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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con
Category: F/M
Fandom: ASTRO - Fandom
Relationship: Sanha / You
Character: Yoon Sanha, You
Additional Tags: astro smut, sanha smut
Stats: Published: 2021-04-04 Words: 1836

by kpopdungeon


He couldn't handle it anymore, the heat. Which he felt whenever you were around.

Warning(s): Non-Con.

Sanha couldn't help it. She was just so pretty. Too pretty. To him. The way her eyebrows furrowed
as the girl tried to concentrate on the chemistry equation she was solving under his guidance,
chewing on the butt of the pencil and sighing when she couldn't get it right, the adorable little
whine releasing from her mouth. His eyes slowly flickered down to her soft looking lips.

He wanted to kiss them. So fucking much. For so many years now.

The lovestruck boy didn't even realise when the lines between fantasy and reality eventually
blurred, him leaning in and kissing her soft yet tight, his lips sticking to hers, refusing to go almost.
Sanha was so carried away by the heavenly feeling that the loud gasp that escaped Y/n against his
lips drowned in the pounding of his heart was that was ringing in his ears.

"... Sanha… Sanha!" It took him a few moments to snap out of it, Y/n pushing at his chest as her
body backed away from his much bigger and broader one. "Sanha!" He opened his eyes to see her
frowning at him with a disapproving expression. "I- I told you…" Sighing heavily, she uneasily put
her books to the side and stood up. "I told you that day when you- you- I don't feel the same way
about you."

The boy's jaw clenched as he looked up at her, backing away from where he was leaned in as he
softly grasped the bedsheet of his bed. "Why not? And… how are you so sure, even, huh?" She
was unable to notice the pretty vivid change in his tone and posture today. The girl didn't know
better. "We have been inseparable ever since we can remember, we know each other so well and
we get along so well!" Standing up in irritation, he towered over her, eyebrows furrowed and
shoulders slowly rising and falling due to the change in his breathing pattern.
"Sanha- Sanha-! I know! I know!" Y/n nodded and agreed, trying to speak over him as he continued
to ramble on, trying to convince her in whatever way. "I know! And I am sorry! But you're just- not
my type, Sanha! I am sorry!" His heart fluttered in an unpleasant way and stomach twisted at how
her eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"Oh, really?" Sanha stopped trying to convince her, burying his hands in the pockets of his pants
instead and leaning down at her. "So you have grown up well enough to know your type, huh?"
The blush that spread across her face followed by his words made his jaw clench. "My little Y/n is
all grown up and wise now, hm? No longer requires my guidance or help deciding what she

The girl sighed at his taunting tone, oblivious to what was about to come. "We have an amazing
friendship, Dana. Don't mess it up, please…" Looking down to avert her gaze from his because for
some reason she just couldn't look in his eyes, the girl bit her lip. "You of all people know that I
like the guy who lives in the house next to mine."

"Dongmin. Lee fucking Dongmin, huh?" Hatred laced the boy's words as his mind started to
imagine the mentioned boy's pretty and kind face all broken and bruised; beaten to a pulp.

By of course no one other than Sanha.

"Don't be like that!" Giggling a little, she pushed at his shoulder playfully and sat back down,
pretending to be busy with the books. "Come, help me go over these notes and stop sulking!
Besides, yeah. I am old enough to know what I want now, Dana! I can't always rely on you and
wait for you to guide me how to do simple daily life things, right?"

"Wrong." It happened so fast Y/n's brain couldn't even decipher it. Sanha pushed the books away
and off the bed with such force they went flying away, one of his hands grabbing the girl's throat as
he climbed the bed, dragging her shocked body to the middle using the grasp he had on her. "I am
and will always be the one to tell you what to do because you're way too pathetic and dumb to
know that on your own." A deep chuckle left him as her eyes widened and legs started kicking
when the shock subsided, replacing it with panic.

"S- S- SAN- SANH-"

"Aww, not so big now, are we? Tsk tsk." Tears welled up in her eyes when she looked up at him to
find a foreign expression on his face. A smirk of betrayal with dark and cold eyes looking her up
and down. "Fuck… I've always wondered how these pretty looking privates of you would feel in
my hands, babygirl" Sanha didn't have to use much strength keeping her in place as he climbed
over the girl's smaller body, instantly groping and feeling her wherever he could, not getting much
bothered by the hits and scratches her small hands were giving him.

There was so much Y/n's little hands could do against the giant.

"P- Please… please… no… please stop… You don't have to do this" the girl heaved in exhaustion
as she begged Sanha, trembling and crying as she could feel his hands under her hoodie and down
her shorts, squeezing and pinching wherever they pleased.

