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Coding for Kids: The Ultimate

Guide for Parents [Updated
July 23, 2021 | by David Dodge

Coding for kids – or computer programming for kids – is rapidly growing in

popularity. With how dependent society has become on technology (especially
now), it comes as no surprise that more and more people are looking into this
! " # $
seemingly unattainable skill and thinking; could I learn that?

Parents are especially enamored with the idea of their kids learning to code, with a
recent poll indicating that 90% of U.S. parents would like coding for kids to be a
part of school curriculums.

And why not? Learning how to code at a young age can set your child up for a
lifetime of success. Thanks to the normalization of online learning, more kids are
comfortable with the idea of extra classes taken via online coding academies and

In this guide, we’re going to discuss coding for kids: the benefits, the statistics, and
why this particular brand of computer literacy is so important right now.

(And if you’re interested in a deeper dive into the more technical aspects of why
coding for kids is so important, check out my article on Computer Coding for Kids: David Dodge, the CEO and founder
Is it a Fad or an Essential New Literacy?) of CodaKid, is a game designer, kids
coding expert, educator, Inc

Table of Contents  columnist, and speaker with

What is Coding? experience teaching tens of
Is Coding Good for Kids? thousands of kids in 60+ countries
Coding Promotes Logical & Critical Thinking
how to code. David is credited in the
Coding Promotes Focus & Creativity
Coding Encourages Confidence & Resilience development of over 30 video game
Why is Kids Coding an Investment in Your Child’s Future? titles for Sega and Sony, and is the
At What Age Can a Child Start Coding? founder and software architect of
How Can You Get Your Child Interested in Coding? Tutorware, a SaaS business
Combine it With Their Current Passion
application. CodaKid provides award-
Learn Coding with Them
Make it Social winning online coding courses,
BONUS FAQ: computer programming camps, and
What is the Best Way to Teach Coding for Kids?
game design classes for students
How to find the best online coding courses for kids?
around the globe. David can be
What is the best programming language for kids?
Conclusion reached on Twitter @davidddodge

What is Coding? Recent Posts

Top 15 Best Coding Books for Kids in

Coding (or programming) is basically a creative process executed by computer
programmers wherein they tell a computer or machine how to perform a specific
task. It involves writing executable scripts using computer programming languages Minecraft Screenshots: The Ultimate
like Java or Python. Guide [2021]

21 Best Coding Games for Kids: The

Some see coding as a way of communicating with computers. Programmers give Best Way to Teach Computer
computers instructions, and the computer carries them out. People who know how Programming
to code (i.e., coders, programmers, developers) can create games, apps, computer
Top 12 Kids Coding Languages of
software, websites, and interactive digital content.

15 Best Minecraft Toys Your Child Will

Is Coding Good for Kids? Love in 2021

How To Make a Minecraft Server –

Young minds are adaptable and malleable. They are quickly able to absorb and
The Ultimate 2021 Guide
retain knowledge. Kids that are exposed to coding at a very young age, have the
benefit of learning how to critically assess situations, explore different perspectives, Coding for Kids: The Ultimate Guide

construct creative solutions, and execute the trial-and-error learning process. The for Parents [Updated 2021]

earlier kids learn how to code, the easier it will be for them to master this skill—and
all the subsequent skills coding encourages. These skills are as follows:


Recent Posts

Top 15 Best Coding Books for Kids in

Coding Promotes Logical & Critical Thinking
Minecraft Screenshots: The Ultimate

Coding for kids encourages logic, reasoning, and critical thinking. Guide [2021]

