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module 1 Nice to meet you --

Focus 3 3 Say these:

----- ---.--
The alphabet; How do you -- -~ - ---
spell... ? ==-'= ~=@
1 ~ [1.9] Listen and say the alphabet. I t:fm I
I})l})ri KLM uk
a ( d e fg(b,

hijklmn DKNY

0pqrst 4 a)~ [1.11]Listenand answerthe

questionsyou hear.

uvwxyz b) Choose five more Englishwords.

Ask your partner the spelling.

2 ~ [1.10]Listen and say the missing letters.

... ............................
. ;

jSpeaking task
~ 1 ~ [1.12] Listenand complete the questions. 2 Ask the full names of four students in your
.. class.Completethe gaps below.

Full name: I

Full name: I

First name: I


~ a) .What's your ? First name: I

~ b) And your first name?
: c) What's your , please? Surname: I
~ d) And do you that, please?

:'10 ........................................................................................................................

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