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ur fais aidherer sites fesitres ARB WT Ter) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (A Government of india Enterprise) Ref No.- NR1/MBGH/PGCIL/ Dated:- 22-02-2021 To, The Deputy Conservator of Forest Kamla Nehru Ridge North Forest Devision New delhi-110007 ‘Sub: Proposal for diversion of 13.5165 ha. Land for construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Transmission Line at 400/220KV GIS Maharanibag! SIS by Powergrid Corporation Of India Lid. under Forest Conservation Act 1980. Dear Sir, In the above cited subject POWERGRID has applied und¢r Forest Conservation act 1980, for the construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana/Mandola Transmission Line at 400/220KV GIS Maharanibagh S/S with the diversion of 13.5165 Hectors of forest land vide online portal Parivesh ID no: - FP/DLITRANS/366 14/2018 tated 17122018. The proposal has been granted stage-1 approval by|Regional office Jaipur MOEF & CC vide their letter Ref. No. 8B/Delhi/04/01/2020/25 dated 49.10.2020 with some terms and conditions. The point wise compliance of thse terms and conditions are as under- Condition imposed in stage-1 ‘Compliance report by user agency. approval by RO MOEF & CC under FCA 1980 act for the construction of LILO of 400KV DC Bawana- | Mandola Transmission Line at Maharani Bagh. 7.Legal status of forest Land shail | An Undertaking is ‘enclosed herewith at | remain unchanged. annexure-1 12 Forest land willbe handed over | Complied. | | tothe user agency only after the | Handing over documents for CA Land along | hon-forest land require for CA shall_| with the Geo- reference maps wit!| coordinate | Be handed over by the user agency | details is enclosed herewith at anrtexure-2. to forest department. , eal 4 . | as aster SF Fina 400/220 St, vhamggw. Here arr are, aE ‘: ss 6 8 tr Boh ion, Boe ese ates Satna en wee fis atthe site disa feites (ART RHR wT sere) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (AGovemm¢nt of India Enterprise) 3.a. Compensatory afforestation | A. Due to litigation in certain portion|of shall be taken up by the Forest allotted Land as mentioned in this PARA by department over 2.44 ha, near | DDA for CA, some new Land has bepn shastri park Metro station adjoining | allotted by DDA Vide Letter No.- to yudhister setu on Eastern bank of | FLD/IL/0009/2020/GOVT/29-INSTITUTIONAL. River Yamuna & 11.66 ha. (atnear_| LAND-III/1347 dated 15-01-2021. The details Usmanpur village adjoining to of new allotted lands are as under- yudhister setu on Eastern bank of | 1. Area measuring 2.44 ha. near shaptri park River Yamuna) (Total 13.5165 Metro station adjoining to yudhister sptu on hectors NFL) at the cost of the user | Eastern bank of River Yamuna. agency. As far as possible a mixture eee Futibe, | 2-_ Area measuring 2.26 ha. (at near| of loca’ indigenous species shall be | Ucmanpur village adjoining to yudhister setu planted and monoculture of any : on Eastern bank of River Yamuna) species may be avoided. | 3. Area measuring 5.3 Hectors along | yudhister setu on easter bank of river Yamuna. 4, Area measuring 4.3 hectors ha. along yudhister setu on eastern bank of river Yamuna (Total 14.30 hectors NFL). B. Rs. 11,00,60,788,00 (Rupees Elever| Crore Sixty Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Eight Only) has been deposited to forest Department | Vide Transaction No.- RTGS/ICICR22021021900006019/CORP0000371 | dated 19-02-2021. 3.b. The Non Forest land shall be | The Non Forest Land allotted for CA\for this, transferred and mutated in favor of | project has been handed over to Forest | the state forest department Department. Handing over documents for CA | Land along with the Geo- reference (naps with coordinate details is enclosed herewith at | annexure-2. Neyo St —~ 400/220 waft. were arr axe, aeateR ae (IRM FRY aH We ee MTA), aE ARP 001s 400/220 KV GIS Maherani Begh Substation, Behioipur Khader (In Front of Sarai Kale Khan ISBT), Now DGihi-t10013 ure Ss sidkem site ear fois (argh aT BT SerH) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (AGovernmnt of India Enterprise) 4. The cost of CA at thé prevailing | Letter No.