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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: NCT (Band)
Relationship: Jeong Yuno | Jaehyun/Reader
Character: Jeong Yuno | Jaehyun, Suh Youngho | Johnny
Additional Tags: Halloween, Strangers to Lovers, Fluff, Smut
Stats: Published: 2022-01-29 Chapters: 1/2 Words: 1738

by konkan


In the girl world, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut
and no one can do anything about it. Or at least that's what you thought until a hot stranger
dressed as a vampire rolled up to the party. Now maybe you're thinking... someone in
particular should do something about it.


it's my 1st nct fic (and 1st fic after years of hiatus) so im kinda nervous but anyways!! hope
it's enjoyable!!

In the girl world, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no
one can do anything about it. Or at least it was what your roommate had drilled into your mind 2
hours ago, when you’re putting on a deep red corset top and a miniskirt that she insisted was the
perfect Halloween costume.

“What’s the point of Halloween if you don’t look super hot?” Dongsookie, your roommate, asked
straightforwardly when you held up the tiny piece of clothing (if it can even be called clothing ) in
front of her. “This is the national day of wearing slutty clothes and hooking up with other super hot

You rolled your eyes. “Okay whatever, but people are gonna wonder what we’re dressing up as.”

“As a slut. Duh.”

You failed to convince her that going as sluts to the biggest Halloween costume party-slash-rager
on campus grounds is not the cleverest thing, and now you ended up in some frat house’s outdoor
gazebo, drinking a cup of disgusting punch right next to a group of very loud guys who were
playing beer pong. It’s slightly away from the bigger crowd inside the house where no one had
piqued your interest. If there would be no super hot stranger sweeping you off your feet tonight,
you’re going to strangle Dongsookie.

Your cunning little friend had, in fact, been swept off her feet by one of the guys here judging from
how she stuck to a guy's side like glue. You guessed he must be Johnny, Sookie’s eye-candy of the
month, who was allegedly built like a sexy Greek god. You wouldn’t know because he’s dressed in
a fluffy polar bear onesie at the moment, but he sure looked devilishly handsome. Other than him,
there were 7-8 other guys clearly in the same circle of friends, laughing and lightheartedly flirting
around and doing whatever people usually do in college parties — just in costumes. (One of them
was dressed as a bulky Spiderman and kept squeezing his own air boobs. You pretended you never
saw that).

Then a figure caught your eye — a tall man striding in a laid-back yet confident gait, making his
way from the larger crowds inside to the beer pong table outdoors like he owned the house. His
hair was pushed back and he’s wearing a black cape over a deep red shirt. You held your breath
instantly, feeling lovestruck in a heartbeat. He must be the it-boy of this group. He must be the
most handsome, beautiful man in the entire party. He must be—

“Jung Jaehyun!” Your thoughts were interrupted by Johnny’s yell. “Damn you for coming so late,

You watched the beautiful guy blending in with his friends, laughing and dabbing up on everyone,
before your eyes wandered away and caught Sookie’s from the other side of the table. And like the
best friends you were, the two of you communicated by pure eye contact and girl telepathy.

Liking what you see? Sookie pointed at Jaehyun with her eyes before raising an eyebrow at you.

HE’S SO HOT, you widened your eyes in excitement.

Go make a move on him, Sookie wiggled her eyebrows.

You glared in panic. HE’S TOO HOT. I’M GONNA FREAK OUT.

Just give it a try, Sookie glared back in determination. Remember, you’re looking super hot too!
You deserve a hot man tonight!

You sighed and gave her a pointed look. Fine. But if he’s not interested in me, I’m gonna ruin your
night with Johnny the Polar Bear.

Sookie winked. I got you. Just wait and see. Then she suddenly flung herself on Johnny’s arm,
smoothly inserting herself into the boys’ conversation. “Since Jaehyun is late,” she loudly said, “he
owed us a round of beer pong. Am I right, Johnny?”

Johnny, bless the sweetheart he was, simply threw his arm around her and nodded in agreement.
“Hell yeah. Get on that other side, Jaehyun. It’s me and my girl against you and… uh…”

“Y/n?” Sookie chimed nonchalantly, looking at you in conspire.

“Yeah! Y/n, you’re up. How about that?”

Jaehyun followed Johnny and Sookie’s gaze, and his eyes finally landed on you for the first time.
You couldn’t exactly read the expression on his cold chiseled face, but his gaze swept quickly from
your bare legs to your tiny skirt and even tinier corset, to your eyes. He held his gaze that met
yours for a beat too long as he opened his mouth to respond, “Sure,”

Your mouth felt dry. You quickly threw a panicky look at Dongsookie, something that says,

Get him, bestie! Sookie screamed excitedly through her eyes.

I don’t even know how to play beer pong!

Sookie glared. Who cares about the stupid game? You only have 1 mission and it’s Jung Jaehyun!

