. It is intrinsically represented, how-
conflicting notions of baselevel and its be- ever, only at points 1, 2, and 3 on the profile.
havior, and to agree with the law of surface Baselevel at any moment may thus emerge
relationships and its implications, the writer from or drop beneath the lithosphere surface
suggests the simple notion of a single, ever- at many places on any profile; and at any point
present (worldwide), abstract, baselevel it may remain above or below the surface
"sphere" constantly undulating or "vibrating" either momentarily or for long intervals, re-
in response to the ever-changing patterns of gardless of whether the depositional environ-
supply of material available for potential ments involved are marine, nonmarine or
accumulation and the wave and current energy mixed. In its detailed configuration, baselevel
which acts upon it. This baselevel rises above may be envisaged generally as an intensely
the surface wherever accumulation is initiated, active surface, and with the lithosphere surface
and drops beneath the surface as erosion com- in virtually all areas lying within the field of
mences, without regard for whether the ma- amplitude of its incessant "vibrations." It
terial supplied is volcanic or sedimentary, drops below the lithosphere surface wherever
marine or nonmarine, chemical, biogenic, or particles, however small, are removed from
detrital, or for the nature of the erosive process this surface and rises above as they come to
or depositional environment. It seems useful rest, however temporarily. Neither erosion nor
to envisage excessive supply as having a buoy- deposition are continuous processes anywhere;
ant effect, and excessive transport energy as thus the greater part of the baselevel surface
having a depressant effect on baselevel. Base- is beneath the lithic surface wherever the net
level thus intersects the lithosphere surface effect is degradation; whereas it is mostly above
at all points of equilibrium, and its momentary the lithic surface where aggradation dominates.
"depth" beneath or "height" above the sur- Because the geologist must generalize these
face at any locality depends, not on the kind inordinate complexities, he recognizes only the
of material available, but on the relative dominant process; thus he may conveniently
"values" of supply and energy. (This does not imagine baselevel to be wholly below or wholly
deny the importance of subsidence as a factor above the lithosphere surface, except where he
in deposition; but from the viewpoint of the may envisage the intersection of these two
basic concepts or principles involved, subsi- surfaces. In fact, the momentarily existing
dence is only one of the many factors which points of intersection between baselevel and
influence the supply-energy relationship.) the lithosphere surface are of special sig-
Figure 1 may be a help to better understand nificance.
the foregoing. Both cross sections show the
same seawardly inclined lithosphere surface BASELEVEL TRANSIT
profile (S-S1), at a particular "moment," from As implied in the law of surface relation-
an upland area to beneath sea level, along ships, all events of stratigraphic significance
which two segments are undergoing erosion impinge upon the lithosphere surface; and it

goes without saying that no such events are of baselevel phase of the cycle considered herein.
greater stratigraphic import than the changes In other words, such cycles differ in the im-
from deposition to erosion or the reverse, for portant respect that no baselevel-lithosphere
they are essential components of all discon- surface intersection or transit takes place.
tinuities. Because this distinction is significant when
The intrinsic equilibrium boundaries on the expressed in terms of the occurrence of events
lithic surface are always at baselevel and in area-time (geologic history), the kind of
always coincide with the intersection of that cycle under present discussion may be more
surface with the abstract baselevel surface. appropriately called the baselevel transit cycle
As a consequence of the constant shifting of (Wheeler, in press).
the deposition-erosion patterns the inter- In concept these cycles may be of any con-
sections are shifted with them, thus forcing, ceivable size. Their depositional phases may
at any given point involved, either an upward range in magnitude from the area and thickness
or a downward transit of baselevel through the of a clay particle to a "continuously deposited"
lithosphere surface. As a depositional surface pan-continental sequence thousands of meters
expands, the baselevel transit is upward; as an in thickness; and their nondepositional phases
erosion surface expands, the transit is down- may range from similarly minute areas through
ward. To avoid continued confusion between a few successive moments of time, to vast
the concept of this intersection and that of interregional hiatuses with durations measured
baselevel itself, and because of the special in many millions of years. Those of greater
significance of this intersection in certain magnitude, of course, may occur as cyclic
aspects of time-stratigraphy, such a momen- entities only in a relative sense in which the
tary equilibrium line or contour on the litho- lesser ones are deemed nonexistent or ignored.
sphere surface is hereafter referred to as base- Such appeal to the principle of "existen-
level transit contour. Such contours, of course, tialism" is admissable, however, only insofar
do not imply equal elevation. as the cycles of great magnitude may generally
differ in scale from the "insignificant" ones by
BASELEVEL TRANSIT CYCLE at least several orders of magnitude.
If in an erosional environment at a given Dunbar and Rodgers (1957, p. 134) empha-
locality, the supply-energy "ratio" increases size this ordinate distinction in their discussion
sufficiently to induce deposition, baselevel is of diastems and unconformities:
forced upward across the lithosphere surface
at that point at the moment deposition begins, "As clearly seen by James Hutton, an uncon-
thus initiating the first or depositional phase of formity records a change in the overall conditions
a new cycle. This cyclic phase continues until . . . involving, at the least, regional uplift and
the supply-energy "ratio" is decreased suf- erosion if not tectonic disturbance or metamorphism
of the rocks that were formed before the break.
ficiently to stop deposition and induce erosion, Diastems, on the contrary, are smaller breaks that
at which time baselevel makes its downward occur without any basic change in the general
transit of the surface, thus beginning the second regimen . . . breaks resulting from fluctuations
or hiatal cyclic phase. Whenever the supply- of stage... . The distinction can thus be generalized
energy relationship is again reversed to the from the sediments [and discontinuities] of shallow
degree that baselevel is raised to the surface marine waters to sediments [and volcanic accumula-
the cycle is completed, and as it rises above the tions (and associated breaks)] of all environments.
surface the initial phase of another new cycle Of course, there are many borderline cases where
commences. . . . judgments by competent observers will differ,
but the two main groups of breaks are different
Although in less explicit terms, this kind of enough in character [magnitude] and origin to
cycle involving any two successive (and there- warrant separation." (Bracketed words are au-
fore opposite-direction) transits of baselevel thor's.)
through the lithic surface was defined by
Wheeler (1959) as the "stratigraphic cycle." Although an appreciable range of magnitude
However, it is now evident, as it then should characterizes each of these two categories, they
have been, that there are other cycles which generally differ, not only in magnitude, but
are no less stratigraphic, and which may involve also in the marked difference in the degree of
baselevel oscillation, but whose patterns may their deformation and consequent erosional
lie entirely within either the supra or the sub- differentials. In other words, the widespread

