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Assignment 8 lesson plan part 1

Parts of the sentences

Mohamed Mohamed
11 grade/ Arabic grammar

Common Core Standards:

The common core of this subject is the standards that developed by The American Council

of Teaching of Foreign Language ACTF which consist of 5C’s such as Communications

effectively in more than one language, cultures interact and understand, analyze other’s

culture, connections with other disciplines such as history and language, comparisons and




Lesson Summary:

The lesson will focus on parts of the sentences in Arabic language. Students will differentiate

between the nominal sentences and verbal sentences. In an easy way, we will discuss what

are the signs of the nominal sentences in the Arabic language. And we will focus on the five

nouns and five verbs, and how we use them when we are speaking in Arabic. The lesson will

elaborate the ideas saying that language is for communication and connection with the

Estimated Duration:

This lesson will take about two hours and half in a week and 150 minutes. I will divide the

lesson into three days, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and each class period will take 50



Belief about the students is a very important factor for teaching, and students will have a

great impact on how I will teach my first target will be to create a clear group

climate in which sharing and listening and participating will occur. I anticipate that most of the

students in my class are not Arabic speakers, they may face some confusion between Arabic

sentences and English sentences, the construction of these two languages is different.

However, by applying perennialism theory of learning. I believe that the lesson is to ensure

that student get new information, and knowledge must transmit to the young generation, so, I

anticipate that the student will overcome their difficulties when they learn this lesson.

Instructional Procedures:

Connecting this lesson to the other disciplines and asking questions to the student about

their knowledge of sentences in Arabic language. I will start with the end question of the

lesson to be sure that every student has some ideas about what lesson we are going to

learn. I will ask questions and evaluate student’s responses, so, these responses will help

me to know what the students are interested in. However, this question is a freedom
expression about the learning, to answer about the lesson and what they have learned from

that lesson, and how they can implement the communication between them. After these

introduction questions, I will display a new lesson into a projector, then highlighting the types

of the sentences in bold and colorful font. Then I will read the examples by using proper rules

for Arabic vowels and diacritical differences between the nominal sentences and verbal

sentences. When I explain the lesson, I will draw the student’s attention by asking questions

about the vowel differences between their names, and reasons behind that. I will praise and

motivate students for right answers or good work to keep a classroom in a good learning

environment. I will Implement a different teaching strategy to meet the learning needs of

students, for example, cold calling, wait time, and every student must participate, and

everyone must write techniques.

 In Arabic language, nominal sentences have several categories, such as (al) for proper

nouns and common nouns, and (uun) for singular names and extension of the number of the

words when you are making a plural etc.

Using proper rules for Arabic reading to differentiate between the two categories of the

sentences. Before ending the class, I will assign a learning task to read in the home in their

worksheet to find out some different names on the page.

In the end of the class students will be able to differentiate between nominal sentences and

verbal sentences. Here is how my one day’s lesson instruction builds off the previous days,

and how I will prepare for the next days, and how all this plan fits to the objectives that lead

to mastery of the 5 C’s.

Day 1:
1.     Step one: First 10 minutes: Introductory activity- Students will introduce
themselves, then I will explain to them the rules and regulations of the subject, I will

remind them the purpose of this subject and how it’s important to learn in Arabic

language as a second language. Then I will display the topic (The parts of Arabic

sentences) using a projector, so the first day, I will focus on the definition and

category of Arabic sentences, especially nominal sentences and parts of nominal


2.     Step two: 20 minutes: I will focus on the specification of the nouns in Arabic

language, and how it's unique when you are using a (al) and how it is different from

other languages.

3.     Step three: 20 minutes participation and discussion and correction for the

classwork. So, at the end of class, students will be able to know the signs of the

common names.

Day 2:
1.     Step one: First 10 minutes, questions and answers about the previous lesson

nominal sentence and to make sure that everyone wrote the homework and

understood the previous lesson. I will use some helpful strategies, for example, right

is right to correct the mistakes and praise and encourage the students for their works.

2.     Step two: Second 20 minutes I will display the second part of the lesson, verbal

sentences and its categories. This lesson I will focus on the signs of the verbs,

especially the sentence started with the verbs. Then I will explain the lesson in easy


3. Step three: Last 20 minutes I will post more information into the google

classroom for homework and for reviewing the lesson, then I will ask some feedback

questions about the lesson and at the end of the day will assign a homework

Day 3:
1.     Step one: First 10 minutes: Questions and answers about the previous lesson

verbal sentences. So, this lesson we will focus on comparison between the main two

sentences, and how extension of words changes the names.