Safe to say, you weren’t joking about not knowing how to play. You messed up a lot, but what you
didn’t mess up is giving Jung Jaehyun small signals all throughout the game by touching him
lightly on his hands, his arm, his back. And from how he kept his palm behind your lower back,
with enough space to not make you uncomfortable but also enough proximity to touch you when
you leaned back a little, it looked like the signals came from him too.

When the Johnny-Sookie team indisputably won, you reached out to hold Jaehyun’s lower arm
casually. “Sorry for playing so badly,” you offered a lighthearted apology.

He turned to face you, a hint of amusement apparent in his face. “No worries,” he shrugged easily.
Then he pointed to your almost empty red solo cup. “Wanna get a refill?”

You want nothing more of the disgusting punch, but for the sake of the mission you nodded and
trailed behind him as he led you through the crowd inside the house. Only when you reached the
punch bowl on top of the kitchen counter did you stop him. “Um, Jaehyun? I actually don’t want a
refill of this drink.”

Jaehyun laughed — and if you thought he looked handsome wearing a cold expression, his laugh
made him look even better. “Bet it’s awful. Don’t worry, I know their secret stash. You okay with
more beer?”

You let Jaehyun get you a drink and inched closer to him. He leaned towards you against the
kitchen countertop in response. Looked like he’s not going away anytime soon. “So,” you started.
“You’d better explain how you possess such knowledge. It’s not like they’d label cabinets as
‘secret beer stash’ or ‘secret hard drugs’, right?”

He shrugged. “Oh, I’m actually their dealer.” Looking at your horrified expression, he laughed
again. “I’m kidding. Johnny and the guys run this place so they let me in on stuff like this.” He
scooted closer, his eyes bright with mischief. “My turn. You’d better explain how you do not
possess the knowledge of playing beer pong. That was the worst game I’ve ever seen.”

The two of you exchanged banters laced with flirts, each inching closer and closer to one another.
Your brain gears started to think, how do we get some privacy...

“We should get some fresh air alone,” you declared. Shame kicked in when you realized the hints
you’re dropping were a bit obvious. “I mean, uh, technically we should. Like how Halloween is
supposed to be. Trick-or-treating, and all that…”

“Hm?” Jaehyun sipped his drink, avoiding your eyes. “Sure, then, wanna go trick-or-treating

You blinked. Well that was… not the reaction you expected? “Like, literal trick-or-treating?”
Maybe the sexual tension between the two of you was just your imagination. Maybe Jaehyun was
dense enough to think you’d actually want to do trick-or-treat

Or maybe he didn’t want to sleep with you. You just got brushed off.

“Well,” Jaehyun looked straight at you. “That’s entirely up to you. If you want to bang every door
in the neighborhood then I’ll go with you, too. But if you’re okay with just one trick-or-treat — I
mean, my place is just 10 minutes away — I have sweets and candies too.” In the dim lighting he
looked slightly bashful, like he’s not used to being this forward. “So…”


So here you were, a demon and a vampire, walking next to each other in the cold night. Jaehyun
silently took off his black coat and dropped it on your shoulders. When you looked at him in
confusion, he just smiled in an almost shy way. “In case you’re cold.”

You didn’t, but you wrapped it tighter around yourself anyway. “Thanks. I’m hot, though.”

Now his smile turned into a smirk, but before you could correct yourself, he simply asked, “So
what are you supposed to be?”

“A succubus,” you replied, making sure you didn’t actually say a slut like what Sookie had

“The demon?” Jaehyun scoffed. “I don’t see it.”

“Then what do you see me as, Spiderman or something?”

“Well ever since I saw you I thought you’re an angel.” He said it while trying to keep a straight
face, but it was so cringe you and him started bursting into laughter. “Daaaamn,” you pat his arm
repeatedly in a teasing manner. “That’s pretty awful. Maybe try harder next time, dude.”

“Yeah?” He had an impish grin on his face, both his sweet dimples showing, and you forgot all
about his stupid pickup line. “We’ll see if I can do better. Ask me what I am.”

You roll your eyeballs. “You’re obviously a vampire. Not even the slightest bit creative.”

“How is a vampire less creative than a demon ?” He said it in mock disgust.

“Hey, nothing’s wrong with a demon! And vampires are technically demons too. They’re similar to
succubus, actually, because they deliberately present themselves as attractive beings to lure weak

“Well, then,” He inched closer to your face and you unconsciously sucked in a breath from the
sudden proximity. “Has this vampire succeeded in luring you?”

You blinked.

“Because your succubus certainly had,” he added. Seeing his pickup line resulted in your stunned
reaction, he beamed, looking extra pleased and proud for himself that you found it super endearing.

You cleared your throat and tried to hide your bashful grin by quickly pointing at a nearby
convenience store, desperate to change the topic. “You know what, I’m gonna get ice cream.
You’re coming?”

Jaehyun knowingly smiled. “Oh, I know I’m about to.”

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