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Pharmacology (C-NCM106)



a.) Metoclopramide GI Stimulants/ Dopamine MOA: Stimulates motility of upper GI tract, Indications: Side Effects: restless, drowsy, tired, lack Assessment & Drug Effects:
Generic Name: Metoclopramide Antagonists increases lower esophageal sphincter To prevent or reduce: of energy, nausea, vomiting headache,  Monitor bowel sounds.
Brand Name: Metonia, Reglan tone, and blocks dopamine receptors at  nausea and vomiting from confusion, insomnia.  Safety and effectiveness of drug
Appearance: the chemoreceptor trigger zone emetogenic cancer chemotherapy haven't been established for
 Injection: 5mg/mL  Postoperative nausea and Adverse Effects: anxiety, drowsiness, therapy lasting longer than 12
vomiting dystonic re actions, fatigue, lassitude, weeks.
restlessness, seizures, suicidal ideation,  Drug may cause tardive
 To facilitate small-bowel akathisia, confusion, depression, dyskinesia, parkinsonian
intubation dizziness, extrapyramidal symptoms, symptoms, and motor rest-
fever, hallucinations, headache, insomnia, lessness.
 To aid in radiologic exam tardive dyskinesia, bradycardia,  Monitor patient for involuntary
 Delayed gastric emptying supraventricular tachycardia, movements of face, tongue, and
secondary to diabetic hypotension, transient HTN, HF, bowel extremities, which may indicate
gastroparesis disorders, diarrhea, nausea, incontinence, tardive dyskinesia or other
 GERD urinary frequency, erectile dysfunction, extrapyramidal adverse effects.
agranulocytosis, neutropenia, rash,  Monitor patient for fever, CNS
Contraindications: urticarial, loss of libido, prolactin symptoms, irregular pulse,
 Oral Solutions: 5mg/mL  Patients hypersensitive to drug secretion, gynecomastia, amenorrhea. cardiac arrhythmias, or ab normal
and in those with BP, which may indicate NMS.
pheochromocytoma or other  Monitor patient for dizziness,
catecholamine-releasing headache, or nervousness after
paragangliomas, tardive metoclopramide is stopped; these
dyskinesia, or seizure disorders. may indicate withdrawal.
 Patients for whom stimulation of  Diphenhydramine or benztropine
GI motility might be dangerous may be used to counteract
(with hemorrhage, obstruction, extrapyramidal adverse effects
or perforation) from high doses.

Patient & Family Education

 Tablets: 5mg, 10mg  Instruct patient to take ODTs 30
minutes before food and at
bedtime and not to repeat dose if
inadvertently taken with food.
 Tell patient taking ODTs to open
blister pack with dry hands and
immediately place tablet on
tongue, let it melt completely, and
then swallow. (Taking it with
water isn't nec essary.) If tablet
breaks or crumbles, advise
patient to throw it away and take
a new tablet out of the blister
 Tell patient to avoid activities
that require alertness for 2 hours
after doses. Urge patient to report
persistent or serious adverse
reactions promptly.
 Teach patient signs and
symptoms of tar dive dyskinesia,
other extrapyramidal signs and
symptoms, and NMS.
 Advise patients to discontinue
drug and to seek immediate
medical attention if such signs
and symptoms occur.
 Advise patient not to drink
alcohol during therapy.
b.) Loperamide Antidiarrheal agents MOA: Loperamide acts by slowing Indications: Side Effects: dizziness, drowsiness,  Patients should be advised to
Generic Name: Loperamide intestinal motility and by affecting water  For the control and symptomatic tiredness, constipation, skin rash, itching check with their physician if their
Brand Name: Imodium, Diatabs and electrolyte movement through the relief of acute nonspecific diarrhea does not improve in 48
Appearance: bowel. Loperamide inhibits peristaltic diarrhea and chronic diarrhea Adverse Effects: severe constipation, hours or if they note blood in
 Capsule: 2mg activity by a direct effect on the circular associated with inflammatory nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, their stools, develop a fever or
and longitudinal muscles of the intestinal bowel disease. uncomfortable fullness of stomach, develop abdominal distention.
wall. It is a non-selective calcium channel  For reducing the volume of irregular heartbeat, severe dizziness,  Tiredness, dizziness, or
blocker and binds to opioid mu-receptors. discharge from ileostomies. fainting, rash, pruritus, urticaria, drowsiness may occur in the
Evidence also suggests that at higher angioedema, anaphylactic shock, dry setting of diarrheal syndromes
concentrations it binds to calmodulin. Contraindications: mouth, flatulence, dyspepsia, paralytic treated with IMODIUM
 Patients with abdominal pain in ileus, megacolon, toxic megacolon, (loperamide hcl). Therefore, it is
absence of diarrhea. urinary retention. advisable to use caution when
 Infants below 24 months old driving a car or operating
 Patients with acute dysentery, machinery.
which is characterized by blood
in stools and high fever.
 Patients with acute ulcerative
 Patients with bacterial
enterocolitis caused by invasive
organisms including Salmonella,
Shigella, and Campylobacter.
 Patients with
Pseudomembranous colitis
associated with the use of broad-
spectrum antibiotics.