- 01/NFD/TC/FCA/M- wage rate as per compensatory Bagh/13.516ha./Power Grid/2020-21/1188 dated afforestation scheme and the cost. 17-02-2021, Department of Forest and Wild Life, nanetetey trier enesticrtent! Delhi raised a demand of Rs. 11,00,60,788.00 . e r , (Rupees Eleven Crore Sixty Thousand Seven erection of permanent pillars, if ¢ ; tequrad ar GA and still be Hundred Eighty Eight Only) against CAScheme. | Same has been deposited to Forest Department deposited in advance with the forest | by POWERGRID Vice Transaction No. department by the project authority. | RTGs/CICR22021021900006019/CORP0000371 The CA will be maintained for 10 | dated 19-02-2021. years. The scheme may include appropriate provision for anticipated | cost increase for work schedule for subsequent years. a 5. The state Govt. shall charge the | Vide Letter dated 12-11-2020, Departnjent of Net Present Value (NPV) for the __| Forest and Wild Life, Delhi raised a demand of | 13.5165 ha. forest area to be Rs. 1,19,89, 135.00 (Rupees One Crore| Nineteen diverted under this proposal from _| Lakhs Eighty Nine Thousand One Hundred Thirty Five Only) against Net Present Value. Same has eae a ocala resent art 1e Hon'ble supreme court of India| poweRGRID Vide Transaction No.- ale eee RTGS/ICICR22021021900006019/CORPO000371 28/03/2008, 24/04/2008 and STREET 09/05/2008 in IA No. WP(C) No. 202/1995 and as per the guidelines issued by the ministry vide letters No- 5-1/1998-FC (pt.lll) dated 18/09/2003 as well as per the letters No- 5-2/2206-FC dated 03/10/2006 and 5-3/2007-FC dated 05/02/2009 regard. nal amount of the NPV of _| An undertaking for payment of additional NPV the diverted forest land, if any has been submitted at annexure-3. becoming due after finalization of the same by the Hon'ble Supreme | Court of India on receipt of the report from the expert committee shall be charged by the state Govt. from the user agency. The user agency shall furnish an undertaking to this effect. 7. User agency shail restrict the | An undertaking for restrict the felling of trees felling of trees to minimum number | to minimum number in the diverted forest land in the diverted forest land and the _| and the trees shall be felled under the strict, trees shall be felled under the strict _| supervision of the state Forest department is supervision of the state Forest enclosed at annexure-4. The cost af felling department and the cast of felling of trees shall be deposted by the User |" Tees shall be bear by Powercnids =| 4001720 wa. vane. were aor ovat, arabes are (rT WTA at wae A ATA wel HOB 400/220 kV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behiolpur Khader (in Front of Sara Kal Noni 0 pau wee is wiGRet sits gen Sires (are POWER GRID CORPORATION OF| (A Governms WOR GT Ser) INDIA LIMITED It of India Enterprise) [agency with the State forest T Department. 8. All the funds received from the user agency under the project shall be transferred/ deposited to campa | This pertains to forest department. Hi payment against demand note of CA & NPV has been deposited by the ust ke weve», cheme Fr FRA, 2006 shalll be ensured by the way of prescribed certificate from | the concemed District Collector. 2006 issued by Competent authority enclosed at annexure-5. fund through e-portal agency at Delhi Campa fund through|e-portal | (htpp:// (htpp:// @. The complete compliance of The complete compliance report of HRA is 40. User agency shall obtain Environment Clearance as per the | provision of the Environmental (Protection) Act1986, if applicable. Not applicable in this case/project. 11. The user agency in|consultation with the state forest department prepare a detailed scheme for creation and maintenance of | plantation of dwarf species (preferably medicinal plants) in right of way under the transmission line and deposit the cost of execution of the said scheme to the State forest department. ‘An undertaking is enclosed at annexure-6. 12. The user agency at its cost shall provide bird deflectors, which are to | be fixed on upper conductor of the transmission line at suitable intervals to avoid birds’ hits. ‘An undertaking in this regard is enclosed at annexure-7. 13. The User agency shall comply establish on the forest land, | ‘An undertaking in this regard is enclosed at | with the guidelines for laying | annexure-8. transmission through forest areas | issued by the Ministry vide letter no- | 7-2512012-FC. dated 05/05/2014 & | 19/M/2014. é 74. The layout plan of the proposal | An undertaking in this regard is endlosed at shall not be changed without prior | annexure-9. | approval of Central Govt. 15. No labour camp shall be ‘An undertaking in this regard is endlosed at | annexure-10. 