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MINED – Lesson Plan Format A 04-12-2021

A. Lesson Plan Information 1st

B 04-12-2021

Subject: English.
School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 45 minutes.

Unit 2: Toys.

Topic: V: Toys: top, ball, scooter, video game, teddy bear, story book. Review Numbers: 1 –

G: I’m + (number)

S: How old are you? I’m + (number). Sing the song: Happy Birthday.

L: Listen and complete.

B. Performance Indicator
a. The student identifies toys vocabulary through audios and visual discrimination.
b. The student uses 5-6 words related to toys to participate in oral activities.
c. The student identifies numbers from 1 to 10 through visual aids and audios.
C. Learning Strategies

Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The kids sing with me the songs “walking! Walking!” I play the audio track on
my speaker. (10 min)
2. Review: Using a number caterpillar the kids review with me the correct recognition and
pronunciation of numbers from 1 to 10 and then through flashcards they review with me the correct
recognition and pronunciation of toys. (5 min)

Middle Activities

3. Grammar: I’m + (number). Through the flashcard of a kid blowing some candles of a cake I present
to kids the grammar “I’m + (number)” in order to say their ages. I present them the question and
then the answer I’m… I ask them to repeat with me. (6 min)
4. Speaking: How old are you? I’m + (number). Using the dynamic called “the microphone” I ask
the question “how old are you?” and motivate them to answer “I’m + (number).” I give them an
example. (7 min)
4.1. Sing the song: Happy birthday! I show to kids a flashcard of a birthday cake and explain
to them that we are going to sing the song “Happy Birthday.” I ask kids to listen to me as I
sing the song. After that, I give to some kids balloon and ask them to wave their balloons.
Then I play track 10 on my speaker and ask them to sing with me. (10 min)

Closing Activity

5. Listening: Listen and complete. I paste in the kids’ English notebook a piece of paper containing
activity 1 of page 20 of the student’s book. I explain to them that they have to listen to the
descriptions and write the age in the correct balloon. The first one is done for them as an example.
(7 min)

D. Homework

E. My reflections on the lesson / Observations

MINED – Lesson Plan Format A 04-12-2021

A. Lesson Plan Information 2nd


Subject: English.
School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 45 minutes.

Unit 2: Toys

Topic: V: Toys. Colors: red, blue, yellow, orange, green, and pink.

W: Draw and write the colors words.

L: Listen and point. Listen, point and say the words. Listen and color.

B. Performance Indicator
a. The student identifies toys vocabulary through audios, visual aids and written forms.
b. The student uses colors words to describe objects from their surroundings.
C. Learning Strategies

Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The kids participate in the dynamic called “hot cabbage.” I explain to them that
they have to pass the cabbage from one to another once the music has started. When the music
stops the one holding the cabbage has to unstick a leaf and say the word for the toy in the leaf. (10
2. Review: Using flashcards the kids review with me the correct pronunciation and recognition of the
toys words and also the grammar “It’s a…” (3 min)

Middle Activities

3. Vocabulary: Colors. I explain to kids that in today’s lesson we are going to learn to say and write
the colors in English. Then through flashcards I present them the colors words. I ask them to repeat
with me. After that I paste each flashcard on the board, point each color and ask kids to say the
words. (7 min)

4. Writing: Draw and write the color words. Once the kids have practiced the correct pronunciation
and recognition of the colors I ask them to draw in their notebooks six bubbles and color them and
then write the words. I monitor and check to be sure the kids are doing the activity correctly. (8 min)
5. Listening: Listen and point. Once the kids have finished coloring and writing the words I ask them
to listen and point each colors as they listen to me. I monitor and check to be sure the kids are
pointing the correct color. (5 min)

5.1. Listen, point, and say. Then I ask kids to listen to me, point and say the colors words. I
monitor and check to be sure the kids are pronouncing the colors correctly. (5 min)

Closing Activity

5.2. Listen and color. I paste in the kids’ English notebooks a piece of paper containing three
toys: ball, kite, and drum. I explain to kids that they have to listen to me and color the toy with
the color I will mention to them. I monitor and check to be sure the kids colored the toy
correctly. (7 min)
1. Color the ball in red.
2. Color the top in blue.
3. Color the kite in orange.

D. Homework

E. My reflections on the lesson / Observations

MINED – Lesson Plan Format A
A. Lesson Plan Information 3rd

Subject: English.
School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 45 minutes.

Unit 2: Let’s do it!

Topic: V: Action verbs: stand up, sit down, read, open, close, look.

G: Grammar review: Don’t + (action verb)

W: Write the negatives.

