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materials free from duties, taxes and other import
1. R.A. No. 7916 4) Free trade zone — an isolated policed area
2. R.A. No. 8748 adjacent to a port of entry (as a seaport) and/or
3. P.D. No. 66 airport where imported goods may be unloaded for
4. E.O. No. 226 immediate transshipment or stored, repacked,
5. R.A. No. 7844 sorted, mixed, or otherwise manipulated without
being subject to import duties. However,
B. DECLARATION OF POLICY (SEC. 2, R.A. No. 7916, movement of these imported goods from the free-
AS AMENDED) trade area to a non-free-trade area in the country
shall be subject to import duties.
It is the declared policy of the government to translate
into practical realities the following State policies and Enterprises within the zone are granted preferential
mandate in the 1987 Constitution, namely: tax treatment and immigration laws are more lenient.
1) "The State recognizes the indispensable role of the
private sector, encourages private enterprise, and D. THE PHILIPPINE ECONOMIC ZONE AUTHORITY
provides incentives to needed investments." (Sec. (PEZA) BOARD (SEC. 11, R.A. NO. 7916, AS
20, Art. II) AMENDED)

2) The State shall promote the preferential use of There is hereby created a body corporate to be known
Filipino labor, domestic materials and locally as the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)
produced goods, and adopt measures that help attached to the Department of Trade and Industry.
make them competitive." (Sec. 12, Art. XII) The Board shall have a director general with the rank
of department undersecretary who shall be appointed
In pursuance of these policies, the government shall by the President. The director general shall be at least
actively encourage, promote, induce and accelerate a forty (40) years of age, of proven probity and
sound and balanced industrial, economic and social integrity, and a degree holder in any of the following
development of the country in order to provide jobs to fields: economics, business, public administration, law,
the people especially those in the rural areas, increase management or their equivalent, and with at least ten
their productivity and their individual and family (10) years relevant working experience preferably in
income, and thereby improve the level and quality of the field of management or public administration.
their living condition through the establishment,
among others, of special economic zones in suitable The director general, shall be assisted by three (3)
and strategic locations in the country and through deputy directors general each for policy and planning,
measures that shall effectively attract legitimate and administration and operations, who shall be appointed
productive foreign investments. by the PEZA Board, upon the recommendation of the
director general. The deputy directors general shall be
C. DEFINITION OF TERMS (SEC. 4, R.A. No. 7916, at least thirty-five (35) years old, with proven probity
AS AMENDED) and integrity and a degree holder in any of the
following fields: economics, business, public
1) Special economic zones (SEZ) — hereinafter administration, law, management or their equivalent.
referred to as the ECOZONES, are selected areas
with highly developed or which have the potential The Board shall be composed of thirteen (13)
to be developed into agro-industrial, industrial, members as follows: the Secretary of the Department
tourist/recreational, commercial, banking, of Trade and Industry as Chairman, the Director
investment and financial centers. An ECOZONE General of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority as
may contain any or all of the following: industrial Vice-chairman, the undersecretaries of the
estates (IEs), export processing zones (EPZs), free Department of Finance, the Department of Labor and
trade zones, and tourist/recreational centers. Employment, the Department of the Interior and Local
Government, the Department of Environment and
2) Industrial estate (IE) — refers to a tract of land Natural Resources, the Department of Agriculture, the
subdivided and developed according to a Department of Public Works and Highways, the
comprehensive plan under a unified continuous Department of Science and Technology, the
management and with provisions for basic Department of Energy, the Deputy Director General of
infrastructure and utilities, with or without pre- the National Economic and Development Authority,
built standard factory buildings and community one (1) representative from the labor sector, and one
facilities for the use of the community of (1) representative from the investors/business sector
industries. in the ECOZONE. In case of the unavailability of the
Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry to
3) Export processing zone (EPZ) — a specialized attend a particular board meeting, the Director
industrial estate located physically and/or General of PEZA shall act as Chairman."
administratively outside customs territory,
predominantly oriented to export production. E. EXEMPTION FROM NATIONAL AND LOCAL TAXES
Enterprises located in export processing zones are (SEC. 24, R.A. NO. 7916, AS AMENDED)
allowed to import capital equipment and raw

