Fauzan Akbar Rachman PIE

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Name: Fauzan Akbar Rachman

NPM: 5211411035

When I was about 7, at around 1 st grade in elementary my Dad passed away due to Brain Tumour. It
was devastating for my family, especially my Mom who was left with Me and my Sister who was
barely 1 years old. During the first couple of years since my Dad passed it was really hard for all 3 of
us, not having someone who can provide for us. I think it took the biggest toll on my Mom’s mental
health, having no idea how to provide for me and my sister, but she took a risk and looked for a job.
But having a job meaning she had to leave me and my sister at home. We were lucky because we
had relatives who live near us, anytime my mom had to work we were left with our relatives.

My Mom worked as a freelancer in Indosiar. She took care of the dorms and participants of Stand Up
Comedy Academy and D’Academy. She worked for 1-2 weeks at times depending on the show’s air
times and whenever she came home she always bought us something like clothes, shoes or our
favourite snacks. I always cherish the time when she’s home, we always had fun and its always sad
whenever she had to leave for work again. I have a lot of good memories from it though, might I say
“Core” memories like in the movie Inside Out. They are very vivid memories of the times we had that
really sticks to me and makes me who I am, or should I say, she made me who I am.

Fast forward to High School, we all had that one person in school right? The ones that make us feel
like there’s flowers in the air, butterfly in out stomach, horse racing in our chest, it feels like
something straight out of a novel. Well, I had that person too. We were chairmates during the first
day of Introductions to the school environment. From the outside, we’re pretty much the opposites,
she LOVES talking and rambling about random things, meanwhile I just like keeping my mouth shut,
but that makes me a good listener, and somehow I always enjoy hearing her talk about stuff. We
soon find out that we have so much in common, we love Anime, have similar tastes in Music, and we
love learning languages. I think she’s the first person I have ever had full conversations in English
aside from my Mom. We always have such a blast whenever we hangout, it’s like meeting another
Me who is more outgoing and interesting.

Near the end of our High School days we made promises to each other that we would always keep in
touch, and we still do! She took a gap year because she had to take care of her Grandma. I only got
to visit her twice because Covid was at the peak last year. When I broke the news that I had to go to
Yogyakarta for College she almost cried and asked me out one last time before I had to go. As
always, we went and grabbed some snacks, sat down at the Eco Park and enjoyed every second of it.
I think deep down we both know we love each other, but afraid of ruining what we have right now,
we both also never had any experience with relationships. I asked her about it one time and she only
said “I want to see where this goes” and ever since then I always look forward for tomorrow, seeing
where “this” will go, and so far it’s all going well, I heard she’s going to try SBMPTN test and I
definitely hope all the best for her.

So… that’s a little story about me, and my motivations. I have my Mom, my Sister, and someone who
I am deeply in love. Those are the ones that kept me going, and kept me out of the negativity that
life throws at me. Even though I’m still improving on my social skills, I am a lot better at speaking my
mind to others and I can actually look people in the eye when talking to them, and it was all thanks
to her. I care a lot more about my health and well-being now that I am away from my family because
I know if I were to get sick when I’m away from them they will be really sad. I feel a bit more
ambitious than before, now that I have something to look forward to and I know what I’m working

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