R: Read the instructions and match them with the correct picture.

B. Performance Indicator
a. The student follows basic commands in the classroom when participating in games.
b. The student uses imperative verbs to express oral and written commands with correct grammatical
c. The student participates in chants and choral activities to practice pronunciation of words.
C. Learning Strategies

Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The Ss sing the song “walking! Walking!” I play the audio track on my speaker.
(10 min)
2. Review: Through flashcards the Ss review with me the correct pronunciation, recognition, and
spelling of action verbs. (5 min)

Middle Activities

3. Grammar: Review: Don’t + (action verb). Using the flashcard of a boy opening a door I explain to
Ss how to write the negative of the instruction “Open the window.” I ask Ss to repeat with me and
then I ask them to copy the example in their notebooks. (7 min)

 Open the window.

 Don’t open the window.

4. Writing: Write the negatives. I write on the board five sentences. I explain to Ss that they have to
write the negative by writing “don’t.” The first one is done for them as an example. (10 min)

1. Sit down, please!

Don’t sit down, please!

2. Open your English notebook.

Don’t open your English notebook.

3. Close the door.

Don’t close the door.

4. Touch your nose.

Don’t touch your nose.

5. Read the sentence, please!

Don’t read the sentence please.

Closing Activity

5. Reading: Read the instructions and match them with the correct picture. I paste in the Ss’ English
notebook a piece of paper containing this activity. I explain to them that they have to read each
sentence and match them with the correct picture. I monitor and check to be sure the Ss are doing
the activity correctly. (8 min)

1. Run to the door!

2. Don’t run!

3. Open the window!

4. Don’t sit down!

5. Don’t open the window!

6. Don’t touch the cat!

D. Homework

Make a sign and write the instruction. (5 min)

MINED – Lesson Plan Format A 04-12-2021

A. Lesson Plan Information 4th

B 04-12-2021

Subject: English.
School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 45 minutes.

Unit 2: The Weather.

Topic: V: Clothing and footwear: shorts, T-shirt, pants, sweater, shoes, coat, dress, sandals.
Colors: green, black, purple, yellow, blue, orange, pink, red.

G: I am wearing a… He is wearing a…

W: Look at the pictures and write what he is wearing.

S: Design your clothes and footwear and describe what you are wearing.

B. Performance Indicator
a. The student uses clothing and footwear vocabulary to ask and answer questions about what
someone is wearing.
b. The student understands simple texts to get details about items of clothing and footwear vocabulary.
C. Learning Strategies

Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The Ss participate in the dynamic called “hot cabbage” I ask Ss to stand up and
explain to them that they have to pass the cabbage from one to another once the music is playing.
When the music stops the one holding the cabbage has to unstick a leaf and describe the clothes
by making use of the grammar “It’s a…” or “These are…” (10 min)
2. Review: Through flashcards the Ss review with me the correct pronunciation, recognition and
spelling of items of clothing and colors. (5 min)

Middle Activities

3. Grammar: I am wearing a… He is wearing a… I paste on the board two flashcards labeled “Me”
and “He” and explain to Ss how to write sentences to describe clothes by making use of “I am
wearing a…” and “he is wearing a…” I ask Ss to repeat with me and once they have finished I ask
them to copy the examples in their notebooks. (7 min)

Me He

I am wearing a red T-shirt. He is wearing a blue T-shirt and black shorts.

4. Writing: Look at the pictures and write what he is wearing. I paste in the Ss’ English notebooks
a piece of paper containing this activity. I explain to them that they have to look at the pictures and
write sentences making use of “I am wearing a…” or “He is wearing a…” depending on the label. I
monitor and check to be sure the Ss are doing the activity correctly. (8 min)

He Me

He Me
MINED – Lesson Plan Format A 04-13-2021

A. Lesson Plan Information 1st

B 04-13-2021

Subject: English.
School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 45 minutes.

Unit 2: Toys.

Topic: V: Toys: top, ball, scooter, video game, teddy bear, story book. Review Numbers: 1 –

L: Listen and circle. Listen and draw.

S: Count and say.

B. Performance Indicator.
a. The student uses 5-6 words related to toys to participate in oral activities.
b. The student identifies numbers from 1 to 10 through visual aids and audios.
C. Learning Strategies

Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The kids sing with me the songs “hello! Hello!” I play the audio track on my
speaker. (10 min)
2. Review: Using flashcards and real objects the kids review with me the correct recognition and
pronunciation of toys. (5 min)

Middle Activities

3. Listening: Listen and circle. I paste in the kids’ English notebooks a piece of paper containing the
six toys studied so far. I explain to them that they have to listen to me and circle the toy they hear.
After the activity is finished, we check the answers on the board. (7min)

3.1. Listening and draw. Once the kids have finished the previous activity I explain to them that they
are going to listen to me and draw the toy I will mention for them. I monitor and check to be sure
the kids are doing the activity correctly. Once the toys have been drawn by the kids I ask them
to color them using their favorite colors. (10 min)
• Draw a ball.
• Draw a story book.
• Draw a scooter.
• Draw a video game.