depositional "constants" which commonly preted from surrounding relationships are

characterize the major "conformable" suc- nonetheless present. In fact, where there are
cessions are seldom "damaged" to any ap- no adequate bases for the interpretation of the
preciable extent by the erosional effects of the baselevel transit cycles, the succession of most
myriads of included diastems or lesser baselevel geologic events can never be known.
transit cycles, whereas the original depositional
patterns which represent the subbaselevel PHYSICAL STRATIGRAPHIC
phases of the major cycles are markedly frag- MANIFESTATION OF
mented by differential erosion during their BASELEVEL TRANSIT
ensuing hiatal or suprabaselevel phases. Ap- The only physical record of baselevel transit
preciation for this distinction has led to the in the preserved stratal succession is discon-
delineation of the preserved record represent- tinuity. Any point on any of the countless
ing the depositional phase of several of the discontinuities, whether it is a minute bedding
major North American baselevel transit cycles "break" or a great unconformity, implies at
as sequences (Sloss and others, 1949; Sloss, least two transits of baselevel—one downward
1963; Wheeler, 1956; 1960a; 1960b; 1963; followed by one upward. The phrase "at least
Shannon, 1962; Wheeler and Mallory, 1963). two transits" is necessary because any given
In addition to naming the sequences, the discontinuity may at some points involve the
designations of which apply equally well to elimination from the record of any number of
their respective holostromes or depositional preexisting discontinuities and their implied
cyclic phases, Wheeler (1963) extended the transits. In every case, however, only the final
common practice of naming the major upward transit is physically recorded. This
"breaks," the names in each case applying stratigraphic deficiency may be largely re-
equally well to the unconformity, the hiatus sponsible for the erroneous notion that the
or nondeposition-erosion cyclic phase, and the stratigrapher and the geomorphologist are
orogeny, if any. Thus any contiguous pair such justified in taking differing views of baselevel.
as Sauk-Owl Creek, Tippecanoe-Wallbridge, Figure 2A shows two sequences (A and B)
and Piankasha-Acadian, when viewed in area- separated by an unconformity, the "magni-
time, represents a complete cycle. tude" of which increases to the left from zero
The significant question here, however, is value at point x. A\ to A$, B\ to 83, and K\
not whose current interpretations and nomen- to Kg are lithosphere surface-moments equally
clatural treatment are the more valid, but spaced in time. At any point the unconformity
rather the correctness and implications of this records the upward baselevel transit (across
general approach to stratigraphic integration the lithosphere surface) at the moment de-
and historical interpretation, as opposed to the gradation of Sequence A ceases and the deposi-
traditional one in which the preserved record tion of B begins. It should be noted, however,
and deposition tend to be regarded as synony- that although any point on the unconformity
mous, and in which the arbitrary "standard" is a physical manifestation of baselevel, the
column is generally regarded as essentially unconformity as a stratigraphic surface is not
complete. baselevel; it is, rather, the physical surface
It should be borne in mind that these, like created by the area-time migration of the up-
all stratigraphically derived cycles, are ulti- ward baselevel transit contour.
mately based on the preserved record; but Although it must be inferred and cannot be
they may be delineated only in the area-time ignored in any adequate consideration of the
dimensional framework, and thus they and succession of processes or events, the preceding
their component baselevel-related patterns downward baselevel transit and the ensuing
exist only as abstractions or products of the hiatal cyclic phase are totally unrecorded.
scientific mind. Nevertheless, cycles of this From these considerations it seems obvious
kind are universally present in the sense that that an adequately dimensioned stratigraphic
any stratal succession constitutes the preserved system—one which is somewhat more sophisti-
record of the depositional phase of one or more cated than most of those in current use—is
of them. They are also universally present in needed to permit (and induce), where possible,
the further sense that although the stratal the interpretation of locally unrecorded phe-
record may be removed at any place, such nomena and events, not to mention more
cyclic patterns, insofar as they may be inter- realistic interpretation of the actual record.