21 Best Coding Games for Kids: The

Several recent studies have found a positive correlation between computer Best Way to Teach Computer
programming and cognitive skills. According to the results, students who knew Programming
how to code typically scored higher on cognitive ability tests than those who had Top 12 Kids Coding Languages of
little to no programming experience. An MIT study also highlighted that computer 2021
programming could be advantageous for cognitive development.
15 Best Minecraft Toys Your Child Will
Love in 2021
When kids learn to code, they are taught how to break complex problems down
into smaller, more manageable pieces in order to write functional scripts. This
process is called decomposition, and it is a valuable skill that children will find Recent Comments
incredibly useful every time they’re confronted with real-life complications.
gggggggggggggggggg on Minecraft
Caves & Cliffs: Everything You Need
And it doesn’t end at decomposition. Because coding follows a similar approach to
to Know
problem-solving, kids who code have an advantage in developing this skill.
Aubrey on Minecraft Caves & Cliffs:
Everything You Need to Know
In coding, a programmer needs to (a) identify the problem, (b) analyze it, (c) create
a viable solution, (d) test the solution, and (e) repeat the process if the problem is David Dodge on Coding for
not addressed. Homeschoolers: The Ultimate Guide
for Parents
(If you want to know why problem-solving is such an important skill, I have an priya on What is the best
article on why it’s The #1 Skill That All Kids Need to be Successful in an Uncertain programming language for kids?
Future. Do give it a read!)
Ellen Hughes on Why Kids Should
Learn Computer Programming (And 5
As kids learn to code, they become familiar – and ultimately comfortable – with the
Quick Tips to Help Them Get Started)
problem-solving process. The more they get used to writing, rewriting,
troubleshooting, and debugging lines upon lines of code, the more it becomes
second nature for them to cycle through the steps and execute them properly. Archives

September 2021
Related Reading:
August 2021

Coding for Kids: 5 Reasons It

It’ss More Important Than You Think July 2021

Why Kids Should Learn Computer Programming (And 5 Quick Tips to June 2021

Get Them Started) May 2021

April 2021

Coding Promotes Focus & Creativity March 2021

February 2021

January 2021

December 2020

November 2020

October 2020

September 2020

August 2020

July 2020

June 2020

May 2020

April 2020

March 2020

February 2020
Because computer programming seems so technical, a lot of people don’t equate
January 2020
it with creative thinking—especially given how methodical and procedural the act
December 2019
of coding can be. But programmers know this all too well: coding can promote
creativity. In fact, a certain level of creative thinking is required when you’re November 2019

programming from scratch. October 2019

June 2019
Think about it; kids who know how to code can develop apps, games, animations,
May 2019
websites, and more. They can create interactive content by writing down lines of
existing code (or snapping together some blocks, seeing as block coding is a April 2019

popular format of coding for kids), but the actual blueprint for that content comes March 2019
from their imagination.
February 2019

January 2019
Once kids learn how to code, the way they consume digital media and technology
changes. Every time they try out a new app or play a new video game, they could November 2018

draw inspiration for their own creation. They could look at, say, an online fighting October 2018
game and wonder; what if this was an adventure game instead? And with their
September 2018
coding knowledge, they could make this hypothetical a reality.
August 2018

Coding can be a viable outlet for their creative expression. Some kids draw. Some May 2018

kids play an instrument or sing. Some kids code. April 2018

March 2018
And with this creativity comes a certain level of focus, too. See, when kids develop
January 2018
a program, they have to consider all aspects of it in order to write the
corresponding code. December 2017

October 2017

September 2017

August 2017

July 2017

June 2017

January 2017

November 2016

October 2016

September 2016

June 2016

April 2016

March 2016

February 2016

Let’s take developing a video game as an example. Kids will have to write code to October 2015
make a character walk forwards, backward, and maybe even side to side. They’ll August 2015
have to write code so that the character can jump or dodge. They also have to
May 2015
consider how a character interacts with the environment, and then write code that
April 2015
covers all eventual outcomes following that interaction (i.e., if a character picks up
an object, if a character destroys an object, if a character uses an object, etc.). March 2015

January 2015
It’s a lot to think about. If a child doesn’t have the right amount of focus and
December 2014
organization, they may end up coding a lot of bugs or filler in their script instead.