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Except for real property taxes on land owned by which duty or tax has been paid, or which have
developers, no taxes, local and national, shall be been admitted free of duty and tax, may be taken
imposed on business establishments operating within into the zone from the customs territory of the
the ECOZONE. In lieu thereof, five percent (5%) of the Philippines and be brought back thereto free of
gross income earned by all business enterprises within quotas, duty or tax.
the ECOZONE shall be paid and remitted as follows:
6) Subject to such regulations respecting identity and
1) Three percent (3%) to the National Government; the safeguarding of the revenue as the Authority
may deem necessary when the identity of an
2) Two percent (2%) which shall be directly remitted article entered into the zone has been lost, such
by the business establishments to the treasurer's article when removed from the zone and taken to
office of the municipality or city where the the customs territory shall be treated as foreign
enterprise is located. merchandise entering the country for the first
time, under the provisions of the Tariff and

Business establishments operating within the 7) Articles produced or manufactured in the zone and
ECOZONES shall be entitled to the fiscal incentives as exported therefrom shall, on subsequent
provided for under Presidential Decree No. 66, the law importation into the customs territory, be subject
creating the Export Processing Zone Authority, or to the import laws applicable to like articles
those provided under Book VI of Executive Order No. manufactured in a foreign country.
226, otherwise known as the Omnibus Investment
Code of 1987. 8) Unless the contrary is shown, merchandise taken
out of the zone shall be considered for tax
Furthermore, tax credits for exporters using local purposes to have been sent to customs territory.
materials as inputs shall enjoy the same benefits
provided for in the Export Development Act of 1994. 9) A net-operating loss incurred in any of the first
five years of operation inside the zone may be
G. INCENTIVES UNDER P.D. NO. 66 SECTION 17 carried over as a deduction from taxable income
AND 18) derived in such zone during the five years
immediately following the year of such loss. The
1) Except as otherwise provided in this Decree, entire amount of the loss and any portion of such
foreign and domestic merchandise, raw materials, loss which exceeds the taxable income of such first
supplies, articles, equipment, machineries, spare year shall be deducted in like manner from the
parts and wares of every description, except those taxable income of the next remaining four years.
prohibited by law, brought into the Zone to be The net-operating loss shall be computed in
sold, stored, broken up, repacked, assembled, accordance with the provisions of the National
installed, sorted, cleaned, graded, or otherwise Internal Revenue Code, any provision of this
processed, manipulated, manufactured, mixed Decree to the contrary notwithstanding, except
with foreign or domestic merchandise or used that income not taxable either in whole or in part
whether directly or indirectly in such activity, shall under this Decree or other laws shall be included
not be subject to Customs and internal revenue in gross income.
laws and regulations nor to local tax ordinances,
the provisions of law to the contrary 10) Fixed assets may be (1) depreciated to the extent
notwithstanding. of not more than twice the normal rate of
depreciation or depreciated at the normal rate of
2) Merchandise purchased by a registered zone depreciation if the expected life is ten years or
enterprise from the customs territory, if paid for in less; or (2) depreciated over any number of years
the United States dollar or in any convertible between five years and expected life if the latter is
foreign currency and subsequently brought into more than ten years; and the depreciation thereon
the zone, shall be considered as exported, and the allowed as a deduction from taxable income:
exporter thereof shall be entitled to the benefits Provided, That the taxpayer notifies the Bureau of
allowed by law for such transaction. Internal Revenue at the beginning of the
depreciation period which depreciation rate
3) Domestic merchandise sent from the zone to the allowed by this subsection will be used by it.
customs territory shall, whether or not combined
with or made part of other articles likewise the 11) The provisions of law to the contrary
growth, product or manufacture of the Philippines notwithstanding, foreign merchandise transhipped
while in the zone, be subject to internal revenue through the zone or any article which has been
laws of the Philippines as domestic goods sold, processed, manufactured or manipulated in said
transferred or disposed of for local consumption. zone and exported therefrom, shall be exempt
from any export tax, imposts or fee, including the
4) Merchandise sent from the zone to the customs stabilization tax imposed by Republic Act
territory shall, whether or not combined with or Numbered Sixty-one hundred twenty-five.
made part of other articles while in the zone, be
subject to laws and regulations governing 12) Notwithstanding the provisions of law to the
imported merchandise. The duties and taxes shall contrary, any business enterprise engaged in the
be assessed on the value of imported materials production, processing, packaging, or
(except when the final product is exempt) and the manipulation of export products shall, to the
internal revenue taxes on the value added. extent of their construction, operation or
production inside the zone, be exempt from the
5) Domestic merchandise on which all internal payment of any and all local government imposts,
revenue taxes have been paid, if subject thereto, fees, licenses or taxes, except real estate taxes
and foreign merchandise previously imported on imposed under Commonwealth Act Numbered Four