c.) Simethicone Miscellaneous GI Agents MOA: Simethicone is a surfactant that Indications: Side Effects: nausea, constipation,  Assess patient for abdominal
Generic Name: Simethicone decreases the surface tension of gas  To treat symptoms of too much diarrhea, headache. pain, distention, and bowel
Brand Name: Alka-seltzer, Anti- bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract, more stomach acid such as stomach sounds prior to and periodically
Gas, Bicarsim Forte, Gas Aide, easily allowing gas to exit the body. upset, heartburn, and acid Adverse Effects: dizziness, fainting, throughout course of therapy.
Gas-X, Little Tummys, Mi-Acid indigestion. black/tarry stools, slow/shallow Frequency of belching and
Gas Relief, Mylanta Gas  To relieve symptoms of extra gas breathing, irregular heartbeat, mood passage of flatus should also be
Maximum Strength, Mylicon, such as belching, bloating, and changes, deep sleep, pain with urination, assessed.
Phazyme, SimePed feelings of pressure/discomfort in abdominal pain, rash, itching, swelling  Explain to patient the importance
Appearance: the stomach or gut. (tongue, face, throat), severe dizziness. of diet and exercise in the
 Capsule: 125mg, 180mg, prevention of gas. Also explain
250mg Contraindications: that this medication does not
 Patients with hypersensitivity to prevent the formation of gas.
simethicone or any component of  Advise patient to notify health
the inactive ingredients. care professional if symptoms are
 Lactating patients persistent
 Pregnant patients
 Patients with phenylketonuria

 Tablet (Chewable):
125mg, 80mg



 Oral Suspension:


c.) Esomeprazole Antiulcer Drugs/ Proton Pump MOA: Esomeprazole exerts its stomach Indications: Side Effects: headache, flatulence, Assessment & Drug Effects:
Generic Name: Esomeprazole Inhibitors acid-suppressing effects by preventing the  GERD; To heal erosive esophagitis indigestion, nausea, abdominal pain,  Antacids can be used while taking
Brand Name: Nexium final step in gastric acid production by  Symptomatic GERD diarrhea, constipation, drowsiness, drug, unless otherwise directed
Appearance: covalently binding to sulfhydryl groups of  Erosive esophagitis due to acid itching, rash, nervousness. by prescriber.
 Capsules: 20mg, 40mg cysteines found on the (H+, K+)-ATPase mediated GERD  Monitor patient for rash or signs
enzyme at the secretory surface of gastric  Shor-term treatment of GERD in Adverse Effects: headache, dizziness, and symptoms of
parietal cells. This effect leads to patients with history off erosive abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, hypersensitivity.
inhibition of both basal and stimulated esophagitis who can’t take drug dry mouth, flatulence, nausea, vomiting,  Monitor GI symptoms for
gastric acid secretion, irrespective of the orally pruritus, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, improvement or worsening.
stimulus. As the binding of esomeprazole  To reduce the risk of gastric blurred vision, pancreatitis, stomatitis, Monitor LFTs, especially in
to the (H+, K+)-ATPase enzyme is ulcers in patients receiving microscopic colitis, liver failure, hepatitis, patients with preexisting hepatic
irreversible and new enzyme needs to be continuous NSAIDs therapy anaphylactic shock, GI candidiasis, disease.
expressed in order to resume acid  Long-term treatment of hypomagnesemia, muscular weakness,  Prolonged use may cause low
 Tablets: 20mg secretion, esomeprazole's duration of pathologic hypersecretory muscle pain, bone fracture, hepatic magnesium levels that require
antisecretory effect that persists longer conditions encephalopathy, taste disturbance, magnesium supplementation and
than 24 hours.  To eliminate Helicobacter Pylori aggression, agitation, depression, possibly discontinuation of drug.
 Reduction of risk of rebleeding of hallucination, intestinal nephritis,  Monitor magnesium level before
gastric or duodenal ulcers after bronchospasm, hair loss, erythema treatment and periodically during
therapeutic endoscopy multifome, hyperhidrosis, treatment.
Contraindications: photosensitivity, toxic epidermal  Monitor patient for signs and
 Patients hypersensitive to drug or necroysis symptoms of low magnesium
components of esomeprazole or level, such as abnormal HR or
omeprazole. heart rhythm, palpitations,
muscle de spasms, tremor, and
seizures. In children, abnormal
HR may present as fatigue, upset
 Suspension: 2.5mg, 5mg,
stomach, dizziness, and light-
10mg, 20mg, 40mg
 May increase risk of CDAD.
Evaluate for CDAD in patients
who develop diarrhea that
doesn't improve.
 Prolonged treatment (at least 3
years or more) may lead to
vitamin B12 malabsorption and
subsequent vitamin B12
deficiency, which is dose-related
and more severe in women and
those younger than age 30;
prevalence decreases after
 Injection: 20mg, 40mg
discontinuation of therapy.