Coding Encourages Confidence & Resilience Categories

Block coding

Code Academy



Coding Apps

Coding for Beginners

Coding for Homeschoolers

Coding for Kids

Coding for Kids with Austism

Coding Games


Engineering for Kids

free robux on roblox

If you’ve ever tried coding (or even watched someone code) you probably have an Game Design
inkling of how precise it can be. Especially text-based coding! Block coding is a
Gifted Students and Coding
little more forgivable, but text-based coding requires perfect syntax. One comma
Hour of Code
or semicolon out of place is enough to render a script useless.
How to Start a Kids Coding Camp
As their scripts grow more and more complicated, kids will no doubt become well- Khan Academy
acquainted with the painstaking process of writing, running, debugging, re-writing,
and re-running their code. This can teach patience and reward resilience like
Kids and Screen Time
nothing else.
Kids coding
On top of that, kids who code tend to become more certain and confident in their Kids Coding Camps
decisions (as compared to children who don’t). Building successful, working scripts
Kids Coding Languages
can be extremely difficult—but more so when you’re constantly second-guessing
Kids coding websites
Ergo, child coders learn to be comfortable with and sure of their decisions. Their Math Games
ability to bounce back after repeated failure is incredibly inspiring, and the
Math websites
confidence that eventually instills in them carries on to many different areas of their
life (both social and personal).
Minecraft Coding

Why is Kids Coding an Investment in Your Minecraft Modding

Child’ss Future? Minecraft Mods

Minecraft server

Online Education Programs for Kids

Online kids coding

Online Safety for Kids

Preparing Kids for the Future



Roblox coding

Roblox games

Roblox Scripting



As our society becomes more and more dependent on technology and the Meta
internet, the demand for experienced coders and developers rises exponentially.
Log in
Programming is no longer a skill limited to industries in the tech sector.
Entries feed

Education, finance, health, retail—these categories that are seemingly far removed Comments feed

from technology all have careers that require a certain level of programming
knowledge. Kids who know how to code have a definite advantage over their
peers who don’t possess the same technological know-how.

In fact, here are some interesting career facts to consider:

According to an analysis of the job market in 2016, jobs that required coding
skills paid $22,000/year more than jobs that didn’t
The same job market report stated that general programming jobs grew 12%
faster than the market average
Marketing specialists reveal that applicants with a basic understanding of how
programming languages work have a clear advantage over those that don’t
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has unveiled a pilot scheme
to effectively promote coding into the curriculum at New Hampshire
Programming languages that are in high demand include JavaScript, HTML, R
and SAS, and AutoCAD

Related Reading:

5 Things that All Kids Should Study to Get a High Paying Job in the

4 Ways a Code Academy Can Change Your Child

Child’ss Future

As you can see, coding is slowly becoming a basic skill that many employers look
for in candidates, regardless of the job title or career. It’s like computer literacy.
Back then, when computers were massive machines that took up half the room,
knowing how to work it was a very specific skill set that not many people had—and
they were okay with that. Now?

If you don’t know how to type and send a simple email, you probably won’t get
very far with new job opportunities.

Coding is the new computer literacy. Many employers and tech recruiters agree
that applicants who know even the basics of coding stand out. They are more likely
to be considered over their peers who don’t possess the same knowledge. And
when basic programming eventually becomes a required skill set (under computer
literacy), kids who already possess the foundations won’t have too much trouble

Even out of the context of careers and job opportunities, kids who code will find it
easier to keep up in a world practically ruled by AI and technology. Websites,
applications, smart devices, smart technology—these are all things the average
person can no longer live without. And they all largely depend on code in order to
function. A number of professionals in the UK believe that programming language
will eventually become as essential to us as human language is today.

If your child possesses sufficient coding skills, they’ll have an easier time navigating
their surroundings in the future.

At What Age Can a Child Start Coding?

According to the cognitive-development theory penned by Swiss psychologist

Jean Piaget in 1971, children at the age of 5 are in what he called the
preoperational stage. At this stage, a child begins to understand the world
through the use of mental representations via words and images.

Following this theory – and the more modern accessibility of educational tools and
technology – many experts agree that a child can start learning to code at 5
years old

Now, some parents may feel apprehensive about this age. Many don’t want to risk
prematurely introducing coding to their kids. And we understand the concern.

For one, traditional coding is a completely new language. Children learn to speak
at completely different paces. Some take to communication like a duck to water.
Others find it difficult to verbally express themselves. So teaching kids how to code
when they can barely speak the human language can be overwhelming and

For another, text-based coding can be complicated. There are a lot of numbers,
sequences, and syntactical elements involved. As with the previous point, trying to
teach a child about loops, functions, and conditionals when they can’t even count
up to 20 may prove extremely difficult.