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Hundred seventy and Republic Act Numbered to the import laws applicable to like articles
Fifty-four hundred forty-seven: Provided, That said manufactured in a foreign country;
business enterprise shall pay in the municipality
where the zone is located real estate taxes on all 8) Unless the contrary is shown, merchandise taken
its real properties located therein. out of the zone shall be considered for tax
purposes to have been sent to customs territory.
(ARTICLE 77 AND 78) 9) Notwithstanding the provisions of law to the
contrary, zone registered enterprise shall, to the
1) Except as otherwise provided in this Code, foreign extent of their construction, operation or
and domestic merchandise, raw materials, production inside the zone be exempt from the
supplies, articles, equipment, machineries, spare payment of any and all local government imposts,
parts and wares of every description, except those fees, licenses or taxes except real estate taxes
prohibited by law, brought into the zone to be which shall be collected by the
sold, stored, broken up, repacked, assembled, Province/City/Municipality responsible for the
installed, sorted, cleaned, graded, or otherwise collection thereof under the provisions of the Real
processed, manipulated, manufactured, mixed Property Tax Code: Provided, That machineries
with foreign or domestic merchandise whether owned by zone registered enterprises which are
directly or indirectly related in such activity, shall actually installed and operated in the Zone for
not be subject to customs and internal revenue manufacturing, processing or for industrial
laws and regulations nor to local tax ordinances, purposes shall not be subject to the payment of
the provisions of law to the contrary real estate taxes for the first three (3) years of
notwithstanding. operation of such machineries: Provided, further,
That fifty percent (50%) of the proceeds of the
2) Merchandise purchased by a registered zone real estate taxes collected from all real properties
enterprise from the customs territory and located in the Zone and such other areas owned or
subsequently brought into the zone, shall be administered by the Authority shall be remitted to
considered as export sales and the exported the Authority by the province/city/municipality
thereof shall be entitled to the benefits allowed by responsible for the collection of such taxes under
law for such transaction. the provisions of the Real Property Tax Code. All
real estate taxes accruing to the Authority as
3) Domestic merchandise sent from the zone to the herein provided shall be expanded for such
customs territory shall, whether or not combined community facilities, utilities and/or services as
with or made part of other articles likewise of local the Authority may determine.
origin or manufactured in the Philippines while in
the export processing zone, be subject to internal 10) Production equipment or machineries, not
revenue laws of the Philippines as domestic goods attached to real estate, used directly or indirectly,
sold, transferred or disposed of for local in the production, assembly or manufacture of the
consumption. registered product of the zone registered
enterprise shall be exempt from real property
4) Merchandise sent from the export processing zone taxes.
to the customs territory shall, whether or not
combined with or made part of other articles while I. TAX CREDIT UNDER EXPORT DEVELOPMENT ACT
in the zone, be subject to rules and regulations OF 1994 (SEC. 16 (e), R.A. NO. 7844)
governing imported merchandise. The duties and
taxes shall be assessed on the value of imported For exporters of non-traditional products who use or
materials (except when the final product is substitute locally produced raw materials, capital
exempt) and the internal revenue taxes on the equipment and/or spare parts, tax credits equivalent
values added. to twenty-five percent (25%) of the duties that would
have been paid had these inputs been imported:
5) Domestic merchandise on which all internal Provided, That this incentive would be available for a
revenue taxes have been paid, if subject thereto, period of three (3) years upon effectivity of this Act
and foreign merchandise previously imported on and can be extended for another three (3) years by
which duty or tax has been paid, or which have the President upon the recommendation of the
been admitted free of duty and tax, may be taken Secretary of Finance: Provided, further, That the
into the zone from the customs territory of the Secretary of Finance, in consultation with the Export
Philippines and be brought back thereto free of Development Council, shall prepare a list of non-
quotas, duty or tax. traditional exports which are entitled to avail of this
incentive. Provided, That these incentives shall be
6) Subject to such regulations respecting identity and granted only upon: (1) the presentation of a Bureau
safeguarding of the revenue as the Authority may of Export Trade Promotion (BETP) certification of the
deem necessary when the identity of an article exporter's eligibility, in compliance with the minimum
entered into the export processing zone under the wage and SSS laws; and that (2) in the case of
immediately preceding paragraph has been lost, importations, the items imported shall be used
such article when removed from the zone and exclusively for production of export goods.
taken to the customs territory shall be treated as
foreign merchandise entering the country for the
first time, under the provisions of the Tariff and
Customs Code.

7) Articles produced or manufactured in the zone and

exported therefrom shall, on subsequent
importation into the customs territory, be subject

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