' (Nondeposltion-erosion
cyclic phase)

~ S T R O M E (Deposltlonal cyclic phase)

S E Q U E N C E A (Preserveddeposition)


>. B A S E L E V E L

— Migration of upward baselevel transit

H I A T U S (Nondeposition-erosion phase of preceding cycle)

Figure 2. A, Section showing physical relationships of successive unconformity-bounded

sequences. B, Area-time projection of A showing lithosphere surface-moment and base-
level transit migration patterns in time-stratigraphy.

are transposed to the area-time section, Figure

AREA-TIME CONFIGURATIONS 2B, in which the vertical dimension is time
OF BASELEVEL TRANSIT and in which, therefore, all lithosphere surface-
Because geologists have not succeeded in moments expressing the succession of events
developing a means for the graphic portrayal are horizontal and parallel. Thus, in the
of relationships in the space-time continuum, "volume" that this section represents, all
the area-time section is used. Without dis- "hectare-years" in the stratigraphic develop-
cussing the procedures or justifying the tem- ment of Figure 2A are completely represented.
poral interpretations in this idealized case, Figure 2B shows that the unconformity
all "data" in the spatial section, Figure 2A, separating Sequences A and B has dual manifes-

tation: first, as the final subcrop degradation in the respective sequences. Surface-moments
surface (s-x1); and second, as its counterpart /2, /3, and /4, however, although representing
(«-*'), the surface representing intial deposi- original deposition throughout, have degrada-
tion of Sequence B. This unconformity plays tion vacuity segments indicating subsequent
this same dual role, of course, but as a single removal during the A-B Hiatus. The litho-
surface in the spatial section. These two pro- sphere surface-moment f] is depositional to the
jections of the unconformity, insofar as they right of transit point y' and erosional in the
involve only successive sequences, delineate hiatal area to the left, where it carries the label
the lacuna (u-x'-s) or "missing interval." (If H5, thus implying that baselevel, in its up-
and where this unconformity truncates the ward transit, intersects the lithic surface at
unconformity at the base of Sequence A, so point y' at moment {]. Similarly, /5 has its
that B rests on any pre-A sequence, the missing K5, A5, A5d, and HI segments.
interval has been called total vacuity.) The By referring now to the unconformity at
time value of the lacuna at any given point the base of Sequences A and K in its upward
on an unconformity represents the temporal transit area-time projection, the constitution
interval between the moments of deposition of the holoslrome (or depositional cyclic phase)
of the highest locally preserved particle of the and of the complete baselevel transit cycle, as
preceding (underlying) sequence and the basal time-stratigraphic entities, is evident. More-
particle of the next succeeding (overlying) over, these, like all time-stratigraphic units
sequence, whereas the area-time (three dimen- that are wholly or partly abstract, are bounded
sional) configuration of the lacuna is deter- by abstract surfaces defined by the area-time
mined by its temporal value at all points. The migration of either the upward or downward
base of the lacuna is thus seen as a projection transit contours.
of the degradation aspect of the unconformity As a final comment on the derivation of
surface, and its top as the aggradational aspect. these time-stratigraphic entities, in view of the
Both top and bottom at any given point, how- dual aspect of the baselevel transit contour, it
ever, are established by the same momentary would be possible to ignore the baselevel aspect
upward baselevel transit; the lacuna's ultimate and accordingly couch the discussion entirely
configuration is defined by the area-time in terms of the area-time migration of the
migration of its upward transit contour. deposition-erosion boundaries on the litho-
The lacuna obviously consists of two separate sphere surface. Although this somewhat simpler
parts: that representing the degraded strata treatment would suffice in these particular
formerly belonging to Sequence A, which part cases, the writer concludes that it would be
has been defined as the degradation vacuity unwise to do so because of the greater signifi-
(d-x'-s); and that representing the nondeposi- cance of the baselevel aspect in cases involving
tional and erosional cyclic phase or hiatus nontransit variations. In other words, this
(u-x'-d), during which the degradation vacuity treatment is employed in the hopeful interest
was "developed." The inferred existence of of establishing a universally valid and useful
these two area-time entities demands the baselevel concept, especially since other prob-
futher inference of a conceptually paramount lems in sedimentation, stratigraphy, and related
but completely abstract surface on which no tectonics are best treated from the viewpoint
intrinsic points remain in the preserved record. of the baselevel relations. But even in time-
This surface (d-x') denotes the migration of stratigraphy it would be unwise to avoid the
the downward baselevel transit contour, and role of baselevel, for the fact is most impressive
it bounds at any point the close of original that the constantly varying undulations of the
Sequence A (holostrome) deposition and the baselevel surface relative to the ever-changing
beginning of the erosion which characterizes lithosphere surface may be seen as a consistent
the hiatus (u-x'-d). Here again, though com- function of the ebb and flow of depositional
pletely abstract and inferential, is the area-time and erosional environments in the space-time
flow of the intersection of the mobile litho- continuum.
sphere and baselevel surfaces.
All horizontal lines shown in this area-time POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, AND
section represent "selected" lithosphere sur- NEUTRAL ASPECTS OF
face-moments throughout. For example, t\, TIME-STRATIGRAPHY
/8, and /9 are preserved depositional surfaces Because stratigraphy has been largely
throughout, segments of which are given A, equated with the depositional record of the
B, and K numbers to indicate their positions geological past, the few generally acknowl-

