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Nama : Harmiati Harbi

NIM : H021201074
Prodi : Fisika B

Tittle : my father is not a liar

Author : Tere Liye

Type of Book : fiction

What it is about?

In this novel, we will meet a main character named Dam. He is a boy who lives with his father
and mother. Since childhood, Dam has been introduced to various interesting, imaginative, and moral
stories. These stories were told by the father. The father figure in this novel is a very simple, generous,
and honest person. This attitude made my father known to almost everyone in the city where they
lived. The mother herself is a loving, patient, and simple person. This is the story of a child who grew up
with tales of the simplicity of life. The simplicity that made him hate his own father. Dam felt that what
his father had told him was just a public lie. Because according to him, it is impossible for the Bukhara
Valley and the Wind Ruler Tribe to be real. Moreover, when Dam wanted to write a letter to El Prince
who was often called the Captain, his father seemed nervous about rejecting his wish.

When he grew up and Dam was married, he couldn't believe his father's stories even more. He
even dared to say openly to his father that he did not want the hoax to poison his children, Zas and
Qom. You can know for yourself how his father was accused of being a liar by his own son. Heartbroken
Dam's father comes out of the house during heavy rain, and just then Dam discovers that his father's
story about Dam's mother who is a television star is true. After Dam searched the keywords for his
mother's name on an internet search engine.

Date of publication : 2011

Number of page : 299 pages

From the front cover provides information :

• Title

• Author

• Publisher

From the back cover provides information :

• Publisher

Based on your preview, what can you predict about this book ?

Based on the cover especially the front page, when i first see this book the first thing come in to my
mind that this book like a fairy tail story because on the cover we can see there was two man that riding
a very big kite and they control it. Also we can see a golden apple there and a football player. So yeah i
think it is a very easy to read books and it was a child book type because this book seem like contain full
of imagination

But when i read the title which is in english mean my father is not a liar. I think maybe the main
character father told him a story that is not true or is just some kind of imagined and implanted to the
main character

Would you like to read it ?

Yes, I would.


I would you like to read this book because the synopsis of the book mostly tells about kinship

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