"You're right, I didn't." Pulling the string from her hoodie, the boy dragged them closer to the
headboard sickly calm, ears red and erection so hard it poked the girl's thigh even through his
boxers and pants. "This is YOUR fault, you hear me? YOU did this to YOURSELF" his voice was
soft but rough as he punched the words in her brain, tying her hands to the headboard using the
string while knowing it would be enough to easily hold her down.
"Had you cooperated and just obeyed me like little girls such as yourself fucking should instead of
trying to do any thinking on your own" shaking his head, Sanha moved back down to her body,
pushing the hoodie up until it bunched around her neck, big and warm rough hands tugging off her
shorts roughly. "A chance… That was all I asked for."

A sob escaped the girl as the male spread her soft thighs apart, smiling as he admired her pussy
lips, probing and spreading them. "Such a pretty cunt." He found himself loving the whimpers and
cries escaping her, grazing his thumb up and down her folds, it's tip feeling her tiny and unused
entrance, making the girl jump by spitting on it before starting to work it in.

"S- San-"

"Shhhhh~" messily stuffing her shorts that were a bit too short for his liking, the male gave a
sensual lick to her soft and red pussy lips, kissing them right after and chuckling at how her thighs
trembled from the feeling. "Fuck, Y/n. You've no idea how much I've wanted to tie you up like this
and eat you silly before fucking you dumb as you whine and cry in pleasure, begging me for

Y/n tried to break free, her wrists starting to burn against the string due to how fragile her skin was.
"Mmm… I promise, babygirl. By the time I am done with you, you'll be wrapped around my little
finger on your knees for me." Stroking the outside of her thighs, the male shakily breathed out,
crotch grinding against the mattress that they had spent their childhood playing with their toys on.

"Hnnnggg… you like it, don't you? Fuck-" Sanha looked up, his face drenched in her natural juices
and his own spit, heavily breathing as he searched her face for an expression, eyes dark. "You taste
so much better and sweeter than I imagined, babygirl." He went back to admiring it, playing and
teasing it with his index finger, other hand continuously caressing her thigh.

It was surreal. After all these years of imagining this over and over in different scenarios and
circumstances, it was finally happening. And this. This was better than all that he had fantasized.

So sweet. So soft. So… real.

Sanha could feel his head start to pound from the need and intoxication his own hormones were
putting him under, now teasing her asshole with the hand that had previously been on her thigh,
just wanting to feel it, feel her. All of her.

That was his. Finally.

"So tight… fuck!" Rubbing her clit with his thumb and circling her navel with his middle finger as
his hand was big enough to do so, Sanha fucked her pussy hole open with the hot tip of his tongue,
trying to force it in and deeper, circling the rim of muscles with it. "Now tell me, tell Daddy, it
feels fucking amazing, doesn't it? Daddy is making you feel soooo good, isn't be?" Pushing one of
his middle fingers up her entrance instead, the boy moved up now, removing the shorts from Y/n's
mouth causing her to gasp aloud for air.

"S- Sanh- Sanha-" a sharp smack across her cheek locked her throat up again, forcing a cry out of
her throat instead.

"It's Daddy" grasping her soft locks, he pulled her hair back to make the girl look at her better and
glared down at her. "You must speak to your owner and caregiver with respect, little one." Pressing
a wet kiss to her lips, the boy hungrily ran his tongue around them, moaning and sucking at them.
"So, tell Daddy now. Tell him how good he's making you feel…" Y/n winced and cried harder,
clenching around his rather thick finger on defense.
"P- Please… please… I am s- sorry! Stop! Please! Please, just stop!" His eyebrows furrowed as he
pushed another finger in, stretching and stimulating her from the inside, thumb grazing against her

"Are you telling me you don't feel good? This doesn't feel good? Daddy isn't making you feel
good?" His voice was alarmingly soft and… deadly. But the innocent girl was too foolish to know
that, of course.

"N- No… No… I- I don't! Stop, please! It hurts!" She honestly pouted, tears rolling down her
cheeks as she tried to struggle weakly, actually expecting him to stop.

"You leave me no choice, then." Pulling his fingers out of her, Sanha didn't pay any attention to the
shaky naive little sigh of relief that left her, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants before pulling his
cock out and smirking. "If being nice isn't gonna get me anywhere," gripping her throat, he shakily
moaned and pumped his cock, pressing the head to her opening. "Then I won't." Giving a powerful
thrust in Y/n's pussy which tore due to his girth, the boy crazily grinned.

"I'll simply get my pleasure and lock you up until I need you again. Just how you're meant to be. A
pretty doll, all for me."

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