edged stratigraphic principles and concepts Sequence B aggradation), the degradation

(e.g., superposition) have concerned only its vacuity has "grown" in area-time value but
accumulative aspect; i.e., strata, fossils, and has been reduced in surface extent to D3 to
time are conveniently conceived as "accumu- the left of point y". Finally, although u and s
lating" together. It is true that much attention are identical points representing the upward
has been given to discontinuities, but the transit of baselevel, and are therefore on the
degradational aspect of most unconformities same unconformity, u indicates local termina-
has commonly been either ignored or has been tion of the erosional event, whereas s marks
carelessly lumped with hiatus and relegated at local cessation of Sequence A degradation.
best to a nondefmitive role. Adequate con- These relationships, of course, also explain
sideration of erosion includes recognition of its the discrepant or "out-of-phase" position of
dual nature—the temporal progression of the the surface represented by s-x'. As a surface
erosional process, and the simultaneous tem- its area-time genetic position is identical with
poral regression of its stratigraphic conse- u-x', for they both constitute a single uncon-
quences (degradation). formity surface (uds-x in Fig. 2A) and both
The hiatus in Figure 2B is readily seen as the manifest the same migration of the same up-
area-time in which nondeposition and erosion ward transit contour. The seeming incongruity
proceeds through lithosphere surface-moments of the negative positioning of the degradational
H I , HI, and H3, following the close of deposi- aspect of the unconformity is nevertheless
tion of original Sequence A. In terms of such completely logical when viewed in the light
progression alone, the consequent degradation of the negative character of degradation.
vacuity seems out of place, for it occupies an Accepting the standard assumptions that,
earlier interval than that during which the in the sense of their stratigraphic implications,
erosion took place; but from the viewpoint time is a progressively (positively) flowing con-
of the previously deposited strata removed, it stant and deposition or surface accumulation
is quite properly situated. From the viewpoint is an upwardly (positively) progressing varia-
of the progression of both the event and its ble; and accepting the implication that de-
consequent surfaces, however, no anomaly gradation is a negatively directed variable, we
exists if degradation is recognized as being must accept the further implication that non-
stratigraphically negative, just as it has long deposition and its inevitable companion, the
been envisaged as being geomorphologically erosional process as an event, are physical
negative. For example, the positive and nega- nonentities and therefore of zero value in the
tive aspects of erosion progress in opposite sense that stratal record is neither created nor
directions from downward baselevel transit destroyed in that part of the irreversible
point d. In the hiatus the erosional event occurs temporal stream which they occupy. The de-
throughout surface-moment HI, its beginning gradation vacuity also has zero physical value,
having migrated to transit point z\ while the but for a totally different reason. Its entire
same surface-moment from the stratigraphic area time value originally consists of deposition,
degradation viewpoint is D\ which is also positive character of which is cancelled out
effective only to point z. As the event con- by the negative value of subsequent degrada-
tinues to H2 and occurs throughout that part tion.
of the hiatus shown, its negative aspect re-
regresses to D2 which also extends throughout. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
As erosion at moment H3 has again been re- The manuscript was read by J. C. Ludwick,
stricted to the segment to the left of upward S. C. Porter, and L. L. Sloss, for whose criticism
transit point y' (in consequence of advancing the writer is most grateful.

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