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Roll No. 21,
School of Management Studies,
CUSAT, Kochi- 22.

Abstract: Implementation refers to post-sales process of guiding a client from purchase to

use of the software or hardware that was purchased. This presentation deals with
implementing information technology in day-to-day activities is workers. This documentation
deals with technical and business related issues arising on IT implementation.The
complexities and challenges involved in IT implementation are well documented. The
benefits of adopting IT to an organization are also documented clearly. IT implementation
processes are difficult to understand and to manage, with several barriers that hinder the
achievement of the intended organizational impacts. We know, however, relatively little
about how to improve the practice of managing such processes.


Information technology (IT), as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is
"the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information
systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware." IT deals with the use of electronic
computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve

Implementation is the process of converting a new or a revised system design into an operational one.
Implementation is the realization of an application, or execution of a plan, idea, model, design,
specification, standard, algorithm, or policy. In the IT Industry, implementation refers to post-sales process
of guiding a client from purchase to use of the software or hardware that was purchased. This includes
Requirements Analysis, Scope Analysis, Customizations, Systems Integrations, User Policies, User
Training and Delivery. These steps are often overseen by a Project Manager using Project Management
Methodologies set forth in the Project Management Body of Knowledge.

Software Implementations involve several professionals that are relatively new to the knowledge based
economy such as Business Analysts, Technical Analysts, Solutions Architect, and Project Managers.An
important aspect of a systems analyst’s job is to make sure that the new design is implemented to
establish standards. The term implementation has different meanings, ranging from the conversion of a
basic application to a complete replacement of a computer system.
Implementation is the process of converting a new or a revised system design into an operational one.


o Implementation of a computer system to replace a manual system. The

problems encountered are converting files, training users, creating accurate files, and verifying printouts
for integrity.
o Implementation of a new computer system to replace an existing
system. This is usually a difficult conversion. If not properly planned, there can be many problems. Some
large computer systems have taken as long as a year to convert.
o Implementation of a modified application to replace an existing one
using the same computer. This type of conversion is really easy to handle, provided there are no major
changes in the file.


Conversion: Conversion means changing from one system to another. The objective is to put the tested
system into operation while holding costs, risks and personnel irritation to a minimum. It involves creating
computer-compatible files, training the operating staff and installing terminals and hardware.

Post Implementation Review: Every system requires periodic evaluation after implementation. A Post
Implementation Review measures the system’s performance against predefined requirements. Unlike
system testing, which determines whether the system fails so that the necessary adjustments can be
made? A Post Implementation Review determines hoe well the system continues to meet performance
specifications. It also provides information to determine whether major redesign is necessary.

Software Maintenance: Maintenance is the enigma of system development. It holds the software industry
captive, tying up programming resources.


Various issues occur when information technology is applied to industries. These issues can be of
technical and can be based on business. Various technical issues occur in the day-to-day working of
organization and business issues may affect the proper flow of business aspects. Hence no matter

whatever be the issues, these may act as threat to normal working of an organization and need to be
addressed carefully.

Fig: 1. IT Implementation Issues


Technical issues are of different kinds and need to be addressed carefully.

o All Software modifications shorten the life of the software.
o All software has bugs and certain bugs even become visible after long usage.
o Certain software does not provide any discrimination between Read and Write functions and this
can cause unauthorized access.
o Event of a serious system failure may arise and which may in turn affect day-to-day work
adversely. Recovering methods are inadequate and the repair time may be longer.
o Configuration change management: When a new version is released or modifications are done,
the configuration process becomes tedious.
o Lack of compatible training system: Training system may be ineffective and inefficient which
cause unworthy to work in the company. As a result, the productivity is also adversely affected.
o A totally secure computer live, production environment is required. The options for preventing
unauthorized access, virus protection and malicious action of employees lack in many
o Data migration issues.
o Reliability, availability & performance of systems are poor in many soft wares.
o Customer requirement problems: Consumer requirement is not taken account by many


Business issues are of different kinds and need to be addressed properly for the normal functioning of
o Computer salesmen do not provide solutions. New employees have to be appointed gain for
solution purpose.
o Ignorance of Software suppliers about business: Suppliers may be ignorant about the business
nature and hence may fail to incorporate certain business aspects in software.
o Redistribution of work: After the implementation, business men have to redistribute the work for
new software.
o Need to change the way you work: The software will not change its way of working and hence
workers should adapt themselves to the software changes.
o Training sometimes lack to impart the accurate knowledge about the software.
o Companies often fail to set up disaster recovery procedures.
o The new computer system may superimpose on top of the old manual system and creates a
o Complex computer functions require skilled operators and continuity of skilled operators.
o Comprehensiveness and complexity hides problems and requires management.

IT implementation also brings about lots of challenges to both employers and employees, and may in turn
affect the production adversely. The main challenges are listed below:

o Employees may resist adapting to the changes the technology requires: Employees may become
unconfident to come out of the comfort level and start using the new technology adopted. They
may become reluctant to accept the new changes which in turn will effect normal functioning of
an organization.
o Time management: Time management is a big concern in implementing IT. It may take even
years to develop software and after implementation more time will also be required to get
adapted to the use of new software.
o Integration: Integration is regarded as a major challenge in IT implementation. Software is
developed as modules and its integration will cause chaos. More bugs are found at the time of
integrating sub modules of the software.
o If the complexity of the software is more, then it takes longer time to implement. Hence the
anticipated effort ant time become insufficient and it can cause adverse effect in normal day- to-
o Implementation is a complex process and takes away from the real work to be done.

IT implementation has benefited organizations in several ways. These are the three ways which
implementing information technology helped companies.

o Impact of IT on Return on Investment: Return on investment increased due to automation

possibilities associated with software. Automation saved not only time factor associated with the
work, but also decreased the effort of workers.

o Impact of IT on Productivity: IT implementation also increased the productivity of
organizations. The work load was reduced due to automation and ease is handling the software.
o Impact of IT on Customer Satisfaction: Customer was also satisfied with the speed of work
and effective outputs and services provided by the companies. The quality of the products was
also improved with software quality analysis techniques.
o Implement the wrong software.
o Lack of effective management support.
o Wrong project team and/or leadership.
o Poor planning before implementation.
o Inappropriate and costly software customizing.
o Unprepared and fearful users.
o Inadequate hardware/network.
o Failed expectations of executives and users.
o Excessive dependence on consultants.
o Lack of goals and structure.

A software selection and implementation decision is a major and strategic business decision which should
be viewed as a long term decision. It is vital to follow a rigorous
process which does this well.


1. System Analysis and Design. Page 388 – Elias M. Awad


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