400220 bat Shangve. were at wd, Te 400/220 kV GIS Maharani Bagh Substati ion, Behiolpur Khader (in Front of Sarai ‘aree (4a BIE at we KUMAR SIGH rl Manage ‘fat wee fas atthe site diga fides (reg POWER GRID CORPORATION OF| (Govern WOR 1 Ser) INDIA LIMITED nt of india Enterprise) | 16. Sufficient firewood, preferably the alternate fuel shall be provided by the user agency to the labourer after purchasing the same from the state Forest Department or the Forest Development corporation or any other legal source of alternate fuel. "| An undertaking in this regard is encl annexure-11 sed at 47. The boundary of the diverted forest land shall be suitably demarcated on ground at the | project cost as per the directions of | the concemed Divisional Forest officer An undertaking in this regard is encl annexure-12, jsed at 18. No additional or new path will | be constructed inside the forest area for transportation of construction materials for execution of project works. ‘An undertaking in this regard is encl annexure-13. sed at 19. The period of diversion under this approval shall be co-terminus of lease to be granted in favor of the user agency or the project life whichever is less. An undertaking in this regard is encl annexure-14. sed at 20. The forest land shail not be used for purpose other than that ‘An undertaking in this regard is enci annexure-15. sed at | specified in the project proposal. | T 21. The forest land proposed to be diverted shall under no. circumstances be transferred to any | other agencies, department or person without prior approval of Govt. of India. ‘An undertaking in this regard is encidsed at annexure-16. 22. Violation of any of these conditions will amount to violation of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and action would be taken as per the MoEF&CC Guidelines F. No. | 11-42/2017 dated 29/01/2018 ‘An undertaking in this regard is enck annexure-17. BI sedat | | 23. As far as possible maximum numbers of trees shall be | translocated according to a detailed scheme for translocation of suitable plants, prepaid in consultation with the state forest Department and the An undertaking in this regard is encl annexure-18. ieee a oy sed at 4001220 a. shang ware act Gui, aroborye wee (fara ark 4007220 8 Maral Bop Stator, Ber Kader (orto ed ee een eel ae wee fais widRem sites sen fies GIR ER eT sem) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF| INDIA LIMITED (AGovernm@nt of India Enterprise) cost for the same shall be bone by 7 the user agency. | 24. The Compliance report shall be | An undertaking in this regard is encidsed at uploaded on e-portal annexure-19, ( | 25. Any other condition that the ‘An undertaking in this regard is encidsed at Ministry of MoEF&CC may stipulate | annexure-20. from time to time in the interest of conservation, protection and | development of Forest and wildlife. | From above you are Kindly requested to grant working permission in the forest area. Thanking you, Yours| ei (S. K| SINGH) Sr. DGM, (Dethi|Project) ‘ftig/SUDHIR KUMAR SINGH BaP Sid Corporation| of See rer et Se (AGIM. adanan Sate eRe ar = ea rant Bo on 400/220 #2. vargas. wert wr oui, aectage AIRE (ARTA HY wi ae wes B aT), ae RRew-hro01s 400/220 kV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behloipur Khader (In Front of Sarai Kale Khan ISBT), New Deh 110013 uroorqueqdu: yBnom) UoHBLUNLOD Jo 2% 8 Kew sezoiieBy 408) uo Sunt: ‘upyea 105 pean ee wOReISGAg SID ANOZZ/OOr | ~wennenae| owen aaen camara | vornestra| en von varias | Et cr icant eee || Men r anv so nro wes ae m nr ons ( c 2rvare0as FW: UTR No FW: UTR No X DELETE REPLY REPLY ALL AK Rai (SPHAR TI} Mon 22-02-2021 10119 To: SK Singh (Ae Rey; From: Ram Niwas Meena {cx aw ss1} Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 15:35, To: A K Rai (seitagre 72} Transaction Date Description Amou 19/02/2021 RIGS/ICICR22021021900006019/C« Me 12.20.49, Ram Niwas Meena, GM (F&A) ~ Corporate Treasury Section, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Saudamini, Plot No 2, Sectot - 29, Gurgaon - 122001 ‘seer Fe ete rarer fort mr Ft tle. nowergidnda comDiscliner itm acer sn Disclaimer This e-mail is governed bythe Disclaimer Tes & Conlians of POWERGRIO which may be vewed st loons owereidind comiseaimec tin, S| roRwaRD Mark as unread nt (INR), 24.00 DR Searcy iter refits graven Fr a ar eT eer fE hep laps powergidindacomDislsimer htm UF BAT OT RwAT | Disclaimer: This emalisgovemed bythe Disclaimer Tes & Condions of POWERGRID which may be viewed at ‘ntp/apps Delamont ur fis wicker sife foises (art eae wT ser) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Anhexure-4, Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Transmission line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/25 dated 19.10.2020 Undertaking ae It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PpwerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that Legal status of forest land shall remain unchanged. Signature of Useragency Official Seal KUMAR SINGH enorel Manager Bi Pla lew Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 wea 4ooi220 Fa, Some.ew, wen are wae, AEMtONT MICK (ERT OTA a ae eve S ATMA), 400/220 kV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behiolpur Khader (in Front of Saral Kale Khan ISBT), New 7 20 tus he- Pra Prmext, Handing over/Taking over certificate 72. Handing over/Taking over of 5.3 Hect. of Land along Yudhister Setu on Eastern Bank of River Yamuna for compensatory afforestation for construction of LILO of 400KV Bawana — Mandola T/L at Maharanibagh. {In line with DDA Letter No.- FLD/IL/0009/2020/GOVT/29-INSTITUTIONAL| LAND- |I1347 dated 15-01-2021 encroachment & litigation free land, as per enclosed plan/coordinates (as provided by DDA), identified for compensatory affore under construction line (LILO of 400KV Bawana ~ Mandola T/L at Maharani being handed over to forest department by DDA for taking up compe! afforestation. Any kind of litigation matter will be responsibility of DDA. landed Over) ‘Taken Over] Br stnf ore 1D af 2? TR a hI PD Goh ners eran on beaten For and on beh DDA aarctamcrat-ornbagfirsitoar CSTR garden ot net AD) excep ab Reel seq eM) GIT —__ ogtrachaod spacer j - giver attra 1 pr pntrobss 12ferf 202} (In Presence of) For and on behalf of POWERGRID Les | Sr Dan tion for agh) is insatory If of nt Handing over/Taking over certificate Handing over/Taking over of 4.3 Hect. of Land along Yudhister Setu on ese Bank of River Yamuna for compensatory afforestation for construction of LILO of 400KV Bawana — Mandola T/L at Maharanibagh. In line with DDA Letter No.- FLD/IL/0009/2020/GOVT/29-INSTITUTIONAL| LAND- 11/1347 dated 15-01-2021 encroachment & litigation free land, as per dnclosed —~ __ plan/coordinates (as provided by DDA), identified for compensatory afforestation for under construction line (LILO of 400KV Bawana — Mandola T/L at Maharanibagh) is being handed over to forest department by DDA for taking up compensatory afforestation. Any kind of litigation matter will be responsibility of DDA. landed Over) (Taken Over, Chie atl ag) : Taveas tat TRO aint - r og ANDRO) a eeu ercleat elie set i For and on behalf of DDA Forest Department ¥ 4 4 ‘) rad ft of NCT HO 54. zrer carat stag Bear ee TaTg i =A (ere SGP Bt mere ence sre ate re eet eee 1 ererafreresmr ret 2 ETI TT TOT oH ot icarat acarttardai ©29 oft eet aan DOT R Ty yatcmteel Whi v (In Presence of) For and on behalf of peas POWERGRID (Seon Grp Sr Bam Handing over/Taking over certificate Handing over/Taking over of 2.44 Hect. of Land near Shastri Park Station adjoining to Yudhister Setu on Eastern Bank of River Yami compensatory afforestation for construction of LILO of 400KV Bat Mandola T/L at Maharanibagh. In line with DDA Letter No. FLD/IL/0009/2020/GOVT/29-INSTITUTIONAL ll1/1347 dated 15-01-2021 encroachment & litigation free land, as per e! plan/coordinates (as provided by DDA), identified for compensatory afforesta under construction line (LILO of 400KV Bawana ~ Mandola T/L at Maharanib) being handed over to forest department by DDA for taking up compel afforestation. Any kind of litigation matter will be responsibility of DDA. ion Metro 1a for na — LAND- iclosed for agh) is satory (Han, led Over) ke (Taken Over) eked (het Jeane yet?) CBYSENDR Koran) For rand on behat of Mtn ay HolYre For and on beha Forest Departm er) Sema of] cme? Govt of NCT MS gar snectaesst om lait avd? AE ee owner & RS abe elon oth | = of Axon 45H, Ri) Vn IDDA. fh Lente. =e hee tte nfo ay te] (in Presence of) S* 24M hc For and on behalf of PeweRG BID POWERGRID 4 yp eet ve) Handing over/Taking over certificate Handing over/Taking over of 2.26 Hect. of Land near Usmanpur Village adjoining to Yudhister Setu on Eastern Bank of River Yamuna for compensatory afforestation for construction of LILO of 400KV Bawana — Mandola T/L at Maharanibagh. In line with DDA Letter No.