2019, AIR 51, Vikram Grewal

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‘www.visionias.in @ VISION IAS ° ‘SUBJECT: ESSAY Test Code: [a St NameofCandidste |ViKeAM GREWAL Medium Hindi/Eng, ENGLISH [Registration wumber | 1 | u] Olé] 2] 1 Center ONLINE [Date ily} o i glila Q.No, Page | Maximum Marks ——jNo_| Marks | obtained _| 1. po furnish the appropriate details in the answer sheet (i Name, Registration Number and Test Code}. Be yeow A Gem wer sree ¢ am, wT Bie, ‘rel Hs 2H 2. Allquestions are compulsory. ah er ofa 3. The number of marks carved by a question/part is indicated agaist. ete we Sate set ad Fee Te ah 4. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate, which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-Cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space. provided. No marks will be given for answers written in medium other tha the authorized one. ve Soom at may Fed aH ay fee se am wie 2 fem wat she 2a mem eI Be acd a Fea CRE) yest S ye ye TH offer fate ~~ rH fran arr ate states me S siete ara iam 7] ‘feet rere F forge sew Bie sis aT fey 5. Word mit in questions if specified, should be adhered to, wel Wome ai, set fife 2m age fen ar “afee 6. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question- ‘Cum-answer Booklet mut be clearly struck of am yen 3 art ata Ear Ye a es sin BE eT Sm arr ae ‘Total Marks Obtained: Geared etree! EVALUATION INDICATORS i i i Overall Macro Comments / feedback / suggestions on Answer Booklet: All the Best VISION IAS" Section - A DECTION = Inpian = Aceicucture ts , IN AWRY, A Victim OF ITs Own Past Success The dliveme terscaim auch Coliesh _etines bear upon te Country of dria Corsicleratly forge Potential of Crop cultivation. From the Sefron_fitdy in te pps Aaachas SS Production pewer heures om tte Alla plains , huge yislde of ne jap oss es Deccan pores to ‘hertittrsl hotspots” sproad ahasyhe Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : woewvisior .visionias.in Blog : www.visionias.wordpress.com , | 4, Email: ejay.visionias@gmail.com VISION IAS" Subirtinet has bean ogracutturr, The. exports of apo gears to Meopotrmia Wn 1600- (400 RCE Durtyah, the marine ‘past Suceon? of te Solan : \ has Mace on Call us : 9850617807, 9968029039 Visit us : wwwzvisionias.in Blog : www. : alay.visioni l visionias.wordpress.com |. Email: jay.isionies@gmai.com VISION IAS” Howern, tina and again haly bon daplayh Hak Booka Agata bos bean an smbalamead amd precarierrs 22h. “Adin~i- othr’ 4 Abul Fark gives mokistiv OF mons Podaction of fol wpb din Ome Year onk a fare foment j Crop failure in tur year. Siniloahy, Pockets of Bengal report Suceey we Sake of Sndigg ap avon Gurope for decades ond subeqponthy reported a dowrtotid gutput in Pomanent Sebilemmt Iudian Lian Araceae hor bon O vickim of uh, Oud pant puceon uy lifer pric of st oun Fimobine « The cofmial cotoriah peril sthok Aeapesk ae Call us : 9650617807, 9968028039 Vis visionias.in Blog : wwwvisioniaswordpress.com 4-4 Email jayvsionias@gmal.com VISION IAS" foom situation. Ad un thin condition, pam-bndion ‘Leon-wruinrer” protests have Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 : wwwvistonias.in Blog : wwwisionias.wordpress.com , | 4-44 Email: jay.visionias@gmai.com VISION IAS” oom soins auerdid by reveral rtake in unable to calrn (9 ut Producnrs | Loon usdiners OAR PAR epromoak rckutionn that would enh A bumper crap mart yoo waoeld yt fr che funn Te foes vst of MsP_ (Minimum Support Price) anc fei pe neh cont Pubic Din bribution System (PDS) howe fLoguad He sector Call us : 9650617807, Visit us : waww.visionias.in Blog : wwwnvisionias.wordpress.com , | -., Email: ajay-visionias@gmail.com VISION IAS" Wn siacaptibte 19 climate Chan Lond erm OM & recely for “Aadicing a_i Fehereon ote fing retest ta = Tere exist rereral kindy of oliviln - cham dive, gender olivide , coke divicle payional clivide on 50 on. Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 wisionias.in. Visit us : wana z Blog : www.visionias.wordpress.com , 4, Emall: alayvisionias@gmail.com VISION IAS" ONLI of Hahaha hes Comed haiwe in water Aessurcen a well ar frarncral Roku. Cong th nation teat ‘ushook Ona rice? produchion Cn be carried uk Without Coniderny Te Sut obdi ty K te sok to munturr thane —exapr , hes aoeply affected te on wel an the Curiiton- mont. Sastancer of Sek cma, Call us : 9650617807, 9968029038 Visit us : wow. visionias.in Blog: wwaw.visionias.wordpress.com aq Email: ajayvisionias@amai.com VISION IAS" The Suceo oF the Gro Revtution ond the part-14a! 6h- ee ee ee Pslf baked one. Te former crcoted ao cham olivide - behweor big famnors whe could offod “HY — Ind hecdanes Lond “sha Could vot manoge te Produce a feorible yee Clobabigalion fad fo o dichotomous Condition, One an hard, Trade Gyerizato (wre) ond ddan Manakery Fund (IME) om He Lboral Callus : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : www-visionias.in Blog : wwwvisionias.wordpress.com , 44 Email: ayvisionias@gmil.com VISION IAS” Cltivating Policies. WTO at Nairobt Gof cnet am i peak ft Bled Cation of alt bads of farm subsiclis Covemmert sebsiolies, wold fd ut ns Alircrunninatory ond horn fil tee fowmers. Aimee — Cime immemorial from tortured by He Apecte of ‘crndit?. The watery, Gunde , shrots, Mahyjone of meicinl forioal nfi0L conf cg tee bak worl vnbh ganized form sector. Thon boaany vintowt Aster and apprentne realpractin have canbe Re helylim fesotr . Te schomon Like Pradhan Mantii thi Kalyan Vojone, Pepa leona Yojoma, Kali Senchayee Yojons Odin all us 9050617807, 9 1996802903: us : wwn-visionias.in : wwwevisionias.wordpress.com Email : ajay.visionias@gmail.com Pace nf 20 Aefune 18 Come inte contact wribh tacet doreloprot. Conk enetically Cups howe been. the Agaron behind mony edentaier Supporting popelahio,. Hower, Several promure groups and opprahonrion amt Locely, 29 Adin vin ta Accent Cnheversin of Bt Brigjak k GH Mustard hae vinkibbd tu proce 9 mode mization. The suctors of Bt- Coton un vot bei Crem olan Credit mn such on t 4 Sel ws SRG TRA? sheiooman Blog : www. sit us : wwwrvisionias.in isionias wordpress.com, Erna jy jay.visionias@gmail.com VISION IAS” Aponk from codespraad venice Lis eer Caps 3 geet aha Wingy Mgr’, ortlodox corcapi and Pdidn aprionttune in abe a victim 6 th cum nwrhia | The olevelopmront un horticultre and prufetable Arkin vn te clawertic on witht on _fprriqn Aomoiny nods to be an isopirkation Ce oe Torr un a noel te Silt tre a970-4b population to wom- GGR® CA Apa-basedk foadl_prOcUrsdng clan Than Romain, a UnAe-Aangig potatial in te onbie Supply and Vols Chaim Gf are focol ancl packager sorter that needs to be tappet, Sim a push toanrds serinLtune, fishy secler ond Social, oa ty word Agduce burden on Gpricubtune long . Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us: worn. vistoni Blog :wiwisionias.wordpress.com, | 14 aq Ema: aaytclonias@ral.com VISION IAS” The Women agricnDluadats ork pr veheholder who ow Bored. Than dn anothy facet ah Sueeen Sudan Smale’ oprenbtae at har vitlimiged vit other halg majo Ctr bubiy stakeholder, On-field fabour Corist of Onn 60. of female workers. They suff, from Alintriminators, socist Commmic ond patitical Cornentionn that weed te be sradlicateol . Scion Agrictturr dr formment. Developmretr Like Soil Koabln Gada , Krishi Vigyaon Kendra (VK) crs finitely gome-changers olay WthNitt @NAM, APMC and above wotiond schemes Howener, a ‘Faamor— Firm -Foool’” approach a8 with Sructural charger reed fader place that would enable tee Suceom of tha Sadan AgrionWure be fier tell fron te shackles of bein He wictimn, Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : www visionias.in Blog : wi wwnwvisionias.wordpress.com, | 4) aq Email: aay.visionias@gmail.com VISION IAS" Section - & Tue Curture Or Ban : Treat To Democeacy Ing INDIA When you Arostrict pobrick om end from public viru, you debar wb enintence, Vou put a wel om the behatder's Anes = ees eo alti of tre nation Os well Gp tak of te wert . Call us : 9650617807, 9968028039 Visit us : ww. vision . 