My Scheming CEO Hubby

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Cl Too Ugly!

Moo Nuannuan stared at her reflection for along time. The

bright Light shone over her yelow cheeks as she propped
her elbows on top of her desks. Her eyes were wide as she
observed every inch of her face, waiting for the makeup
artist to come in and give her a he ping hand. Blowing a
stray hair from her forehead,she resisted the urge to sigh.
Truly,she hadn't rea ized how her once fulfilling Life wou d
come to this.

Before she could even think about it more, Xiao Chuhee

hurried y pushed the door open. There were faint wrinkles
along her eyelids, and it was obvious that her face held no
excitement for the big day ahead. The older woma n's hands
shook in apprehension as she strutted past the entrance, and
as soon as she saw her daughter sitting by the mirror, the
anxiety in her features worsened even more.

"Everyone from the Mu family has already arrived," she said

reproachfully. Seeing that Moo Nuannuan was stillin her
Long grey cotton-paddedjacket,she didn't waste any time as
she stomped over to her. "And you stillhaven't changed your
clothes! What were you doing allthis time?"
Moo Nuannuan pushed her black-rimmed glasses up the
bridge of her nose, and she snapped out of her daze. It was
weird to see her mother in such a frazzledlook, given that she
had always been put together.It seemed that the Mu's
appearance affected everyone in this househo d,not just her.
" you really wa nt me to marry my sister's fiance?
Is that rea y what you want?"

Xiao Chuhee pa ed at her words. Thinking that she was

going to back out from their agreement, she g anced right
behind her, as if the mere thought of backing out was
enough for a sniper to shoot them in the heads.

This wasn't the right time for any second thoughts! A

single mistake cou d wreck the entire fami y apart!

With the uneasiness eating her alive, the o der woman kne t in
front of Moo Nuannuan before she cou d stop her. Her head
was bowed as she refused tolook at her daughter in the eye.
"Please, I'm begging you," she pleaded.Her voice cracked at
thelast word. "You have to understand-your sister deserves
someone better than that man! Just...just please help her out
this once!"

A though Xiao Chuhee was her biological mother, it was

obvious that the woma n had favored the
chi dren Left by her father 's deceased first wife. At first,it
was to garner her father's favor, but as time continual y
passed, Moo Nuannuan could see how enthral ed and amused
her mother was with them,and now-she was Left forgotten
on the sidelines. She was nothing more than a scapegoat that
they cou d easily sacrifice for the highest bidder.Her Life ess
eyes gradual y turned cold.

Her mother clear y knew that her sister's fiance was ug y.

That was the on y reason why she'd so readily hand him to
Moo Nuannuan.
"Madame, Third Lady,the peop e from the Mu fami y have
allgathered in the Living room," one of the maids said.

Moo Nuannuan didn't hesitate anymore as she stood up

from the stool. "Get up," she said co dly, not bothering to
reach out and he p her.After all,she had already made her
choice. "I' lbe Leaving."

Back then,she had held onto this very small hope that her
mother would take pity on her, that her sisters wou d bear
the brunt this time around. After all, wasn't she supposed to
be more than this? Her Life was far more than being a
stupid substitute,right? Her fingers cur ed,with her nai s
scratching against her pa m. Maybe, it was time she Let go of
that dream.This was her reality no\/\

Pushing the door open,she g anced at the unfami iar

bodyguards standing by the doorway.ThesE were the people
sent by the Mu Fami y to fetch her, and by the Looks of
it,they certainly didn't spare a sing e penny in acquiring
her.Were they scared of her running away? Dusting off her
clothes for any debris, she s ow y took a deep breath.'Calm
down, Nuannuan,you can do this.'
There was no decoration,and the groom wasn't present.

Yet, she was to wed today. "Let's go.'' She didn't waste

any time as she raced down the stairs.

The Mu fami y was one of the wea thiest families in

Huyang City,with Mu Tingxiao as their on y descenda nt.
He wou d've been one of the best bachelors in the city if he
hadn't been kidnapped more than ten years ago.Not much
was known about what had transpired in that kidnapping,
but there were rumors on how his face was forever scarred
by what those kidnappers had done.

After that incident,he hadn't shown his face in front of

anyone, which only fueled the rumors ever more.
It was said that his face was as scarred as a beast, and his
personality was even worse.No woma n who had been sent into
his household came out a ive. That was the reason why Moo
Nuannuan was asked to rep ace her sister,but even then, her
face remained impassive.

Mu Tingxiao could be the devil himself, and she couldn't care


As soon as they had arrived at his vi a, the bodyguards

brought her in the Master Bedroom and Left.
She Looked out the window,noticing that the sky had
gradually darkened before her eyes. It was a beautiful
sight,with glistening stars shining overhead. She twisted
her wrists and withheld a sigh.
If only she cou d enjoy this night without the stress trying to
eat her alive. She stared at the stars one Last time, before
turning around when the door was pushed upon from the

A tall,Lean man walked into the bedroom.

He didn't say a word as he turned and switched on the Lights.

The Lights in the room were suddenly turned on, and Moo
Nuannuan raised her hand to b ock her
The Lights in the room were suddenly turned on. and Moo
Nuannuan raised her hand to b ock her eyes. After staying in
the dark for so Long,she had to take a few seconds to Let her
eyes adj ust to the sudden shift. She slowly raised her head to
g ance at the sudden visitor,on y to freeze right on sight.

Who was he?

The man was far from ug y and terrifying. In fact,he was the
exact opposite!

The dark suit wrapped around his tall body,clenching around

his strong muscles and his Long Legs as he moved from the
doorway to the side of the balcony. He could've been a
swimsuit model if he had wanted. In fact,he cou d've been
any time of model with that type of body! Every woma n
would've wa nted the chance to s ide their fingers across his
chest or the chance to snuggle up in
his chest. By the time, she snapped out of it,he was a ready
standing in front of her. There, she caught a whiff of

His face Looked even more perfect up close. With his high
cheekbones and arched eyebrows, he Looked Like a sculpture
carved so exquisitely and extensively.He was the Living
proof that God had his favorites.
Mu Tingxiao stared at her for a few seconds before shaking

his head. "Too ug y," he commented. Too ug y? And he said it

so emotion essly that she didn't know if he was joking or not.

Moo Nuannuan blinked. "And who are you?"

"Don't you know who you're marrying?" His eyes darkened,

and his voice gradually become Lower. There was a certain

intimidating aura around him that was enough to make her

tremb e.

A though she fe t as if she wanted to hide under a rock,Moo

Nuannuan clenched her fists and straightened her back.
There was no way she was backing out of this now,not after
what she had said to her mother. "Of course I know who I'm
marrying." She scoffed. "I'm marrying Mu Tingxiao!"

As soon as he had heard her, the sharpness in his eyes faded s

owly, and understanding flashed across his features. It
seemed that she was just any other woman who had believed
ridicu ous rumors.

Yet for a woma n who was marrying such an 'ug y and

inhumane man',she certain y didn't Look too
As soon as he had heard her, the sharpness in his eyes faded
s owly, and understanding flashed across his features. It
seemed that she was just any other woman who had believed
ridicu ous rumors.
Yet for a woma n who was marrying such an 'ug y and
inhumane man', she certain y didn't Look too scared. This was
going to be fun.

The corners of his Lips curved into a smi e."So it's you. sister-
in- aw," he said Lightly."I'm Mu Tingxiao's cousin,Mu
Jiachen. I thought you wou dn't wa nt to guard a disab ed
man on your wedding night,so Idropped in first-to ease
your eyes."

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