Infrared Spectroscopy (IR)

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Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) 3.

From molecular formula

 Classic methods for organic structure  Double bond equivalent

4. Infrared spectroscopy (IR)
o Boiling point
o Refractive index  Identify some specific functional groups
o Solubility tests  e.g. C=O, C–O, O–H, COOH, NH2 … etc.
o Functional group tests
o Derivative preparation 5. UV (Ultraviolet) Spectroscopy
o Sodium fusion (to identify N,
Cl, Br, I & S)  Sometimes useful especially for
o Mixture melting point conjugated systems
o Combustion analysis  e.g. dienes, aromatics, enones
o Degradation
 Require large quantities of sample and
are time consuming 6. 1H, 13C NMR and other advanced NMR
 Spectroscopic methods for organic structure
determination  Full structure determination

a) Infrared Spectroscopy (IR)

 Characteristic functional groups
 Spectroscopy and the Electromagnetic
b) Ultraviolet Spectroscopy (UV) Spectrum
 Waves are classified by frequency or
 Characteristic chromophore
wavelength ranges
c) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

 Composition of atomic groups within

the molecule.

d) Mass Spectroscopy (MS)

 Molecular Mass & characteristic

fragmentation pattern

●Combination of these spectroscopic

 Electromagnetic radiation seems to
techniques provide a rapid, accurate, and
have dual behavior:
powerful tool for Identification and Structure
 Possesses the properties of a photon
Elucidation of organic compounds
 A photon is the smallest discrete
●Effective in milligram and microgram amount or quantum of electromagnetic
quantities. radiation such as light and radio waves
 It is the basic unit of all light.
 General steps for structure elucidation  The photon is a type of elementary
1. Elemental analysis particle. It is force carrier for the
 Empirical formula electromagnetic force.
 e.g. C2H4O  They are elementary particles despite
lacking rest mass.
 They always move at the speed of light
2. Mass spectrometry in vacuum, 299792458 m/s.

 Molecular weight  Behaves as an energy wave

 Molecular formula  Speed of the wave
 e.g. C4H8O2, C6H12O3 … etc. Wavelength × Frequency = Speed
λ (m) × ν = c
 Characteristic fragmentation pattern for
λ = c/v
certain functional groups
 The unit of electromagnetic energy is  These vibrations are quantized, and as
called quanta they occur, the compounds absorb IR
energy in particular regions of the IR
portion of the electromagnetic
 Considering the plank equation and  A plot of these absorbed frequencies is
multiplying ɛ by Avogadro’s number NA: called an IR spectrum.

• IR region has lower energy than visible

light (below red - produces heating as with a
heat lamp)

 Absorption Spectrum
 Organic compound exposed to
electromagnetic radiation can absorb
energy of only certain wavelengths (unit
of energy)
 Transmits energy of other wavelengths
 Changing wavelengths to determine
which are absorbed and which are  Wavenumber
transmitted produces an absorption
 In infrared radiation, absorbed energy
causes bonds to stretch and bend more
 In ultraviolet radiation, absorbed energy
causes electrons to jump to a higher-
energy orbital (electronic transition)

 Worked Example:

Calculate the energy in kJ/mol for a gamma ray

with λ = 5.0×10-11m

 The position of an absorption band (peak) in

an IR spectrum is specified in units of

 Absorption of Infrared (IR) radiation
causes atoms and groups of atoms of
organic compounds to vibrate with
increased amplitude about the covalent
bonds that connect them.
 This absorption will occur at specific
frequencies characteristic of the types
of bonds and atoms present in the
specific functional groups of that
 Interpreting Infrared Spectra  The actual relative frequency of vibration can
 IR spectrum interpretation is difficult as the be predicted:
arrangement of organic molecules is complex
 Disadvantage - Generally used only in
pure samples of fairly small molecules
 Advantage - Provides a unique
identification of compounds
o Fingerprint region - 1500cm-
1 to 400 cm-1 (approx)
 Complete interpretation of the IR spectrum is  Bonds with lighter atoms vibrate faster
not necessary to gain useful structural than those with heavier atoms.
 IR absorption bands are similar  Triple bonds (which are stiffer and stronger)
among compounds vibrate at higher frequencies than double
 Region from 4000 to 1500 cm-1 can be
divided into areas characterized by:
• Single-bond stretching motions
• Triple-bond stretching motions
• Absorption by double bonds
• Fingerprint portion of the IR spectrum

 In order for vibration to occur with the

absorption of IR energy, the dipole moment
of the molecule must change as the vibration
 e.g. CH4 symmetric stretching of C-H
doesn’t absorb IR energy
 C-H bonds at sp centers appear at 3000-3100
 The IR spectrum of a molecule usually
contains many peaks.
 C-H bonds at sp2 centers appear at about
3080 cm-1
 These peaks are due to the various types of
 C-H bonds at sp3 centers appear at about
vibrations available to each of the different
2800-3000 cm-1 bonds.
 Additional peaks result from overtone
• C-C bond stretching frequencies are only useful
(harmonic) peaks which are weaker and of
for multiple bonds: lower frequency.
 The IR is a “fingerprint” of the molecule
 C-C double bonds give peaks at 1620-1680
because of the unique and large number of
cm-1 peaks seen for a particular molecule.
 C-C triple bonds give peaks at 2100-2260 cm-
1 Characteristic IR absorptions
 These peaks are absent in symmetrical double
and triple bonds.

