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Plan of Investigation...................................................................................................................................3
First reflection.............................................................................................................................................4
Second Reflection.......................................................................................................................................5
Third Reflection...........................................................................................................................................6
Group report...............................................................................................................................................7
Plan of Oral Presentation...........................................................................................................................9

Plan of Investigation

The theme of my English SBA is “The Environment”, while my subtopic is, “The Loss of

Biodiversity in The Ocean.” I chose this topic because it bothers me to see how mankind

eliminates our marine animal species worldwide.

 I collected an article, a poem, and a poster from several websites on the Internet and I will use

my knowledge of literary devices and summary skills to Analyze this data.

As a student of English, I expect the benefits of being able to improve my vocabulary and

research skills while completing this SBA.

Word count: 94

First reflection

Reading the article made me realize more, that humans play a major role in the loss of marine

biodiversity I understand now why we are the ones to blame for this situation around the world.

I think that if everyone takes this matter Seriously worldwide, we can save some species.

The poem showed me that we as humans destroy our environment and the species that we need

on earth. It reminded me that we can still learn to love and value what we have left and we can

make things better.

The Poster revealed to me how small things can have a massive impact. It Showed that humans

are the number one contributor to the loss of biodiversity in the ocean. We are not taking full

precautions to protect our environment. This changed my perspective by opening up my eyes to

the real problems.

Word count: 145

Second Reflection

In the article, factual information was presented by the writer. An example was, “Climate impact

change due to human activity has a direct impact on marine species.” This was an effective

technique because it states clearly how humans negatively impact the environment.

In the poem, the poet used Literary devices such as repetition, “whatever happens to the value of

humanity. Whatever happened to fairness and equality” I Found this effective because the use of

repetitive sounds and words makes it more appealing to read.

The last piece was a poster that included the use of imagery as it clearly describes the causes and

effects of the loss of biodiversity. It paints a clear picture for the reader to imagine and see the

causes and how it affects biodiversity. An example that shows this is, ‘’thinning, fragmenting or

outright destruction.’’

Word count:145

Third Reflection

This SBA made me a better person by improving my ability to do group work. As an English

Language student, trying to meet the deadlines that were set for our SBA also helped me to

improve my time management skills.

Additionally, it was difficult for me to socialize and work with others, but completing the various

group tasks of this SBA assisted me in developing co-ocooperation teamwork skills. My skills

and knowledge of the English language also improved as I had to complete various pieces of


 Researching this topic was crucial as it has given me a greater understanding of the problem

relating to the environment While teaching me responsibility as I had to be certain that our work

was accurate while meeting deadlines. Overall, completing This SBA was quite a beneficial


Word count:145 

Group report

The main topic of our group is “The Environment and our individual subtopics include; ‘Loss of

Biodiversity in the Ocean’, ‘Positive and Negative Effects of Animals on the Environment’, ‘How

to Protect the Environment’, ‘Climate Change’, ‘Man's Effect on the Environment’ and

‘Deforestation’. Our group communicated via WhatsApp where we shared links and documents

regarding our group topic.

The data was easily sourced since it was mostly obtained from the internet, making it more

accessible. A variety of online resources, diagrams and poems were acquired in research

relating to our individual topics. We collected eighteen pieces of data in total, three were

chosen which we felt effectively illustrated the main issues. These included a poem,

‘Deforestation’ by Joe.K, a pamphlet on climate change by Adhiti Chundur as well as an online

article by Donovan Alexander outlining ‘Man’s Effect on the Environment’. These specific pieces

of data were chosen as they addressed serious issues affecting the environment while

presenting facts and statistics.

The pamphlet was chosen because it explained the major contributing factors to the

‘Greenhouse Effect’. Greenhouse gasses are the most influential factor towards climate change.

We chose this poem because it gives the full scope of deforestation; how man cuts down trees

to survive but negatively affects wildlife in the process. Finally, the online article was selected as

it comprehensively outlined a variety of major issues and actions man has done to bring harm

to the environment.