~ FLD/IL/0009/2020/GOVT/29-INSTITUTIONAL LAND- II1347 dated 15-01-2021 encroachment & litigation free land, as per @nclosed plan/coordinates (as provided by DDA), identified for compensatory afforestation for under construction line (LILO of 400KV Bawana — Mandola T/L at Maharanjbagh) is. being handed over to forest department by DDA for taking up compensatory afforestation. Any kind of litigation matter will be responsibility of DDA. We Oysy) (Taken Over) Tae 28h “Ta son es gous) no) ps) For and on ee For and on behalf of DDA Forest Department carter soft ont ag Sherrer Graaf) Govt of Nor at) axa, ims tre | waett ort arp ary forma] Pao at erect att erreroth rier & CA she | Maya grtararka et uy prcendsel 9 (tfexm ie, Pon) 5/202! >t a]oe PG Trey leo | on 20-0 (In Presence of) ple pet ri pela An fe (sists) éx< Baiy\ es wee fis widRerm sits igen feiss (rp eReTe wT SE) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF|INDIA LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Annexure-3 Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Transmission line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/25 dated 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake to pay the Additional amount ofthe NPV of the diverted forest land, if any becoming due after finalization of the same by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India on receipt of the report from the expert committee shall be charged by the state Govt. from the user agency. Official Seal ‘get: GAR Ris/SUDHIR KUMAR SINGH aes s/f Gone Manager Date: 22.02.2021 Power Grid &: Place lew Delhi kon Bs 400iz20 wat, shoned, marerAl amr wwe, aEctoRR MIE (HeTU wre a a Sve B eM), AE Re)roore 400/220 KV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behiolpur Khader (in Front of Sarai Kale Khan ISBT). New Delhi-110013. POWER GRID CORPORATION OF| A wee fais wither site vise feiss (arg Wee GT seri) INDIA LIMITED (A Govemrmant of India Entorpriso) xure-4 nme: Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola nes line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018 Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/25 dated 19.10.2020 Undertakini It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of P werGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that User agency shall restrict the felling of trees to minimum number in the diverted forest land and the trees shall be felled under the strict supervision of the state Forest department and the cost offfelling of trees shall be bear by the PowerGrid. sion i gol Official Seal Place: New Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 “gare gan Rie/SUDHIR KUN ‘ates Ge sstzdera/ Sr, Dy. Gonar 20 POR Mato an hR SWIGH Manager 4001220 &.4. chang ya. See re oe Seay Nick 400/220 kV GIS Meharani Bagh Substation, Behiolpur Khader (in Front of Saral Kale Khan 1SBT), New In-110013 Promexuace oS OFFICE OF SUB-DIVISIONAL MAGISTRATE: GANDHI NAGAR EAST DISTRICT: REVENUE DEPARTMENT GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI L.M. BUNDH, SHASTRI NAGAR, DELHI-110031 No, 23el- 2302. Dated: 4) ¢1) 2220 To, GM (Dethi Projects}, B-9, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016, Sub: Request for issue of FRA Certificate in r/o diversion of Forest land for non- forest .purpose [Construction of LILO of 400kV D/C Mandola-Bawana ‘Transmission Line, Sir, Please refer to your letter dated 19.12.2019 on the subject cited above. In this regard, it is informed here that as per Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, there does not exist any notificd tribe in Delhi. ‘This issues with the approval of District Magistrate (East). (RAJEEV ) ‘SDM, GANDHI/NAGAR information Pe of Forests (Hq,), A-Block, 2 Floor, Vikas Bhawan, 1,7.0., DelHi-2 (RAE) J SDM, GANDHI|NAGAR POWER GRID CORPORATION OF| (AGovernme A nhexul Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola ae line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. nt of India Entorpriso) re-6 Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/25 dated 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that PowerGrid in consultatio| with the state forest department prepare a detailed scheme for creation and maintenance of