Interpreting IR Spectra
 IR spectrum of octane
 IR spectrum of 1-octene

IR Spectra of Some Functional Groups

Containing Heteroatoms

 Carbonyl Functional Groups

 Alcohols and phenols

 The IR absorption of an alcohol or
phenol O–H group is in the 3200–
3550 cm-1 range, and most often
Interpreting IR Spectra it is broad.
 IR spectrum of toluene

 Carboxylic Acids
 IR spectrum of propanoic acid

 IR spectrum of 1-heptyne

 Amines
 Primary and 2ndary amines give absorptions to electrons that can be excited to higher
of moderate strength in the 3300–3500 cm-1 energy orbitals
 primary amines exhibit two peaks in this  UV spectrum
region due to symmetric & asymmetric
 stretching of the two N–H bonds
 2ndary amines exhibit a single peak
 Tertiary amines show no N–H absorption
because they have no such bond
 A basic pH is evidence for any class of amines

 IR spectrum of 4-methylaniline

Absorption Maxima for Noncon-jugated and

Conjugated Dienes

 Analytical Uses of UV–Vis Spectroscopy

 UV–Vis spectroscopy can be used in the
structure elucidation of organic molecules to
indicate whether conjugation is present in a
given sample
 A more widespread use of UV–Vis
spectroscopy, however, has to do with
determining the concentration of an
unknown sample
 Quantitative analysis using UV–Vis
ULTRAVIOLET–VISIBLE spectroscopy is routinely used in biochemical
studies to measure the rates of enzymatic

 The absorption of UV–Vis radiation is caused  Ultraviolet Spectroscopy

by transfer of energy from the radiation beam
 generally refers to electronic transitions
occurring in the ultraviolet ( range 200-380  The energy source, the materials from which
nm) region of the electromagnetic spectrum the dispersing device and detector are
constructed must be appropriate for the
 Electronic transitions are also responsible in range of wavelength scanned as transparent
the visible region (lambda range 380-800 nm) as possible to the radiation.
which is easily accessible instrumentally but
are of less importance in the solution of  For UV measurements, the cells and optical
structural problems since most organic components are typically made of quartz and
compounds are colorless. ethanol, hexane, water or dioxane are usually
chosen as solvents.

 An extensive region at wavelengths shorter  Quantitative aspects

than ~200 nm (“vacuum UV”) also  The y-axis of a UV spectrum may be
corresponds to electronic transitions but this calibrated in terms of the intensity of
region is not accessible with standard transmitted light (% transmission or
instruments. absorption) or on a logarithmic scale i.e., in
terms of Absorbance A:
Types of Electronic Transition

 Beer’Lambert law: Absorbance, A is

proportional to the concentration and path
 the transitions are brought about by the length; intensity is usually expressed as molar
presence of chromophores in the molecule absorbance or molar extinction coefficient E.
( a part of the molecule which can be a
functional group or a single atom or group of
atoms in a molecule which may not be Where M = molecular weight
associated with chemical functionality) C = concentration (g/L) l = path length (cm)

 UV absorption bands are characterized by the

wavelength of maximum absorption (l max)
and E.
 The values of E vary from 10 and 105 and are
conveniently tabulated as log10(E).
 The presence of small amounts of strongly
absorbing impurities may lead to errors in the
interpretation of UV data.

Classification of UV Bands

 UV absorption bands have fine structures due

to the presence of vibrational sub-levels but
are rarely observed in solution due to
collisional broadening.

 In practice, double-beam instruments are  As transitions are associated with changes of

used where the absorption of a reference cell, electron orbitals, they are often described in
containing only solvent, is subtracted from terms of the orbitals involved or by another
the absorption of the sample cell. classification method:
 A molecule may give rise to more than one
band because it contains more than one
chromophore or because more than one
transition of a single chromophore is

Table 1. The Effect of Conjugation on UV


 UV spectra typically contain far fewer

features than IR, NMR or MS spectra and thus
have a lower information content.

Special Terms in UV Spectroscopy  When there are more than 8 conjugated double
bonds, the absorption maximum of polyenes is
 Auxochromes (auxillary chromophores): such that they absorb light strongly in the visible
groups which have little UV absorption by region.
themselves, but which often have significant
effects on the absorption (both max and )  Empirical rules (Woodward Rules) of good
of a chromophore to which they are attached; predictive value are available to estimate the
are atoms with one or more lone pairs ( -OH, - positions of max in conjugated polyenes and
OR, -NR2, -halogen) conjugated carbonyl compounds.
 bathochromic shift: shift of absorption
maximum to longer wavelength Woodward-Fieser Rules for Calculating the λmax
 hypsochromic shift: shift of absorption of
maximum to shorter wavelength
 Hyperchromic effect: an increase in I. Conjugated Dienes and Polyenes
absorption intensity
 Hypochromic effect: a decrease in absorption

Important UV Chromophores

 Most of the reliable and useful data is due to

relatively strongly absorbing chromophores (
> 200) which are mainly indicative of
conjugated or aromatic systems

(1) Dienes and Polyenes

 Extension of conjugation in C chain is always

associated with a pronounced shift towards
longer wavelength (bathochromic shift) and
towards greater intensity (hyperchromic

 A diene is either:
 homoannular with both double bonds
contained in one ring

 heteroannular with two double bonds

distributed between two rings.




 Carbonyl compounds

 All carbonyl derivatives exhibit weak (E< 100)

absorption between 250 and 350 nm, and this
is only of marginal use in determining

 Conjugated carbonyl derivatives always exhibit

strong absorption.

III. Aromatic Compounds

Table 2. UV Absorption Bands in Common Carbonyl


 Benzene derivatives
 exhibit medium to strong absorption with
bands having characteristic fine structure and
the intensity of the absorption being strongly
influenced by substituents:
 Weak auxochromes: -CH3, -Cl, -OCH3
 Groups which increase conjugation:
-CH=CH2, -C(=O)-R, -NO2
 Auxochromes whose absorption is pH
dependent: -NH2 and -OH

 The added conjugation in naphthalene,

anthracene and tetracene causes
bathochromic shifts of these absorption

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