As English students, in doing this SBA we enhanced our analytical and research skills while

simultaneously gaining knowledge on our main topic “The Environment”. In conclusion this SBA

was beneficial to all group members.

(Word count: 272)

Plan of Oral Presentation

My group topic is, ‘’The Environment,” my subtopic is, ‘’ The Loss of Biodiversity in the

Ocean.’’  I selected this topic because I see it as an alarming issue to be investigated.  My

oral presentation will be in the form of a speech since I would want it to be formal. I chose a

speech because I want the audience to take this topic seriously as this is an important matter that

should be appropriately executed.

I will use information from my pieces of data to give factual details so the audience will expand

their knowledge. I will talk about the causes and effects of Loss of Biodiversity in the ocean,

and how we can improve it.

My speech will be presented in formal standard English so the audience would clearly

understand and pay attention to the importance and details of the issue. As an English student,

the research assisted in my analysis and cooperation skills.

Word count: 148.


Researching this topic taught me much more than I thought I had already known.  The Loss

of Biodiversity in the ocean is a problem all over the world that people are not troubled by.

I was one of those people until I realized how important ocean life is to us and the Earth People

think that the main reason for the loss of biodiversity in the ocean is natural, but in reality, it is us

humans that destroy our environment without realizing. We as humans have a massive impact on

the environment.

If we can affect it negatively then we also have the power and knowledge to change the

environment positively. Doing this SBA assisted me with my research and analysis skills as well

as my ability to cooperate and work together with others.

word count: 136 words


The first piece(article): The decline of marine biodiversity – Ocean & Climate Platform (ocean-

The second piece(poem): BIODIVERSITY | Power Poetry

The third piece(poster): biodiversity loss | Causes, Effects, & Facts | Britannica


 The loss of marine biodiversity is weakening the ocean ecosystem and its ability to withstand

disturbances, adapt to climate change, and play its role as a global ecological and climate


The ocean is home to millions of species. The health of the oceans is strongly dependent upon

this marine biodiversity. Life in the ocean is an essential component of climate regulation.

Climate change due to human activity has a direct impact on marine species. It alters their

abundance, diversity, and distribution. Their feeding, development, and breeding, as well as the

relationships between species, are affected.

·        Rising temperatures lead to different behavior patterns according to species. Some adapt to

temperature changes, while others migrate toward the poles or to new areas. Other species

disappear, as has been observed for certain corals that can rapidly bleach and die when their

symbiosis with the unicellular algae, that they shelter and feed on, is interrupted.

·        The ocean acidification, caused by increased absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide

(CO2), has a direct impact on the marine organisms with calcareous skeletons or shells: these

include phytoplankton, crustaceans, mollusks, etc…

·        Extreme climatic events deplete natural environments, for example by erosion and

flooding. They disturb marine life in coastal areas, particularly in certain coastal habitats such as

mangroves and seagrass beds, which are vital breeding grounds as well as potential CO2 capture


Fish is a primary source of animal protein for at least one billion people in the world. Apart from

overfishing or pollution, climate change alone heavily affects the food resources for human

populations, in developing countries essentially. Losses in biodiversity also imply a loss of genes

and molecules that are potentially valuable for medical research and industry. Due to these

multiple changes that cumulate on marine ecosystems, the ocean is becoming, in turn, very

sensitive to climate change. Indeed, the more ocean ecosystems become depleted, the less they

can adapt to climate change. The severity of this situation has been considered too lightly.


it’s better to love our ecosystem than to destroy it, we know

that all living things depend on its surrounding if we learn to

value, our ecosystem, in that way we can scatter the

biodiversity, in this planet called “earth”, aside from valuing

our ecosystem, its good to maintain, our love and care to our

ecosystem, if we love will our ecosystem, no one can destroy it,

if we care about our ecosystem, we can protect it from harm, what

ever happens to do the values of humanity, whatever happens, do

the fairness and equality, if you love your country, don’t be a

killer, be a protector.



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