plantation of dwarf species (preferably medicinal plants) in right of way transmission line and deposit the cost of execution of the said scheme to forest department. If any report by the Forest department. ue Signature of Use! Official Seal Place: New Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 inder the the State agency 10013 oorez0 tf. Ssanfge. mere arr wuebr, aeeteyR aE (He OTe ea ae Reve B UM, aE PReal1 400/220 KY GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behlolpur Khader (In Front of Sarai Kale Khan ISBT), New lelhi-110013 ure fos alukert sifes POWER GRID CORPORATION OF Ann Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Tran} line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/20201 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of Pi Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that PowerGrid at its cost shal bird deflectors, which are to be fixed on upper conductor of the transmissi suitable intervals to avoid birds’ hits. (AGovernmeht of India Enterprise) jexure-7 mission 5 dated ywerGrid I provide yn line at Signature of User agency Official Seal Place: New Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 40220 $a. shangen. mene arr wud, eecta eTee (ea OTA wl we es B UU), aE Rect} 10013 400/220 kV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behlolpur Khader {In Front of Sarai Kale Khan ISBT), New Dehi-110013, wee fas wicieerer sifes feieres (IR BRON GT Ter) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF|INDIA LIMITED (AGovernmdat of india Enterprise) Annexure: ‘onstruction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Transmission line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/25 dated 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that PowerGrid the User aggney shall comply with the guidelines for laying transmission through forest areas issued by the Ministry vide letter no- 7-25/2012-FC. dated 05/05/2014 & 19/M/2014. =i) sigan TG ager Official Seal Place: New Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 400220 #2. varie. mera arr auebe, aeabaye ence (eA wre et aw weve S A), a Pet too19 400/220 kV GIS Meharani Bagh Substation, Behlolpur Khader (in Front of Sarai Kale Khan ISBT), New Dpthi-110013 ure fs aickert site disa fides (ary aor wr ver) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF|INDIA LIMITED (A Goverment of India Enterprise) Annexure-9 Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Tranbmission line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/202025 dated 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that the layout plan of the proppsal shall not be changed without prior approval of Central Govt. vad Official Seal Place: New Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 ike @aw fie/ SUDHIR HUMAR SINGH aes i NETTEET Sr. Dy. G| gree firs trdivert s 400220 at Anke, mene am aeers, wea UTR (Gua ora wi wa wee Ow, a Rewitoo 400720 kV GIs Maharani Bagh Subtaton, Belopur Kader (Front of Sara Kale Khan ISB), New D101 ure fos sicRert sits dar faites (Rg TaN wT se) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (AGovernmeht of india Enterprise) Annexure-10 Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Trangmission line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. Stage-1 approval by McEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/p5 dated 49.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid o Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that the no labour camp|shall be establish on the forest land Bsanls Signature of User agency Official Seal Place: New Dethi Date: 22.02.2021 400220 a Maree Ren am aus, mesh are (eT HW aw eeee Fw) A Re foo 400/220 kV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behlolpur Khader (In Front of Sarai Kale Khan ISBT), New Delhi-110013 ae eI e wee fers after sift fesferes WOR oF vaA) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF|INDIA LIMITED (A Governmgnt of india Enterprise) Annexure-14. Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Transmission line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/25 dated 49.