But did you know that coding basics can be gamified (and simplified) to make it
more kid-friendly?

Plenty of apps and websites that teach coding for kids choose to do so through
block-based coding. They incorporate visual coding blocks into fun, colorful games
that would typically engage and educate a child. The combination of block coding
and vibrant visuals within a game setting makes programming much less

What’s more, recent psychological studies show that children under the age of 7
are capable of rapidly acquiring more than one language. Given that computer
programming is a whole vernacular, it’s not too much of a stretch to believe a 5-
year-old perfectly capable of learning it, too.

The governments of Britain, Estonia, and Finland seem to think so, given how
they’re starting serious initiatives to make coding a part of the school curriculum for
children aged 5 and up.

Related Reading:

5 Ways to Educate Our Kids for the Future

How Can You Get Your Child Interested in


If your child is already interested in computer programming, coding, and/or

game/app development, you probably won’t have to do much to convince them. It
would be more a matter of finding online coding courses that you can both agree
on (in terms of budget, curriculum, schedule, and so on). But if your kid doesn’t
seem excited about computer sciences/STEM subjects, there are a few ways you
can pique their interest:

Combine it With Their Current Passion

Earlier, we mentioned that coding can be gamified to make it more engaging to

younger audiences. You can apply the same concept to spark your kids’ interest in
coding. Because the beauty of coding is that it can be quite versatile. Here are
some ways coding for kids can be implemented in different hobbies:

Toys. Does your kid prefer playing with toys overlooking a computer screen?
Not a problem at all. There are plenty of fun, unplugged toys that cover the
basics of STEM and coding. Our suggestions? Code Car: The Fastest Start
with Typed Coding, ThinkFun Gravity Maze Marble Run Logic Game, and
Learning Resources Coding Critters.
Robots. If your kid is into robots, they’re this close to jumping on coding, I
can promise you that. Plenty of coding for kids kits out there involve a
programmable robot. Cozmo Coding Toy is a popular one. So is Wonder
Workshop Dash – Coding Robot for Kids. And if your kid loves Sesame Street,
WowWee Elmoji is a great choice.
Building. LEGO remains one of the best toys for budding builders and
tinkerers. Their ability to recognize and meet public demand – with regards to
LEGO kit themes and concepts – is nothing short of astonishing. Check out
their LEGO Boost Robotics Creative Toolbox or their LEGO City Arctic Scout
Truck for a great way to teach kids coding concepts using their favorite
building blocks.
Drawing/Painting. If your kid loves drawing, you can introduce them to
animation tools that can help bring their artistic creations to life! For instance,
Scratch is a kid-friendly coding platform that allows children to create
interactive stories, games, and animations using Scratch’s own block-based
programming language. Kids can upload their own backgrounds and
characters (called Sprites) to the platform to personalize their projects.
Video Games/Mobile Games. Kids who love computer games and mobile
games could be interested in making their own. Avid gamers can learn basic
programming skills through wildly popular computer games like Minecraft
and Roblox.

Related Reading:

7 Surprising Things That Every Parent Should Know About Minecraft

5 Reasons Why Roblox Coding is the Next Big Thing in Kids

Computer Science Education

Learn Coding with Them

Although independence can be incredibly rewarding, a lot of kids would still prefer
having their parents with them as they dive into new experiences. Learning new
things can be far less daunting and far less intimidating when you go into it with
people you trust. If your kid is hesitant about learning to code, why not suggest
that you two learn together? After all, if you don’t consider yourself particularly
tech-savvy, this could be a great learning opportunity for you, too!

Make it Social

This may be a little difficult to do considering the current global pandemic, but try
turning coding lessons into a social activity. For instance, maybe you could
coordinate with teachers and other parents to schedule some sort of “Community
Coding” lesson. Or find coding academies online that allow for private group
classes that your kids and their friends can join. Kids tend to share the same
interests with their peer group so that they don’t feel “left out.” For natural social
butterflies, having a network of fellow coders can also motivate him/her to keep
learning and practicing.


What is the Best Way to Teach Coding for Kids?