2. Step two: 30 minutes we will have a quiz about the parts of the sentences in

Arabic language. And students will use a Kahoot app to answer this quiz. The quiz

will consist of 2 types of sentences: nominal and verbal sentences.

3. Step three: Last 10 minutes, I will check and correct the students' works. Then

I will assign a homework assignment.


The pre-Assessment, I will use the 4 M's criteria to teach as effective lesson plan

objectives. Manageable, measurable, made first and most important. So, applying this

technique will provide me with information about the student and learning environment and to

make decisions about what to teach and how I will teach. I will distribute a short passage to

the student, then I will ask them to read and sort the sentences into two categories according

to their knowledge. This kind of test will help me to determine the level of the student’s

understanding, implementation and creativity. However, Arabic grammar is not an easy

subject, if the student answers this pre-assessment correctly, and most of the student

answers more than 80% correctly, then I will teach the same topic, but in another way, or

higher level, for example, anastrophe in nominal sentences.

Scoring Guidelines:

The scoring guide is the overall grade of the students. However, the scoring

guidelines of my subject in this stage is fail/pass scoring policy.

 In pre-assessment, I will test my students for the following categories: understanding

of the content, applying into practical life, and creativity. So, the total grade is 100

points, and less than 50 points is a failure.

Understanding Fail/pass

Creativity Fail/pass

implementation Fail/pass


There will be two types of post- assessment after the end of the class. I will ask the students

randomly to summarize the lesson in points, another way of assessment will be writing some

questions on the board then asking the student to answer these questions orally, especially

in speaking practice class.

The total grade of the subject is 100 points, and I will divide it into different

categories, for example, writing, reading, speaking, spelling, participation and other


Scoring Guidelines:

Writing/grammar 40 points

Reading 10 points
speaking 20 points

Spelling 15 points

participation 10 points

Other activities 5 points

Differentiated Instructional Support

Students are varying in intelligence and varying in ability and disability, pre-assessment will

provide me more information about the levels of the student, strength and weakness of the

students. And it will determine my way of teaching, for example, if there are some

exceptional learners, I will use a cooperative learning approach, and turn and talk

techniques. I will set up the classroom seating in good shape, then I will divide the class into

small groups, each group contains multiple intelligent groups, such as one student with

exceptional learners and other student who are gifted and talented then I will assign them

one assignment, this instruction will help for those students who are slow.

I will provide a link such as google classroom, and an Arabic

interactive These websites will be beneficial for their language learning in

google classroom they will find some extra notes that I will share with the class. However,

Pinterest is an information sharing platform and social service. Using google search students

will find the topic they are looking for. However, Kutubee is a language art library for foreign

languages, students will find a lot of Arabic books and sources.

Homework Options and Home Connections

The benefit of the homework is two things. The first thing, homework helps me to determine

how well the lesson is be understand by the student. The second thing, homework helps

student how to solve problem, and another benefit is that homework makes the student

review their class material. So, I will post on google classroom some material and I will ask

the student to complete before the next class. However, google classroom have several

options to create a homework, for example, in the create tab there are an assignment, quiz,

material, and even you can reuse post, then you can assign in group or individual .Then I will

click the score points and due date.

Interdisciplinary Connections

This subject is related to history, it explains some parts of Arab cultures especially the

medieval era. Language use is part of communication between the society, so this lesson

connects students to their culture and heritages. However, philosophically and ethically

community connection is very important, and this lesson elaborate this relation between the


Materials and Resources:

·  I will need a whiteboard and erasable markers; I will use it to
write the board to elaborate a topic in a clearer way.
·  I will need a projector and laser pointer for projector screen
·  Desktop computer or laptop.
·  Red pen
·  Textbook

·       Students will need a notebook to write the summary from the board
or to write some new vocabularies, and to write some important notes

or instructions of the lesson. However, textbooks are very important in

the class, students will need a textbook to read a lesson. And they

need a worksheet for answering an exercise. In addition to that student

will need a laptops or iPads

·       Textbook

·       Worksheet.

·       laptops and iPads

·       Smart phones

Key Vocabulary

·       There is some Arabic terminology related to this lesson, students must master

these key words such as predicate (ending of the Arabic sentences)-

·       The five nouns (Arabic grammar terminology) –

·       The five verbs (Arabic grammar terminology).

·       Kutubee Arabic website for Arabic learners

Additional Note

Thanks Dr. Love for teaching us this subject.

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