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that Sufficient firewood, preferably the alternate fuel shall be provided by the PowerGrid to the labourer after purchasing the ‘same from the state Forest Department or the Forest Development corporatipn or any other legal source of altemate fuel, if any. Si ray ignature of User agency Official Seal Place: New Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 4ooraz0 #4. age MERE arr wre, ATER wR (eer OTe GF ae wees BI), aE Peet ooTs 400/220 kV GI Meharani Bagh Substation, Behlolpur Khader (In Front of Sarai Kale Khan ISBT), New Dplh-t10013, ure fs aicert silts fees (arg IRE wT Te) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF|INDIA LIMITED (Government of india Enterprise) Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Transmission line at Maharani Bagh Substation Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/25 dated 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that the boundary of the diverted forest land shall be suitably demarcated on ground at the project cost as per the directions of the concemed Divisional Forest officer. Signature of User agency Official Seq! Place: New Delhi aR eae fe Date: 22.02.2021 See ners ooraa0 A. viardige, Merah ar es, wecteye eee (wera wa wl we weve IA, a Re toora . 400/220 kV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behlolpur Khader (In Front of Sarai Kale Khan ISBT), New Dpihi-t10013 wee fos aicftert sifes p wie fates q1 TROT wT SE) POWER GRID CORPORATION pe INDIA LIMITED {(AGovernmdt of nda Enterprise) Annexure-13 Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Transmission line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/25 dated 19.10.2020 Undertakin, It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that no additional or new path will be constructed inside the forest area for transportation of construction materials for execution of project works Beta Signature of User agency Official Sea Place: New Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 1001220 AL honk HERG aT SPR, WOON GI GM Oa wa weve @ wD) Red vo0t9 400/220 kV GIS Maharani iagh Substation, Behiolpur Khader (in Fron of Sarai Kale Khan ISB), New elhi-1100%9 ure fais wider silts POWERGRID POWER GRID CORPORATION OF| Annes Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Tran} line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. (AGoyernmght of India Enterprise) mission Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/25 dated 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of Pt Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that the period of diversion approval shall be co-terminus of lease to be granted in favour of the user the project life whichever is less “Er! werGrid \der this jency or Signature of User agency Official Seal Place: New Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 400/220 4, ongee. Hert arr ayer, usage eee (FRI wre wl aH Res BMT), aE Rew r0013 400/220 KV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behiolpur Khader (in Front of Saral Kale Khan !SBT), New Dq fhi-110013, wee fais sicher sits (AGovern Anne: onstruction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Transmission Name of proje line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/ 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of P' festres ARO HT STH) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF|INDIA LIMITED tof India Enterprise) 5 dated werGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that. The forest land shall not be used for purpose other than that specified in the project proposal. Signature of User agency Official Seal Place: New Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 400720 8A. Shanks nen aH wre Tea eI (RIT we twa eens @ OA), Pe 10013 4001220 KV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Bebllpur Kader (n Front of Saral Kate Khan ISBT), New Dqi-110013 wee fos wae silts faites WOR wT WEA) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF |INDIA LIMITED (A Govermept of India Enterprio) Annexure-16 Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Transmission line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018, Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/25 dated 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that. the forest land proposed to be diverted shall under no circumstances be transferred to any other agencies, department or person without prior approval of Govt. of India. Signature of User agency Official Seal Place: New Delhi X BAR Wie/ SUDHIK KUMAR SINGH +. Date: 22.02.2021 40220 a, cree, mare ee ores, wach MTEK (Hea wa i we ve @ aI, WE ReeLttoTs 400/220 