Thanks to how tech-savvy most modern kids are, it’s not impossible for them to
learn coding on their own. Plenty of programmers (both young and old) are
actually self-taught! But that path is, admittedly, quite a slow one. And it can be
quite frustrating if you don’t have immediate one-on-one support. So self-taught
coding, while probable, is not something we’d recommend.

Instead, here are some more practical learning options:

1. School Education/School Curriculum

2. Coding Bootcamps
3. Private Tutors/Lessons
4. Coding Games
5. Online Coding Academies

Related Reading:

Why Coding Games is the Best Way to Teach Kids Computer


17 Best Coding Games for Kids: The Best Way to Teach Computer

And if you’re interested, we’ve got 8 Practical Tips for Parents Who Want to Teach
Their Kids to Code you might find extremely helpful!

Given the current global health crisis, it’s safe to assume that most kids have now
adjusted to online classes and self-paced study. Ergo, most (if not all) of these
options shouldn’t be too far out of their comfort zone.

If your kids’ current school curriculum already has Computer Programming or

Computer Science classes, you can always supplement their lessons with online
coding games or online coding courses. You ideally want to pick an option that
appeals to both you and your child’s wants and needs (like schedule, content,
teaching structure, and affordability).

Want to know our recommendations? Check out our Top 31 Free and Affordable
Coding Websites for Kids!

How to find the best online coding courses for kids?

Too many options to choose from? Here’s a quick list of what to consider when
picking the best online coding course for your child:

Reviews. Very important. Always trust the experience of other parents. You ideally
want a 4- to 5-star rated program. 3-stars is a little risky. Anything else is just

Value. When choosing between a free or paid program, ask yourself what you’re
willing to invest in your kid’s coding journey. We recommend discussing it with your
kid as well. If they’re interested in trying it out, a free or fairly low-cost option is a
safe start. You can eventually invest more if your kid starts showing genuine love
and excitement for it.

Support. If there’s no live or professional support available, why even pay for an
education program? Your kid might as well be watching How-To videos. Choose
platforms that allow you to contact the mentors—whether through email,
messaging apps, or live chat.

Accessibility. The best online coding courses are the ones that allow for study or
hands-on practice outside of class hours. We recommend choosing programs with
plenty of downloadable assets that your kid can use whenever they want.

What is the best programming language for kids?

“Best” is a pretty subjective term. But some programming languages are

undoubtedly more kid-friendly than others. For instance; block-based coding
languages (like Scratch or Blockly). Most experts agree that visual block coding is
one of the best ways to get kids started on programming. It reduces typing
frustration and the need for technical memorization, allowing kids to focus purely
on the fundamentals.

But while this approach is good for kids 5 to 7 years of age, older, more
experienced kids may soon feel bored or uninspired with the limits of block
coding. They may soon want a taste of the “real thing,” and the “real thing” just
happens to be text-based coding.

With that in mind, here’s a brief list of text-based programming languages that are
quite simple (compared to others) and therefore won’t feel as overwhelming:

(Want a more extensive list and description? Check out our Best Programming
Languages for Kids article!)

Java – one of the most popular and simpler programming languages. It is

used by hundreds of well-known games, including Minecraft. Your kid can
learn how to make Minecraft mods using Java.
JavaScript – not to be confused with Java. JavaScript is fairly easy to learn as
well, and it’s a great choice for making 2D web games.
HTML – a beginner-friendly, text-based language that’s great for building
CSS – typically used hand-in-hand with HTML. Also fairly beginner-friendly
and great for programming design elements into an HTML website.
Scratch/Blockly – block-based programming languages that remain one of
the best ways to teach coding for 5- to 7-year-old kids.

Related Reading:

Top 9 Kids Coding Languages of 2021


Like it or not, coding is becoming the language of the 21st century. It has become
a basic literacy that kids, teens, and even young adults can benefit from knowing.
Think about it; we are, ultimately, dependent on machine intelligence:
smartphones, laptops, security systems, etc. With such technologies being a
permanent fixture in our lives, shouldn’t we at least know how to communicate with

Ergo, coding for kids is no longer an optional activity. It is now, for all intents and
purposes, a necessary skill that they should have a basic understanding of—else
they risk getting left behind by their peers.

Do you want your child to start learning how to code? Gain full access to
CodaKid’s award-winning online courses today by enrolling in a free trial!

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