5. ni i ionias.wor OMe reagan Emel ajayuison sgmalcom VISION IAS” The ‘udtrn of Bow dime 9 ole OO Similar tuk. Hout- vera, thee ac citation to dat. Aton, um explicit tems or a Aesteic- Fion ‘um toto” 4hat olebars a population G6 region from accoming contain eins. Thare might be um terms of rua, Product, Sikealurr, meeting ok- Te Cult of ban Hey ben On nat fntine of He dion Cubertinnt Ara the Vedic fg whan unin te "Ua Galuama Drama’ the Grabming Compe a ie a all us: 2650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : wv.visionias. i onias.wordpress.com, | pag Email: Pa ease ‘com, VISION IAS” Carter wor allowed, Furth, untouchable wee damned from dhe fer - fot olivini Demme from pablic gpaces , temper, well) ee. Da. B.A. Ambedkar un hw rayruin opus ‘The Aumihilation of Conte’ dom for a seokn of sous desing Se help. SE deprives the erdine Seeiily oe cuh OE and explock tre feature of ‘divert’ Je ta eat Soller ay Hower, dha ‘ertture off bom’ in the vnpdein Senne, CA un aims ' athine & portive rata thom nega bine oudput. The tow on Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : vnwwzvisionias.in Blog : www. Em Misionias.wordpress.com,, 1. aq Email: ajaysionias@gmallcom VISION IAS" unoucha bility an Muti, 1 in peapeluily dha, cur demsaatc set up. Mote- corer the abofition of tithes (Arrigo 18 Prohibition of human trsffi ching (onset! and child Labour (Arlicle 24) ore f dhe Soren Socialine See rowralic Republic Hak ue ont. Howerrr, we meat ackno- whedge the fack aogk ‘bam’ us ak of cots “Tu, Lon! oh Sate Loree Willian Bouticle un (839 a Child na- Call us : 9650617807, 9968020039 Visit us : www.visionias.in Blog : www.visionias. wordpress.com, 4 aq Emil: elayvisionias@amail.com VISION IAS” The bon om duntoricarh, drohiy, alcohol (un several dats) aw potintiak breads grounds for_black-ma- bhack-mar Mekeoring and other a Sales — Like oheoho wilhouk prohibition. Tea, lapel Lignan, ae key im Atl Like Gujarat onal Bebon dak have enacted Prshibition Ass, ques Aire © nowy belwern black mag and tener Ligpsur , u aunms bards. Tuy, we notin that he exthne of ban © Call us : 9850617807, 9968029039 itus istonias.in Bog : wwwvisionias wordpress.com, a Ena: alay.visionias@gmel.com VISION IAS" Thonn uy On cltone of bom vim He fealds off ank, Literature, tebe and cmena - ne oe ee now inforted vith Asstrictiow. THe Cerbal Bond of Film Conbficatin po oe a Aden. ‘Ct? om 22 fe Awperrine and smationnh, cay ALco € - iia: Conshing Ont: The famoers cis tancns Of ban on ME Humnain's pambincss ond Salman Runholi Rusholic's ‘Satomic Verne’ Were ALD Os back pots vim toe holon Of oak and Litenratume a Ty phn STs = ' too why um ‘victims’ Seen Call us : 9650617807, 868028039 Visit us : wanw.visionias.in ior Blog : www.visionlas.wordpress.com, | 1.44 Email: aay.vsionias@gmail.com VISION IAS" The cultunt of bon pores a olirk wirkation fe the Anthiche |4 utich bestows On every citizen Rig ht to Freedom of Exprumin , J sometimes also veelater te Right to Life umcler Article 21 when ik erie, and alinmary nation talnt vin cam of a four artinhs , Likerwry intetlictuals eke Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 + www.visionias.wordy Blog wwwvisionias.wordpress.com, 4 an Visit us : www.visionias.in Email : ajay.visionias@gmail.com VISION IAS" Democracy dr a form of goremmant tak rnitialan f F Obrcumim, dabata And dinet >. Hovtra, dn olnced vulmorshte stab, of Co-eriskence ileal Guuk dif Te tele of Ban uns a park of te Nazi Drapasemnrale under Hither, the Should forum ur of it treats . Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : vrwwisi Blog : jonias.in wwewisionias wordpress.com, 44 aq Email: ajay.visionias@gmel.com VISION IAS" The of Incl 6 cowrdig fll of chivene rig Cortin, profeniny of. SE ur a nation nae! nage eee 3 a Nmmogercur sprit, fe har a not of collaberation ond cortradictiom within at, dlivemne demain, Thur, vt ur only bor om betling cloptrives ta Chorseny of 0 beye poldutia tavable profimio, JE worn bea seurce of tmerue fer Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : wonw.visionias.in Biog : wwrw.visionias.wordpress.com enor 24 ar an EMail: ajay.visionies@gmall.com VISION IAS” Tha mead in fo_rcgulate, mot bom. India's seme of dled ty Comey frm the fact tak ity atiper oe allowed to enjoy pereral Brvectons. Tre Cultere of fon would omby exacerbab uxt be a grove cotroliction fo dhe ‘Creadon. te choo”. Hook hemon Avinellopmort 's diy to tile, da Seape of ChOICE. Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 ionias.in Visit us : wwrn.visi Blog : wwwvisionias:wordpress.com,, | 45-4 Emil ajayvisionias@gmal.com VISION IAS" The quartion off “bom? ing mona ond ethical me OM othan a political oe. And tre Pradomimauk — havarcd te +42 nation's bom vin _ enforced pot ticalLy Portion qpther political yrillenge to win vata and abortion . Littl thought in geen dre social crmin panei tity eat a culture of bon brings with ak Frmog other Comneiptnets off o Cure of bom OAL incrnaning POOR Paes Oa) pampak hate-potitics ut abe Leas ie a Abbyt ‘Peon paychorin’ strat ersdes Ha Aeculor fabaic of othe Olomacratic democratic. nblitation (TH Right be bfermati ity gives Us “acconn bidity od calton of ‘bor teher it anny.) Gallus: 9650617807, s9sa020009 Visit us : www.visionias. 19 : wwnw.visionias wordpress.com, Email * ayy usonias@amal.com Paoe 23 of 20 VISION IAS" gee eran erg not only a Ovevmint-Arun daatitution, buk on _dinitiatinn “of, by ond fOr? sth people. Gur Citizens yt be ‘Aomsitized| andl vat ats *nemnitive? — we mut bean the ‘chwgth, & utr” ond ‘Search fox taudh? as emphasized by Makatra Gamo. Arde mee wh lave! aches odtot, buds we mail bicweh thot. Eth te Conte to embaacee uk. fee ae ei Se ee Lifted ie ggrt te root, wat ct hold, uA _GerrBCrace. a Call us : 9850617807, 9968029039 Visit us : www-visionias.in Blog : www.visionias. wordpress.com, il: ajay.visioni il Pace 2h aran Email: alay.visionias@gmail.com VISION IAS" Call us : 9650617807, 968029039 Blog : wwnvisionias.wordpress.com, Visit us : wwnn.visionias.in 3 i. Pnon 28 af an Email: alay.visionias@gmall.com VISION IAS” Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Blog : wwwvisionias. wordpress.com, Visit us : wwww.visionias.in Email: ajay-visionias@gmail.com Paoe 26 oF 2 VISION IAS" Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : wonw.visioni Slog : wwwsisionias:wordpress.com, 44 aq Emil: ajay-isionias@gmai.com VISION IAS" Call us : 9650617807, 9868029039 Visit us : www.visionias.in Blog : vwww.visionias.wordpress.com, onan il: ajay.visionias@gmail.com VISION IAS" cullire of ban. threat © demecyacy in India, . Diver sity ~ differences. Momsonbt Uniforinly min wait “ Daverpect fowards orth itself + Religion, connstition . * Carle systema, Varneslaane Aharme, BR. Patethtn, amablohn of cate. [ea tn Vislalin of Fandsnadeh Rit. eons: bam in public cphier, PAR, HKasbu, Ble 5 cheCL Non + Wah achully ne fo be eee ce coma, prohibition, Samkatp se Giada’. ae ~ Rebared fo aurept truth, rnality oa. Souak yefomen: sabi, child mame . ; Demacrsg fen bo enpotenah, met cuppumion. Netinalan cin tun unto Fardan. ug bom in France Ag-onutd olin vce - i ¥ belink — MF Meptin, Saban tt alien — weliral na KH dacinn He gout public: GM crops, 7 A genuine need to pe not born. Va gy tan MOM. Pleads black market, illegal precome, Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : vnww.visionias.in Blog : wuwsisionias.wordpress.com, | 44 aq Email: ajay.visionias@gmal.com VISION IAS" Indian. Ophodturei, wo Woy, a Wickim of FES aah fant Suton Eaprodmelton: 65%. of Gad - 11% conbributin GDF, * Geography oF foie Y History of agro. ancient. Medieval Hodern.- tet gide bawdy into Ilerferenoe. WTO -Naixobi Green Revolution, Sdn Rane, desman. gam Wales, Chay divide + Maggio adit — Fanck bina yojomt S Gender obivide, * Lamd —naforonr, Fond processing induntry— cater Ona tere iy: " Shackles in tradition: clemogzaphic 7 ~ Dseanong a Sl) "Sectoral imbalance : ating From agro . Marker ee * Environmental azerd. Ground wala. Soil evosion . Saree Gurhis information, ‘Ugheracy, “soit Henle a Wrong Crofts tm Hu worery Apgion, - GM conse, 20: Kove to horticulture. Canc lusion s Non- Ayro t Agro balance. Land reforms & Latour relorny, Tut tuteneliye — inprone - Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 :wwnwwisionias.in Blog : www.visionias.wordpress.com, ag qq Email: aay.visionias@gmail.com

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