NSTP Quiz: State Samar University Arteche BLVD., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700 Office of The Director - NSTP

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Arteche Blvd., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700 SSU-ONSTP-FR-006

Office of the Director | NSTP 21-JUN-2021 REV. 3

Bohol Ritchel C. October 21, 2021
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE-1A)
Tomas O. Bañez, Ph. D.

Read the statements carefully. Select the best answer by encircling the letter of your
1. The basic law that guides the disaster management programs, projects and
implementation in the country.
a. Presidential Degree 1566
b. Presidential Degree 1956
c. Presidential Degree 1800
d. Presidential Degree 2000

2. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo signed on May 27, 2000 Republic Act 10121
known as
a. Philippine Charity Organization Act 1956
b. Philippine Risk Management Act of 2000
c. Philippine Disaster risk reduction and Management Act of 2010
d. Philippine National Service training program Act 2001

3. All of the following are TRUE about disaster except one.

a. A disaster may be domestic or international
b. A disaster may have known and gradual onset
c. A disaster maybe caused by nature or has human origins
d. A disaster always receives wide spread media coverage.

4. Disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) includes administrative decision

and operational
activities that involve, prevention, mitigation and_______.
a. Risk b. Preparedness c. Hazard

5. _______ a situation that poses level of threat to life, health, property or environment.
a. Risk b. Hazard c. Disaster

6. _______ It is an alteration of the atmospheric condition over time due to natural and
a. Global warming b. Climate change c. storm

7. _______Water Conservation simply refers to reducing the usage of water and

recycling waste water
for different purposes such as cleaning, manufacturing and agricultural irrigation.
a. Sanitation of water b. Water conservation c. wasting water

8.______The effect of Greenhouse effect in the government.

a. Global warming b. Global warning c. Deforestation

9._____ Is essential to life on earth.

a. Salt b. Water d. rain

10.______ Are the most common and deadly cause of loss of forests.
a. Forest fires b. Forest flame c. Forest Tree

Test II. Answer the following question. Write your answer in the lines provided or in
separate paper
1. What DRR activities can take place in the
-The DRR team and coordinator are expected to insure the establishment of an
early warning system for the school, conduct and annual student-led risk identification
and mapping within and around the school premise plan and implement disaster
preparedness measures, maintain the safekeeping of vital school records.

2. What needs to be done to support these

-To support the activities we must have to follow the given instructions
identifications and knowledge, integrating DRM. into national development and

3. Who needs to support this process?

-The community.

4. How will the communities be involved?

-Carry out the participatory facilitation of hazard, vulnerability, capacity and risk
assessment of individuals, families and communities, undertake stakeholder analysis of
communities and their environment; plan and design effective community disaster
awareness initiatives, including training and rehearsals.
I. Direction: Inside the box, write your responses to climate change. Write only one idea
perbox. You can add more box as you will. Please use separate bond paper for your

II. To protect your community from ill effects of climate change, illustrate creative actin
points that you can do to ensure safe, clean and friendly environment.
-refuse single use items (especially plastic), buy locally ,eat more vegetable, and
compost your food waste, avoid deforestation and plant trees and landscape with native
plant instead. Always bring an eco-bag when buying the market, make sure your waste
goes to the right places, conserve water and energy, join or volunteer clean-ups in the

III. Enumeration
1. (7) Seven Principles of Environment
a) Everything is connected to everything else. f. Everything changes
b) All forms of life are important g. Nature knows best.
c) Everything must go somewhere
d) Ours is a finite earth
e) Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God’s creation

2. Five (5) Ways to conserve water.

a) Take a Shower of 5 Minutes or Less. ...
b) Install a Water-saving Toilet Flush System. ...
c) Turn Off the Tap While Brushing Your Teeth & Washing Your Hands. ...
d) Don't Keep The Tap Running While Washing Clothes/Utensils. ...
e) Close Taps Properly and Fix Leaking Taps, Pipes & Toilets.

IV. Encircle the 10 words related to Environment Protection.

TOMAS O. BAÑEZ, PH. D. Bohol, Ritchel C.

NSTP Director Print Name & Signature of Student

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