kV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behlolpur Khader (In Front of Sarai Kale Khan ISBT). New Dathi-110013 ure fos wldherr sits gar fides WOR wT Te) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF|INDIA LIMITED (Government of india Enterprise) Annexure-17 Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Transmission line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018, Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/25 dated 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid ‘Comoration of India Limited hereby undertake that Violation of any of these epnditions will amount to violation of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and action would be taken as per the MoEF&CC Guidelines F. No. 11-42/2017 dated 29/01/2018. ae ¥ User agency Official Seal Place: New Delhi i EIR QAR Fae SUDHA KUMAR oH Date: 22.02.2021 Seo ttre sr Dy ones Narager iis Ba a 400/220 wah. amége. reenter ayebrx, aEcteyY IER (ARTI wT et aH Hove} UA), AE PReatft0018 400/220 kV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behlolpur Khader (In Front of Sarai Kale Khan ISBT), New Dgihi-110013 ure fas alter site foes BRON wr Ser) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF|INDIA LIMITED (A Government of india Enterprise) Annexure-18 Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola Tran line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018, Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020) 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that as far as possible maximum numbers of trees shall be translocated according to a detailed scheme for translocation of suitable plants, prepaid in consultation with the stale forest Department and the cost for the same shall be borne by the user agengy, if any instructed. eu Signature of User agency Official Seal Place: New Delhi MAR oWWGH Managet Date: 22.02.2021 400220 ah, carke, werent arm aaa, Twat ree (Ret wa wi aH eens Fw, aE Ret 10019 400220 KV GIS Meharani Bagh Substation, Behllpur Khader (In Front of Saal Kale Khan ISBT), New D4i-t10013, ures fais @luleeret sift fefares WOR wT ver) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF|INDIA LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Al ure-19 ne: Name of project: Construction of LILO of 400 KV DC Bawana-Mandola oar line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018. Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/45 dated 19.10.2020 Undertakin, it is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that the Compliance report|shall be uploaded on e-portal ( el, Signature of User agency Official Seal Place: New Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 400220 $A, chardiye weno ar wre aaa MTT (RTE i oma wi me ees ‘feel {007220 GE Matern Bagh Sinan, Beir de (a oto onal ai un eye ph tot3 wee fos aiGRerm site gisar foiees (reg wear BT se) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF|INDIA LIMITED (AGovemmant of India Enterprise) Annexure:t5 mission line at Maharani Bagh Substation. Parivesh ID No: - FP/DL/Trans/36614/2018 dated 17.12.2018, Stage-1 approval by MoEF&CC Jaipur vide letter ref 8 B/ Delhi /04/01/2020/R5 dated 19.10.2020 Undertaking It is to certify that | Sudhir Kumar Singh, Senior DGM on behalf of PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited hereby undertake that any other condition that the Ministry of MoEF&CC may stipulate from time to time in the intrest of conservation, Hrotection and development of Forest and wildlife. Signature of User agency Official Seal Place: New Delhi Date: 22.02.2021 SUDHIK hUMAR SINGH ae Ga 1 1 Dy ner! Manager aes et eT aooraz0 A, Ghandi, Heer am waara, aaah wee (Gerd aa at aa Sve @ wey a Rea Laoore 400/20 kV GIS Maharani Bagh Substation, Behlolpur Khader (In Front of Sarai Kal Khan ISBT), Now Duih-110013, Map of Land For Compensatory Atye station under Forest (Conservation) Act,1980 For the Construction of LILO °f~oKV Bavana-Mandola T/L at Maharani Bagh ) [ote Kya) aan bog ander Ores) San mScan a oi ay (Conservation) Act,198 T/L at Maharani Bagh b ee under Forest a-Mandola Map of Land For Com; pen: For the Construction of LL Altres non 4o0Kv 82" scanned witn CamScan Map of CA Land (9.40 hay for Construct oof DC Bawana-Mandola T/L at Maharani Bagh lon of LILO ©! MP, 035 witn GamScan N}_77°14'15.63"E| 77°14'20.74"E|

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