Closing Activity

4. Speaking: Count and say. I paste on the board five flashcards containing toys. Using the dynamic
called “Eeny, Meeny, Minie, Moe” I choose five kids at random to pass to the board to count and
write the quantity of toys. I give them an example using the toy “top.” (13 min)
MINED – Lesson Plan Format A 04-14-2021

A. Lesson Plan Information 2nd


Subject: English.
School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 40 minutes.

Unit 2: Toys

Topic: V: Toys. Colors: red, blue, yellow, orange, green, and pink.

G: I have a + (toy).

S: Mystery Box: I have a…

L: Listen and circle the toys you hear.

B. Performance Indicator
c. The student identifies toys vocabulary through audios, visual aids and written forms.
d. The student uses colors words to describe objects from their surroundings.
C. Learning Strategies

Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The kids participate in the dynamic called “colorful balloons!” I blow up a red
balloon and ask kids the question “what color is this balloon?” I motivate them to answer with the
correct color. Then I write the word for the color and explain to them that I am going to throw it in
the air and they have to keep it in the air by touching it and saying the color. The same process is
done with the rest of the colors. (10 min)
2. Review: Using flashcards the kids review with me the correct pronunciation and recognition of the
toys words. (5 min)

Middle Activities

3. Grammar: I have a + (toy). Using real toys I present to kids the grammar “I have a…” by taking out
from a bag the different toys. Whenever I take out a toy I say “I have a…” and ask kids to repeat
with me. After that, I choose some kids at random to take out toys from the bag and say “I have a…”
Later I draw on the board a doll and a drum and write the sentences making use of “I have a…” I
ask kids to copy the examples in their notebooks. (10 min)

4. Speaking: Mystery Box: I have a…. I give them the flashcard of a mystery box I explain to them
when the song starts they have to pass the flashcard from one to another. Once the song stops the
one holding the flashcard will have to pass to the front and take out a piece of paper from a bag and
say “I have a” and the toy in the piece of paper. (8 min)
Closing Activity

5. Listening: Listen and circle the toy you hear. I paste in the kids’ English notebooks a piece of paper
in which the six toys studied so far are printed. I explain to them that they have to listen to me and
circle the toy they hear, I monitor and check to be sure the kids did the activity correctly. (7 min)
• I have a hoop.
• I have a kite.
• I have a teddy bear.
• I have a drum.
MINED – Lesson Plan Format A
A. Lesson Plan Information 3rd

Subject: English.
School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 40 minutes.

Unit 2: Let’s do it!

Topic: V: Action verbs: stand up, sit down, read, open, close, look.

G: Grammar review: Don’t + (action verb)

W: Complete Annie’s instructions for her dog.

S: Look at the sign and say the instruction.

B. Performance Indicator
d. The student follows basic commands in the classroom when participating in games.
e. The student uses imperative verbs to express oral and written commands with correct grammatical
f. The student participates in chants and choral activities to practice pronunciation of words.
C. Learning Strategies

Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The Ss sing the song “the actions song!” I play the audio track on my speaker.
(10 min)
2. Review: Through flashcards the Ss review with me the correct pronunciation, recognition, and
spelling of action verbs. (5 min)

Middle Activities

3. Grammar: Grammar review: Don’t + (action verb). I explain to students that in today’s lesson we
are going to continue to study the negative instructions. I write on the board a positive instruction
and ask Ss to say the sentence in negative. I write the negative sentence and ask Ss to copy it in
their notebooks. (7 min)
• Touch your feet.
Don’t touch your feet.

4. Writing: Complete Annie’s instructions to her dog. I paste in the Ss’ English notebooks a piece of
paper containing the activity 1 of page 81 of the SB. I explain to Ss that they have to look at the
pictures and complete the gaps by writing the correct action verb. I monitor and check to be sure
the Ss are doing the activity correctly. (8 min)
Closing Activity

5. Speaking: Look at the sign and say the instruction. Through the dynamic called “mystery box” I
choose some Ss at random to take out from a box a piece of paper look at the sign and say the
instruction. I give them help if necessary. (10 min)

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