Patient & Family Education

 Instruct patient to take drug
exactly as 17 prescribed.
 Tell patient to take drug at least 1
hour before a meal.
 Advice patient that antacids can
be used f while taking drug unless
otherwise directed by prescriber.
 Warn patient not to chew or
crush drugs pellets because this
inactivates the drug.
 Tell patient who has difficulty
swallowing capsule to mix
contents of capsule with 10
tablespoon of soft applesauce and
swallow immediately.
 Advice patient to store capsules
at room temperature in a tight
 Tell patient to inform prescriber
of worsening signs and
symptoms, pain, or diarrhea that
doesn't improve.
 Instruct patient to alert
prescriber if rash or other signs
and symptoms of allergy occur.
 Warn patient to immediately
report symptoms of low
magnesium level, such as
involuntary muscle movements
or seizures.


c.) Sucralfate GI Agents MOA: Sucralfate exerts its action locally Indications: Side Effects: back pain, constipation, Encourage the patient to:
Generic Name: Sucralfate rather than systemically and its effect on Treatment of: diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness,  Tell the doctor and pharmacist if
Brand Name: Carafate gastric acid is negligible with a low acid-  Duodenal Ulcer insomnia, vertigo, abdominal pain, upset you are allergic to sucralfate, any
Appearance: neutralizing capacity (14—16 mEq/dose).  Dyspepsia stomach, other medications, or any of the
 Tablet: 1g Sucralfate reacts with hydrochloric acid in  Epithelial wounds ingredients in sucralfate tablets
the stomach to form an adherent, paste-  Chemotherapy-induced mucositis Adverse Effects: diarrhea, dizziness, dry or liquid. Ask your pharmacist for
like substance capable of acting as an acid  Radiation proctitis mouth, flatulence, headache, indigestion, a list of the ingredients.
buffer. Subsequently, sucralfate adheres Prevention of: insomnia, nausea, vertigo, vomiting,  Tell the doctor and pharmacist
electrostatically to proteins on the surface  Ulceration bezoars formation, GI discomfort, hives, what other prescription and
of an ulcer, such as albumin and  Stress ulcer prophylaxis in rash, itching, difficulty of breathing or nonprescription medications,
fibrinogen, forming insoluble, stable ventilated patiens swallowing, swelling (face, throat, vitamins, nutritional
complexes. These ulcer-bound complexes  Behcet Disease tongue, lips), angioedema, aluminum supplements, and herbal products
act as a protective barrier at the ulcer site, Contraindications: toxicity you are taking or plan to take. Be
which facilitates recovery by shielding the  Patients with hypersensitivity to sure to mention anticoagulants
ulcer from the ulcerogenic properties of sucralfate or any ingredients ('blood thinners') such as
pepsin, acid, and bile. Sucralfate contained in the drug. warfarin (Coumadin); cimetidine
 Oral Suspension: predominantly binds to damaged GI
 Patients with end-stage renal (Tagamet); cinoxacin (Cinobac);
1g/10mL mucosa, although binding to normal
disease ciprofloxacin (Cipro); digoxin
mucosa occurs to a minimal extent. This (Lanoxin); enoxacin (Penetrex);
 Patients with uncontrolled
agent also inhibits back-diffusion of ketoconazole (Nizoral);
diabetes mellitus with
hydrogen ions, and adsorbs both pepsin levofloxacin (Levaquin);
and bile acids. In vivo, recommended levothyroxine (Levothroid,
 Patients with impaired
doses of sucralfate inhibit pepsin activity Levoxyl, Synthroid); lomefloxacin
swallowing or gag reflex
in gastric juice by 32%. Recent data (Maxaquin); nalidixic acid
indicate that production of prostaglandin (NegGram); norfloxacin
E2 and gastric mucus may be increased. (Noroxin); ofloxacin (Floxin);
Sucralfate also absorbs bile salts in vitro. phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenytek);
quinidine; ranitidine (Zantac);
sparfloxacin (Zagam);
tetracycline; and theophylline
(Theo-24) If the patient is taking
any of these medicines, take them
at least 2 hours before taking
sucralfate. The assigned doctor
also may need to change the
doses of the patient’s medications
or monitor you carefully for side
 Tell the patient who’s taking
antacids, to take them at least 30
minutes before or after sucralfate.


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